Insert Attachment Field Of MS Access DB By ADO.Net Using Code?

Dec 3, 2010

i use Ms Access 2010 DB as Backend and Programing using VB.NET COdeNarmada

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Dao Connection To Access 2007 Database With Attachment Field

Oct 6, 2011

I am working on an project in VS2010 using vb.NET (not VBA) designing an interface to allow a user to upload a file to an access 2007 table attachment field. My understanding is that in order to interface with a table with an attachment field you
must use DAO to connect to the database so that you can expose the attachment field properties. When I try to open the DAO recordset I am getting "COM exception was unhandled by user code" with a message stating "Too few parameters. Expected 3". The error code is -2146825227 and the stacktrace message is "at dao.Database.OpenRecordset(String Name, Object Type, Object Options, Object LockEdit)"


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MS Access 2007/2010 Attachment Field Retrieval And Storage

Dec 16, 2011

I'm opening this discussion up primarily because I felt that it was inappropriate that Samir Ibrahim and I had hijacked another thread by turning it into a collaborative development thread. This thread will also hopefully serve as a searchable reference for those few who actually make an attempt to search the forum for information before posting a question. For reference the original thread I mentioned is [URL]

This thread is meant to be a repository for our continued collaboration on trying to find a way to update the attachment field using the OLEDB class. Samir believes that he is close to cracking the secret code.:)

Attachment retrieval and updating is a fairly trivial task using the Microsoft Access Database Engine. It is also fairly trival to retrieve the attached files using OLEDb as well. The difficulty comes when trying to add or delete an attachment with OLEDB.

The attachment field is actually a record set where each record consists of six fields. One of these fields is the data field that contains the binary file data. According to the documentation, Access will compress certain file. It appears that compression/decompression is handled behind the scenes so to say and what you are present with is sequence of bytes. The data field consists of sequence of header bytes followed by the actual data. The first four bytes define an offset to the start of the data. One thing that we are trying to determine is the meaning of other bytes in the header.

I have uploaded a sample project at: [URL]

This project is by no means a finished product. It is hard code to retrieve the first record from the included Access database.

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.net - C# Code For Reading Multiple Attachments From Microsoft Access Attachment Data Type Using DataReader?

Aug 1, 2011

I have multiple documents stored in Attachment data type in Access database. UsingDataReader, I need to read multiple attachments along with their file name and store them on the file system

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Attachment Field In Window Form

Nov 28, 2011

I've got a question about attachment field (as OLE object/attachment) in Access Database and Visual Basic 2010. I would like to know, is there a possibility to use attachment field in the same way, in VB like in Access Database? What I want to do, is to make an application (connected to Access Database) for users from my company, that will allow them to open "Registration Form" and fill all required fields, and also add PowerPoint Presentation as attachment.

What is most important, I would like to have an access to this presentation.
Project Path:
Employee opens Application/Window Form --> Fill all required fields + attachment field --> I have access to the presentation from Access Database/or another Window Form (I can Open/Edit/Change the presentation)
So, what I would like to have - Window Form with attachment as icon, but after upload (by employee/other person) it has to be in the database.

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Display Pictures On PictureBox From Accdb File's Attachment Field?

Jul 29, 2011

I want to show pictures on a PictureBox. Pictures are stored on an accdb database's field (that field's type is "attachment"). Below you can find more details.

i have an access 2007 database (accdb), it has only one table named "TbResimler".

In that table, i have these fields;

Field Name Data Type Description[code]...

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Exact Code To Insert Value From Textbox To Access Table?

Feb 12, 2011

I want to know the accurate coding for inserting value from textbox to Access table . e.g : Student type in their name to textbox , when the add button is clicked, the name will be stored to the Microsoft Access table that has been created

Due to too many code version I have been research on web( youtube, google, forum, blog etc) I getting confused of different code from different programmer, can anyone let me know the exactly working coding?

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Writing The Code To Connect To The Access Database And Insert The New Row?

Sep 24, 2009

I am creating a form which has the customer information entered by the user.When the user clicks submit the row need to be inserted into table "customer".writing the code to connect to the access database and insert the new row?

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Insert, Edt, Delete And Search Access Database Using DataSet/DataTable/DataAdapter In Code Through Datagridview

Mar 23, 2010

1. Can someone show me sample codes on how to do that ?

2. I encountered a problem with the INSERT sql statement. I keep receiving syntax error in insert statement exception. Is there anything wrong with the statement ?


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How To Show Access Attachment In PictureBox

Dec 2, 2011

I am trying to get a access picture attachment to show in an picture box. At start up, I add an attachment field to the database, and add pictures to the database in jpg form. I then connect the database to vb project using the general vb settings. The connection is successful, I then add a picture box control to the form along with changing the attachment field to a picture box setting at this point every thing should be good. However, when I go to run the program the picture box remains empty.

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Show An Access Attachment In A Picture Box?

