VB 2010 OleDb - How To Update Specific Row

Jun 8, 2012

I have login system where once logged in, there is a global variable which holds the users ID. In another form, I have an SQL update which updates rows in the user table. So my dilemma is this: When I try to update it either updates the first user only, or all users.

The SQL I have :
Dim Update As String = _
"Update User Set field1=?, field2=? field3=?"

What I would like is...
Dim Update As String = _
"Update User Set field1=?, field2=? field3=? where ID =?"
However this doesn't work.

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VS 2010 : Update Boolean Through Parameter Oledb?

May 24, 2012

I have a checkbox named chkFactureren.When I want to save the value of that checkbox to my ms access 2003 DB I get the error: oledbexception was unhandled by user code - data type mismatch in criteria expression

cmdUpdate.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Factureren", CBool(Me.chkFactureren.Checked))

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VS 2010 List(of T) Update Data Of A Specific Member

May 2, 2011

I have a List "MyList(of MyStruct)"

Public Structure MyStruct
Public ID as Integer
Public Value as Integer
End Structure

At some point I need to update the Value of the member with ID=X, but I'm stuck.

Do I need to search for the index of that member using FindIndex and then set the value like MyList(index).Value=Something?


Find the member itself by using Find, but how would I then set the new value?

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VS 2010 List(of T) Update Data Of A Specific Member?

Apr 25, 2010

VS 2010 [RESOLVED] List(of T) update data of a specific member

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VS 2010 Only Update Specific Row For Logged In User [MYSQL Database]?

May 24, 2012

My program connects to a Mysql Database. It allow registration and login. I Need this to update the "BankACCid" column(?) in Mysql for the current logged in user.This is the code that doesn't work

MySql Connection
Dim conn As MySqlConnection
conn = New MySqlConnection()


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[2005] Catching A Specific OLEDB Exception?

Jan 22, 2009

I want to make some exception catching code a little cleaner, if possible.I currently have the below:

Catch ex As System.Exception
If ex.Message.Contains("opened exclusively by another user") And errCnt < 30 Then
sender.ReportProgress(0, "Waiting for database to become available")


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Preferred Method To Catch Specific OleDB Error

Jan 4, 2010

I have a situation in which I must execute a dynamically built stored procedure against tables that may, or may not be in the database. The data retrieved is then shunted to a VB.Net backed ASP based report page. By design, if the tables are not present in the database, the relevant data is automatically hidden on the report page. Currently, I'm doing this by checking for the inevitable error, and hiding the div in the catch block. A bit kludgy, but it worked.I can't include the VB code-behind, but the relevant stored procedure is included below.However, a problem with this method was recently brought to my attention when, for no apparent reason, the div was being hidden even though the proper data was available. As it turned out, the user trying to select the table in the dynamic SQL call didn't have the proper select permissions, an easy enough fix once I could track it down.First and foremost - is there a better way to check for a missing table than through catching the error in the VB.Net codebehind? All things considered, I'd rather save the error checking for an actual error. Secondly, is there a preferred method to squirrel out a particular OLE DB error out of the general object caught by the try->catch block other than just checking the actual stack trace string?

SQL Query - The main gist of the code is that, due to the design of the database, I have to determine the name of the actual table being targeted manually. The database records jobs in a single table, but each job also gets its own table for processing data on the items processed in that job, and it's data from those tables I have to retrieve. Absolutely nothing I can do about this setup, unfortunately. [code]

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Update DB With OleDB?

Apr 2, 2010

i wrote a module of a connection to DB with OleDB and the 'sub UpdateClients' doesn't work, the DB don't update.what's missing or wrong?this line -> "daClient.Update(dsClient, "CLUB_CLIENT")" -> dosen't work (sorry about my english, i'm not so good)the database doesn't update after this line (like i expected) what's missing in my code? i want that my DB will Update. "txtid" will be in "ClntId" from my tables.

Module mdlDB
"provider= Microsoft.Jet.OleDB.4.0;Data Source=DbHalf.mdb;mode= Share Deny None"


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Read Specific Cell From Excel File Using OLEDB Connection?

Mar 9, 2010

How can I read specific cell from Excel file using OLEDB Connection with VB.NET?

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OleDb Dataadapter Update Not Updating?

