Use Entries From A Textbox To Update Simple Access Table?

Aug 2, 2010

I familiar with how to populate information from an access table to textboxes but not the other way around. I am familiar with the DataTable class.

I would appreciate any methods whatsoever on how to do this with as much detail as possible since I am not an expert on database connections.

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Retrieve All Entries From One Column Of Access Database Table

May 25, 2010

I'm looking to retrieve all the entries from one column of an access database table and copy to an array. this array i will then be randomly selecting values from it to create foootball fixtures. I'm confident of being able to achieve the random side of it but i'm struggling to get the records into the array.

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Modify Table Entries Based On Other Entries?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to set a certain column to true or false automatically based on what value another column has entered. I managed to get this working by myself using the 'SQL Pane' in VB and testing it by using execute sql but I don't know what to do now. I assumed that I could just save it and it would work from there but that's not the case, it dissapears from the SQL Pane if I close the project (even though it worked fine when I ran the project the first time), so where do I put it/what do I do with it in order to get this to work?

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Very Simple Database Interaction - Using Textbox To Pull User ID From The Table

Jun 25, 2010

I have one table here with a list of UserIDs, Users, and ClientCodes. Each user can be assigned a client code to view that client's data elsewhere. Right now I have to change it for everyone via SQL Server and actually going into the table manually, but I'm trying to make a simple little program that will let the user change it themselves. All I need is a textbox that pulls the user based on a certain UserID from the table, and a drop down list that will not only show the current ClientCode they're set to, but allow me to change it and save that change to the table in the database.

What's the best way to go about this? I tried using the wizards but I guess that's not the best way to go about it. I have it displaying the correct user and their current ClientCode but that's about it.

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Update Access DataBase Table From Another Table

May 1, 2010

I need to Update Access Database Table with Data from a Different Table. Not all the rows of original Table to be Updated will be affected. How do you loop through the 2 Tables to do the required Update.

The Table to be updated is called "RecordList" and Table with new Data is called "RecListReport".Every attempt I've made won't work. I tried to Use 2 Datagridviews but couldn't get it to work right.

Dim Testconn2 As New OleDbConnection(NewTestConn1)
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter


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Update A Table In Access?

Apr 5, 2010

I've created a Point of Sale program using Access and I have an Inventory table from which items are sold. There is a quantity column and I want to be able to reduce the quantity for any item by the quantity that was sold in the point of sale front end. For example, there are 5 bracelets in inventory and 1 is sold. The quantity is typed into a textbox. The inventory quantity should now be 4 in Access. I don't know how to make this happen from the point of sale screen.

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Update A Table Via Access?

Apr 24, 2012

I am building a VB table which syncs with Access using multiple forms. I have managed to complete the first form. For the second form i am trying to add information into the database and save it. i do not know where i am going wrong with the code. with the code i am using it keeps bringing up errors. I am very new to VB and do not understand them.

Public Class Form2
Dim sqlString As String
Dim connectionString As String
Dim dataAdapter As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter


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Add New Row In Access 2007 - Cant Update My Table ?

Jun 2, 2011

It seems that i cant update my table in access 2007. Here is my code.

Try con = new oledb.oledbConnection("Provider = Microsof.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"; data source =
|DAtaDirectory|Attendance.accdb; Persist Security Info = False;")


--I dont received an error message when i run the codes i even dont receive an exception message. but when i check my database the record was not added.

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Cannot Update Access Table From A Dataset?

Dec 17, 2010

new to vs2010 express trying to accomplish a simple task read records from a sql server DB table and add them to a table (different format eventually) in an access DB Sample code below seems to work ok up to the point of the data actually showing up in the access table.


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Update A Record From An Ms-Access Table With .NET And ASP.NET?

Mar 28, 2012

I'm trying to update a record from an Ms-Access table with VB.NET and ASP.NET. I'm getting 2 errors:

On the web page that's opened I'm getting Thread was being aborted Web Developer 2010 gives me an error says there's an error in the UPDATE statement

This is the code so far:Imports System.Data.OleDb Partial Class ChangePassword Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub btnChange_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnChange.Click


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Update Access Table From Textfile?

Mar 7, 2012

i'm using vs2010 i'm trying to update access table from text file that problem is that the 3rd column of the table is memo which wrote in many line in the text file i tried alot but didnt figure away to make it done this is my code so far

Dim message As String
Dim lineindex As Integer = 0
Dim objStreamReader As StreamReader = File.OpenText(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)


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MS Access Table Update Extremely Slow?

Apr 6, 2009

I have looked all over for a solution to this problem and have tried a bunch of different things, but nothing seems to work.I have a sub procedure that does the following:

1) adds two columns to a data table (table1)

2) fills a dataset with several tables in order to make calculations (this determines the data that will be stored in the two new columns of table1)

3) updates ONLY table1, and ONLY the two columns that have just been added (these columns are thus empty for every row before the update begins)

As it is now, the da.Update takes about 3 hours to populate the entire table (it updates about 300 records per MINUTE if I'm lucky). There are approximately 40000 records in table1 for this test subset, but there will eventually be up to 1.5-2 million (in other words, this is a small table currently). I have tried using executenonquery() along with a sql UPDATE command instead of da.Update, as well as many other things, but none of them has improved performance at all. I've also tested it on two PCs, one running Vista and one XP, and there were no differences. I'm using Access 2003. I know Access is not ideal, but for now it is the only option.

