Updating Checkboxes - Get Them To All Display Without Having To Click On Tabpage2 First?

May 20, 2011

I have a program that has checkboxes on tabpage1 and tabpage2. On the form is a StatusStrip1 with labels that have images. All labels are initially hidden.As I navigate the database, I want the the checkboxes that are checked to make their respective StatusStripLabel visible. I have tried to do this using the checkbox_changed like so:

If Pregnancy.Checked = True Then
PregnancyStatusLabel.Visible = True

This works well for the checkboxes on the first tabpage but I have to click on tabpage2 before those checkboxes will display their StatusStripLables.How can I get them to all display without having to click on tabpage2 first?

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Datagridview - Automatically Open The Tabpage2 When Click On A Specific Row In The Tabpage1

Jun 22, 2009

I have 4 tab pages on a form. and on each tab page a datagridview witch is connected to a specific table from a database located in Microsoft sql server 2005. I am wondering if it's posible to automatically open the tabpage2 when I click on a specific row in the tabpage1..

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Wpf - Checkboxes Not Updating As Expected?

Jun 18, 2009

I have a listbox bound to a list of business objects. The items in the listbox are formatted using an itemtemplate. The itemtemplate includes a checkbox bound to a boolean property of the business object. When I spin up the app, the bool prop on the object in the list is changed when I click the checkbox. so far, so good.

The dialog has "select all" and "clear all" buttons. When I click on of these buttons, the properties on the objects are changed but the checkbox does not update.

The code in the select all click event is. . .

For Each x As BusObj In _BusObjList
x.BlockIsInserted = True

I can step through the code and watch the object properties change but the checkbox does not update.

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Count The Total No. Of Asp.net Checkboxes, Checkboxes Checked, No. Of Checkboxes Remain Unchecked In Webform Using .net?

Dec 9, 2010

How to count the total no. of asp.net checkboxes, checkboxes checked, no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform using vb.net ?I m using Visual studio 2008 with vb as a language ..I my webform i have 10 checkboxes...i wanna count total no. of checkboxes in webform in textboxes1 total no. of checkboxes checked in webform in textbox2 total no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform in textbox3?

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Asp.net - Check And Uncheck All Checkboxes On Button Click?

Mar 20, 2011

I have 5 checkboxes in my webform.

i have button1 whose text is select all ....

i want when button1 text is select all then i clcik on button then all the checkboxes will be checked and button1 text will be unselect all .... if the button text is unselect all then all the checkboxes will be unchecked ..

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Cell Click - Work With A Datagridview And Checkboxes

Jul 12, 2010

I am working with a datagridview and checkboxes. Ok, I have the following code which runs without any errors but doesnt give the required results.

1) My problem is that, when I uncheck the checkbox in Cell 2, I want Cell 9 and Cell 6 to be empty.

2) When I uncheck the checkbox in Cell 2 and click any other Cell in the datagridview and check again checkbox in Cell 2 - it DELETES the data in Cell 9 & 6.

Now, when I check again the checkbox in Cell 2, Data is not populated in Cell 9 & 6 regardless how many times I try....


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Show Validation On Button Click Event When Have 200 Checkboxes?

Jan 28, 2011

How to show asp.net validation on button click event if i have 200 checkboxes and some of the checkboxes would be disabled and some are unchecked ... if user doesn't check any of the checkbox then asp.net validation control will display and user will be stay at the same page until they check any of the unchecked checkbox ..

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VS 2008 : Check All Checkboxes In Datagridviewcheckboxcolumn On Click Of A Button?

Jan 10, 2010

i have added 5 datagridviewcheckboxcolumns to my datagridview programmatically. say i have 20 rows, that equals 100 checkboxes. how can I set each one to checked when I click a button.also i have a comboboxcolumn and only if an item is selected in the combobox for a row, then the rows checkboxes must get ticked.

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Listview Display Of Column Having Checkboxes?

