VB2005 Combobox Control Array?

Feb 23, 2011

In VB6, if I copy and paste a combobox on the form, VB6 automatically asks if I want to create a control array. VB2005 does not do this when I copy and pasted on the form. How can I create control array for comboboxes on the form similar to VB6 method?

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Create A Control Array In VB2005?

Mar 6, 2011

I'm trying to create a control array in VB2005. As I've said in other questions, I've been working in VB5 for a good while but I'm new to VB2005. I know how to set the array up in VB5 but it doesn't work in VB2005. I tried some code that someone told me about, but it's not working. I have several books on programming VB2005 but

Here's my code as it stands now:

Class frmMain
Public lblFasting(30)


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Encoding Array.String > Array VB2005

May 27, 2009

I've been working with a sig capture application sample on a windows mobile device, The data is sent via IP to a host as a byte array and is then drawn onto the screen of the host as it appeared on the client. I was able to get this into the form of a bitmap object so I could print it or save to a jpg file. That all works well. The problem now is that I need to store this data in a database and then be able to recall it at a later time and recreate the signature image.

The byte array data is much smaller than the actual image so I would like to store it in that form. My issue is that when I convert this byte array into a string and back again my program can no longer re-create the image. Once I saw the problem I created the code below as a test and added the msgboxes to get an idea what was happened to my data.


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Add Data To Databound Combobox In VB2005?

Apr 4, 2012

How can I add data to databound combobox in vb 2005

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.net - Get The Arguments From A Sub Or Function In Vb2005 As An Array?

Aug 31, 2009

Is it possible to get the arguments from a sub or function in vb2005 as an array?

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Create Array Of Radio Buttons At Runtime In VB2005 Environment?

Aug 22, 2009

how to create array of radio buttons at runtime in vb2005 environment

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Coverting MSGrid Control To VB2005?

May 5, 2006

I'm trying to upgrade a VB 6 project which uses a component called MSGrid, or grid32.ocx; the conversion seems to have a problem finding a more modern replacement for it. When I try to open a form that uses the grid control, I get

One or more errors encountered while loading the designer The designer cannot process the code at line 289: CfGrid.OcxState = CType(resources.GetObject("CfGrid.OcxState"), System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.State) The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again.

But I can't remove the changes since I can't get into the form designer on account of the error. I don't need a data-bound control, just a simple grid. How do I remove the offending object and replace it with a more acceptable version?

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Vb2005 Get A Free Office 2007 Style Ribbon Control?

Jan 23, 2010

where i can get a free office 2007 style ribbon control (compiled + fully functioning) for vb2005/8/10?

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Combobox Bug - Text Typed In Combobox Appears In Another Control (textbox) On The Form?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a tab control application, each tab loads a particular user control and each of those user controls will then add other user controls that are used amongst other the user controls. For example, I have an "ucQuotes" page and an "ucInventory" page, when the specific tab is selected, the "uc****" user control is loaded on that page, and in the case of "ucQuotes" and "ucInventory" they both use a control called "ucPartNumber"; a user control consisting of a combobox, textbox, and button. I have no issues reusing the shared user controls, in this case. My problem arises with my "ucQuickPrice" control, as it is always present at the bottom of the tab control form (separate from the tabcontrol, but on the same form), and it too uses ucPartnumber.

Here's my issue, as I type into the ucPartnumber combobox, the text I type does not appear in the combobox, it appears in the textbox of the ucPartnumber control that is being used on the tabcontrol page. There are no shared instances of ucPartNumber, nor do I have this issue between typing on one tab page and the text showing on the user control of another tab page.I tried just creating the ucPartNumber controls on the ucQuickPrice control, not adding a new instance of ucPartnumber on the .Load event, and the issue persists.

The combobox(s) in question are bound programmatically with about 40,000 items, ".datasource = dataset.tablename" not to a bindingsource. Autocomplete is set to none, I added code to utilize tool tips and the basic combobox filtering functionality. Is this a bug, or is there something I'm neglecting? I'm about 95% complete with this application, and this just happened today. I made the decision, to just reuse the ucPartNumber control on the ucQuickPrice control (originallly it's size and orientation would not fit, but I added some coding to detect what parent is adding ucPartNumber and to change its appearance accordingly). Before, I made this change, I did not have this problem. And, in trying to go back to how I had things set up before the change, the problem will not go away. if the whole control within a control verbage I used is a bit confusing, let me know and I'll try to better explain what is happening. At this point, I'm going to close and reopen vbexpress, as when I started this ordeal, vb started acting weird and wanted me to save all my work, it usually does this before locking up.

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How To Make Combobox Control Like Combobox Column

Jan 21, 2010

i make this code to achive what i need[code]but in datagridview what i make when i want to convert to use in dgv

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Combobox List Using Combobox.List =Array, Item Is Too Long?

