VB6 To .NET Interop - Types And Structs?

Dec 2, 2009

I'm working on some interpo between VB6 and VB.NET and I've hit (another?) brick wall.I need to pass an array of "stuff" between VB6 and VB.NET. This contains an ADO recordset and 4 string values. There could be any number of these 5 items passed, so they will have to be an array of whatever.Seemed to me that in VB I should create a Type and in .NET a Struct, then it should be easy. However...

On running the VB app it fails to start with an error "Function or interface marked as restricted, or the function uses automation type not supported in Visual Basic"


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Array Structs Definition?

Aug 2, 2011

i'm lost on how to do this inline.It's easy to say

Dim X as Integer = new Integer(4) {1,2,3,4}
but i'm lost on:
Structure ThisType


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C++ - Pinvoke Using Structs In Call

May 3, 2011

I'm really struggling with the following pinvoke call. I've tried numerous different ways of doing this but still no joy. The call runs through, but I get a 'Bad parameter' message back with suggests there is something wrong with the struct, since I've ran through a c++ example of this code and the parameters are all correct.


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C++ Sending Structs Over Sockets

Aug 25, 2009

i am using vb.net and i would to send some structs to a C++ tcp server.The problem is the structs i am sending might contain other structs.[code]Lets say i want to send FirstStruct over to the C++ Server.

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How To Generate XML File From Array Of Structs

Apr 30, 2012

I need assistance generating a xml file by reading values from an array of structs.

my struct looks like this:
public structure myStruct
dim ID as int
dim myArray1 as boolean
dim myArray2 as boolean
dim myArray3 as boolean
dim x as int
dim y as int

I have several instances of these structs. I also have universal variables that are declared outside of the structs. I am looking to generate a xml file like this:


But how would I assign the values of each element by reading them in from the struct? Or do I need to use the XmlSerializer Class instead?

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C# - (.net) Is There Any Intrinsic Difference Between .net Explicit Structs And C++ Unions?

Jul 22, 2009

That is the question. Is there anything you can do with c++ unions that you can't with c# Explicit structs?

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Reading A Text File Into An Array Of Structs?

Mar 22, 2009

I have an assignment where I must read the information from a text file into an array of structs, so that when a part number is input, the correct price will be displayed.

the file is a text file named shoeinfo.txt

it looks like this: BZB34,40.99


unfortunately I am unable to figure out how the code is to be read into the array. i.e. item(0).partnum = BZB34 item(0).price = 4099D

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Search An Array Of Structs Using A String As An Index?

Apr 1, 2009

I have been searching for a while now, but I still can't seem to figure this out. I wrote a rather large program, and to make things more efficient I started to create structs to store more info in a variable.All was well replacing my old code with new code, till I reached a certain point and found that blindly using a loop of integers to access the indexes of the array wouldn't work anymore... I need to access a specific struct by the information contained in a single variable within the struct (like a hashtable key), but can't seem to figure out how.

Is it possible for me to go through my array indexes in a fashion like this?:
Dim myArray(TableCount) As myStruct
Dim TableName As String = "SomeTable"


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Store References To A Bunch Of Structs In A Collection?

Oct 28, 2011

I would like to store references to a bunch of structs in a collection. The general scaffolding looks like this:

Structure myStructType
Dim prop1 as String
Dim prop2 as int
End Structure


now this doesn't work, because it's referencing the same memory. What I would really want is the 'pass reference by value' behaviour that is also used for reference types, so that I can easily keep producing more of them.

Is there any way to fix this other than to make the structs into classes? Is this actually a proper way to use structs, or do I have it all wrong?

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C# :: Determining Object Equivalence For Value Types, Reference Types And ILists?

Nov 1, 2009

I have a class with a Property called 'Value' which is of type Object.Value can be of any type, a structure, a class, an array, IList etc.My problem is with the setter and determining whether the value has changed or not.This is simple enough for value types, but reference types and lists present a problem.For a class, would you assume that the Equals method has been implemented correctly, or just assume that the value has changed every time the setter is called?If I did assume it's changed, then perhaps I should assume it for value types as well, so that the behaviour is consistent.

