VS 2010 Display File Name In Combobox?

May 14, 2012

I was hoping someone could help me please, how do you list all files in a directory in a combobox?

The following works to display all folders.

cbolist.Items.AddRange((From folder In New IO.DirectoryInfo("Path").GetDirectories Select (folder.Name)).ToArray)I have tried the following but it fails

cbolist.Items.AddRange((From folder In New IO.DirectoryInfo("Path").GetDirectories Select (file.Name)).ToArray)

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VS 2010 Need To Display Column To Combobox?

May 6, 2012

I need to display column from

table : some


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VS 2010 Get UNIX Directory And Display In A Combobox?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a two ComboBoxes. ComboBox #1 displays...

Directory 1
Directory 2
Directory 3

Whenever I pick any from Directory 1, Directory 2, or Directory 3, I will display all sub-directories of that chosen Directory onto ComboBox #2. If I choose Directory 1, I will populate ComboBox #2 with all the subdirectories of Directory 1, and so on.


I hoped that I did explain that properly. Let me know if I need to clarify something up. Oh and let me stress it again, I'm trying to get the directory structure from a UNIX-based system and I'm trying to display it in VB (windows-based).

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VS 2010 Web Browser Display Current Web Page Url In Text Box Or Combobox?

Aug 19, 2011

Web browser question from stupid newb: How do you make the url of your current web page show up in the navigation combobox or textbox?The actual problem is when I go to a web page and click an internal link or use the back or forward button it only shows whatever the last webpage I keyed in and not the actual page I'm on.


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VS 2010 Web Browser Display Current Webpage Url In Text Box Or Combobox?

May 17, 2011

The actual problem is when I go to a web page and click an internal link or use the back or forward button it only shows whatever the last webpage I keyed in and not the actual page I'm on.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Panel1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)


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ComboBox Display On Screen And Saving Content To File

Apr 26, 2010

What I am attempting to do is make a form for a tire shop. I want to put comboboxes on the left side of the form that the employees make choices from. I then want to put some kind of a table or grid looking thing on the right side of the form that will display their choices so that everyone in the shop can look at it see that "John is on bay 5 until 3:00pm". At the end of the day I want all of the combobox choices to save to a file..I dont really need the table or the grid thing to save..just the choices. If I want to do this, do I need to use that gridview tool? or can I make my own table thing to display the choices in.

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VS 2008 : Display Information From A Text File After Making A ComboBox Selection?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a program that needs to display a playlist of songs, for a band performing someplace, from a .txt file. The songs in the file are listed as follows:

All You Need is Love-Beatles


The first line is the song's title and group name. The second is the songs genre. The third line is the songs length, 4.25 is 4 minutes and 25 seconds.upon clicking a button, I need to display a playlist from this .txt file based on the number of minutes the band has to play, minutes entered into a TextBox, and the songs genre, selected from a ComboBox. The songs cannot repeat and must be random.I have already coded the program to read the .txt file but have not clue where to start with the rest.

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VS 2010 Combobox Default Value - Display The Name Of The Person Who Is Doing The Selection As The Default?

Nov 25, 2011

I have a combobox which contains a sample of names selected from a table.Currently the default name displayed in the box is the 1st name found in the table. What I would like to do is display the name of the person who is doing the selection as the default. The name is stored in a public variable 'PubName' and I do not want the user to be able to type into the combobox themselves.Is this possible?

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VS 2010 - Read Fields From File In Combobox?

May 14, 2012

In my combobox I have a list of sub folders (so all folders in my Jobs folder), each sub folder has a text file called summary.txt - would it be possible to display fields from the summary.txt in various textboxes if a folder is selected from the combobox? I use the following coding to display folder list in my combobox


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Showing Items From A Txt File Inside A Combobox In Vb 2010?

Jul 22, 2011

I am having a bit of trouble showing content in my comboBox as i type.The idea is to: As the user is typing into a combo box, say the user types the letter L. would like for all the words in the dictionary.txt beggining withto be shown in the combo box.

View 7 Replies

VS 2010 - Populating ComboBox With Lines From Sequential File

Aug 20, 2011

I'm working on a new version of something I had created years ago in VB6. What I was doing then is populating a combobox with lines from a sequential file ("title","URL") like this:
Open "data.dat" For Input As #1
Do While Not (EOF(1))
Input #1, NameInput, URLInput
cmbEntry.AddItem NameInput

And then checking against it on a button click to load the URL associated with the selected name:
Open "data.dat" For Input As #2
Do While (cmbEntry.Text <> NameInput) And (Not (EOF(2)))
Input #2, NameInput, URLInput
[Code] .....

