Uninstalling The Application Silently / Automatially?

Sep 27, 2010

Is it possible that my application, when exit, uninstalls itself automatically, without any user intervention and involvement?

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Uninstalling The Application Automatically?

Sep 27, 2010

Is it possible that my application, when exit, uninstalls itself automatically, without any user intervention and involvement?

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Delete A Folder While Uninstalling My Application Windows 7

Dec 25, 2011

I have developed an VB application for windows. The application creates a folder say "C:My_Folder", when I run the application. I want to delete that folder when I uninstall my application(through control panel > uninstall ).

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Uninstalling .Net 2010 Professional Trial?

Dec 29, 2010

I have seen a similar thread. But it is not answered. The Auto uninstall tool link given in that answer is not working. I want to uninstall .Net Pro Trial and going to install express edition. can anyone please tell me the order of programs to be removed?. Or please give the link for Auto uninstall tool for .Net Pro 2010.

Note: I have some software which are based on .Net Framework. so I should not remove the Framework. Is it possible to install Express Edition without removing this Framework?.

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Deployment :: Answered Uninstalling Programs Using Force?

Aug 11, 2009

I'm currently in a situation where I need to uninstall a certain program from a local computer (and automatically install a newer version of that program), because this old version of the program randomly causes my program to malfunction I have found this article:CodeProject: How to list all Programs installed on Computer and Uninstall Them . Free source code and programming help This shows how to start the uninstall program for the programs I need to uninstall, which is a good start. I also have created all the code needed to install the newer version of the program But as this program will be used by users, I want to minimize the number of times the users has to do something. So far the only popup that I haven't been able to get rid of is when the uninstall program is being run how to force it to uninstall without having the program ask for confirmation?

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VS 2008 Uninstalling Programs With A ListView's DoubleClick Event?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm using the following code to pull some of the installed applications from the registry and load them into a ListView:

Public Sub UninstallPrograms()


The problem is that I need to be able to access the the value of the uninstallString so that I can pass it to the appropriate process. Since that info is in a separate block, I can't directly access it.

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Auto-update Silently Or Invisibly

Oct 24, 2009

I may be deploying my app (its a database software for videos) to 4 - 5 computers. I want to add some new features but have the software update automatically and silently. Due to security holes or issues with bugs, I don't want to give the clients the choice to update. I just want it to check for an update and if one is available, it can SAY that its updating on a label but that's about it and it automatically updates without confusing the user or wasting any more time than it should.

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Program Silently Fails During For Next Loop

Mar 17, 2012

I have this function for removing duplicates in arrays[code]...

What is happening at the moment is that the inner loop reaches the array.Remove(inner_element) line for the first time in its second loop during the second loop of the main foreach, reaches the inner next line and then just stops executing. There are no warnings / notices, the debugging step though just ends as if there was no further logic.

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Send Error Via Email Silently?

Feb 26, 2010

If an error occurs in my application, I'd like an email to be silently sent to me with the error description (as long as the internet connection is established).

I know how to send emails in VB.Net, but I wonder what is the best way to get this done.

Is this something that should be done in a module? I could use some advice on the subject before I start coding.

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Triggering Batch Files Silently

Sep 17, 2009

I have an hta menu with selection buttons to run batch files. The files run okay, so this is purely a tidying up exercise. I want the command windows to either run silently, as background tasks, or minimized.

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VS 2008 Silently Import .reg File?

Apr 5, 2010

After trying every method i can think of and different snippets fro google its time to ask here, all im trying to do is silently import a reg file on a buttonclick, but no matter which way i try at best it imports but not silently.

Private Sub Button10_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button10.Click
Dim reg22 As String = Application.StartupPath() & "


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VS 2008 Start Program (*.exe) Silently?

Oct 17, 2011

what is code to start program (*.exe) silently (no program icon in taskbar and no window visible)

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Retrieve Bank Account Info Via IE (silently)?

Aug 12, 2009

I am working on making a program that will log into my internet banking site (this will most likely have to be done in IE) grab my current available balance and store this to a string, before I do any research I was wondering if anybody had anything like this already completed.I also need it to do this silently (as in no open IE windows) no visibility of program running to the user.

