Use A Combobox With A TXT File?

Mar 28, 2012

I need to display a list of proxies from a txt file in a combobox to select a proxy. How can I do this?

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IDE :: TXT File In Combobox?

Feb 22, 2011

I have Text File of say 200 lines. In that, some headings with special tagging,are present.

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Can't Get Each Line From File To Combobox

Mar 25, 2011

I can't get each line from file to combobox


Dim ads As New System.IO.StreamReader("screens.dll")
Do While ComboBox1.Items.Add(ads.ReadLine)
for example screens.dll content is



and I want to get this into combobox..

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Combobox Do Not Re-bind To New File?

Oct 22, 2011

I hae a program that opens and reads a textfile database and have several comboboxes with a string of items and the selectedindex is returedn from database

Me.subj_pool_txt.DataBindings.Add("SelectedIndex", Me.BindingSource7, Form10.pool_txt.Text)
Upon opening a new file I run this code to clear exisitng databindings and reset text

For Each ctrl As Control In Me.GroupBox1.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then
CType(ctrl, TextBox).DataBindings.Clear()[code]....

My problem is my combobox do not re-bind to new file.They bind fine upon initial instance however

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Get File Name Alone In Combobox, Rather Than Whole Path?

Apr 6, 2009

I have a code which gets the names and paths of of Directories in a folder, how do I get the name only? So my code will add this to my Listbox:

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How To Populate ComboBox From INI File

Jan 12, 2010

I can understand since .ini files are pretty outdated, but I'll explain. I have a combo box, and inside the combobox I want it to display the names in a section of the .ini file. So say my .ini file contains the following:

Name = Billy
Lastname = Bob

Inside the combobox I wan't it to display the items "Name ", and "Lastname " only, not the section or the values.

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Pass File To ComboBox?

Sep 1, 2009

I am new to VB environment. I am using Visual Studio 2005.


I am thinking of creating EXCEL File, in which I will put all the names in 1 column and call that excel File, when "dropdown" of combo box is clicked.

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Passing File To ComboBox?

Sep 1, 2009

I am new to VB environment. I am using Visual Studio 2005.In certain code, I need to add 4000 elements to the ComboBox list.

Using the command
seems ridiculous.

I am thinking of creating EXCEL File, in which I will put all the names in 1 column and call that excel File, when "dropdown" of combo box is clicked. how this will happen?? code related to this? or if this issue has already been discussed then plz give me the link for the same If this is not good idea like putting 4000 elements, then can there be any other solution?

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Populate A Combobox With Txt File?

Feb 26, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic 2010 and i need to populate 1 combobox with a txt file.

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Combobox Populated From Text File?

Apr 6, 2012

I'm trying to get a combobox to be automatically filled from a text file and have it editable by the user.

So far, when the program is running I can add new items and they appear in the text file and combobox but when I restart the program the combobox list is empty even though the text file has stuff in it.

Dim w As New IO.StreamWriter("z:url.list.txt")
Dim linecounter As Integer
For linecounter = 0 To ComboBox1.Items.Count - 1


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ComboBox Update When New File Create?

Dec 5, 2009

My Text Folder is "C: ext"If I m Past Any Text file in This Folder Then My ComboBox Update its Name I want only textfileDont Scared With My Silly Example.?

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Fill A Combobox With Data From A Xml File?

Sep 25, 2009

I am trying to fill a combobox with data from an xml file. I have it setup on form load to call a loadXMLdata function. In the loadXMLdata function it reads the xml file. I would like to know how I would return each of the elements to populate the combobox. I have mostly done php work and in php i could do an array like this: array[book] = "VB.Net Programming". Is there a way to do something like this with an array such as xmlData("Server 1") = ""



I know there are some things missing in my code like setting the counter integer.

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Load A Database File In Combobox

Jun 15, 2010

how to load a file in combobox?how to add, remove and search contents in this file? n how to use filters?

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Open A File Into A Rtb From Selection From Combobox?

Sep 18, 2010

I cannot seem to load the saved .rtf document into the richtextbox when i click on that file in a combobox. I checked msdn and tried what it suggested, but got no results.

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Read A Text File Into A Combobox?

Jul 25, 2011

I am trying to read a text file into a combobox but for some reason it just wont load:

Dim path As String = "C:UsersLukeDocumentsWhispaServerFiles est.txt"
Dim StringArrayOfBuyers() As String = File.ReadAllLines(path)
Dim clientArray(StringArrayOfBuyers.Length - 1)() As String


So the code is loading the text file fine, it just wont display the first split in the Combobox

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Reading A File Into A Combobox And A Listbox?

Aug 4, 2009

1, Mulroney, Brian, 4000, 3, 259.2500, 300.00, 1265.7500, 75, 20002, Schreiber, KarlHeinz,8000, 1, 2227.0000, 2400.00, 10873.0000, 300, 160003, Clark, Glen, 4500, 0,12.3750, 337.50, 1525.1250, 75, 22504, Harper, Steven G., 20000, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0so what I want to do is I wanna insert the four last names in the combobox when reading the file and displaythe data regarding each name in the listbox. so when you click on each last name in the ombobox, you can display the corresponding info for it in the list my problem is1)I can only read one of the lines in the file(only for one last name). and therefore only one last name appears in the do I read and insert the other three lines at the same time?