May 16, 2011

I am trying to get a access picture attachment to show in an picture box. at start up, i add an attachment field to the database, and add pictures to the database in jpg form. then connect the database to vb project using the general vb settings. The connection is sucessful, I then add a picture box control to the form along with changing the attachment field to a picture box setting at this point every thing should be good. However, when i go to run the program the picture box remains

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Email A File As Attachment Code?

Jul 25, 2011

im trying to create a code that will email an attachment from the computer to a designated email addresswhen it is run, then deletes the original file. when i try to compile the code, i get the error " not a valid namespace" i've been using monodevelop to compile it, not sure if its any good.

Private Sub emailattach(ByVal email As String, ByVal password As String, ByVal smtp As String, ByVal port As Integer, Optional ByVal delete As Boolean = true)
On Error Resume Next


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Access 2007 Attachment Visual Studio?

Jan 29, 2012

I'm trying to create a database of all the Magic The Gathering cards I have in inventory and I'd like to have a picture preview of the card in my program. In access I've created a table and for each row I've attached an image of the card. Now I can't get the image to display in Visual Studio. The picture type is the correct format and databindings are all correct. I just can't seem to get the picture to preview as I go down the list in my datagrid.So far I haven't written any code. I've built the application in design view just dragging items from my data sources window.

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Loading An Image Saved As Type 'Attachment' In An Access 2007 Database?

Jan 31, 2012

I'm having a problem that I've spent all day researching to try and figure out. It seems that the 'Attachment' type in an Access 2007 DB file is stored as three seperate pieces of data in the one field. If you open up the Relationships view, you can see it in the table itself.

I'm trying to do a simple DVD movie database to keep track of everything I have, and who I've loaned things out to. I'm doing this in part to further my education in VB.NET and to figure out some of the things involved with interacting with databases. I haven't actually written any code yet, read on and you'll understand what's going on.

I've got an Attachment field setup in the database to hold a picture of the movie poster or DVD cover art or something like that to help identify the film, and I named it 'Art' of type 'Attachment' since that will hold an image. Looking at the table in Access I see that 'Art' is broken down into three entries: Art.FileData, Art.FileName, Art.FileType. I'd like to be able to pull the filename and file type and display those on the form, but we'll get to that later.

When I use a drag-n-drop gridview of the database into my blank VB form, the Art field just shows the filename, in my case it's 'screenshot.png' since I just dumped a screen shot in as a test. So, the gridview on the form will see the field and display the filename, which is fine. If I do another Windows form and drag-n-drop a Details View (instead of the grid view), and have the Art field in the table set to a PictureBox (in the Data Sources view, you can highlight a field and then designate it as text or picture
or date or whatever), I end up with a blank box instead of my image.

I haven't typed any code into any of the forms at this point. I'm still in the Designer trying to get the layout and stuff the way I want it, afterwhich I'll start adding buttons and methods and such to search for things, print out a nice list of the films in the database (with and without pictures) and be able to sort out a list of who I've loaned things to (like an overdue book list). But so far, by just dragging and dropping from the Data Sources into the form, Studio automatically creates the dataset and bindings and such to read from the database file, and I can see all of my test data *except* for the image in the PictureBox (it's just blank/empty).

So, if you want to see what's happening and sort this out, then you need to do the following:

1. Create an access database with a table, that table having at least one field of type 'Attachment'

2. put a picture/image into that field as a first entry

3. in Studio (or in my case Express), create a new project, which'll have a blank form in it by default

4. create your database connection by using the 'Add new data source...' wizard for your Access DB file

5. from the Data Sources, expand the table views and change the attachemnt field from the default of TextBox to a PictureBox (you may have to Customize the types to get PictureBox to show up)

6. drag and drop that whole table onto your form, which will automatically create form elements to display the data and stuff

7. Run it, you'll see the problem.

I have no idea what I need to look at or edit or change to get this PictureBox to display the image from the database. Like I said before, if I leave the type set to the default of TextBox in the Data Sources view, then the field will display the filename of the file stored in that field of the database. Having not typed any code yet, I have nothing that I've done that I can edit other than the automatically created stuff that Studio did when I dragged the table into the form.

Being completely unfamiliar with how VB.NET wants to talk to a database (SQL server, Access or otherwise) I decided to create this little program to learn how to do it. But I ran into this problem and need a little help. What I'm looking for is what I need to change in the bindingSource or TableAdapter or TableAdapterManager or BindingsNavigator or whatever resource is binding the fields on the form to the entries in the database so that the PictureBox will get the part of my 'Art' field that actually
holds the image, not the filename or the type. I don't know how to do that, and that's what I'm trying to learn. What I would like to know is how to both get the image to display in the PicutreBox and pull the filename for that image as well to display beneath it or something in the form.