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VS 2010 - Running BAT File Silently In Background

Sep 27, 2011

So I have this in my coding:
file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter("c:command.bat", False)
file.WriteLine("@echo off")
file.WriteLine("cd " & TextBox2.Text)
file.WriteLine("adb shell dumpsys meminfo " & TextBox1.Text & " > C:Sample.txt")

What I want it to do is to run the batch file without it opening if that makes sense. Right now this runs on a loop for 10 minutes and on every 2 second tick it opens and then closes the .bat. Which is really annoying to see a .bat open and close every two seconds. Is there anyway to get this process to run silently in the background so the user doesnt even know that it is running?

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Install SQL SQL Server Management Studio Express Silently?

Sep 28, 2009

where that i find the commands for make an silent install of SQL Server Management Studio Express.The same thing i did with sql express 2005:

infoSQLExpress.FileName = DirectoryGet + "appsSQLEX05.EXE"
infoSQLExpress.Arguments = "/qb INSTANCENAME=" + txtInstanzname.Text _
+ " ADDLOCAL=SQL_Engine,SQL_Data_Files,Client_Components,Connectivity" _[code]......

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Forms :: Listbox - Program That Takes Common Applications And Installs Them Silently Using Batch Files

Aug 21, 2010

I'm making a program that takes common applications and installs them silently using batch files. Someone would select the programs they would want to install and my program will write a giant batch file and execute it to install whatever they want. Heres the problem, After the user selects the programs they go into either one or two lists. Non Silent Installer List Or Silent installer list.

Some programs I have simply won't go silently so from there they can choose in what order they want to install these programs. Then there is a combo box that tells weather you want to install non silent programs first or last. From there you hit add to batch file and it would add everything in listbox1 and listbox2 in order. Listbox1 would contain just the text "MalwareBytes" for example. Along with Novell Groupwise and Firefox. How do I get that to add to the Batch List as a code and in order? So the user wants Malware bytes added first to the batch file. How do I add that to my batch list as a completely different code?


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VS 2008 Make Setup File So That User Double Click It And Software Get Installed Silently?

May 8, 2011

I want to make it as an Installer.how can i make it a setup file so that user double click it and the software get installed silently? I used in my program ms-access 2007 database and some other sound files which i linked to my project and some vedio files.Suggest me how can i make all the files as in a single installer or setup.

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Developing Messaging Framework For Windows Application That Sends Messages To Java Application

Feb 9, 2009

I am in the process of developing a messaging framework for a windows application that sends messages to a java application. To be precise when the win app wants to send a message it simply drops the message in a common database table which will be picked up by the java app. The windows application is deployed across 10 application servers (10 instances) over citrix for load balancing.Each instance of the application is capable of sending a message to the java application and each of these messages should have a unique id. From my end I need to make sure every message generated has to carry a unique id so that they can be identified when necessary. All the messages can be cleared every day or two.i am not quite sure about a best method of achieving this. Initially I wanted to create a static method that serves the next available id (incrementing the last id by 1). But this approach willn't guarantee unique number as the application starts only when at least one user is logged on. For e.g .On one server the app starts when a user logs in, he then sends a message and then the application stops when that user logs off. So when a next request for the app comes to that server a new instance will be started.

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Error Application Failed To Initialize Properly (0xc000007b) Click OK To Terminate The Application

Aug 13, 2009

When I install .net Frame work 2.0 I had this Error when the setup writing system register values RegSvcs.exe-Application Error The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b) click OK to terminate the application and i have running an blank application (blank forum) and i running it in the VS 2005 IDE iget this error: windowsapplicatin1.exe-Application Error The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b) click OK to terminate the application and i have a program in setup package that i made from 1 week . i have install this program and when i want to run it i had this problem


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Message :'Application Failed To Initialize Property Ox700000000000000 ..... Click Ok To Terminate Application'

Apr 11, 2011

When i click on my installed VB.net application icon on the desktop,i receive the message : 'Application failed ti initialize property ox700000000000000 ..... click ok to terminate application'.

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Remote Desktop Application? Safe To Use Winsock In Creating A Client/server Application?

