Using Transparency With Panels AND Showing Controls?

Oct 11, 2010

I need transparent panels. I simply set that background color of controls to Transparent - this does not solve the problem, as the transparency simply shows the background color of the form, but does NOT show any controls placed on the form, which is the crux of my problem.Why? Because I'm trying to use this skinning example, which does the skin by creating a user control, and make the panels show the skin's background:[URL] It seems I'm going to have to override the panel and paint it's background manually, but I don't understand how it all works; I've created a new class and overridden the panel, but the painting stuff is way above my head.

In the form's class:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Panel1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)
'supposedly a trick to make a gradient background on the form


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Panels, Background Images And Transparency GUI?

Jan 2, 2011

Has anyone else had this problem in VB.Net (I'm using VS 2008)?Basically I have several panels in a form, and the form has one background image (a gradient) while the panels have a different background image for themselves. Now, when I place a couple of labels and a button in the panels, and set the background of the labels to transparent (so that the background image of the panel is shown as the background of the labels in question) while running the application the form and panels kind of "flash" (a very short and fast white flash, like from a camera) the whole window for a couple of seconds (continuously), after which they do several refreshes of their text and background.

The problem only happens in Vista and Windows 7, XP seems to be not affected. Is this fixable? I thought it may be a problem with my display drivers (as it's not happening in my XP installation), but I saw the same problem happen on a video review of my application at CNET, so I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong with the GUI?

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8 Bit GIF - Transparency / Forms And Controls

Apr 3, 2012

I have a 8 bit Gif, that is transparent, with controls sitting on top of it, all in a custom control. This part works fine. However, This control is a menu ring (appears around another control with a few options). The transparent part is over a Picbox, that is in a panel. The transparent part of the image seems to skip the picbox and go right through to the panel. I set the panel to a back color of RED. The custom control when its placed instead of showing the image in the pic box that it is on top of, it shows the RED panel I have made sure all my Z orders are right.

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Controls On Panels Gen At Run Time?

Apr 14, 2011

I am adding controls to form at run time.I am doing the following with no problem:


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Rotate And Add Transparency To Controls?

Jun 16, 2012

i know there is an option for the whole form to be transparent but each control?

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Serialization Of Panels Controls?

Sep 5, 2009

I am new at this. Im trying to serialize a panel and its contents in vb. The controls are added at runtime. I have tried adding to a arraylist but it didnt work

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Controls Flashes When Switching Panels?

Feb 15, 2010

I wrote an application using VB.Net 2008 (Not express edition) and in my main form I have several of it panecontrols and on these panels I have lots of other panels that contain controls.My problem is when I switch between the main (split panels) the controls are flicks(flashes) like they draw themselves for a second or two and after that the form is displayed as it should be

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How To Place ASP Custom Controls In Separate Tab Panels

Dec 23, 2011

I have a placeholder which gets populated with many custom controls, each custom control is a summary of a location containing various facts and interactions. When directly populating the placeholder with the controls they get added one under another down the page. I'm trying to find a way to place each custom control generated in a loop in its own tab (any sort of tab, ui etc) so that the user can select the summary they wish to view instead of having to scroll down the page to find it. (I'm using ASP.NET and VB.NET)

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VS 2008 Enumerated Controls An Array Of Panels?

Aug 13, 2009

I'm working on an menu program right now which has 20 panels used to display bmps that can be clicked on to select things. These panels are simply named something like pnl01, pnl02, etc. to pnl20. I'd like to make them into an array, like pnl(0) through pnl(19), so i can change the bmp on different panels like this:

x = 7
pnl(x).backgroundimage = image.fromfile(file)

i thought this had something to do with enumerated controls but after some searching i couldn't figure out if i was looking for the right thing.

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Forms :: Looping Through Controls - Design Can't Be In Separate Panels

Oct 21, 2009

I am familer with looping thru controls like so:


Next I have some labels on another form, that due to the design can't be in seperate panels. They are (lblChipColor1 - 6) and (lblChipValue1 - 7). I am trying to populate the color ones from the Array above. I can obviously loop thru the array, but I can't find a decent way to loop thru just the lblChipColorx lables ignoring the lblChipValue1x labels. It would be easy if they were on seperate panels. I tried adding the labels names to an array of type string and of type label, but got nowhere with that. Is there another way to group them, or build const array of label names, that I can work with?