Aug 19, 2011

I'm trying to create a Combobox List and I created the following my first try:

Private Sub ComboBox1_DropButtonClick()
ComboBox1.List = Array("LI-3:comparing and contrasting two or more print sources based on


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Vb6 Migration - .net Taking Too Much Time To Load User Control Containing Label Control Array?

Dec 22, 2011

I am upgrading user control from vb6 to vb.net.In the vb6 application I am loading 3000 labels using a label control array.In vb.net I am doing same but it's taking too much time to load.In vb6 it's taking 1-2 seconds, but in vb.net it's taking 30-40 seconds for same work. Why does it take too much time in vb.net for same work?Code is given below, here Led is the label control array.

For l = 1 To 3000


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Auto-renumbering Control's Control Array?

Jun 21, 2010

The situation is like this, says:I have textbox1 to textbox20 to show real-time reading, then textbox21 to textbox40 for other purpose. So textbox1-20 can be manage in group through: For index As Integer = 1 To 20 Form1.Controls("Textbox" & index).BackColor = SystemColors.Window Next The problem is, after some time i feel i like to change the order or add/delete few textbox, then i need to change the control name one by one by entering the name by hands(says if i add a text box then its name will be textbox41, then then For loop wont work, Or I deicided to delete the textbox15, forloop wont work either, then i need to rename them manually.)

Question: If there a ways that create a control array in VB 2008 express edition? which can set the name of Textbox1-20 to ButtonGroup then refer to them by says Buttongroup(1) for textbox1? (which means set a group of control in one name)

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How To Find Out If A VB6 Control Is Indexed (control Array) In .NET

Dec 16, 2010

I working on a VB.NET project to manipulate a VB6 form using COM Interop. Some of the controls on my VB6 form are indexed and some not, so calling ctl.Index fails on those that have no index. Is there a way to work out if a control is indexed?

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Asign An Array To A Combobox.Items?

Mar 28, 2010

I would like to how I can asign an array to a combobox.items. Which type have I to choose?

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Combobox Displaying Array Information?

Sep 24, 2009

I need to use an array at any part of the project. It has been suggested to me to build an array and show its result in a combobox. Instead of having an input textbox, i will have a combobox which will display 10 common names which are kept in the array.

'Defines the array Names
Dim names(9) As String
'Defines the array's fields[code]......

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How To Create Array Of ComboBox Controls

Apr 21, 2010

I have a form I am designing for work, and there are 3 combo boxes I want on it that display the same choice (unit of measurement selection). Now instead of 3 separately named boxes, I wanted to make an array of combo box, now I thought if I created 1, then copy pasted it would make them an array as the same name but it just lists the new one with a default name.

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StreamReader To Array Structure To ComboBox

Feb 21, 2010

So the premise of an assignment I'm working now is that I will read lines from a txt file, eventually have a user select a combo box for a city, and then have the current timezone and time in that city.

For reference, each line in the file contains three tab-delimited sections which I need to access for varying purposes. An example of the format is:[code...]

What I have so far (below) is the file being read, splitting each section of the line into a multidimensional array, and then combining the "columns" into an array structure (I'm not too hot on using an array as a structure, so I may be doing something wrong).


Now assuming everything there is alright (I have a feeling something may be wrong in regards to the structure) I need to fill out the combobox with only the Location, and have that change the current time and timezone (located on the GUI as labels).

Where I've been stumped at for the past few days is how to proceed from here. I've been trying to populate the combo box, but all my attempts have failed and I'm starting to think it may be because of the method I'm using to do all this.

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VS 2010 : Populate Combobox From An Array?

May 24, 2010

The below code is a sample code that is supposed to display the months in a combobox.

Dim months() As String = _
{"Select a month...",
"January", "February", "March"}


But what am I supposed to do with this code? I have created and named the combobox "cboExpirationMonth", but where do I put this code? I tried to put it as a click event of the combobox, but that doesn't work. I created a button and tried to put the code in the button's click event, but that still doesn't populate the combobox.

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Populate A ComboBox Using An Array In A 3 Tier Structure

Dec 8, 2010

It's a simple 3-Tier Structure Windows Form Application using Visual Basics 2008 express edition. I need to populate a ComboBox (User Interface Layer) using an Array with only 3 names (Data Access Layer and Business Logic Layer). I think I'm close to it but I'm unable to pass the data from the DAL all the way to the UI properly. When I run the application, My ComboBox gives me choices but the three choices are


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VS 2008 Build Array For Combobox Error?

Feb 22, 2010

Trying to build a small array to fill a combobox, when I type my code I have no errors in the error list, but when i go to compile/run/debug I get:

Dim arrayDC(2, 2) As Array
Public Sub buildarrayDC()
Me.arrayDC.SetValue("Item1", 0, 0) InvalidCastException was unhandled


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VS 2010 - Array ComboBox - Cannot Select Choice 1

Dec 23, 2011

The problem is when I run/debug my program in Visual Studio 2010, I have a comboBox/dropdown menu which allows the user to select from 3 combinations of years and interest rates. I can select and get output from choices 2 and 3 but not choice 1. Choice 1 being 7 years at 5.35%.