What I'm trying to do in Visual Basic 2010 is the same process, though I'll be including a third field ("category","title","URL") to determine which one of four different comboboxes I add the entry to. I know I need to use streamreader, but I'm not finding much in the way of documentation or examples on how to do what I'm trying to do, which is:
- Populate one of four comboboxes with the second value in each line of an external text file, based on the first value in that line
- Set a string to the third value in a line of an external text file, based on the second value of that line
How to read these values from the file.

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VS 2010 ComboBox - Show A Number In The File I Am Making?

Jun 29, 2010

I am trying to convert watever is in the ComboBox to a number. So say I select "Grey" in the ComboBox I want it to show a number in the file i am making. My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(TextBox_ChooseFolder.Text & "" & TextBox_ItemID.Text & "-" & TextBox_ItemName.Text & ".sql",<ComboBox Number Here>, True)

I have tried

My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(TextBox_ChooseFolder.Text & "" & TextBox_ItemID.Text & "-" & TextBox_ItemName.Text & ".sql",If ComboBox1.Select = "Grey" Then "0" ElseIf ComboBox1.Select = "White" Then "1" ElseIf ComboBox1.Select = "Cream" Then "2" End If,True) ...I am new to Visual Studio!

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VS 2010 Load Data From File (txt) In Listbox And Combobox?

Dec 19, 2011

I want to load data from a txt in a combobox and a listbox. The txt is composed as follows:



In the combobox I want to load 'NAME " And in the listbox I want to load "ID"

View 11 Replies

VS 2010 - List Of File Names From Selected Directory In ComboBox

Apr 10, 2012

I am trying to populate a combobox with a list of filenames from a selected directory. I am getting the directory OK but the combobox instead of having a list of 8 files max shown when I select the combobox has a full list of all the files selected from that directory.

Private Sub BrowseButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles BrowseButton.Click
If FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
TextBox1.Text = FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath
End If

View 8 Replies

VS 2010 Load Data From A Text File Into A Listbox And A Combobox?

Jan 24, 2012

I have a text file in which there is a list which is composed as follows:

3236, Alberto
5894, Peter
7894: Alonso

and so on ...

What I want is loaded into a listbox the numbers to the first semicolon and load the combobox names.

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VS 2010 - Display Data From CSV File To DataGrid

Aug 20, 2010

I like to make a data grid that get data from a .csv and display on the table (note all the data is separated by ",") but I have no idea how to do this.

GRW,1001,LGAV,LGTS,"NEVRA Z507 OSMOS",SX-GRI,240,161,00:00," 00:00"," 1.05"," Flight Level:240"," 80"," P"," 0123456"," 1"
GRW,1002,LGTS,LGAV,"LEKPO UB1 ABLON",SX-GRI,250,161,00:00," 00:00"," 1.05"," Flight Level:250"," 80"," P"," 0123456"," 1"
GRW,1003,LGAV,LGRP,"VARIX UL995 ASIMI",SX-GRI,270,218,00:00," 00:00"," 1.2"," Flight Level:270"," 100"," P"," 0123456"," 1"
GRW,1004,LGRP,LGAV,"ASIMI UL995 VARIX",SX-GRI,280,218,00:00," 00:00"," 1.2"," Flight Level:280"," 100"," P"," 0123456"," 1"
GRW,1005,LGAV,LGKR,"PIKAD L53 KRK",SX-GRE,240,213,00:00," 00:00"," 1.15"," Flight Level:240"," 80"," P"," 0123456"," 1"

View 10 Replies

VS 2010 Display In A Textbox Value From A Binary File?

Apr 22, 2011

I would like to display in a textbox value from a binary file.I am using this method but when I get a value greater than 90 does not display correctly.


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VS 2010 Opening A File To Display Text?

Feb 9, 2012

I am new to opening files and using "StreamReader", when I try to open up a file it displays all of the numbers as 0 instead of what they are, and I am not sure where my mistake is.Also I am pretty sure I did not do saving right either..Imports System.IO

Public Class ClassAverage
Dim fileWriter As StreamWriter ' writes data to a text file
Dim FileName As String ' name of file to save data


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Display The Text From Combobox Into The Textbox And Clear The Combobox Text When Click On The Button?

Feb 7, 2009

i wan to display the text from combobox into the textbox and clear the combobox text when click on the button.But when i select another text from the combobox and click the button, the textbox display and overwrite the previous text.How can i do so that when click, textbox display text from combobox and clear combobox text. Then click again, display the new text at 2nd line of the textbox without deleting the previous text?

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VS 2010 Text File Search - Display The Question Number

Dec 30, 2010

I'm new to Visual Basic.net, I've had some experience with ye old visual basic however. I'm wanting to make a quiz app that reads the contents of a text file, with about 500 multi-choice questions in it. It is in the following format QUESTION NO: 1 This is the question, what is the answer?