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Workaround For Lack Of True Transparency In Labels And Other Controls

May 4, 2011

I'm trying to make a label transparent. When I set the BackColor to transparent, all it does it take the color of the form it's sitting on, i.e. It's not truly transparent. I've googled it and found this in another thread (from a MSFT MVP)".NET controls do not support true transparency. You can set their BackColor to Transparent (in some but not all cases) and the parent control will show through, but only the parent control. If there is some other control behind that is not the parent it will not show through. That's because the control is not truly transparent. It basically copies its parent in the area behind it and uses that as its background, but that doesn't include sibling controls that may be behind it as well." To me, this is completely unacceptable. Why even include the transparency option when all it does is set the control's backcolor to the form color? I'm trying to add a label over a progress bar to give my user some feedback (because the Visual Studio progress bar doesn't support text, which is also a horrible design shortfall by the way), and have yet to find a way around this.

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VS 2010 - Can't Access Multiple Panels - Make Labels Merged In Panels

May 8, 2012

I'm trying to make custom ListBox with some graphics. Base is ItemCollection - each item contains Panel, 2x label and 2x picturebox. What each panel have to do:

- Change backcolor on MouseEnter and set color back when MouseLeave occurs.
- On MouseDown(LMB) - Panel stays "selected" - different color.

Problem: I can't access multiple panels at a time(and I need to), just one via sender as in function. Of course, I can do it hacky way, but I want to do it effective and regular. Is ItemCollection the right solution or should I do it just like an array of panels? Also I want them in one "box", ItemCollection is good for it.

Second "problem": I need to make labels "merged" in panels, when i MouseEnter them(labels), background color on that panel sets to my default color. when i MouseClick them(labels), nothing happens (need to "select" parent panel). It can be again fixed with hacky way, just disable labels - but then the colors of labels are unchangeable.

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Controls Not Showing In Form Designer?

Mar 1, 2009

Yesterday I installed vs2008, installed SP1 all seems well.I have converted a project (from VS2005), it works fine but....When I try and modify any of the forms none of the controls aer displayed on the form.Additionally I have noticed that each form has a formname.designer.vb file, the top few lines of the code in the designer.vb files are;

<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class frmFullMarketView
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


Then my controls are listed. Do I have to copy the code held in the seperate designer.vb file back to the 'formname.vb' file for all my forms?If so, why does VS2008 create all this extra work when converting forms from vs2005?

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Panel In Windows 7 Not Showing All Controls?

Aug 3, 2011

I am trying to fix a program that works with windows xp but not windows 7. The following steps will recreate the basis of the problem I am having. 1. Run MS Visual Basic 2010 on Windows 7.

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VS 2010 : Showing Or Hiding Controls?

May 20, 2010

I have a form that searches a db. Some searches will always result in one row of data, others might return multiple rows. I want to have the data from a single row shown in text boxes and the multiple rows show in a datagridview is it possible to hide/show those depending on the amount of rows.

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Expanding Form (hiding/showing Controls)?

Jul 5, 2009

basically i have a form with loads of controls. So many infact it stretches the whole hieght of my screen.I only need half these showing since the rest are just a sort of 'log'I have seen ti done loads, that only the controls i want to show at start up are displayed then when some one hits a little button in the bottem it expands the rest leaving them showing to.

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VS 2010 Custom Controls Not Showing Up In Toolbox

Sep 12, 2011

I have a solution with about 5 projects, the main (startup) project is a windows forms project while the others are control libraries that contain some custom controls. The main winforms project however also contains some custom controls.

Recently, the controls in the main winforms project have stopped appearing in my toolbox. The controls from the other control library projects appear just fine, but none of the controls in my main project will show...

Some of the projects are VB, some are C#.

I have tried everything I know to fix it:Delete bin/debug folders and restart
Build, build, build, build, and build Target the same .NET Framework version and CPU platform in all projects Build again Nothing works...

All projects target .NET Framework 4.0 and compile for the x86 platform (since I am using Access db). All projects build successfully, no errors. I can run the solution just fine. I can even declare and add the controls in code and they work just fine. They just don't show up in the toolbox so I can't drag them to my form and I have to dig into the designer code everytime, which is really annoying!

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VS 2010 Removed Controls From Form Still Showing In Properties?

Sep 17, 2010

I've removed a few controls from my form, but they're still in the properties. I've looked in the Document Outline, but nothing. How can I remove them (save)?

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[2005] - User Controls - Prevent Them From Showing Up In The Toolbox

Feb 1, 2009

I have created a series of custom user controls for a wizard interface that I am making. Each user control represents one step in the wizard and really shouldn't be used outside of the wizard. The thing that is bugging me is that each wizard step user control shows up in the toolbox of components to insert into a form.

