VB2005 Windows App On Citrix?

Oct 12, 2011

I developed a very simple little windows program in VB 2005 to be used on desktops here at HQ. It reads a table from an Oracle DB into an array, let's the user select a text file, and then uses that data and text file to create an Excel spreadsheet.

Now they want a remote user to have access to it. We use Citrix for our remote application access. There is no install, I just copy the code to the Citrix server so I didn't need to put terminal server in install mode. When I am on the Citrix server, the application runs well. When I access the application through Citrix, I get an Oracle error from the ODBC data manager: Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

Does anybody know what is going on? how to make it work?

Are there any papers related to Windows applications on Citrix server that can help?

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Running A VB2005 Executable On Any Windows OS?

Mar 14, 2011

Can a VB2005 executable created from VS2005 run on any Windows OS (vista, 7)? If not what is the "patch"?

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Windows CE 5.0 Registry Modification With VB2005

Jul 21, 2009

Is there a set of functions or classes to edit/read the registry via VB2005?

I need a function like

RegWriteString( "HKLM", "SystemExplorerShell Folders", "My Documents", "My Documents" )


value = RegReadString( "HKLM", "SystemExplorerShell Folders", "My Documents" )

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Windows 7 Reports The Profesinoal 64-bit Active VB2005?

Feb 26, 2010

64-bit Windows 7 Profesinoal running a project I have done vb2005. Reporting as a tool I'm using active reports 2.0. Normal data base connection is very slow. The first problem this.The second problem, none of my reports does not work. gives the following error:is not a valid Win32 application.

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Using Explorer Style Toolbars/menu Strip On Windows Forms In Vb2005?

Dec 25, 2009

I wish to add a toolbar that looks like the one in windows explorer to my windows application in my visual basic 2005 application. Although I have currently deployed the default 'toolstrip' that is avilable among the controls but I don't understand how should i change the appearance of the toolstrip from office 2003 to the one present in windows explorer.Please provide a solution to the above problem.

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Sendkeys To Citrix Cilent

Dec 21, 2008

i want to send keys to AS00 which is running under the citrix client. I tried normal senkeys option in vb.net. but not working. please give your valuable

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.net - Executable Wont Run Via Citrix Server?

Aug 3, 2011

The vb.net code:Dim fs2 As Object fs2 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

gets an error when I try to make an executable file out of this program and run it via citrix server.

The error is, the executable file won't run at all. When I try to run this locally, there are no errors at all.

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TreeView DragDrop Not Working In Citrix?

Dec 10, 2009

I have a treeview dragdrop event written in VS2003. It works perfectly fine when the application is running on desktop, until we move the application to Citrix. So, users are now running it off from Citrix, the DragDrop event doesn't work anymore. It doesn't even have the effects of allowing dropping.

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API For Determining If App Is Running On Citrix Or Terminal Services

Nov 15, 2010

I'm looking for an API/function I can call to determine if software is running on Citrix, Terminal Services, or a stand-alone PC. Optimally, it would work something like this: [code]I would prefer something that worked from an API call as opposed to looking at something in the registry as we're having more and more customers that are locking down the registry.

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Error Connecting To Citrix Database Via SQL-specified ODBC

Sep 23, 2010

I am connecting to Citrix database using SQL-defined ODBC. Having a problem with it. I am updating an existing application that uses the ODBC in SQL, and it connects fine. However, that database connection is secured, only available on the production side. The test side has a remote connection. I am attempting to change the remote connection values to match the parameters of the SQL-based ODBC, but the labels are different, and it doesn't seem to match. Specifically, I don't think I'm getting the DataSource correct. Also, it can't find the username and password that I use to log into the remoter connection - I get an error message "Invalid authorization specification".

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FileInfo.LastWriteTime And Citrix Wrong Value Returned?

Nov 29, 2010

I have an application written using VB.Net, framework 3.5.In the application I read LastWriteTime and CreationTime values for a file saved in file system. In general,the code works fine except one case when the application is started using Citrix environment. In this case the returned value for bithproperties is January 1, 1601.

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VBS Script To Launch And Login To Citrix Web Interface?

Jan 19, 2010

I have never used VBS script before but I would like to use it to launch a Citrix WI page and to login in to the website.I have using XenApp5.0 FR2 with WebInterface 5.2.I have this script but this does not work on login, I can open the website but then I get an error:

strEmail = "myusername"
strPass = "mypassword"
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.Visible = True


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Application Runs On Citrix Server But Not On Virtual Terminal Server

Sep 3, 2009

An application loaded on a citrix server executes with no problem. When we try to run the same program files on a virtual server, we get silent errors and we do not even see the application window appear. The program runs for a moment in task manager, but then closes down. BTW other .net apps run on the virtual server. Here is the error we see in the event viewer application logs[code]...

