Update Leave Balance - Using MS Access To Store The Value From Textbox

Jul 1, 2009

I'm using MS Access to store the value from textbox. First of all I had created a DateTimePicker that allow the user to select the Date Of Join. After the date is selected the value for the Expiry Date textbox is automatically store the date after 1 year in this format (1/7/2009) the code


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How To Update SQLServer Database Table Balance Column

Mar 26, 2011

I'm maintaining a Table in SQLserver, the Table contains Transaction of Cash In (Debit) and Cash Out (Credit) as follows:

Table Name : "BankLedger"
1/1/11.Opening Balance.................5000
1/1/11.Rent payment...........2500.....
2/1/11.Mobile Bill.............500.....
3/1/11.Monthly Share...5000............
6/1/11.Emp Salary.............3000.....

Now my requirement is how to update the Balance column respectively same as "Running Total" method???

1/1/11..Opening Balance................5000
1/1/11..Rent payment...........2500....2500
2/1/11..Mobile Bill.............500....2000
3/1/11..Monthly Share...5000...........7000
6/1/11..Emp Salary.............3000....4000

My application in Visual Basic 2010 and Database SQLserver 2008.

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Access Textbox Values Into Store Procedure?

Jun 21, 2010

I need information about store procedure in SQL and how can i access textbox values into store procedure. and connection string for remote server (sql server 2005 installed on server)

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.net - Decimal.TryParse Is Failing On TextBox.Leave And TextBox.LostFocus?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a TextBox in a Windows Forms application in VB 2008 (.NET 3.5) where a user can key an estimate amount. I am allowing them to key dollars and cents, and I want to round to the nearest dollar. The original code had the rounding down when the data was written back to a table, and that worked fine - I have this code in a "Save" routine that fires when the user moves to a different screen or record:

Dim est As Decimal : Decimal.TryParse(txtEstimateAmount.Text.Trim, est)
Dim estimatedAmount As Integer = Math.Round(est)

I decided that it might be nice to actually do the rounding as soon as they leave the field instead, so they're not surprised when they reload the screen and find that 1822.60 is now 1823. So I took the exact same code and added it to the TextBox.Leave event handler. And the weirdest thing happened: instead of the variable est being populated with 1822.60 after the parse, it gets set to -1! What the...?

Debugging the handler shows that the value goes into the parser correctly, and if I do the parsing manually via the Immediate window, it parses correctly, but when I let the code do it, it invariably gets set to -1. What's even weirder is that any number gets parsed as -1, not just decimals, and any non-number gets parsed as 0 (which is correct).

Has anybody else ever run into this before? I tried moving the code to the TextBox.LostFocus event instead, but with the same results. I have no idea what in the heck is going on, and obviously there are workarounds galore for this, but it just makes no sense whatsoever.

EDIT: Here's the full event handler (current behavior for which is to put -1 in the TextBox):

Private Sub txtEstimateAmount_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtEstimateAmount.Leave
' Take any dollars-and-cents amount and round to the nearest dollar
Dim est As Decimal


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Show My PayPal Balance On A Textbox?

Aug 30, 2011

Show me how to show my paypal balance in a textbox

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Show PayPal Balance On A Textbox?

Aug 15, 2011

show me how to show my paypal balance in a textbox

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Trying To Paypal Balance Show Up In Textbox

Sep 2, 2011

Have my Paypal current balance show up in a textbox on VB.NET using the PayPal API.Not a VB.Net Webbrowser.url...But I keep getting the error Object reference not set to an instance of an object.when I execute this code in VB.NET:[code]

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VS 2010 Modifying Balance In Access Database

Mar 24, 2011

I'm building a money management type application for just overall practice with Visual Basic, and I'm having issues modifying a number.It's a checkbook ledger, which stores the information in the text boxes into an access database. When you first load the screen, it asks you for your account balance (still a work in progress) which puts that data into a label on the form. When you add a record to the database, that new amount will get added/subtracted to what you typed in for your account balance.The problem I'm running into is the save function will first check if a radio button is clicked or not and negate the amount depending if you click Credit or Debit. Then after that's done, it performs the Sum aggregate function on the Amount Column in my database which puts the number into a variable. That variable is then added to the account balance that you typed in.I'll supply two of the functions that this is regarding. The Balance() function runs when you first start the form, and the Save() function is where the math happens.The accountAmount variable is declared under Public Class so that way the save function can use the variable to do the math required.

