VB 2010 Replay, Log And Adding Sound?

Nov 4, 2011

VB 2010 Replay, Log and Adding Sound

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VS 2010 Adding Sound To A 3D Game / Finding A Sound Library?

Aug 24, 2011

I'm ready to start adding sound to a 3D game and I'm looking for a decent Free library.it would not require DX and be something like:

dim MySound as SoundLib.Sound
MySound = SoundLib.LoadSound("soundfile.wav")

SoundLib.Play3DWorld(Location.X, Location.Y, Location.Z, VolumeModifier, MySound)so far all Im finding is expensive, C#, old, or not .NET compatible.

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VS 2010 Using 3 Or More Sound Outputs Or Multiple Sound Devices

Jul 21, 2011

I'm creating an application that will have 3 streams of audio. I can get 2 streams playing easy enough using DirectX AudioVideoPlayback and setting the balance for each Audio Instance. However, I need a 3rd Audio instance to play out of another output such as the Rear or Centre. An alternative would be to be able to select a different sound device in the machine to play the 3rd audio stream.


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VS 2008 Adding Sound To The Form

Apr 23, 2012

I looked I came accross this code My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.LAVE, AudioPlayMode.Background) LAVE is my resource file that I have added LAVE.mp3 the problem is that the program automatically gives runtime error when I run it but I get no syntax erros.


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VS 2008 Adding Music/sound To Vb2008.net?

Mar 23, 2011

How can you add music/sound to vb2008.net and be able to stop and start it with buttons?

Also how do I make it so that i can play an mp3 file not just a wma or whatever it is?

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Replay Button For Timer?

Jul 26, 2009

I trying to create a replay button for my timers. So that i can just click the replay button and replay the moving action.


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.net - Record And Replay Raised Events?

Mar 13, 2012

I implemented the communication between two classes by using events in VB.Net.Now I want to store (record) all events that occure and to re-raise (replay) them again later.

Here is what I have already:

Public Event Button1Pressed(ByVal sender As Object)
Private Sub btnButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnButton.Click
RaiseEvent Button1Pressed(Me)
End Sub


I could add another handler to the event I want to record, but then in the handler I only get the parameters that are passed to the event and not the event itself.Another thing I don't know how to solve is, that I can't raise an event from an extern class.

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Replay A VB Audio File Or Stream?

Sep 21, 2010

I am trying to write a little synthesizer program, and as a first step I am creating .wav files opened for reading and writing using the code below called from a button click event handler. The audo plays but once, no matter how many instances of the Audio.Play method are called. I also tried closing the file and then calling the Audio.Play method on the full path name. In each case, the audio plays but once. If I click the button again, the file will be played once more. The duration for the audio is one second, so I am sure that it is only being played once every time. I do not want to loop the data. The idea is that when the user plays a new note, I update the file and replay it with the new data. Since the file is recreated every time I click the button, I guess what I *need* is working, but I am still curious why I cannot replay the content of the file.

' Create a file stream object for reading and writing.
Dim FS As New IO.FileStream(fileNamePath, _
IO.FileMode.Create, _


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Create A Replay Button For Moving Pictures?

Jul 23, 2009

I now trying to create a replay button for my moving pictures. So that i can just click the replay button and replay the moving action instead of choosing which picture to move and click play.

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
If ComboBox6.Text = "Host 1" And ComboBox5.Text = "Host 2" Then


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Capture Sound - Using Mcisendstring Function But The Sound Quality, Is Poor?

Jun 20, 2011

I have a question about of capture sound function, someone have a code example for visual basic 2010 in windows 7?, I tried using mcisendstring function but the sound quality, is poor.

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Play Another Sound (like A Beep) When Desired Without Stopping The Background Sound?

Apr 19, 2009

I have background sound loop with the My.Computer.Audio and it works fine. I want to play another sound (like a beep) when desired without stopping the background sound. Several examples I have found don't seem to work. I am in VB.NET 2008 Professional.

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How To Save Sound They Make And Catshing A Sound Recorder

Aug 14, 2009

im making a techno progam in visual basic 2008 and after 3 hour im think how to save the sound they make and catshing a sound recorder but what the code im try to find on internet but find 0 pleas give me the code im try to find

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VS 2010 Detecting A Certain Sound?

Nov 6, 2011

I need my program to 'listen in' for a specific sound.

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VS 2010 Sound Card DLL For VB?

Jun 15, 2011

I would like to be able to measure the frequency of a sine wave applied to the input of a "standard" Windows sound card system.I need to do this in near real-time (not by analyzing a wav file after the event) and I need to continuously measure every half-cycle of audio and store the results in some kind of buffer that I can read into a VB app. I have tried googling for this and it seems to be a very popular question but I have not found any really good answers. Does anyone know of a DLL that could do this? I wouldn't mind paying a reasonable sum for a commercial DLL if there is such a thing.

Another related requirement is to generate sine-waves - again this must be done in near real-time and it must be possible to change each half-cylce of the waveform. For example,I might need to generate a few half-cycles of 1500 Hz to be followed (with no break in the waveform) by half-a-cycle of 2300 Hz.

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Get The Decibel Level Of Sound Being Sent To The Sound Card?

Apr 15, 2010

I need to get the decibel level of sound being sent to the sound card (not the actual sound level the speakers are instructed to emit via volume level)There is next to no information i can find on the net to even access sound data. Could anyone point me in a direction for this? The OS will be vista/7.