Private Sub mnuFileOpen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuFileOpen.Click
Dim FromFile As String 'To name any file that is to be opened


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VS 2010 Display File Name In Combobox?

May 14, 2012

I was hoping someone could help me please, how do you list all files in a directory in a combobox?

The following works to display all folders.

cbolist.Items.AddRange((From folder In New IO.DirectoryInfo("Path").GetDirectories Select (folder.Name)).ToArray)I have tried the following but it fails

cbolist.Items.AddRange((From folder In New IO.DirectoryInfo("Path").GetDirectories Select (file.Name)).ToArray)

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.net - Read A Square Root From Txt File On Combobox?

Mar 2, 2012

I'm using VB 2010 and I'm trying to populate a combobox with a name followed by a square root, but all that I was able to obtain is a name followed by an image of a triangle with a question mark at the center. I've tried to change the font but without result.

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Combobox The Field Names From A Dbase File?

Jan 31, 2011

i want to input into my combobox the field names from a dbase file. this is the code i have so far:

Dim table As DataTable
Dim restrictions() As String = {Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, "COLUMN"}
Using connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data


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Loading Xml File Into DataGridView With Combobox Cells?

Mar 25, 2010

i have been hunting the web for a solution or example to my problem which is loading and xml file into DataGridView with combobox for the cells and then loading the comboxes with data that the user can choose from to change the cell value to and output an updated xml file. Below is my code with the column creation commented out for now, with this code the 7 columns are added with comboboxes to the datagrid but when I read in the xml file its adds the data to another 7 columns on the end and not into the columns I have created first.


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Populate Combobox With List On Text File?

Jun 16, 2011

I got a problem how can i populate the combo box with a list on text file separated by comma. ex: in text file "aaa,1". i want to put the aaa in combobox when selected in aaa in combo box the 1 will go to textbox1.text is this possible?

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Reading File Names And Filling A ComboBox?

Sep 15, 2011

I tried the code below but unfortunately, all i get is a combobox with U,s,e,r,s, as each line in the items collection and not the filenames of the relevant files.

the DirGetPath("Users") Function below returns my default document and application paths and appends "Users" to the end as the relevant files are stored in that Folder.

All I get is a combo box with the items as U, s,e,r,s (i.e. Users spelled out).

I tried all of the following as alternative methods too:



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UserForm Open Excel File Via ComboBox

Mar 17, 2009

How to use a vba userform to input a number to the excel file and get another number from that excel file back to the userform?!! (such as input value to A1 and collect C1 back to userform). Beside is that possible to open another excel file via ComboBox and input the number (C1) to that particular excel file...

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VS 2008 Loading Text From File To Combobox?

May 15, 2009

how to do this, but I'm ignorant so I forgot, how to load lined text from a .txt file into a combobox?

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VS 2010 - Read Fields From File In Combobox?

May 14, 2012

In my combobox I have a list of sub folders (so all folders in my Jobs folder), each sub folder has a text file called summary.txt - would it be possible to display fields from the summary.txt in various textboxes if a folder is selected from the combobox? I use the following coding to display folder list in my combobox


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VS2010 Populate ComboBox From Text File?

Mar 31, 2012

I have created a simple conversion program, I have two comboBoxes that are populated by a text file called 'data.txt'. It all works perfectly apart from when i have the squared units in it, instead of getting the '�' symbol that is in the text file, i get a diamond shape with a question mark inside.

I would think that you must have to put some sort of code before the squared symbol in the text file, but I cannot figure it out.

Public Sub DataLoad(ByVal Switch As String)
Dim tfLines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("data.txt") ' File to load.
For Each line As String In tfLines ' Load and read all lines in file.


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VS 2008 - Read Text File - When Click Button Add Text From Combobox Is Added To Text File

Jan 4, 2010

I have one combobox, two buttons (Add and View) and listbox. When I click button Add text from combobox is added to text file. This is code for Add button:


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ComboBox Display On Screen And Saving Content To File

Apr 26, 2010

What I am attempting to do is make a form for a tire shop. I want to put comboboxes on the left side of the form that the employees make choices from. I then want to put some kind of a table or grid looking thing on the right side of the form that will display their choices so that everyone in the shop can look at it see that "John is on bay 5 until 3:00pm". At the end of the day I want all of the combobox choices to save to a file..I dont really need the table or the grid thing to save..just the choices. If I want to do this, do I need to use that gridview tool? or can I make my own table thing to display the choices in.

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Load Items Into Combobox From File Names In A Specified Directory?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm new to and i wanted to find out how i could load the names of files(in a specified dir) into a combobox?

1. get the number of files in specified dir

2. add names of files as items in combobox (using a loop structure)

3. when an item is selected. display the contents in a textbox[code]...

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Make DataSet Read From Xml File To Add Values To ComboBox?

Jun 20, 2012

wanted to create a chat loader, and i wanted it to read values from a xml table.

This is the code i have used in Vb.

ChatXml.ReadXmlSchema(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "/../Release/chat.xml")
ChatXml.ReadXml(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "/../Release/chat.xml")
ComboBox1.DataSource = ChatXml.Tables


Complex DataBinding accepts as a data source either an IList or an IListSource.
enter code here

Not sure, but tried to add data to the Tables in DataSet, but seems i can't get it to work.

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