Jul 18, 2012

Im planning to create a Remote Desktop Application and I'm having problem with viewing other computers monitor or screen.

Im not asking for the code on how to do it. and one more thing is it safe to use winsock in creating a client/server application?

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VS 2008 Make One Application Send A Task To Another Application / Receive Result From That Secondary App?

Apr 26, 2010

is it possible to make one application send a task to another application and recieve the result from that secondary app?i made a text editor program and i added a scan feature and i made another app that has ocr capabilities.The scanner ability is in my text editor program, the ocr program doesnt scan you have to input an image into it and it will give text result a few seconds later.the prob is alot of times the ocr code uses sooo much memory and crashes when its incorporated with my text editor, but individually each application works fine and doesnt take too much memory. Memory wont be even an issue if the ocr program is standalone so that when it is done decoding image the application can be made to exit. now here is the question, how do i make my text editor send the image to the ocr program and how do i make my ocr program send the text back to my text editor? is it possible? i mean the only way i know off is creating temp files in a certain folder and having a timer on each program that keeps waiting for temp files. That just seems like pretty lame coding to me i was wondering if there's a better way?

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.net - Store Application And User Settings Of An Application Running With Multiple Instances?

Jul 12, 2011

Which is the best way to store application and user settings of an application running with multiple instances?My problem is that using the vb's "Application Settings" one instance would overwrite the other one.I want to identify each instance with a number passed via command line argument. I could use this number to identify the appropriate settings of the running instance, but I see in a local INI o XML file a better way to handle that.

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2005 : Crystal Reports Application Or Windows Application To Generate Pdfs?

Apr 13, 2011

I currently have a simple crystal reports application which generates a crystal report and in the built in viewer provided by VS2005. There is a drop down where you can select options to change the criteria of the report. I wish to convert this app to a windows executable which will take all those select options and generates pdfs based on the crystal report. the executable will be triggered by windows task scheduler...or maybe command line app?

Obviously this will be somewhat of a re-write. What would be the best way to start this as? a crystal report application or a windows application.

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Application Does Not Return From Call To System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a windows forms application written in VB.NET which scrapes information from serveral web pages (who doesn't right)? Anyway, I am having problem with one particular site where partway through the page navigation my application hangs. When I press pause (or break) in the debugger, it stops on a call to System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents.

Resuming execution shows that it really is stuck on this line (it does not reach the next line of code). It also hangs about the same point each time I run it (at least its consistent). Since System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents yields to other threads on the same processor and then resumes execution of the current thread, I think the problem is that some other thread is not behaving well (not returning from some event handling code). I thought Windows 7 was pre-emptive, which makes me
doubt that theory but I really don't know.


The program scrapes somewhere between 12 and 14 pages before it gets stuck on the call to DoEvents. Does anyone have a clue why this would happen? Why would any call to DoEvents hang?

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Application.DoEvents() Function Halt And Crash Application In Windows Vista

Jul 18, 2011

i made an application for serial communication. for this application i need to set delay time. during this delay time i m doing some other task. So for those task i need to take back control from delay function, for this purpose i am unsing Doevents() function.Its work fine On other OS (XP, Windows7 32/64-bit). But Application.DoEvents() function halt and crash in windows vista.

Private Sub TimeDelay(ByVal DT As Integer)
Dim StartTick As Integer
StartTick = Environment.TickCount()


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Convert Application To Platform Independent Mobile Application That Is Supported On All Devices?

May 13, 2011

I have a vb.net windows application. I want to convert some part of it to an application that can be run on all mobile platforms like iphone,windows mobile, ipad etc. It should be platform independent

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Create A VB Application In VS2008 Without Requiring The Application Be Run On A Computer With A .NET Framework In Place?

Feb 26, 2010

How can I create a VB application in VS2008 without requiring the application be run on a computer with a .NET framework in place?

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Create Uninstall Command For A Windows-based Application In The Application Folder?

May 27, 2009

how to create a uninstall command for a Windows-based application in the Application Folder when creating a new setup project in visual studio 2008.

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Deploying Winforms Application To Client Machines Application Failing On Start?

Jul 2, 2009

Deploying Winforms Application to Client Machines Application Failing on start

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