Nov 6, 2009

I have an application to re-sequence some items based on a an alphabetical ordering of the items from another table. I couldn't create an update statement to update the database when I pulled the information by a join query, So I pulled down both tables into a dataset with an XML Schema description where the two are related by the itm_id key as in the database. I then have two datagrids one with the items and one with the bound to the relationship this allows only the records associated with the itm to be displayed in the datagrid, I then run a loop that changes to sequence number for each corresponding record,this all works fine but then I go to update the back end database.

The update from the dataadapter executes successfully, but then if I reload the dataset from the database back end I find that the update did not actually update the records on the back end. The only record that was updated was the very first record which updated with a 0 then all the others did not take, I have re-run it several times and they will not take.

Me.Cursor = cursors.WaitCursor
odbaCatItem.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
odbaCatItem.SelectCommand = odbsCatItem


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Update Excel 2007 With OleDb?

May 7, 2009

Attempting to execute an update command against an Excel 2007 file gives the error:
Operation must use an updateable query. I'm using System.Data.OleDb with a connection string like this:

Dim strConn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=""" & pathToFile & """;" & _
"Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=YES"""

I have tried setting ReadOnly=false but that gives Could not find installable ISAM. I have also tried setting Mode=ReadWrite and IMEX=1 which didn't seem to have any effect. My update command is like this:

Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = con.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE [" + sheetName + "] SET [Quantity Error] = 'test' WHERE [Full Name] = 'Mr. Brown White'"

where sheetName was obtained from querying the excel schema. Is it possible to do what I am trying to?

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Update Excel File Via OLEDB?

Aug 13, 2009

I have some excel file, where I have to programatically delete all hidden columns.The problem if that, when I receive these files, the cells are mainly formulas, and as I delete some columns I get some "#REF#" problems.

I thought a bit about the problem an decided to create a function that loops throught all cells and replace the value by its own value, before deleting the columns, via OLEDB:

dt.Rows(row)(col) = dt.Rows(row)(col).ToString I don't know if this works. So I followed an update example I found in google, but it doesn't work:

Dim conexao_Excel As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;data source=" & fileName & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;"""

cn = New OleDbConnection(conexao_Excel)
da = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [" & sheetname & "]", cn)


"Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows." I image this is pretty basic, but I have already lost so much time on this issues...

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Using Update Query With OleDb And Access?

Dec 2, 2007

For some reason every time I execute the code, it gives me the error "No value given for one or more required parameters" and it points to the ExecuteNonQuery. Below is the relevant code I have.

Public Function sqlUpdate(ByVal varBalance As Double, ByVal varWithdrawlAmount As Double) As Double Dim dbCon As New OleDb.OleDbConnection dbCon.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = dbATM.mdb" Dim query As String Dim cmdUpdate As New OleDb.OleDbCommand dbCon.Open() varBalance = varBalance -


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Error In OleDb.DataAdapter.Update Command

Apr 3, 2011

I am once more having throuble linking my visual basic code to the acompanying database. this current error is when I'm trying to add a new record to the database, using an OleDb dataAdapter: Whenever I run it, I get the error "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement."


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Update Access Database Via OleDB From DataGridView?

Sep 2, 2010

I have been scouring these forums and the internet in general as well as doing a lot of reading, all to no avail. I can not seem to successfully update the Access database from an edited DataGridView. I am trying to use Stored Procedures that are in the Access database and work fine therein. The DGV is filled in properly. I have tried an ever-increasing number of variants to update the database (Private Sub BtnUpdate...) without success. [cod]e....

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Insert / Update Statement In Command Builder For OleDb

Jan 27, 2010

I am using a Command Builder for OLEDB, I populate the Data table from the database, and then I use data adapter's Update method to add or update the database successfully.


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VS 2005 Update A .csv File - OleDb Syntax Error Into Statement

Feb 12, 2011

I am suddenly getting an into statement error and can not seem to figure out why When I try to update a .csv file I get: syntax erroe in INSERT INTO statement When I try an update a textfile I get: The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field name: 'SellingPrice'. Make sure you have typed the name correctly, and try the operation again.


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VS 2008 - Update OleDB Code Error - Table Blank Apart From User Id Which Is Correct

Jan 3, 2010

I'm trying to updatesome records, currently my table is blank apart from the user id which is correct. but i get the error below.

My UserSettings table is as follows

ID is a Integer
MonthID is a Integer
YearID is a Integer
UserName is a string
Balance is a Integer
PhotoAddress is a string
GameSpeed is a Integer

This is my code and below that is my error in my ErrorTXT box.


