Unwated Additional Row In Telerik Hierarchical Grid?

Dec 10, 2010

I've got a normal Telerik hierarchical grid with a child detail table. However when the items get bound in the master table there is an extra row between each item. It has a cell with the class "rgExpandCol". I suppose this has to do with the expand icon? I have run out of ideas...

Has anyone out there experienced this before?

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IDE :: Create A Hierarchical Grid?

Apr 2, 2009

im trying to create a hierarchical grid on vb net but im failing to acomplish

this is what i have already but not working

Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


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Asp.net - Telerik Rad Grid Button Caption

Apr 6, 2010

Is there a way to change the caption on a gridButton on a Telerik RADGrid (on a ASP.NET web page) , depending on another of the bound fields (in this case active) e.g if active = true text = "Disable", if active = false then text "Enable"

I have resolved the issue by iterating through the e.items on the databound event, but wonder if there a 'cleaner' method for doing this

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Telerik Grid Not Rendering Dropdownlist In Column MVC3?

Sep 3, 2011

I have a problem with the Telerik grid that I can't seem to find quite the exact problem anywhere. I'm following the demo from their site for Client Side Edit Templates. When going into edit mode it immediately dies saying select method is undefined from this js statement:


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Telerik Grid, Razor And .NET In Ajax Binding Mode?

Dec 19, 2011

I'm trying to create a Grid in MVC3 with razor and VB.NET. The normal Grid works fine, sorts and paginates fine, but when trying to make the Ajax binding, I get an error 500 - internal server error when I try to go to the next page.


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Different Template For Adding Data And Editing Data On A Telerik Grid?

Apr 24, 2012

I am trying to pass a different template to a Telerik Grid, depending on if the add button or the edit button is pressed (on creation: a few field to fill. on existing: add button : some extra fields to fill, edit button : most field are read-only, new field to fill).

Dim myGrid = Html.Telerik().Grid(Of SomeModel) _
If Model.Action = AddNewData Then
myGrid.Editable(Sub(editing) _


I have no idea on how to do the if "gridBoutonPushed = Add" then part.

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Displaying Hierarchical Xml In Asp.net - Vb

Jan 25, 2011

I've tried converting some code from c# to vb but it's not working and I'm not sure why. It's supposed to render hierarchical xml. Here's the code...


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Create A Hierarchical Datagrid In Asp.net (.net 2.0)?

Apr 16, 2012

How can I create a similar hierarchical datagrid in asp.net (.net 2.0) using VB.net This is the gridview, which is shown after the conversion wizard. How it is desgined(it's like a hirerachial).

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Create A Hierarchical Datastructure Just Like Xml Using .net?

Jul 14, 2010

i want to crate a hierarchical data structure same as XML, means parent, child, sub child... like that one using vb.net. so ho can i create that one?

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Develop Hierarchical Datagrid In VS 2008

May 28, 2009

I think datagrid able to display hierarchically with datarelations in earlier version. Is it possible to develop hierarchical datagrid in VS 2008 without using any third party stuffs?

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Display An Organized Hierarchical Data In 3.5?

Nov 10, 2009

I am working on a project that organizes the structure and hierarchy of departments. I want to view and display the whole structure of the organization visually, but I am stuck. I wanted to know what is the best way to do it in ASP.net 3.5; my goal is to achieve something like this by code and each node is linkable and can have CSS.

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Do Queries Against Hierarchical Data Using LINQ To SQL?

Mar 17, 2009

I have 2 tables that are related. Each app can relate to many apps. ie, office can be related to word, excel.[code]I would like to do the following query. I use vb.net but c# is ok.Query is to return all the apps that are not related to (1), so the result should be (4, quake) .

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Hierarchical Data For Application Settings?

Jan 6, 2011

(using VB.Net 2008) I have been using the Settings feature of vb.net to store user/application settings of my program. For small stuff it's great, but quickly starts to feel limited as the data gets more complex.Now I need to group certain settings together and organize them in a hierarchical (or relational) fashion. But from looking at the Settings tab inside of .Net, everything appears to be stored completely flat. So what's the best option for me? Some ideas I have are:

1. Use a small local database (such as an .mdb or .sdf) to store user settings. I think this could become a pain if I ever needed to update/create more settings while avoiding losing previous user data - not very flexible to change.

2. Use datasets and convert the tables to XML files.

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Hierarchical Directory Listing From A File

Jun 25, 2010

I'm trying to find an easy to create a hierarchical directory structure that I can put in a TreeView, with two caveats:

1) The file list is from a file

2) The paths are un *nix format (e.g. /dir/dir/file rather than c:dirdirfile)

I found this ([URL]) which would do what I want...if not for the two caveats above. I can go through the process of tokenizing the paths and start creating linked lists of objects for a directory structure, but before I do that I'd like to find out if anything else is available...

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Looking For Master-detail (hierarchical) Control

Jul 27, 2010

I'm looking for such control in order to represent a hierarchical list that I can sort separately each set of master (parents) and his details.url...I think that such a control does not provided in .NET..Do you know for a good 3rd-party for such purpose?

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Match Hierarchical Data To Flat?