Jan 12, 2010

I am using VB express 2008 with MSAccess as Database. I have a table DailyExpenses in MsAccess with four columns of which one is ColumnPaid having checkboxes. I used following query to display records of DailyExpenses in Listview: Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select * FROM DailyExpenses ", con)

It is working fine but it displays False in the column PAID in Listview instead of checkboxes. How i can display checkboxes in Listview?

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JavaScript - How To Check All CheckBoxes On Single Button Click Event

Apr 3, 2011

How to check all asp.net checkboxes on single asp.net button click event. If I have 45 checkboxes inside panel1 I want on button click event all the checkboxes will be checked and on another button click event all checkboxes will be unchecked... How to do it using jquery, javascript or vb.net ?

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TreeView With Checkboxes, Double Click Only Fires After Chack Event Once?

Dec 10, 2008

I have a tree view with checkboxes. When a user checks an item in the tree, all items below it in the tree should be checked automatically to match the parent. The same is true is a user unchecks an item. That's been reasonably easy to implement using the after check event:-

Private Sub tvwUserGroups_AfterCheck(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs) Handles tvwUserGroups.AfterCheck
If Not m_Isloading _


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VS 2008 - Get DataGridViews Entire Column To Become Disabled And Won't Let The User Click On The Checkboxes

Aug 23, 2011

I have a dgv with a column type = DataGridViewAutoFilterCheckBoxColumn. I want to know if there's a way to I can get that entire column to become disabled (or Enabled = False) so it won't let the user click on the checkboxes. I tried looking in the "Bound Column Properties" but there isn't an option to disable the entire column.

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Display The Data In A DataGridView Column As CheckBoxes Later In Application?

Nov 27, 2009

I have to implement a column (TransactionCompleted) which will only hold two states Yes/No. I am using SQL Express and wonder which would be the best DataType to go for that column, if I prefer to display the data in a DataGridView column as CheckBoxes later in my application?

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Make VB2010 Display A Message Box When Both Checkboxes Are Selected?

Apr 25, 2011

What I want to do, is to make VB2010 display a Message Box when both checkboxes are selected. I need this bit of code for a larger project, which about 20-30 people are waiting on me for.

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WinForms - Insert CheckBoxes In DGV To Display Data Into Textbox

Jul 10, 2009

I am working on a project. Part of my project requires me deal with datagridview in windows form. I used 'Choose Data Source' wizard to display data from Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and into the datagridview. In my windows form, I have a datagridview with the columns - Email , CustomerNam e and Select. I also have a Add Contact button.

I have 2 questions which is:-
1) How do I insert checkboxes in the Select column
2) Upon inserting checkboxes in the Select column how do I display the rows, that I have selected using checkboxes in the Select column, to display into the textbox in another windows form?

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VS 2008 - Display Hierarchical Structure With CheckBoxes For Each File / Directory

Jun 24, 2010

How to display a hierarchical file structure with checkboxes for each file and directory. The end result should be something like:
+[] ROOT+[] dir1[]file 1[]file 2+[] dir2[]file 3[]file 4
How I might do something like this? The intention is to take in a full list of files and be able to pair it down to a custom list.

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Hide TabPage2 In TabControl1?

Dec 7, 2011

Is that possible to Hide TabPage2 in TabControl1?

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DataGridView Row Headings Disappear On Tabpage2?

Feb 16, 2010

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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VS 2008 Click Once Not Updating?

Dec 2, 2009

I have a windows app that I have published to a file server. Users are able to install the app from this location but when I publish updates to the same location (new version), they are not able to get the updates. I have it setup to check for updates before starting. On my computer (development) I can install the app from the file server and receive the updates.

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VS 2010 Subroutine That Switches Focus To Textbox When TabPage2 Is Selected

Feb 3, 2012

I currently have a subroutine that switches focus to a textbox when TabPage2 is selected. This works fine. [code] However, this doesn't prevent the Textbox from losing focus when TabPage2 is clicked on even though it's the active tab.I have a single button on that tab that disables the textbox if clicked using this: [code] Apart from that button being clickable, I would like the textbox to never lose focus as long as TabPage2 is the active tab.

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AddHandler Button Click Event Not Updating Form Controls?

