Trim Does Not Work On XML InnerText That Contains A VbLf?

May 9, 2012

If I take the following XML:

<password>pass </password>

and call the Trim() method on the InnerText of the password node, it Trims it properly, but If I modify the fragment to look like this:


I can't get the Trim() method to work, pass with the spaces removed is return as pass (It has a single space at the end). I looked at the watch window and when I doubnle click the value, it shows it as:

"pass" & vbLf & ""

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Xml.innertext To Date - Cannot Convert When Innertext Is Blank

Apr 19, 2010

Ok the problem is with this Calc.DateLongToDateShort(tempxmlnodelist(j).Item(" _date").InnerText) < Date.Now Then If the innertext is a correct date, then the equation suceeds, however when the innerText is blank, which sometimes it will be, it throws exception cannot convert "" to Date. Now this makes sense of course. I am wondering if there is a "simple" way to avoid this error, without needing to add lines such as:


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VS 2008 : What Does Vblf Do

Sep 18, 2009

What does vblf do? I have a piece of code from someone else and it has a string that looks like this.Dim Iam as string = "hot" & vblf & "cold" & vblf & "even colder" & vblf & "a bit warmer now"How can i use a string like this? Is it some kind of array? How can i get something from a specific position?

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Replace VbLf And Chr() With Constants?

Mar 18, 2009

We're trying to trim the number of assemblies we load during startup, and one of the easiest to cut is the Microsoft.VisualBasic assembly. There are alot of things in it that were easy enough to replace, like Left(), but I'm struggling to find a good way to replace vbLf and Chr(). vbCrLf was easy enough to replace with Environment.NewLine, but we have a few spots where we generate content for a Unix-based system that is expecting line feeds only.

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Forms :: VbLF - Use The Rich Text Box Control And Show A Given Record In Rows Of 100 Characters Each

Mar 23, 2011

I am trying to create a viewer for files with large (sometimes over 2,000 characters) records. I want to use the rich text box control and show a given record in rows of 100 characters each. I have set the font to Courier New and sized the RTB appropriately to show the records correctly. However, if there is a record with 80 consecutive alpha characters followed by a space, then 120 consecutive alpha characters, the RTB separates the line at the space, as if there were a vbLF there. This happens in other cases, but I haven�t been able to figure out how the RTB decides when to break the line.


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C# - Get InnerText From XElement?

Mar 19, 2011

I have an XML file I need to parse, but only for the text, not the HTML. Here's an example of a node:

<highlights><![CDATA[<ul style="color:#000000;font-size:small;font-family:verdana,geneva,sans-serif"><li>Classy &amp; elegant purse hooks</li><li>Choose from various styles<br></li><li>Stable and reliable</li><li>Makes a great gift! </li></ul> ]]></highlights>

As you can see, the CDATA has HTML code in it, so when I do element.Value I also get the tags. Is there any simple way to get just the text?

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Get A Link By Innertext?

Aug 19, 2010

I am trying to be ablle to click on the following

onclick="displayLoginForm();" href="Javascript: void(0);">Login</a>

I'm not sure how to do this.

is there a way to get an element by innertext then invoke a click

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GetElementById Innertext?

Aug 11, 2011

Okay so this is my html line with the ID: <id="accounttype" class=inline-block"><strong><?=$_SESSION['accounttype']?></strong><br>this is what it grabs

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VS 2010 Getting Element.InnerText?

Aug 17, 2011

For Each Element As HtmlElement In Browser.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
If Element.GetAttribute("class") = "account-points" Then
Pointcount.Text = Element.InnerText


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BUG: IE 9 Br.Document.Body.InnerText Not Working?

Apr 8, 2011

I have some code in VB.Net that I've been using for years that has been working fine, that is until I upgraded to Internet Explorer 9. The essence of code is below. In IE8 or earler, the code works. In IE9, when it tries to execute Br.Document.Body.innerText (or .innerHTML), I get an exception "Public member 'innerText' on type 'DBNULL' not found." When I add Br to the Watch window and hit + several times to get to inerText, it actually shows the text, but if I add Br.Document.Body.innerText to Watch, it returns DBNull as the value.Because of this problem, I removed IE9 and reverted back to IE8, and the code works fine. Of course, I would eventually prefer to upgrade to IE9, but this bug needs to be fixed first.

Imports SHDocVw
Module Module1
Sub Main()


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Getting Single Node By Id Then Get Childnode Innertext?

Jun 8, 2011

I am trying to get to select a single node by id. I then want get all of the childnodes within the id and place them in to textboxes. see code below:

Xml doc


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Xml - Getting InnerText From XmlDocument Throws NullReferenceException

Oct 28, 2011

Whenever I try and get the InnerText of an element using an XmlDocument, it throws a NullReferenceException. Here is the code below:

Dim SetDoc As New XmlDocument
Dim xmlString As String = "<upload><links><bananas>apple</bananas><original>thirteen</original></links></upload>"


The same happens when I load exactly the same XML from file.

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Get The Innertext From Similar A Hrefs From A Page On The Webbrowser?

Aug 15, 2009

Is there a way to get the innertext from similar a hrefs from a page on the webbrowser? For example, say that I want to get fuzzy penguin and the numbers after it out of


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MessageBox Not Working When Checking InnerText On WebBrowser

Sep 17, 2009

I cannot get the messagebox to show up on my screen when the program checks the text fields on the webpage that says "this is the test".

Here its the code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If WebBrowser1.Document.Forms(0).InnerText = "this is the test" Then
End If
End Sub

How to make the messagebox to show up on the screen when the program checks the text fields on the webbrowser by on the webpage?

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VS 2008 Remove Duplicate From Txt Or Use InnerText To Scrape?

