Exact Code To Insert Value From Textbox To Access Table?

Feb 12, 2011

I want to know the accurate coding for inserting value from textbox to Access table . e.g : Student type in their name to textbox , when the add button is clicked, the name will be stored to the Microsoft Access table that has been created

Due to too many code version I have been research on web( youtube, google, forum, blog etc) I getting confused of different code from different programmer, can anyone let me know the exactly working coding?

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Insert Data From An Access Unbounds Form To An Access Table

Jun 9, 2009

I'm trying to insert data from an Access unbounds form to an Access Table using the follwoing code:

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DB/Reporting :: Insert Row To Access Table?

Oct 28, 2008

I am using the following from the MS website to add a row to an access table and retreive the last autogenerated number.

Dim cnJetDB As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=test.mdb")


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How To Insert Data In SQL Table Using Textbox

Jun 10, 2012

How can I insert data in a sql table using a textbox. I use this code but it doesn't work.
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Private Property com As Object
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
[Code] .....

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DB/Reporting :: Access - How To Insert Data In To A Table

May 19, 2009

I'm trying to remember how to insert data in to a table. Here is my code


I get the error


Number of query values and destination fields are not the same.

I also get some error about the Insert INTO part not being right somewhere. Am I doing this how you would do it, or how would you do something like this?

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Insert Multiple Values Into Access Table?

Sep 21, 2009

I am not sure how I would go about this I have a decision matrix that retains values which are boolean.The application receives a spec and rev from the database when the app is called.The questions asked as like " is it a car?" Yes/No etc.After the battery of questions I need to write the responses to an access database

Here is my db persistance class
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class DBPersistance


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Unable To Insert Data Into Access Table?

Mar 13, 2011

I am trying to insert data into access table using VB.Net 2008. But each time I am getting error: "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". I typed following code.

On Error GoTo errores
Dim cn As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand


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VS 2008 Insert Data Into Access Table?

Jun 4, 2010

how to insert values from textboxs to access table. I am using jet.oledb connection and dataadapter & dataset for data manipulation.

here is the code that i used to insert values into access,but it is not working..


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Check Textbox - If Not Exist Then Insert Value In Table

Mar 1, 2010

Using SQL Server 2005, vb.net

Name FromDate ToDate
Raja 12/02/2010 14/02/2010
Ravi 14/02/2010 15/02/2010
Ramu 18/02/2010 21/02/2010

Insert into Table1 values('" & textbox1.text & "', '" & textbox2.text & "'. '" & textbox3.text & "'", con)

When I try to insert a value into table1 it will compare the table values if it is same, It Should throw a error msg "Name and Date Already Exist" otherwise Insert a value. Before Inserting i want to check a textbox value with table value.

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SQL - Insert Data From Table And Form Textbox

Feb 22, 2012

Inside my application, I need to insert data from two sources: table and form textbox. So I tried to use the code below, but the message box is displaying an error. (I am using vb.net)

While inserting record on table ..Syntax error (missing operator) in query

Dim con As New OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=C:UsersDellXPSDesktopmDB.accdb"
[Code] .....

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Code To Insert A Row To A Table In Database In VB 2010?

Jun 5, 2011

code to insert a row to a table in database in visual basic 2010?

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Create A Table And Insert Into Existing Access Database?

Jan 1, 2012

Im working on a prog for my work. however, im stuck. I come to a spot where i need the prog to copy a sample table to an existing database. we can either simply copy the sample table, or as a last resort, create a new one from scratch.

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Insert Excel Data Into Existing MS Access Table?

Mar 23, 2012

I have this piece of code which picks the data in an excel file. At the moment i have the data into the dt table. how do i write the data in dt to FECHO_UNICRE table at the UTLT.accdb database? I want to fill the table just after deleting the existing records.

Private Sub Unicre_Calculos_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Insert Record Into Access Table - Parameter Has No Default Value

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to do an insert into a table called Policy. I keep getting an error that says parameter @Split has no default value. To try and resolve the problem, I set the default value of the split field (of type text) in the Policy table to "0" in Access 2007. I am passing in the value of a string "0" into the parameter before the insert statement executes.

Dim connection As OleDbConnection = PaulMeadeInsuranceDB.GetConnection
Dim insertcommand2 As New OleDbCommand(insertStatement2, connection)


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Syntax Error On INSERT Into User Table In MS Access 2003

Mar 24, 2012

Using VB.NET with ASP.NET and and ms-access 2003 data, I'm trying to input data from a web form to the a table in db.mdb called 'USER'.[code]...

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SQL Statements For MS ACCESS - Insert A New Record Into The Existing Table And Join Tables?