Apr 6, 2011

I have 2 representations of similar data from 2 different systems and I need to match each entity in one system with the entities in the other.[code]...

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Pass Hierarchical Dataset To Another Form

Oct 22, 2010

We can easily pass a DataSet with a single table from one form to another,

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Populate TreeView With Hierarchical Data?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm trying to populate a treeview on a windows form app with Hierarchical data from a SQL db.[code]...

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Treeview To Create A Hierarchical Data?

Sep 28, 2009

I m using Treeview to create a hierarchical data. I have 3 tables which i m using to create an hierarchy. So that it would be as:


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VS 2010 Add These URL's To TreeView To Looks Like A Hierarchical Tree

Dec 30, 2011

I can't find how to do it. So, I want to ask it to you guys. I have a form that had included a ListBox, a TreeView and a Button. In ListBox has a same dynamically created domain URL's Like this;


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Telerik.web.ui Is Missing?

Oct 11, 2011

I am Telerik controls in my project, Error is telerik.web.ui is not found, Coudn't find assembly

I have added Telerik.web.ui.dll inside Bin directory

Reference Code is available inside web.config

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Exit Grid With Ctrl-TAB When Grid Is On A Tabpage (onkeydown Works When Grid Not On Tabpage)?

Jun 2, 2010

winforms .net 3.5 Ultrawingrid 9.2 In my subclass of Ultrawingrid.Ultragrid :


This works fine. But when the grid is dropped on a TabControl tabpage, the ctrl-tab looks very different to the sub above. e.keycode is seen as controlkey {17} I realize that by default cntrl-Tab moves between tabpages. I need to override this behavior. My thought is I probably need a subclass of the tabControl which will pass the keycombo through just as the form does but I confess to being clueless as to how to accomplish that. I tried to override the onkeydown of a tabcontrol subclass and just issuing a return and not and base call to onkeydown if the ctrl-tab combo was pressed but it seemed to see the e.keycode as controlkey as well.


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Asp.net Telerik Text Selection

Mar 23, 2012

I have a telerik radgrid, like shown underneath [code]When I click one of the rows, it will display the password of the clicked row, like so:[code]That works fine. I am proceeding this way because the decryption of the password is a rather complicated and long process, so decrypting one password at a time is less time consuming, especially when the user doesn't need all the passwords.When I have the password displayed, I'd like to be able to select the password in the grid to copy it. Unfortunately, the radgrid will fire the "RowClick" item command once more, and the row gets de-selected. Therefore, I cannot copy the passwords. My question is: Is there a way to cancel the itemcommand of a radgrid under certain circumstances? I'd like to be able to disable the itemcommand event when the password is already decrypted.[code]

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C# - PostBackUrl In RadPanelBar Telerik?

Sep 7, 2010

i would just like to ask.. how do i assign a postback url in my radpanel items in my master page

Eventually i have a MasterPage wherein i construct my radpanelbar.. and i have this Item Quiz with a child name Create What i want to achieve is when i hit the button Create in my radpanelbar it will make a

PostBackUrl="CategoryCreate.aspx?Quiz=True"show me how to do this and another question how do i manipulate the Create child in my RadPanelBar.. i have started this code shown below.. but i don't know what to do next to achieve my goal..


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C# - Telerik RadComboBox Not Building?

May 20, 2011

I'm receiving a very peculiar Telerik error, I was wondering if any of you with Telerik experience had come across this one before.

I'm using a RadComboBox, when trying to build I get this error :

Method 'Protected Sub
As Object, e As


It all runs as expected when I force run the project, but it won't build successfully or allow me to publish. The error message just doesn't make any logical sense.I've tried using System.EventArgs assuming that the Telerik event args derive from it. But still no success.

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C# - Upgrading Telerik RAD Controls For ASP.NET

Jun 19, 2009

I go about upgrading the Telerik ASP.NET controls? I am currently using the Q3 2008 release and I just recently bought the Q1 2009 SP1 release. How do I upgrade my projects? Do I need to uninstall the old one and install the new one or just install the new one? Also how do my projects get upgraded? Also, what about my projects that I have "live"? Do I just need to upload the new DLLs and and change my web.config?

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Form For Telerik RadRibbonBar?

Apr 25, 2010

I got the Telerik RadRibbonBar for free with the Express edition of vb a while back, but it did not come with any sort of form. It also, unfortunately, has the control buttons there automatically. How would I create a form which is resizable, and works like a standard winform, but doesn't have the top bar?I tried:

FormBorderStyle = Sizable
Text = Nothing
ControlBox = Falseady made for this.


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Telerik Text Selection?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a telerik radgrid, like shown underneath

| Username | Password |
| A_user | ***** |


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Silverlight RIA Hierarchical Model Not Returning Child Elements?

Jun 21, 2011

I ham developing a Silverlight RIA solution that needs to return a hierarchical model from the server which is declared as below.

Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization


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The Hierarchical Structure Of A Dataset In Data Source Window

Apr 11, 2011

if it matters which of the repeated tables you drag onto forms? I know there's a parent-child relationship between orders and details, which is why details appears "under" orders, but details also appears in other places. What's the difference between its different appearances below?

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