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Where To Get The IMAPI2.Interop.dll Or The Equivalent IMAPI2.Interop.vb Class

Aug 29, 2011

i want to write a small app which enables the user to burn some files on cd/dvd. Something like:

- Make an export from related DB Tables with informations

- Collect customers informations

- zip everything

-burn on cd (its a settlement related tool)

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Change Byte() To Structs For Readability And Convert Struct To Byte Stream For Socket Send()

Dec 8, 2009

I just converted the following code from c# to vb.net. It is functional and works correctly with my company's firmware/devices. My next challenge. Previous serialport code used much more readable structs which where then converted (after building a packet) into byte() automatically as part of the serialport encoding. (this is my understanding)How could I

1. morph byte arrays 'ToSocket' and 'ToMTP' below into structs and

2. convert into byte array for Socket.BeginSend(byte(),.....) to stream out to remote devices?

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Net.Sockets


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Compare Two Types In Dictionary Of Types .net?

Jun 23, 2012

I need to compare two dictionary values if the types stored are equal, this is what i have

if gettype(Args(key)) = gettype(argtypes(key)) then
'' do something
end if


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.net - Put Interop Dll Into GAC?

Apr 7, 2011

This might be a bit of stupid question but I need some clarification. I'm somewhat new to .NET and have created a EXE that had to reference an existing COM DLL. In doing so, Visual Studio 2010 automatically created an "Interop" DLL that it needs/uses to work with the legacy COM DLL.

I have deployed my project and included this Interop DLL with it (in the same folder) and everything is working fine. However, I have other applications that will need to use this same legacy COM DLL. Is it okay to reference it they same way in each application and keep deploying the "Interop" DLL with each application? Unfortuantely, all of these small applications go in the same folder and each use the same Interop DLL (so it will already exist there if it's used by another app.) I'm forced to having them in the same folder because these applications are being called as a way of customizing a parent application. As such it only looks in it's local folder when it wants to run a "custom" app. I'm just concerned if one the EXE's is ever removed and they take out the Interop DLL, then the others that still depend on it will fail.

So, I was wondering if it is possible or a good idea to put that Interop DLL in the GAC? I went ahead and installed the Interop DLL into the GAC and then removed the Interop DLL from the folder where my EXE runs and it failed to work. I get an error that says "Could not load file or assembly". I'm stuck on getting this working.

Do I need to reference the Interop DLL in my project differently such that it's now from the GAC? or Do I need to add something to my .NET code like Assembly.Load to make it work? Do I need to create that Interop DLL myself using TLBIMP?

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What Is COM Interop

Apr 11, 2009

What is COM Interop? Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework!

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Excel And Interop Not Getting Along?

Jun 29, 2012

I am using Interop to read and write to excel but I'm having some problems writing to excel... When I enter the information I need to be written on the excel in an inputbox, this pops up "COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used."Heres the Code:

Private Sub editmodelbtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles editmodelbtn.Click


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Unable To Use Interop

Jul 13, 2011

I am trying to use a 3rd-party Interop assembly called SmartWIM.

I have added it as a reference and added an Import statement

Imports SmartWIMLib

I then initilalise it with

Dim objSmartWim As New SmartWIM

All pretty standard stuff, I've done this countless times with Interops. However, whenever I try and use any methods I get the following error [code]...

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Using .NET And Certainly With The Excel Interop?

Sep 15, 2011

I'm kinda new to using VB.NET and certainly with the Excel Interop.I have the impression that I'm doing something wrong in these simple procedures. I keep getting errors on them:


The first procedure fills a combobox with all the worksheet names of the workbook.The second procedure copies all cells in the selected worksheet to an array.The error is the following: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.I think the error is in the cleanup part, when I set the objects to nothing and close everything. Can someone confirm if this is good or wrong code and maybe point me in the right direction?

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Using .net COM Interop From Excel

Aug 26, 2011

I Programe a COM Library in VS2008 to use in Excel , but I'm stuck with an error that I don't understand.

I use this two classes , that compile and register OK. One Class QBitems return a nongeneric collection of QBItem but when I tried to use the Add and/or Remove Method, I receive the following error in Excel VBA :

Run-time Error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method.

I added a class (SImpleClass) in the library and I called from VBA it returned the QItems collection without problem.