I know that the root of this is the line of code with the da.Update, because the giant loop before it that I previously thought was causing the slowdown executes in 30 seconds, leaving only the update before the subroutine is complete. I don't know how exactly the da.Update works, but I've suspected that maybe it has something to do with that? Code is below:


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Update Some Fields Of A Table Of Access According To The Value Of Parameter?

May 19, 2010

I have to update some fields of a table of access according to the value of parameter. If this paramter is "true" I need to update.



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Select All Rows And Update To New Access Database .mdb Table?

Jan 18, 2011

i have a problem to retreive whole rows of a datagridview and transfer to my new access database in vb environment anyone can give me advice or examples of how to do it ? for example my datagridview colums have JOB_NO, ERR_DESC , REMARK

now i would to post all row (not selected datagridrow) from this datagridview to my new database .. i search at google using row count may do the job but i still fail on ...

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Using An UpdateCommand To Update An Access Table From In-memory Datatable

Dec 15, 2011

I have a table in Access with two key fields (let's call them Item and Cust). These key fields *combined* are the primary key. So each record must have a unique Item and User combination. It can have a duplicate Item with other records, and a duplicate Cust with other records, but not a duplicate of both. Because my "primary key" is a combination of two fields, I can't make a primary key on the table in Access (it only supports one field as a primary key).

I have another table in SQLServer which also has Item and Cust, but in addition, is has several descriptive fields that give more details about the Item and Cust. I'm trying to use ADO.NET to bring in that SQL Server table and UPDATE some matching fields in Access with the descriptive fields. [Code]

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Update Records In An Access Table Linked To A SharePoint List From VB?

Jan 23, 2012

I am writing a small program to update data in a SharePoint list. Now where I cannot develop or use applications for SharePoint unless I am on a SharePoint server, I thought I would cheat the system by using Access to link to SharePoint lists, and then use Visual Basic to play with the Access tables. I need additional functionality other than what VBA can provide me, so that is why I am using the VB layer.Is it possible that this is not permitted? Whenever I try to update an item in the table, I receive the message:

"cannot update '(expression)'; field not updatable"

The word 'expression' here is not a filler I added, this is the actual error.If I try to make the edit manually in the table using Access, it works fine (I haven't tried it through Access VBA yet...).

How my code works is this:I have a Dataset added to the project which connects to the Access database. I add one of the tables to the dataset and create a Class object to reference the table adapter (essentially a Data Access Layer). I can read all of the data fine, and when a change is made in SharePoint, my application sees the updates when it refreshes. But when I try to write back to the table I get the error message above.

Each r As
DataRow In TableAdapter.GetData.Select("Name LIKE '*" & FileName &


There are other columns in the table and some of them have default null values. I only want to update these two fields, but it almost seems like this is not possible. I thought I might be somehow opening the Dataset in a Read Only mode, but I can't seem to find that option anywhere.

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Update, Delete Data In MS Access Table Which Method Is Professional?

Jun 15, 2012

Which method is professional to insert, update, delete data using either MS Access database or SQL database?

1) Using wizard to connect the database

2) Writing code manually such as


I need to insert data from one form (Collection_Form) to 2 database tables. Like, Collection form data to be added in the following 2 tables:

1) Customer_Account
2) Collection_Account

View 5 Replies - Get A Windows Form Client To Update Everytime A Access Table On Webserver Changes?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a form with a list that shows information from a database. I want the list the update in run time (or almost real time) every time something changes in the database. These are the three ways I can think of to accomplish this:Set up a timer on the client to check every few seconds: I know how to do this now, but it would involve making and closing a new connection to the database hundreds of times an hour, regardless of whether there was any change Build something sort of like a TCP/IP chat server, and every time a program updates the database it would also send a message to the TCP/IP server, which in turn would send a message to the client's form: I have no idea how to do this right now Create a web service that returns the date and time of when the last time the table was changed, and the client would compare that time to the last time the client updated: I could figure out how to build a web service, but I don't how to do this without making a connection to the database anyway The second option doesn't seem like it would be very reliable, and the first seems like it would consume more resources than necessary. Is there some way to tell the client every time there is a change in the database without making a connection every few seconds, or is it not that big of a deal to make that many connections to a database?

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Using Sql To Modify Table Entries?

Apr 7, 2010

I've never really used SQL before). What I'm trying to do is; I want to set a certain column to true or false automatically based on what value another column has entered. I managed to get this working by myself using the 'SQL Pane' in VB and testing it by using execute SQL but I don't know what to do now. I assumed that I could just save it and it would work from there but that's not the case, it dissapears from the SQL Pane if I close the project (even though it worked fine when I ran the project the first time), so where do I put it/what do I do with it in order to get this to work?