Jul 28, 2010

see this codes scrapes all href links and check if it contains "/file/" to save it but I get duplicate links saved so If i can change this code to work some how with Innertext("More") I will have no duplicatestried to configure it to work with innertext it just doesn't fit the way I think it should ;/and if anyone can add how can I remove duplicated urls on my txt file that would be really nice I might need it

Dim links As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementCollection
Dim b As String
links = WebBrowser1.Document.Links


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VS 2010 Double HTML InnerText() Fail?

Jan 21, 2011

When I try to do:


RichTextBox1.Text = Form2.WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText()
RichTextBox2.Text = Form2.WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText()

It says


NullReferenceException was unhandled. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

What's up with that?

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.innertext To Complete Multipart/form-data Not Working?

Jun 14, 2009

im trying to complete some data to upload to my site via my program the following code Private Sub Button11_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button11.Click


i have this to basically complete a form i used getelementid but it never completes i think its due to the form type, on my first button in webbrowser1 i have similiar code which logs me in and it works fine although this form is a <form id="form" enctype="multipart/form-data"> form, should this stop me from completing it with .innertext ? due to the enctype? i would also like to be able to user innertext and take it from a TextBox9.text

how do i get around this to complete these values, my code shows no errors it just navigates to the page and dosent complete anything, button1 logins fine and the code is almost identical, except for obvious differences http address etc code edited slightly posted old unfunctional version, this is now what i have, still unfunctional but makes more sense i think

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Form1.WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText() - Text?

Jan 24, 2011

When I'm coding:[quote]Form1.WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText()[quote]I want to delete some text from the InnerText(). How Do I do that?

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Extract Java Script Generated Text From IE - Document.body.innertext Not Working

Jan 17, 2012

I am trying to extract a portion of text from a web page that is generated by a Java script. [URL] A glance at the source of the page shows the actual display content is not directly represent in the HTML Source. I am trying to grab the auction information in the body and not the menus on the right. Can someone point me to the right object model- methods and properties?

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Can't Seem To Use String.Trim()

Jul 12, 2010

I'm working with this new API that returns some XML. The problem is that the developer has chosen to indent his returned XML and it's driving me nuts. So, I thought I'd just trim it and then use it that way. But it's not working. here is what I'm getting back from the API:


The code, of course, comes back in a StreamReader object called reader. So my plan is to write the UNTABBED XML to a text file. I thought this would work:

dim output as String = reader.ReadToEnd()
dim xml as String

'open the file in a try/catch statment. Won't include that here


'Now, we're going to remove whitespace using String.Trim() and write it to a file:

xml = output.Trim()

Then I close the file and move on. The problem is that the String.Trim command isn't working! When I open the file, the indentations ARE STILL THERE and it's throwing everything off.

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Correct Use Of Trim?

May 20, 2012

I'm a bit confused at why this code does not trim "say" but instead only the first letter "s".

Public Class Form1
Public Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Integer) As Integer
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick


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How To Trim An Array In .NET

Nov 17, 2009

Say I have an array array<double>^ buffer = gcnew array<double>(100); And I want a function that does something like:


but that don't allocate and/or move &buffer[0] when you want to trim the array.

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Trim Number 1.1.5 To 1.1 And 1

Nov 1, 2009

I want to trim number like 1.1.5 to 1.1 and then 1

in my project there is a subhead 1 and in subhead 1 there is item 1.1 and in item 1.1 there is subitem 1.1.5 and so on.



now i want if i select 1.1.5 subitem it should select 1.1 item and subhead 1 automatically. to store in database.

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Xml Select Node Based On Innertext Of Previous Node?

Nov 1, 2011

My XML comes in like this:

<Document type="ContentPage">
<Field name="FaqCategory" type="dropdown" title="Select Category:" index="FaqCategory"


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Apr 15, 2009

At present I am trying to publish a program which I changed an IP address in but it is bringing me back two errors which are as follows:




What I cannot understand is why these errors are appearing as this program has been published before (not by myself) and is working correctly.All I have changed is the IP address which the program connects to in several different places. No hardcoding has been changed.

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Bytearray - How To Trim A Byte()

Jul 8, 2010

I am trying to use socket to transfer byte to client. I define Byte(1024) because I am not sure how many character is the server sending! I don't know how many index of this array has been occupied!?

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Compare A String And Trim?

Apr 9, 2010

I have this string that shall come in from another file. The string has maximum length of 102 digits. I need to compare the string with numbers in a pair and delete those from that string.

e.g - 6125223659587412563265... till 102

numbers that compare with this string-

first set - 61

new string = 25223659587412563265

second set - 36

new string = 252259587412563265

and so on. the set of numbers shall go to maximum of 51 pairs = 102, which shall give an end result of string = "" How can i achieve this in a loop?

this is not answer, this is editing the question. i dont know why but the edit button just vaniashed so i have to edit question here. No duplicates will ever be in this string. and in the end when compares are done, i want to see what numbers are left in pairs.

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How To Trim " Out Of A String

Sep 4, 2010

How do I trim " out of a string? Because the following doesnt work:


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Performance - Trim A Log File With .net?

Oct 29, 2010

I'm writing a simple application in and need to output some information to a log file for diagnostic purposes.In order to ensure that the log file doesn't get too big, I need to trim it to a certain number of lines (say 5000). For performance reasons, the trimming doesn't have to occur each time a log entry is written out nor is it critical that trimming occurs (for example, if the application crashes prematurely).

However I'm not really sure the best way to trim it. Loading the entire log into memory and then re-writing only the last 5000 lines back out would work, but I'm sure there is a cleaner and better way to do this.

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Play Trim WAV Files

Mar 18, 2011

the user may open a 4 minute audio what i wnat is just to record first one minute or between two points(like between 1.14 and 1.32) and save in to .wav format

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