Apr 18, 2009

i am using ASP.NET with VB.NET to connect to a MS Access database. how can i make the sql statement to insert a new record into the existing table and join tables?

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Insert Data From ASP.net Textbox To Two Different Table On Single Button Click Event?

Jan 5, 2011

I am using this code to insert into a single table.How to use the code to insert the textbox text to multiple tables of same column on single button click event in VB.net?

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Protected Sub ImageButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton1.Click
Dim con As New SqlConnection


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Insert Attachment Field Of MS Access DB By ADO.Net Using Code?

Dec 3, 2010

i use Ms Access 2010 DB as Backend and Programing using VB.NET COdeNarmada

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Insert And Save Data To Access Using Textbox And Buttons?

Aug 15, 2011

i am creating a game and i would like to record the score and name ounce the player is game over.. you can also view the records

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Writing The Code To Connect To The Access Database And Insert The New Row?

Sep 24, 2009

I am creating a form which has the customer information entered by the user.When the user clicks submit the row need to be inserted into table "customer".writing the code to connect to the access database and insert the new row?

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How To Check If Textbox Sum Is An Exact Number

May 26, 2012

I was trying to make a button to check if textbox numbers sum is an exact number(Ex: 70) [code]

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Exact Code Produces Different Results?

Oct 15, 2010

I have this code.

Case Keys.U With Me.TextBox1 Dim selectionStart As Integer = .SelectionStart


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Find Exact Match Of A Word In A Textbox If It Exists

Nov 20, 2011

I need a way to tell me if a certain word already exists in a multi-lined textbox. Right now I have a multi-lined textbox with some names inside it. After each name I add a newline so all the names are on their own line inside the textbox.I use this code to add names to the textbox, Text Box1. AppendText(ComboBox1.Text + vbCrLf)Then I have been checking if the name exists by doing it this way,[code]The problem is that Ted and Teddy return the same when searching for Ted even if Ted isnt in the textbox at all, I have googled for the last few days and even tried RegularExpressions and still the same results. I think this might be a simple true or false check but I may be wrong... or even a loop or something line by line.

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VS 2008 Copying MS Access Table With Code?

Nov 9, 2009

Now I am trying to copy the MS access table(hoping to keep the input mask). I have the table copying and renaming, but it fails to keep the input mask... So far this copies and clears the table, is there anything I am missing to make it keep the input mask

Query = "SELECT * INTO [test] FROM [tblAccounts] WHERE 1=2"
comm = New OleDbCommand(Query, conn)


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Insert, Edt, Delete And Search Access Database Using DataSet/DataTable/DataAdapter In Code Through Datagridview

Mar 23, 2010

1. Can someone show me sample codes on how to do that ?

2. I encountered a problem with the INSERT sql statement. I keep receiving syntax error in insert statement exception. Is there anything wrong with the statement ?


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Insert Data From "table In SQL Server" To "table In Access"?

Aug 12, 2010

I need some code to Insert data from table in SQL to table in Access.[code]....

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Use Entries From A Textbox To Update Simple Access Table?

Aug 2, 2010

I familiar with how to populate information from an access table to textboxes but not the other way around. I am familiar with the DataTable class.

I would appreciate any methods whatsoever on how to do this with as much detail as possible since I am not an expert on database connections.

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DB/Reporting :: Creating Access Table Code [VB 2005.NET]?

Jul 5, 2008

I'm looking for some simple code that lets me create a Microsoft Access table via code.Currently all I do in Access is write and retrieve data from specific tables but now I want to be able to create them at runtime. Here is an example of the code I use to load some data just so you can get a feel of what I'm currently doing. Hopefully there is an easy way using the same rough way that I'm currently dealing with databases.

Public Sub LoadCareer()
Public rs As New ADO


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Macro Code To Import Table From Another Access Database?

Aug 31, 2009

I am creating a MS Access database. The database will import a table from another Access database, query for selected data within a date range. Thus, I am having difficulty with the Macro code to import the initial table. Therefore, what's the code to import a table from another access database? The database is names InputContract.mdb.

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IDE :: Set Auto-complete For A Textbox Using Data From A Column In A Table An Access Database?

Aug 13, 2009

I am trying to set autocomplete for a textbox using data from a column in a table an Access database. Some of those records in the table have no values. I have set the AutoComplete Mode property to SuggestAppend and the AutoCompleteSource property to CustomSource. When I run the application nothing happens when I type into the textbox. The dataset is called DatabaseDataSet and the table name in the database is called Simple and the specific field/colum is called SIM_TAG1

'Create customsource for tag textboxes to suggest tag terms based on what is in database
Dim oTag As New AutoCompleteStringCollection()
For Each term As DatabaseDataSet.SIMPLERow In Me.DatabaseDataSet.SIMPLE


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