A. This Answer
B. Or this Answer
C. Maybe this Answer
D. Or this Answer
Answer: D

QUESTION NO: 2 and so on. I would like it to display the question number in say...a textbox, along with the question and the multi-choice. And then depending on user input, says correct or incorrect.

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Pick Random Word From .txt File And Display In TextBox (VB Express 2010)

Jan 15, 2012

I need to have two pieces of software, made in vb where one encrypts the contents of a .txt file, and the other decrypts it, and then picks one word at random and displays it each time a button is pressed, but never displays the same word. Or, if there was a way to hard code it into the program as there is only 5 words that would be better.

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Display Combobox In Textbox?

May 3, 2012

I have some coding which reads a text file and shows certain columns in a combobox.[code]...

What I would like to do is just show column 1 in textbox1[code]...

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Display Records In Combobox?

Jul 5, 2011

I know how to display a records to my combobox from my database but right now I am ran out of idea on how I will display a teacher who has a teaching load in elementary and high school.. I have DEPT field which I has either ELEM or HS. What would be the best thing to solve this kind of problem?

I have two option buttons labeled "HS" and "ELEM". I would like that if any of the option button is selected the name of the teachers who are handling elementary ang highschool will appear in the combobox.

On formload I checked the value of the option button and assign either "HS" or "ELEM" like [code]...

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Display Tow Image From One Combobox?

Oct 15, 2010

I have one combobox and 2 picture box in my form. The idea is that, when combobox selects "1202", the picture box 1 should show the photo from the resources with name "1202" or "1202.jpg" and the picture box 2 should show the photo from resources with name "NK1202" Here is the code I have to desplay photo in picture box1[code]...

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How To Display Result In ComboBox

Apr 16, 2009

I have completed this code, but I cant seem to get the answer into the combobox?

Dim mydatabase As String = DatabaseNameComboBox.Text
Dim TableNaming As String = TableNameComboBox.Text
Dim DatabaseConn As New OleDbConnection
Dim DatabaseConnString As New OleDbConnectionStringBuilder
Dim strSQL As String = "Select * from " & TableNaming & ""
[Code] .....

This last line, just adds the select * from statement, but I want the column names?

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Populate A Combobox Display?

May 24, 2011

I want to have a combobox, but I have two fields from my Access table that I want to display in my Combobox. I want to show the entire row in the combobox. Do I need use an asterisk at the line for adding items to the combobox? [code]...

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VS 2008 ComboBox Display?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a drop-down ComboBox, where the values are a range of indexes, followed by a key value. So one line looks like:01 : 01010101010101010202020202020202

I have set the ComboBox up so that on the form, only "01 :" is displayed, but the DropDownWidth allows the entire string to be seen when the dropdown arrow is clicked.However, once that is done, I am left with "0202" (the last four characters) showing in the ComboBox, rather than "01 :" until the control loses focus. How can I force "01 :" to display?

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Placing Value Member Of A Combobox In The Display Member Of Another Combobox

Jan 14, 2012

I have been battling with this problem for months with virtually no success. I am using Visual Studio 2008 Professional. The database is Microsoft SQL 2005.

I have two combo boxes - both bound to database tables. These are: Combo box 1 is for "VAT" and is bound to the VAT table. This table has 3 columns configured as shown below:


The commented out code was my pathetic attempt to put the Value member of one combo box into the display of the other. This obviously does not work and my web browser, when using Google, is full of purple headers showing the sites that I have visited looking for an answer.

When I have this working, I want to use the feature in a datagridview which may make a difference to how the problem is approached.

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Display The Combobox Selected Value In Textbox In Wpf?

May 15, 2012

I am working on WPF application. I have a window which has "Combobox" and "Textboxes". Well,I want to display the selected combobox values in textbox. (Combo Box displays the concatenated string firstname+lastname+initials).But I have two text box for firstname & second name. I want to display only "firstname" in first text box and "last name" in second text box.I wrote the below code. IT displays the values but concatenated. IS there any way I can just display first name in first text box and last name in second text box.

FNSysEngnrTextBox.Text = SysEngnrCB.SelectedItem.ToString
LNSysEngnrTextBox.Text = SysEngnrCB.SelectedItem.ToString

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.net - Display Combobox Field In Label?

May 24, 2012

I have a combobox which reads a directory and displays the file names in the combobox. What I'm trying to do is when a value is selected in the combobox I wish to display this in a label.

I have tried the following

Label1.Text = Combobox1.SelectedValue

But it doesn't seem to work.

My coding to display value in the combobox

With Combobox1
.DisplayMember = "Name"
.ValueMember = "FullName"


I have the first snippet of coding in the Combobox1_SelectedIndexChanged event.

The "FullName" works with textbox1 when i select a value in the combobox but I want to display the "Name" in label1.text

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