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Convert MP3 To WAV In Vb2005?

Jul 9, 2009

Is there a simple way to convert MP3 to WAV in vb2005?what i would like to do is play MP3 files in vb2005 but first they need to be converted to a byte(memory) wave string before they can be played internally by the program unless someone else built a class or module for this already.

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NullReferenceException VB2005?

Mar 16, 2009

I've seen so many posts on this but I just don't understand how to fix it.

Me.txtDeletedItem.Text = objDeleteLog.Name
[b]Me.txtDeleteReason.Text = objDeleteLog.Code.Description[/b]


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Program VB2005 For Use With USB?

Jan 25, 2011

how to program VB2005 for use with USB. I have read 2 chapters from "USB complete" and found that it was complicated. Is there an easier way to work with USB in VB2005?

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Use Group By - SQL In VB2005

Mar 23, 2011

i was connect to my *.mdf file

when i use this code to select some data in my database

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("Select colums1, sum(colums2) From debts Where debts.colum3 ='somthing' group by somecolums", SQLConnection)
Dim ds As New DataSet("debts")


change my SQL connection string to work with "sum" and "group by"

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Vb2005 Open With Associated App?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a text editor that handles .txt and .rtf files. Using the installer, I have associated .txt and .rtf files with my text editor. This can also be done programmatically or using Windows' "open with" dialog and checking "always use the selected program to open this kind of file".The problem is, when I click on a text file and it opens my app, it doesn't load the file. I have searched everywhere I know to look, but can't find a hint of how to do it. I just keep finding code to associate the files with the program (none that work without errors). But, nothing whatsoever to open the app and load the file that was double clicked.

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.net - Go Through All The Controls On A Form In Vb2005?

Sep 28, 2011

Whats the best way to go through all the controls on a form in vb2005? Im writing a program that can edit a string of bytes based on the information on the form. each control is tagged with the hex address it modifies and values it can be, what is the best way to go through all the controls on a form even those controls embedded in other controls?

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Add Music In The Form (VB2005)?

Feb 27, 2010

How to add music in the form (VB2005)

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Convert This C++ Code To Vb2005?

Mar 26, 2009

i face big problem my Doctor want this code in vb 2005 or Vb6 who can convert to vb2005 and make it run like the c++ version


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Converting VB6 PaintPicture To VB2005?

Feb 28, 2012

I am having trouble coding a 'map editor' with .net. This code works in VB6:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

For Z As Integer = 1 To 20
For W As Integer = 1 To 20
Tile(Z, W) = 1
TileA(Z, W) = 1
TileB(Z, W) = 0


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How To Convert A VB2005 Project To EXE

Mar 3, 2010

i wish if any one can help me in this:i finished from my project and i want now to conver it to an executable file before it can be used or installed in a workstation.

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IDE :: VB2005 Projects With 2010

Jul 5, 2011

I have many projects VB 2005 ... the question is:

How could I open these projects with VB 2010 version?

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Listview Subitems In Vb2005?

Jan 28, 2009

I'm trying to find out how to Edit/add/read individual subitems in a populated Listview box I seem to be going round and round in circles looking on the "net"

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Multithreading A Filestream In Vb2005

Jul 22, 2009

I am trying to build a resource file for a website basically jamming all the images into a compressed file that is then unpacked on the output buffers to the client. my question is in vb2005 can a filestream be multi threaded if you know the size of the converted file, ala like a bit torrent and work on pieces of the filestream ( the individual files in this case) and add them to the resource filestream when they are done instead of one at a time?

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Opening A Macro From VB2005?

Feb 23, 2009

I have created a project in VB2005, and I am using ms access 2003 as the database. I have created a report in ms access and I have also created a macro. I have added the following code to open the macro, but when i click on the button to call the procedure I get the following message:

Dim Adb As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application()
Adb.OpenCurrentDatabase("C:program filesSupport DeskAccessdatabase.mdb")

When I run the code, and I call the procedure to call the Macro, nothing happends, I don't get an error or anything, what a my missing? The macro does exist.

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Protect The Project On Vb2005?

Dec 11, 2008

After I finish my project I'll create a setup for it and give it a serial number.But unformatted it could install on many PC.I have heard that I can create a serial number with the number of the motherboard of PC. Is this possible?I was working on accounting program. This program was protected from a steal by a piece insert in the usb of the PC. So the program was working only for a few days if that piece doesn't inserted.

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Seal I/O 462 Module With VB2005

Apr 5, 2010

I have a SeaI/O 462 module and I can't find the codes to use it with VB2005.

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VB2005 HScrollbar1 Controls?

Mar 24, 2011

How do I detect a left-to-right and right-to-left scrolling, whether I slide the scrollbar or click on the right or left scroll arrow? I saw that there was a RightToLeft property but I don't know how to use it.

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