Insert, Edt, Delete And Search Access Database Using DataSet/DataTable/DataAdapter In Code Through Datagridview
Mar 23, 2010
1. Can someone show me sample codes on how to do that ?
2. I encountered a problem with the INSERT sql statement. I keep receiving syntax error in insert statement exception. Is there anything wrong with the statement ?
I want to track changes in an application. So I've made a copy of the main table in that application, and am accessing both tables in the application using two separate datasets.
My plan was to use the HasChanges method of the main DataSet to get changed rows and then insert those into the copy table. When I run the code I get an error:
A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in MyApp.exe
Unable to cast object of type 'MainDataTable' to type 'MainAuditDataTable'.
Here's the code:
If Me.DataSet3.HasChanges Then ' 'look for each row that has changes, not new rows ' 'insert that row into the auditing table
how can i access the sql server express database table in on forms to insert records,delete records,search records,edit records.I have made table by using visual studio.
Using VB2010, I am trying to insert a row into an Access 2010 database. The database has several tables, but right now, I'm just trying to insert a row into a standalone table in the database.
I have access Query have more than one table. I want to insert into it. I cannot insert into it by CommandBuilder coz CommandBuilder for one table only so how can I do that using DataAdapter with dataset.
I populate a datagridview using a bindingsource and dataadapter. So I join 3 tables in the view to get the data i need.
so I have my view as a child table in my dataset. and a table called classes which is the parent table. So when I select a Class(class 1A for example), my datagridview displays the pupils in that class.
Now i need to add another relationship in the dataset. so when I select a day in a monthcalendar, I need to add 5 checkbox columns for each day to my datagridview. Should I add these 5 columns to my datatable? i'm not sure what the best way is.
Then for each day I tick I have to save to my pupil_job_day table. I will save the peoleid,their accountid and the date. please help me
I am using this code to Add rows to a SQL database, and it adds the row to the SQL database if column 7 is not null. After it adds the row to the SQL database, it deletes it from the Access Dataset, and updates the Access Database. Sometimes double rows seem to get inserted into the database, so I'm thinking there is an error in my logic somewhere here.
Dim rowcount As Integer = AccessDataSet.AccessTbl.Rows.Count Dim y As Integer = 0 For x = 0 To rowcount - 1 txtRow = AccessDataSet.AccessTbl(y) If IsDBNull(txtRow(7)) = False Then [Code] .....
i have a simple application which can create/update/delete/search records using Access database. If i add a record, save it, then close the application and run it again and search for that record, it appears. However, when i write some code to my application, nothing to do with the search function, and i run the application the record is not found. For example i added a button to clear the textfields, and when i ran the application the records i have added earlier were not found.
I try this function to insert datagrideview into Access Database but there is an error in insert {"Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement."}
I try insert each rows into Database Public Function SDG(ByVal DG As DataGridView) Dim rows As Integer = DG.RowCount Dim Column As Integer = DG.ColumnCount Dim Product As String Dim N As Integer
I have a datagridview on a form , and I just want to take this data and save in access database, if I enter a direct value in this code , it works but it does not take a value from datagrid,I am work on this from last two daysIt throws an error saying that parameter userid has no valueError I believe is at DV.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value I think it cannot get value from Datagridview
Private Sub btnupdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnupdate.Click Dim ds As New DataSet
I have code running in the Datatable.ColumnChanging event in my dataset. This dataset underlies a form and conventional drag/drop controls are in place for data entry.when the event triggers and runs, I am running code in the form that checks the dataset.HasChanges property. It is showing False. But this is immediately after the ColumnChanging event has been triggered.Okay, I see by others posts and MSDN that .HasChanges will only be true after moving off the row with the changed column. I have also noted lots of discussion about the advanced binding property of DataSourceUpdate Mode, but that does not address this issue.I guess I can do this by checking the state of the row for the binding source. Just seems odd that the event behind the dataset can be triggered and that does not change the dataset.HasChanges property.
I am creating a form which has the customer information entered by the user.When the user clicks submit the row need to be inserted into table "customer".writing the code to connect to the access database and insert the new row?
How to insert, search and delete a picture in and Microsoft access 2007? A picture that will be store in access is inserted in a form or a picture box. But it seems I have the wrong codes.. and when I click the insert button, it doesn't store in the access, and when I click the search button, nothing appear in the picture box.
Here's my code for insert. Dim konek As New OleDbConnection konek.ConnectionString = strConnection Dim sqlInsert As String = "" sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO Table1" _ & "(Picture )" _ [Code] .....