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Update Access Data From Textbox.text?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a simple app and I'm trying to update a one row Access table with data from some textboxes. This is a learning exercise for me as I am coming back from not programming for almost 10 years, and know there are lots of other ways to manage this data, but I'm just trying to understand different aspects of a little better.

The ERROR I'm trapping is:

"Syntax error in UPDATE Statement"

Any thought's as to what is going on? (See CODE and stuff below)

Here's the Scheme printed from ACCESS showing the exact spelling of the database table and column names:

Table: MaxTime Name Type Size
ID Long Integer 4


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Update Leave Balance - Using MS Access To Store The Value From Textbox

Jul 1, 2009

I'm using MS Access to store the value from textbox. First of all I had created a DateTimePicker that allow the user to select the Date Of Join. After the date is selected the value for the Expiry Date textbox is automatically store the date after 1 year in this format (1/7/2009) the code


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Database / & Displaying Table Entries In A Listbox?

Jun 20, 2010

I just starting coding in about two weeks ago so I'm still a begging and I learn best by seeing working code and then adapting it to my situation. That being said, I need help displaying table entries in a listbox. I've successfully created a database in my test application, added it to my Data Sources and used a drag / drop method to add Datagrid View & Details (labels & textboxes) to my application for testing purposes. Now I want to try and display table entries in a listbox.

Example Database:Table: Contact
- ContactID (autonumber) [primary key]
- FirstName (text 50 limit[code]....

Also is there any benefit or down side to creating a database in MS Access, create the relationships & tables, then attaching that database to my application or is it better to create the database in the application like I did in the example above by using the Add New - Service-Based Database option?

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DB/Reporting :: Clearing A Table An Clicking Entries?

Aug 8, 2008

ok i have a dataset with two columns one column is "NAME" the other colulmn is called "URL". The entries in the URL column are displayed as linklabels. So how do i clear the table and save the table: I tried this


it works. it clears the table of all rows but when i close and re-open the program the data shows in the table again (i.e. it isnt cleared so how do you fix this.Also how do i put code into the click event for each linklable in the URL columns?

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Exact Code To Insert Value From Textbox To Access Table?

Feb 12, 2011

I want to know the accurate coding for inserting value from textbox to Access table . e.g : Student type in their name to textbox , when the add button is clicked, the name will be stored to the Microsoft Access table that has been created

Due to too many code version I have been research on web( youtube, google, forum, blog etc) I getting confused of different code from different programmer, can anyone let me know the exactly working coding?

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VB - Access - Put Entries In My Database

Sep 29, 2011

In my head form, in have a few textboxes related to an access database.

How can i put my entries in my database.

I already created a connection, dataset, tableadapter,...

I manage to show some data of my database in to the form but not in the other way.

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IDE :: Set Auto-complete For A Textbox Using Data From A Column In A Table An Access Database?

Aug 13, 2009

I am trying to set autocomplete for a textbox using data from a column in a table an Access database. Some of those records in the table have no values. I have set the AutoComplete Mode property to SuggestAppend and the AutoCompleteSource property to CustomSource. When I run the application nothing happens when I type into the textbox. The dataset is called DatabaseDataSet and the table name in the database is called Simple and the specific field/colum is called SIM_TAG1

'Create customsource for tag textboxes to suggest tag terms based on what is in database
Dim oTag As New AutoCompleteStringCollection()
For Each term As DatabaseDataSet.SIMPLERow In Me.DatabaseDataSet.SIMPLE


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String Search Listbox Entries To Avoid Duplicate Entries In VB 2008?

Nov 29, 2009

I have a program where you have three entries, CD name, artist, price and it goes into a listbox and .txt file when closing. I have to have a message box if you enter the same CD name. I have a code to open the .txt file and compare strings but I need to change it to compare only the CD name and not all three entries. Is there a way to do my string compare against my listbox without opening the .txt file?? The program loads the listbox from the .txt file when opening. Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click' adds CD information to the list box

' declare variables
Dim strName As String
Dim strArtist As String
Dim strPrice As String


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MS Access 2007 Table - Enter Data Into A Microsoft VB 2010 TextBox On A Form

Dec 14, 2011

I am trying to learn how I can enter data into a Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 TextBox on a form and when I Tab to the next TextBox, the data from the first TextBox is automatically appended to a Microsoft Access 2007 table. For this question, no other controls or objects are necessary.

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Change Textbox Text To Previous Entries?

May 25, 2009

I'm building a small program and I have a numbers only textbox where its content need to be higher than 1. So what I have is a messagebox pop when the text change and its lower or equal to 0. What I'd like to do is have the text changed to what it was before the number was changed to <= 0.Here's what I have for the control:

Private Sub txtDelay_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtDelay.TextChanged
If txtDelay.Text <= "0" Then
MessageBox.Show("Delay must be atleast 1 millisecond.", "Delay Error")
End If
End Sub

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Display All The Entries That Are In The ListBox1 To A TextBox Or MsgBox

Oct 14, 2009

I'm having trouble with this


This code works fine for colllecting the the data and displaying it in the ListBox1. But then I want to display all the entries that are in the ListBox1 to a TextBox or MsgBox but I'm having trouble.

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