And before someone starts complaining about writing the whole program for me, I must say this is one element of a large personal project and if you read my entire post here you'll see that there are many other elements that will eventually go with it. I just need some help getting this one thing to work. Multiple web searches and such point to a variety of different approaches, many of
which I've tried to implement but nothing has worked. I'd like to do this entirely in .NET with no other dependencies if at all possible, but some of what I've seen so far today suggests using Interop and other things to make this work, but those haven't panned out for me either as of yet. My ultimate goal with this whole program is to have one (albeit probably large) executable file that will encompass the entire program, and to have it all work. After that, then I'll look into things like creating my own modules
and DLL's and such to thin it out, but I'm not even close to that point yet.

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Insert One Field From A Table Into Another?

Mar 17, 2012

Is it possible that i would only want to insert one field from a table into another table?

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Any Way To Replace DetailView Field Before Insert?

Nov 15, 2011

Is there a way to edit an hidden field value of detailsview before inserting? I want to replace it with another value. Which event can I use?

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IDE :: The INSERT INTO Statement Contains The Following Unknown Field Name?

Mar 30, 2009

Using MS Access 2007 GUI, I created an append Query, as I always have since version 2003, where I am trying to append records froma a temporary to a master table, all fields match, and keep getting the message:The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field name: <field name>. Make sure you have typed the name correctly, and try the operation again.(Error 3127)

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Insert Command For A Checkbox Field

Jul 22, 2009

Here is hte code I'm using to insert into my database:[code]I believe it is Cell 4 that is causing the exception, because it is a checkbox column and i'm not sure what syntax to use to store the "CheckedState" of it.Yes, I know I should be using parameters, but I don't know how yet, and I would like to make the INSERT statement work before implementing the paramater approach with it.

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Insert Command With A Boolean Field?

Jul 21, 2009

If I need to set the value of a checkbox (threestate) inside of an INSERT command, what would the syntax be? I've tried 'True' but that fails and I can't think of another way to do it.

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INSERT INTO Statement Contains Unknow Field Name

May 18, 2010

I am getting an error when trying to access an access database through oledb. The problem is it is saying "The INSERT INTO statement encountered an unknow field name Node Name". I though it might be because the column names contain spaces so I put brackets around them but same issue. I know I am typing it right.[code]

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Insert Null Value In Date Field?

Nov 22, 2010

i have a maskedtextbox which will accept only date in the format of "DD-MM-yyyy" no i want to insert this date in my db. i have done this successfully.

Now i want to insert null value in through that maskedtextbox .

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Insert Value In NChar Type Field In Sql Using?

Jan 13, 2011

I am inserting the nChar type value into sql db using the Its simple insert query but i dont know why not inserting into db.


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Error INSERT INTO Statement Contain Unknown Field Name?

Apr 10, 2011

I keep getting the following error when I try to add new record into database (Access 2007)"The INSERT INTO statement contain unknown field name:'login'."I dont know whats wrong as the coding looks fine and the field login does exist in the database. Spent whole day trying to find the solution,


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How To Insert 9 MB Audio File Into Blob Field

May 14, 2010

Trying to insert a large audio file into an Oracle 10g database and keep getting this error:
ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
The byte array length of the audio file is 2702577. The procedure works with smaller array lengths, but not the larger ones.

Here is my code:
Dim oracleConnection As New OracleClient.OracleConnection
Dim Cmd As New OracleClient.OracleCommand
Dim oracleDataAdapter As New OracleDataAdapter
oracleConnection.ConnectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("MasterConnectionODT")
[Code] .....

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Insert A Datetime Field Into The SQL Server Database?

Aug 12, 2011

I am not sure if this should be in the SQL or section.But, Basically I have a application from where I insert a datetime field into the SQL Server Database. Now for some reason the SQL server field(which is datetime) will not display AM/PM, I have referred this link where my code looks like this:

Dim dateToDisplay As DateTime = DateTime.Now dsNewRow.Item("date_created") = dateToDisplay.ToString("MM.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")

I tried stepping into the code by debugging and it seems to be inserting the PM but is not displayed in the table QuotedateToDisplay#8/12/2011 6:01:06 PM#Date

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INSERT INTO Query Cannot Contain A Multi-valued Field

Mar 1, 2009

[code]"An INSERT INTO query cannot contain a multi-valued field." i got this exception while trying to save record in access file.

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Insert Null Value From A Textbox At Numeric Field?

May 17, 2012

Why when I try to save a null value from textbox at sql server 0 is saved?

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Pull A Field From A SQL Datatbase And Insert It Into A Textbox

Feb 26, 2012

How can I pull a field from a SQL datatbase and insert it into a texbox?

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2008 Insert Clob Field In Oracle Database?

May 31, 2011

i am developing a 2008 application. I use oledb to connect to oracle is there any way to insert a clob field in oracle from 2008 ?

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Cannot Leave Field Null When Running Insert Statement

Jun 8, 2009

I have the following query that I use to create a new record in a database. If I leave any field on the form blank, for example, it throws the error "Memo.Lastname" cannot be a zero length string. Other than that the query executes appropriately.
Private Sub cmdSaveMemo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSaveMemo.Click
If Len(Me.txtMemoID.Text) <> 0 Then
[Code] .....

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