Jan 8, 2011

I have a module that handles adding controls and populating values on a form. One of the controls is a button (there can be many) which acts as a lookup. For some reason, when I click the Button, it winds up in the btnLookup_Click event and displays the various messages, but it does not update the label (labLookup) text on the form. Am I missing something?


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Updating A Query - Display The Information In A List Box And In Indivual Labels

Mar 23, 2009

what i'm working on is, i have VB with a loaded Access DB, and i'm using a query to display the information, in a list box and in indivual labels. i have it so it will allow new entries to be made, however i can't figure out the exact code to get it to update to the program the only code i currently am able to show is this since everything is basically being done through access


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VS 2008 Grab Question From SQL Then Array Then Display, Updating Values?

Jul 28, 2010

(The following code cant work , it just wont update.. my bar default max is 80 and its still shooting over 80, its not dividing)

Sub displayprogress(ByVal amount As Integer, ByVal progress As ProgressBar)
progress.Value = 0
For i As Integer = 1 To amount


i did try replace the question with SQLLquestion(0) but the result given was 0 and not the question from database i tried calling function sqlquestion() from one of the form but it just cant work i think tis wrong...

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Stop Updating The User Display Of A Control (rich Text Box) Temporarily?

Nov 15, 2011

Can I stop updating the user display of a control (rich text box) temporarily? I want it to process what I tell but not change how it looks for just a small piece of code.

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TabControl - Set Tabpages - Go From Tabpage1 To Tabpage2 That All Data On Tabpage1 Gets Reseted

Jun 11, 2009

I have 2 questions.

1- Let's I have a form with a TabControle and 2 tabpages, is it possible to set the tabpages so that if i go from tabpage1 to tabpage2 that all data on tabpage1 gets reseted. The same thing if I go from tabpage2 to tabpage1 that tabpage2 is reseted. Also if I press on tabpage1 or 2 that the form changes to a certain height.

2- On the same form I created a button to open a new form. This new form is a notepad look a like. What I want is that the moment I open the second form that al the input from form one is showed on form 2. So that I can save it or print it.

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Context Menu Will Not Display On The First Click?

Sep 4, 2009

I have a flowlayoutpanel populated with custom thumbnail controls. I have code set to display a context menu on the thumbnail controls and the panel. Once a page is displayed, I have to right click on a control twice before the menu will be displayed. I have debugged and followed code execution all the way down the line. There seems to be no difference in code execution on the first click which does not display a context menu, and the second click which does. After a context menu is displayed, everything is normal. All thumbnails will display context menus as they should. But...not the panel....I have to do the same to the panel, then it is fine.

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Display Record When Listview Click?

Jun 21, 2010

"Invalid attempt to call metadata when reader is closed".

Public Sub DisplayCust(ByVal lv As ListView)
If cnSQL.State = ConnectionState.Open Then cnSQL.Close()
cmd = cnSQL.CreateCommand


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Asp.net - Select Which Right-Click Menu Items To Display In IE?

May 28, 2010

I'd like to disable the 'Refresh' option in the right-click menu for internet explorer. Our application uses Javascript, ASP.Net and VB, but I'm sure it'll need to be done through Javascript.

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Click A ComboBox Entry And Display Description?

Feb 12, 2011

I'm not sure how to do it, I keep on getting the wrong output.My required solution is to click a name from the combo box and display bits of information.How would I loop it so if one entry is smaller than the previous, it doesn't affect it?

Dim filename As String = "subject.txt" 'Declare where the text file is'
Dim objRead As New System.IO.StreamReader(filename) 'Make objRead read the text file'
Dim array() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filename) 'Make array a string'


Now I know this is definitely wrong, but this is only part of the program.

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Click A ComboBox Entry And Display Discription?

May 19, 2011

Well I'm not sure how to do it, I keep on getting the wrong output.My required solution is to click a name from the combo box and display bits of information.How would I loop it so if one entry is smaller than the previous, it doesn't affect it?

Dim filename As String = "subject.txt" 'Declare where the text file is'
Dim objRead As New System.IO.StreamReader(filename) 'Make objRead read the text file'
Dim array() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filename) 'Make array a string'


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