Is it possible to hide a user control from the toolbox? Better yet is it possible to hide a user control from other classes not in the same namespace of an assembly? Is this a good approach or should I think of a different approach?

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Why Is Model Only Showing One Make Of Car / Yet Cars Is Showing Full Lest

Mar 31, 2011

I have a problem with the combox its only displaying the first item in the list its being populated by a webserice call the drop down in question is comboboxmodel now the manufacture one is fine and sets as it should any reason as to why the comboboxmodel would not. [code]

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How To Keep The Gap Between Two Panels

Sep 2, 2008

There are two panels A and B in a form horizontally, same size. Panel A archors with top,bottom, left and Panel B with top, bottom, right.When the form changed, the gap did.Panel A archors with top,bottom, left and Panel B with top, bottom, right and left.When the form changed, the gap doesn't, but only Panel B came bigger, Panel A didn't.Have you a way to keep the gap and the two panels can change in same time when the form changed?Must calculate the size of panels within Form's SizeChanged Event?

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.net - Picture Box Transparency In Vb?

Feb 18, 2012

When i run my code, the picture box has a background colour, even though I have set the background colour to transparent in the properties window.

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Flash - Transparency In Swf In .net?

Mar 9, 2010

how can i control swf background transparency in either with flash.ocx or if there is any other that if i have a swf animation block with red in background and some text written with yellow. now how can i remove that red background in i want to make a system so that i can choose any color as transparency key for swf like in tv channels logos.

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Get Image Transparency To Come Through In VB?

Jul 20, 2009

how you can get image transparency to come through in Visual Basic? Because if you try to put an image with some transparent sections on it on a form, the transparency turns into the form background colour (Though you could change the background image to whatever you want displayed under the image, but that's not the point) and basically I can't find any way to do irregular transparencies.

Alright, that's not very simple. I'll try to give an example:

You have an animated GIF of...say...fireworks. And it has a transparent background. Now say you have a few labels with text in them. When you draw the picturebox over the labels, the text in the labels is covered by the background of the fireworks, even though it's transparent. You can't see the labels. You want to see the fireworks exploding over the text

I can't see any way of getting around this, other than doing it in another program and putting the text and fireworks into one PictureBox. but it would be so convenient if it could work in Visual Basic, because you can control the text the in the labels and keep the animated "fireworks" exploding at the same time without using multiple animated images.

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Have Transparency On A Form?

Feb 7, 2009

Is it possible to have transparency on a form but not on a button on the form?I know transparency can be controlled for the form in properties (VB 2005), but how can we isolate the button from being affected?

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Layer 2 Panels On Top Of Each Other

Jan 30, 2011

I have a form which has two panels each containing there own controls (Pnl1, Pnl2). By Default I want Pnl1 to show and Pnl2 to be hidden which I have set but I want Pnl2 to sit ontop of Pnl1 so when Pnl2 is selected Pnl2 is Visiable and Pnl1 is hidden. Therefore Pnl2 and the controls sit in the same place as the controls in Pnl1. I have got everything lined up but as I move Pnl2 over Pnl1 to sit ontop, Pnl2 is moved into Pnl1 and becomes a Panel within the Controls of Pnl1. Therefore when I hide Pnl1 everything is hidden as Pnl2 is part of Pnl1.

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Picturebox PNG Transparency?

Jun 29, 2010

Right now I currently have an array of pictureboxes, and over them I want another large picturebox that has a sort of transparent fog effect. I created a png with this and made sure to save the alpha transparency, however when the picturebox shows up, you are not able to see underneath it. Is there anyway to fix this without using the GDI instead of pictureboxes? Because of the way the program is set up, I think GDI would be too slow for my purposes.

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Set The Transparency Key To A Color?

Oct 1, 2010

The 1st problem: I set the transparency key to a color and then set the forms background color to that color, and then set the background image to an image with rounded edges to give my form rounded edged. But the corners look VERY jagged.

The 2nd problem: Is there a way to make a form appear in the lower right corner above the task bar? Kind of like Avasts virus database definition update window.

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Tab Control And Panels?

Mar 11, 2010

I am working with tab controls (tab1, tab2, etc) I want to more than one panel in tab1 and switch between them using a button. My problem is working with more than one panel in tab1. This is an educational program i am working on for schools in the Dominican Republic.

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Transforming Between Two Panels?

Jul 10, 2011

I had a form with four panels all have the same size and location I switch between them using .BringToFront

what I need is a transforming animation between them , can I do this with 2010

another explain I want somthing like fade effect when I change the visibility of a panel and show the other one and if I cant do this with panel control or windows forms ,

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