I am using UltraGrid for inserting data in table. The problem is that i need to do insert,update, delete with web service. I am getting dataSet from web service and display it into grid but when I do some changes on the grid for example insert or update data, I need also to send new dataSet to web service so that web service do update data.
Any tutorial and maybe a sample project that can be downloaded that shows how to update a database such as MS Access from DataAdapter commands in which changes are made in a DataGridView? For example, the DataAdapter contains 2 tables called FirstTable and the other table would be called SecondTable. The DataGridView is based on a query that shows rows from both tables. The actual table that contains the rows to be changed, inserted or deleted is FirstTable.
I want to create a sub that gets changes from my typed dataset and datatable. But it says mydatatable is not a public member of dataset. Passing in as objects.
Public Sub GetRateChanges(ByVal myDataSet, ByVal myDataTable) If myDataSet.HasChanges(DataRowState.Modified Or DataRowState.Added) Then ' Create DataSet variable. Dim xDataSet As DataSet
Another question. . I pull this infor from a view via tableadapter and it comes from several different tables.. How could I save my changes and insert the new records to the appropriate tables>?
I have a dataset (WW1Dataset) with one data table(WW1).(database used in an access database) I'm trying to filter the dataset e.g a user wants to filter by a chosen surname (SurnameTextBox.text) so the datset is filtered to display only those records wherethe surname column in the dataset matches SurnameTextBox.text.
fill a NEW DataSet's DataTable with data from a DataGridView? I am generating a data report that uses that "new DataSet." I need to go from a DataGridView to a DataSet because i need the person to be able to perhaps edit the information before its inserted into the report. my process to generate the report is...
- fill datagridview with advanced join sql - allow user to edit datagrid if necessary - put datagrids modified information in new dataset - set report's databinding source to new dataset - generate report...
I have connected my sql db with vb and I m trying to make a UI. My question is that when I write code in order to create datatables and I fill them with the results of queries I've created, where do these datatables belong? I'm wondering if I have to define a new dataset or do they belong to the existed dataset which is created by the dataset configuration wizard??
I have a datagridview bounded to a bindingsource (that is, in turn, bounded to a dataset that is the data origin of the project) and a bindingnavigator to a Access table, all of this done with the visual designer of Visual Basic .net 2005. I want to print in a crystal report the rows shown in the datagridview after filtered using the .filter property of the datagridview. But, to achieve this, I need to get the filtered rows in a dataset, and I havenīt got this in any way. If I pass to the crystal report the main dataset origin of the project, it will print all the rows, not only the filtered rows. I would have figured out that there would be a .getfilteredrows or something like that in the bindingsource object, but there isnīt. I managed to get this manually, through a loop, but I canīt believe it is the solution experts use.
I'm using 2005 and sql server 2000 i'm fetching the data into datagridview, but datagridview has several datasource depending on the "select case " Now can i export the data from datagridview without referring to dataset/datatable?
How to Insert, Delete and Update Data in a Datagridview using MySql as the database? There is a textboxes and button that adds data in the database and i want it to be refresh the datagridview.
I'm creating a project using Microsoft Access 2007 & Visual Basic 2008.I have two tables in my database, Staff and Training Attended. The Training Attended records of Staff are displayed in datagridview, residing in a different form from the Staff detailsWhat my program does is, it will display all of the Staff's list of Training Attended in datagridview once I click the button in Staff form. I've succeeded in retrieving the records. using bindingsource.filterThe problem is that I can't insert/update/delete records in the Training Attended datagridview. it keep giving me this error: Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows.
I am having Syntax Error problem with the Insert and Update statement on using VB and Access that is having an AutoNumber that works also as Primary Key, the below is my code for it. I can do the insert if there is no Auto Number but if it does have, my code is not working. For my delete, when i RUN the below code, it wipes out all my my data inside my
Update Dim strsql2 As String = ("update visa_block set(@utilized, @balance) where @id")
currently i am working on a project in which i am using datagridview control. if I enter key value in cell than remaining data of that particular row fetch automatically from data base. how? how to delete as row in datagridview? how to update a row in datagridview?
I have an excel worksheet that has 20 columns of data, and thousands of rows. My goal is to take every row, and every column and insert it into a dataset.Which I have successfully done here:
'exporting the data from the excel workbook into a dataset Public Sub Export_From_Excel() Dim objApp As Excel.Application
I have created a gridview to allow users to type two fields in each row after that I added the user data into a DataTable now I want to insert this DataTable content into the database where each row will have 1 uniqe Id in the database without using loop.If it is not possible without a loop please show me how to do this with the loop Again I already have the DataTable filled up and it is ready to be inserted into the database?