NEW: When I replace the QBItem object with a string in the Collection QBItems everytthing works OK. It looks like interface doesn't like to pass an object like QBitem class

Sub Pru()
Dim obj As New CollectionCOMClass.SimpleClass
Dim Itms As New CollectionCOMClass.QBItems


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VS 2005 DEP And .NET Interop?

Apr 15, 2009

I have a .NET application that interops with a VB6 COM DLL. After installing the application on a Vista machine, I try to execute the code that consumes that COM component and I get an error attempting to read or write protected memory. The system's DEP is set to only essential programs and services, but apparently that automatically applies to .NET applications. When I tried to exclude the application from DEP, it said that DEP must be on for this program (could not be turned off). I had to use the bcedit.exe program to manually turn DEP off system wide and then reboot. After that, the application ran without a hitch, but this is not the route we want to go for our users. Are there any solutions/recommendations for this? It seems as though DEP has been more of a headache than not.

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Add Interop.ADODB.dll To My References?

Mar 6, 2010

How can i add Interop.ADODB.dll to my references as i cant seem to find it when i try?

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C# - Forcing Inf And Nan To Excel Interop

Jun 22, 2010

I am creating a report in my asp.net application. The report outputs to excel using the excel interop. Some calculations in the report cause excel to display "Inf" or "NaN" I want to force these calculations to zero so that the report displays zero and NOT "Inf" or "NaN"

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C# - Save XLS Using Interop Excel?

Apr 5, 2012

The Current Setup:So, I can use the following code to save a file as an XLS:

_myWorkbook.SaveAs("FileName.xls", Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal)

I can also use the following code to save a file as an XLSX (Since I use Office 2010):

_myWorkbook.SaveAs("FileName.xlsx", Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookDefault)

I have tried (unsuccessfully) to save the file as an XLSX using the following code:

_myWorkbook.SaveAs("FileName.xlsx", Excel.XlFileFormat.xlExcel12)Why does this not work? Last I checked, Excel 12 was Excel 2007 (a version that supports XLSX). Am I missing something?

I get a This extension can not be used with the selected file type error)

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Can't Deploy Interop.Excel.DLL

Feb 6, 2006

I've developed a vb.net app which works great on my dev machine, both within the IDE and as a compiled executable. But when I deploy it to a user workstation, I receive the following:

Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

Could not load file or assembly Microsoft Office Interop.Excel, Version=,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' or one of its dependencies. The system cannon find the file specified.

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Embed Interop.shell32.dll ?

Jan 8, 2012

Im doing a VB .net2 program and when building i get file interop.shell32.dll in my bin folder.

Can i embed that in my final .exe file so I only have to destribute 1 file ?

There is a properties on my form where I can choose a "Build Action: Embedded Resources" , is that the option to accomplish me goal?

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Excel XML Import Using Interop?

Jun 28, 2011

I am trying to Import an XML file into Excel and then Export the data to CSV. I did the Import Data steps manually in Excel while recording a Macro. I am basically using those commands in VB.NET.

xlWBook.XmlImport(filename,, True, xlRange.Cells(1, 1))
xlWBook.SaveAs(outFile, xlCSV, False)


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How Does Interop.speechlib.dll Works

Oct 27, 2011

i want to know how interop.speechlib.dll works and reads the English text because i want to Develop a Project that reads other languages.

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How To Backreference An Office Interop

May 30, 2011

I have Office 2007 installed on my Win7 development machine, however I want my Office-reliant VB.Net app to reference/work with, Office 2003 and above. I tried installing the Office 2003 interops redistributable but the installation tells me that I need
to have Office 2003 installed. Is there a way I can install the Office 2003 interops so that my app can have references to Office 2003 and thus work on Office 2003, 2007 & 2010?

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InterOp Array Object From .NET To VB

Mar 29, 2009

I created a class named person and interface IPerson and tried to call this class in VB6 form. the class structure is given below


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Interop.MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.dll Error?

Oct 2, 2009

Now i'm using visual studio 2010 beta1 and Interop.MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.dll file is installed my computer but there was an error occured on start up of my project. so what would i do? screen shot of this error is:

1.Hide Call Stack
at AxMSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.AxMSHFlexGrid.AttachInterfaces() at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.GetOcxCreate() at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.set_Site(ISite value) at System.ComponentModel.Container.Add(IComponent component, String name) at System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerHost.Add(IComponent component, String name) at


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