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Get Textbox To Show Current Paypal Balance?

Jun 11, 2011

How do I check my Paypal balance in VB All i want is a textbox to show current PayPal balance

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VS 2008 Show PayPal Balance On A Textbox?

Aug 30, 2011

I simply want to show my PayPal balance on a textbox

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VS 2008 Trying To Paypal Balance Show Up In Textbox

Sep 2, 2011

To be clear, what I am trying to acheive is:Have my Paypal current balance show up in a textbox on VB.NET using the PayPal API Not a VB.Net Webbrowser. url...But I keep getting the error Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [code]

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Add Charges To Account Specified From A Textbox And Change Results Of Balance

Mar 5, 2009

I'm trying to add charges to the account, specified from a textbox and change the results of the balance.It works to a point, that it adds a number (1) and then when it comes to adding another number. it kinda remembers the previous one in addition to the next one Im adding to it.I'm working with class instances too, so if there is a problem with that, please point it out. [code]

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Take Opening Balance When Open A Report Between Date Parameter It Show The Opening Balance

Apr 21, 2011

I want to take opening balance when i open a report between date parameter it show the opening balance, actually i have three columns "description" "debit" "credit" in crystal report now i want to add 1 more field which come throuhd formula which is opening balance. i have a data of debit credit from 2006. but user choose to show the data from 2008 so i want that the balcne from sum of debit and credit side between 2006 to 2007 end come in the shape of opening balance in the report and then add the debit and credit side of report into opening balance. i put a following fromual bt not accept it sum ({vr_detail.debitT})-sum({vr_detail.creditT}) > {?strtdte}

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Update Access Data From Textbox.text?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a simple vb.net app and I'm trying to update a one row Access table with data from some textboxes. This is a learning exercise for me as I am coming back from not programming for almost 10 years, and know there are lots of other ways to manage this data, but I'm just trying to understand different aspects of ADO.net a little better.

The ERROR I'm trapping is:

"Syntax error in UPDATE Statement"

Any thought's as to what is going on? (See CODE and stuff below)

Here's the Scheme printed from ACCESS showing the exact spelling of the database table and column names:

Table: MaxTime Name Type Size
ID Long Integer 4


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Use Entries From A Textbox To Update Simple Access Table?

Aug 2, 2010

I familiar with how to populate information from an access table to textboxes but not the other way around. I am familiar with the DataTable class.

I would appreciate any methods whatsoever on how to do this with as much detail as possible since I am not an expert on database connections.

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Hooking In TextBox Leave Event

Aug 23, 2010

I have been working in an Migration Application where i find out some weird problem , Leave Event Fires twice causing validation to fire twice , hence i want to intercept the events to be processed by application..Hence require help in hooking the delegates so that i can get a list of the events that are to be processed .If anybody can help me out by giving some info or code as how to implement hooking in a textbox leave event/

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How To Disable Textbox.leave Event

Jul 25, 2010

I used textbox.leave so that when user leave the textbox, it will fire a function.

Under some cases, I would like to disable this textbox.leave event.

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Error: Operator '&' Is Not Defined For String " UPDATE BALANCE SET OBBALANCE = " And Type 'DataRowView'

Mar 22, 2011

Here textbox11 contains a float value and combo box contains a string do i have to put text or selected item

cmd.CommandType = "UPDATE BALANCE SET OBBALANCE = '"& TextBox11.Text &"' WHERE CUSTOMERNAME = "& ComboBox1.Text & " "

It gives the following error: Operator '&' is not defined for string " UPDATE BALANCE SET OBBALANCE = " and type 'DataRowView'.