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ListView/ComboBox Datasource Does Not Work With Array Of Datarows

Feb 13, 2009

I want to set the DataSource Property of a listview and of a combobox to an array of datarows.

This is the Code:


The 'Name' column does exist, but the ComboBox shows only the type of each datarow not the contents! If I set the datasource to a datatable, the correct column is shown in the combobox/listview.

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VS 2010 - How To Make ComboBox Array Global Variable

Feb 23, 2012

I have an array of comboboxes on a form. They are declared at the beginning. I wish to make these global variables so I can access them in another form. This does not appear to work.

Code something like this:
Public Class SecondScreen
Public OutputSelectControl() As Combobox = {O1, O2, O3, O4}

Where O1 O2 etc are the names of my comboboxes on this form. I wish to be able to address them from another form like so
localformvariablehere = OutputSelectControl(integervariablehere).Index

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Getting Bug In ComboBox Control?

Oct 7, 2010

I have an issue with a combobox control highlighting the wrong item when the dropdown menu is clicked. This occoured first in a project so I tried to reproduce it on its own and indeed it seems to be a problem with the control itself.If there is an item in the list above the selected item that starts with the same characters at the selected item, the combobox will hightlight that item.eg. If you select an item on the 5th row 'XX' when there is an item on the 3rd row 'XXG' then control will highlight the 3rd row when the dropdown menu is clicked again not the 5th row - even though the control shows 'XX' and the selectedindex is 4.This can be recreated in Visual Studio 2010 / Visual Basic:In a blank windows forms project create a single combobox control (ComboBox1) and paste this code:

Imports System.Data
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Creating Control From 'control Array?

May 8, 2011

I have an array of picture boxes as so:

Dim pieces(500) As PictureBox
pieces(1) = New PictureBox
With pieces(1)


The program does not crash or anything, but the picturebox is no where to be seen on the form. How to I make this work correctly?

And is 'Control Array' the correct term for this? or something else?

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Get The Index Of A Control In A Control Array?

Dec 26, 2009

I populated a form with several progress bars and added a function to handle a click event via AddHandler. The event fires and I have been able to do things with the control using the passed object 'sender', but I can't for the life of me determine what the index of the control is in the array.

Why is that important to me? Because I want to click the control, have a container of textboxes become visible, and populate them with data from the reference in my database based on what control was clicked, and update that data as needed. Making the container of textboxes visible, and even moving it based on the location of the clicked control in the array are all done and working fine. I just can't seem to get the index of the control.

I need to know what entry (progress bar in this case) was clicked. In the function, I can even do things with a select progress bar using something like pb(x).value = some integer, but I'm trying to find out what 'X" is when the click event fires.

Here are some code snippets...

'Populate page 0 of tab control with progress bars
'TimerCount(int) = number of timer instances active in the database
For x = 0 To TimerCount


EDIT: I figured out a work around using the 'name' property, but I would still like to know if what I asked about an index is possible.

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One Tooltip For Control Array; Not One For Each Control?

Mar 27, 2012

I have an application with as many as 625 Textboxes in a runtime generated control array.I add textboxes one at a time in a subroutine.The application ran with no problems until the parameters required more than 256 textboxes at which point it slowed drastically as textboxes were added. At circa 400 Textboxes it died with an out-of-memory condiiton.

The system has 8GB & a 64Bit version of Windows 7.It looks like the tooltips are eating up memory, causing excessive use of virtual memory from Hard Disk & finally causing out-of-memory.I am now running the application with a label which flashes when the mouse hovers. This uses the Handler for MouseHover.Is it possible to get a single Tooltip to function for all the Controls in an Array? I would prefer this to using the Event Handler.

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C# - Cloning The WPF ComboBox Control

Feb 3, 2010

If have a control that acts like a record selector from a database, say, for example, customers. The control must act in certain ways allowing the user to type the name, the alias or the code of the customer, and the control will select the correct one, or offer a list of possible candidates, and other behaviors. I have tried to inherit from ComboBox, but there are some ComboBox behaviors that make it difficult or impossible to do what I want, so I'm better starting from scratch, with a TextBox and Button.

The questions are: Do you know some open-source component so I don't have to start from zero? Have you already done something like this and want to share methodologies or tips? Am I good with a TextBox, a Button and a PopUp control?

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Calling A ComboBox Control?

Dec 9, 2009

I am trying to create a sub routine that I can use to clear all items on various ComboBoxes on a Form; this is the code I was trying to use [To no avail]:

Public Sub Clear_ComboBoxes(ByVal ComboBox_Name as String)
if Controls(ComboBox_Name).Items.Count > Nothing then
end if
End Sub

I am writing the code on a seperate module to the Form; which means I can't use ME.Controls; but Form_Name.Controls doesn't seem to work either.

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