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Efficiency Of Oledb - Got 10+ Users Using Files, Via A Oledb To Put Info Into An Excel Spreadsheet

Oct 18, 2010

Just wondering if i might hit a snag in my program. Ive got 10+ users using the same files, via a Oledb to put info into an excel spreadsheet. If 2 or more people save there file at the same time will the program go into read only on one person. Normally one 3 will use the file at one time. I know Sql itself would be better to use. best way i can describe it, normally using excel if you manage to open the same file twice one opens as normal but the other opens as a Read only file, will the same thing happen if im using Oledb connections?

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VS 2010 Registering OLEDB.12.0?

Mar 2, 2012

I have a BIG problem and I can't solve it...I Have Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 (english) and Office Profesional 2010 (Spanish). Using Visual Studio I try to create a new database connection in server explorer and I get this error message:

The Microsoft ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered on the local machine I went to a web page to download AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe and I installed this program correctly. I thought this would solve my problem, but the error continue.

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2010 OLEDB Connection To SQL 2008

Apr 6, 2010

I have used this codes



'it's not warking it gave me message {Invalid authorization specification}

can you correct me cn.ConnectionString line ?

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Update Specific Records On Datagridview?

Jun 12, 2011

i have a problem while updating specific records in datagridview..

i want to update specific records on my datagridview.. but only the first records are updating..

LVLStat name of column
Sections name of table
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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VS 2010 Connect To Sharepoint 07 Via Oledb Not Working

Apr 7, 2011

I'm trying to access a list from sharepoint when I do i get an error Here is my code


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Way To Update A Certain Record If It Reaches A Specific Date

Jan 28, 2009

I want to know if is there's a way to update a certain record if it reaches a specific date. [code] I wanted to automatically update the "IN" status to "OUT" status when the date.today = DateUpdate.. I am using MsAccess2003 to connect VB.Net2005express edition (using Odbc Connection) Coded it at back end(no controls)

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Update A Specific Row In The Table Depending On The User?

Feb 25, 2010

basically i am doing a golf scoring project in vb.net express 2008 and im trying to update a specific row in the table depending on the user i am updating. however it doesnt work and the error message that appears says that there is a syntax error in the update statement but i have no idea where the error is. msgbox(sql) shows that all of the variables are what they should be so i dont think its that.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Console
Imports System.Data


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Update Specific Rows In LINQ To SQL Result Set

Apr 6, 2010

I have a page with a form on it and needs a range of dates. Thus I've placed a number of textboxes on the page into which users can type dates. When the user clicks the save button I want to trigger a LINQ update to the SQL Server...all the rows already exist, so I'm just updating existing data.

For example, lets say my table looks like this:
Column Names: Description dateValue
Column Values:
Birthdate 1/1/1990
Anniversary 1/10/1992
Death 1/1/1993

I want to do something like this:
hupdate.Description("Birthdate").dateValue = TextBox1.Text
hupdate.Description("Anniversary").dateValue = TextBox2.Text
hupdate.Description("Death").dateValue = TextBox3.Text
Is there a way to do this with LINQ?

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WPF - Update Specific Part Of Class File

Jan 5, 2012

I have a function list of 75000 for my project. I want to load each class file dynamically and need to add one line on top of the function and to lines in the ending. Which is the best way to update a specific part of the file. I don't want to make a small mistake here since its my source code and globally using.

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Sql - Diagnosing An OLEDB Exception When Quering Excel 2010

Sep 22, 2009

To query an excel sheet via SQL, I used to use either:

Dim excelConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + strPath + ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;IMEX=1;HDR=YES;"""


Dim excelConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= " + strPath + ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;IMEX=1;HDR=YES;"""

Now this worked fine until I installed Office 2010.

Now I get a

Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered on this machine

How can I find out the correct connection string/provider?

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VB 2010 Express ExecuteScalar Method OleDb (MS Access)?

Sep 19, 2011

How do I implement the ExecuteScalar method to return the first element in a sorted dataset?

Here is my code:Imports System.Data.OleDb
Sub Dim oCmd As OleDbCommand
Dim strConn As String
Dim strQuery As String
strConn &= "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;"


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Asp.net - Update The Particular Column Values Of Gridview On Specific Dates?

Dec 17, 2010

I have column in database


I want when any user search For: Delhi to Manali on between 17-Dec-2010 to 19-Dec-2010 then the price would be automatically changes to $900 in gridview else the default price wold be displayed in fare is $600 if he search for DelHi to Manali after 19-Dec-2010.

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