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Using 3 Or More Sound Outputs Or Multiple Sound Devices

Jul 21, 2011

I'm creating an application that will have 3 streams of audio.I can get 2 streams playing easy enough using DirectX AudioVideoPlayback and setting the balance for each Audio Instance.However, I need a 3rd Audio instance to play out of another output such as the Rear or Centre.An alternative would be to be able to select a different sound device in the machine to play the 3rd audio stream.I've been searching the net for 2 days now trying to find a solution, but have so far been unsuccessful. I've tried a few alternative libs such as DirectShow.Net, DirectSound, BASS.Net, QuickTime and OpenTK.Some of them do what I need to do, but they are either too difficult to use and therefore impractical or they are missing some other essential features such as Events which are required to make the rest of the application work. Would anyone oppose to me posting this same thread on other forums?I will of course post a solution if one is found elsewhere without advertising external websites.

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VS 2010 - Pre Defined System Sound

Aug 12, 2010

How do i call upon a pre defined system sound (ie; Beep) through VB. I've seen it done before, although i can't remember the command..

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VS 2010 Generate Sound Sweep?

Feb 24, 2011

I am trying to create a sub that plays a sound sweep from the provided values.The code im using works but it sounds horrbile, hacky crap.... I could go on.

Sub PlaySweep(ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer, ByVal Duration As Integer)
Dim playtime As Long = Duration / (max - min) 'The Play Time for each frequncy
For i = min To max


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VS 2010 : Check If Audio Is Going Through Sound Card?

May 14, 2012

I was wondering what sorta code you would you to check if audio is going though a sound card?I am designing a media player and I would like to show that audio is playing.

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VS 2010 Assign A Key On The Keyboard To Activate The Sound As Well

Nov 14, 2011

So I had this idea to make a virtual drum set and my school book doesn't have the answer for me and I haven't been able to successfully google this. The only things I need to know is how to add a sound to a picture box that will activate when clicked and how to assign a key on the keyboard to activate the sound as well.

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VS 2010 Change Sound Playback With Button?

Apr 23, 2012

So im trying to figure out how i can change sound playback from head phones to speakers and from speakers back to headphones with 2 buttons, if u didnt get me: [Speaker button]<-- click=sound playback from speakers [Headphone button]<-- click=sound playback from headphones.

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VS 2010 Checking Time To Play A Sound?

Aug 21, 2011

I have a program which have to play a sound at a specific time in each day.Currently I made a timer with 450 interval and I put a code in it which check if datetime.now = mytime then it will play the sound.(the program runs in background)

It is working but the problem is that sometimes it doesn't play the sound. I think I didn't used a proper way to this.I have even tried checking datetime.now.hour & .minute & .second with mytime to make sure it does play it at the right time But I don't know why the timer sometimes miss it and the play sound won't be run.

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VS 2010 Disable Textbox Ding Sound?

Oct 2, 2010

I have a text box set up so when someone presses enter it performs a function, how can I disable the "Ding" sound that the computer makes when someone presses enter?

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VS 2010 Display Text While A Sound Is Playing?

Nov 20, 2010

How can I display text while a sound is playing? It keep pausing until the sound has completed.

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Play A MP3 File As Background Sound In VB 2010 Express

Jul 13, 2011

I know how to embed WAV files; I need to find the code to embed MP3 files onto the background. I don't want to use a pathname, can it be in resources?

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VS 2010 - Timer To Change Interval With Sound Intensity

Oct 15, 2011

I'm working on a small game that I want to sync with the intensity of the music. I have a timer added and I want the interval to change with the intensity of the song playing. How would I go about doing this? I tried playing with Zplay and BASS.net with no luck.

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VS 2010 Play A Sound File For A Certain Range Of Seconds?

Sep 30, 2011

Here's the code for my "Play Audio Button"


This works great, but I would like to make it so that I can tell it to play the sound file starting at, for example, 3 seconds and ending at 9 seconds in. For instance, I could have 2 Numeric Up Down boxes on my form and whatever NuD1.value = is the lower range and NuD2.value = higher range.

How do I specify at what point in the sound file I want to start and at what point in that same file I want to stop?

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VS 2010 Record Sound And Save It In Program So That It Can Be Replayed?

Dec 7, 2011

Is there a way that I can record sound, and save it in the program so that it can be replayed?I'm making an alarm clock program, and I thought it would be cool if the user could record his/her own audio, and have it play back for him/her.

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VS 2010 Adding Unique Tag After Adding Component

May 4, 2012

I'm adding labels at runtime to my form with a tag. Let's say I have 3 labels with the tags, "1", "2" and "3". I'm adding the tags by counting the labels + 1. When I remove a label with tag "2" from the form there are only 2 left. When I add a new label it will add a new tag "3", but that one already exist. So my "solution" isn't a very good one Although tag "2" is free, I want to give it "4". Any thoughts on how to code this properly?

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Build A Small Program Which Will Allow Some One To Click On The Exit Button And The Sound Will Play And At The End Of The Sound The Program Will Then Close?

Apr 17, 2009

I am trying to build a small program which will allow some one to click on the exit button and the sound will play and at the end of the sound the program will then close. The sound clip is about 3 seconds long Here is what I have:

Imports Microsoft.DirectX
Imports Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound
Public Class Form1
Private Dsound As CSoundDevice


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