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Textbox Will Not Let User Leave Unless Data Is Entered

Jan 10, 2012

I've got a (hopefully) quick question. I've got textboxes attached to a binding source on one of my forms, and when I add, then clear, the data for the next entry to be added a small problem arises. If the user has previously entered something into, for example, Textbox3 and the user does not have the data for Textbox3 the user cannot move to the next field unless something is entered into the box.


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Store / Update A Image In Sql Server

Feb 26, 2009

i looking for a easy way to save a image to a sql server i have found a lot of examples but many is for asp.net and others have many functions for do a simple process that with vb6 i do with a few lines:


but this simple dont update nothing i have tryed to update a text value but the result is the same nothing is updated! but he actully dont return any error and i can see that the record is opened but simple can't update

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Syntax Error On Update STATEMENT - Update A Row Within A Access 2007 Database

Nov 15, 2011

update statement, i am trying to update a row within a access 2007 database here is my code.


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Using "Leave" Event Of The Textbox?

Jul 28, 2009

In a form there are two textboxes. I want to write code, so that the letters in a postcode are converted to uppercase when I click fromhe first textbox and into your second textbox.the first textbox might read "ts1 4jh". WhenI click inside textbox2, the text from textbox1 should change to "TS1 4JH". The codeshould be written in the Leave event of textbox1.

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DataRow Update - Does Not Update The Access Database And No Error

Jun 26, 2009

What is wrong with this code. It does not update the access database and no error.

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection

Dim sqlQRY As String = "SELECT * FROM StdMaster WHERE StuNo = " & txtStudentNo.Text & " ORDER BY StuNo"


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InputBox Function - Program - Allow User To Input 5 Payrolls For Store 1, Store 2, And Store 3

Mar 22, 2012

I am coding a program that will allow the user to input 5 payrolls for Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The total of the 5 payrolls are then added together and shown in the respective Store's labels. A total label is also there to add up all the totals into one number. The numbers in the label must be in currency form. My problem is the numbers don't add correctly when I hit calculate. The first two numbers add together, but then after that the number just seems to subtract a random amount.

So far I have this --

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


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Create Insert,update,delete Query By Using Class File And Store Procedure?

Jun 5, 2011

My question is How can i create insert,update,delete query by using class file and store procedure. This query is use for 3 tier.

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Store An Access DB In A .Net App?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a VB.Net app that uses an MS Access 2003 Database. In my connection string, I'm utilizing the "|DATADIRECTORY|" construct (see code). cnn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DATADIRECTORY|MyDB.mdb;User Id=;Password=;"When I run my program, I'm getting the following error message:"Could not find file 'C:indebugMyDB.mdb'"

In order to use the "|DATADIRECTORY|", where do I need to put it within my Project. I basically want to deploy this app on stand-alone PC's. I guess a more simpler question would be: How do I deploy a single user application that uses an Access Database where the database location will go wherever the user specifies when installing the application?

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Store / Appear In A Variable - A Textbox Value?

Feb 2, 2009

Can someone give me a simple example on how can I store/appear in a variable/or a textbox a value that i retrieved from a database. The sql query is something like "Select Comment from Params where id =1".

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Access - Store Different Data Values?

Apr 22, 2010

I don't know if I can have several same forms to do the manager jobs, ACTUALLY THE STORE VALUES ARE DIFFERENT(those forms can have the independant data values to store into the forms), like if I can have the datagridviews to store the different values? SO,MY QUESTION IS if I can have several same forms(FROM ONE SAME FORM), and can store different data values into the forms with vb.net & access, OR I HAVE TO CREATE SEVERAL SAME FORMS.


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Store And Retrieve Image In Ms Access?

Nov 13, 2009

how to store and retrieve image in ms access using vb.net coding

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Store ASP.Net Access Rules On SQL Server?

Aug 8, 2011

So I know it's possible to store Users and Roles on SQL server but I was wondering if it was also possible to store the access rules on SQL Server. I've searched but I can't find anything.

Our auditor requires us to run reports that tell us which users have access to which websites. Currently I am parsing each web.config file to see which users/roles have access, storing that in SQL server and running a report off of that but I am hoping there is a better way.

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