Add Interop.ADODB.dll To My References?

Mar 6, 2010

How can i add Interop.ADODB.dll to my references as i cant seem to find it when i try?

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Interop.ADODB.dll To Ado.Net / Easy To Change?

Feb 8, 2012

My app currently uses Interop.ADODB.dll to retrieve data from an access database.My compiled setup file has to include a Interop.ADODB.dll file for the software to work.What would i have to do in order to convert my app to drop the interop file by using instead?Would it simply be a matter of changing the references and connection strings or does it involve alot more than that?

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VB 2008 : Cannot Find Interop.adodb?

May 10, 2012

This program has worked for a year. It is stored in a remote server and triggered to run by the client.At least till this last build. Now the report cannot find the dll. I placed it in the same folder of the server with the exe and have copy local set.

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VS 2010 Component Named ADODB And Interop.MAPI.dll To Do So

Jul 13, 2010

Hi, I'm trying to receive email in and I found a great tutorial on how to do it. However, I need a component named ADODB and Interop.MAPI.dll to do so. Where could I find either component?

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VS 2008 - Add Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library From COM References - Dim Con As New ADODB.Connection

Sep 2, 2010

I am having problem with Visual Studio 2008.... When i add the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library from COM References, and just run the blank form, it runs perfectly.... But whenever i declare anything related to ADODB like dim con as new ADODB.Connection, then after that it gives me error and doesnt run the project. A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in mscorlib.dll. After that if i comment that like (declaration), then error goes........ I tried uninstalling each and every component and VS as well but the error doesnt goes....i am using Windows 7 x64. The same is working in Windows XP x86 in my virtual machine..... as i am not able to start my project

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Method Not Found: 'ADODB.PositionEnum ADODB._Recordset.get_AbsolutePosition()'?

Jul 26, 2011

I have something strange occuring. The following code works 100% when run in VB2008 Express.When compiled and run onthe same system, it generates the above message.The codebasically opens a Access DB and loops thru the db There is a progress bar (also tried a simplelabel) to display progress using AbsolutePosition.

dbInUse.Open("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=C:SCDBv4DataSCDBData.mdb")
rsInUse.Open(OpenCommandSQL, dbInUse, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)


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VS 2008 Insert References From Application Settings CrystalDecisions References Are Missing

Mar 9, 2011

I have Crystal Reports 2008 installed on my win7 laptop but when i go to insert references from my application settings the CrystalDecisions references are missing and im not able to find them. Note: they do exist in my "c:windowsassembly" folder.

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Where To Get The IMAPI2.Interop.dll Or The Equivalent IMAPI2.Interop.vb Class

Aug 29, 2011

i want to write a small app which enables the user to burn some files on cd/dvd. Something like:

- Make an export from related DB Tables with informations

- Collect customers informations

- zip everything

-burn on cd (its a settlement related tool)

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ADODB Errors ?

Jan 13, 2012

For some reason this is giving me errors..

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click

Dim ConnectionString As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs2 As New ADODB.Recordset


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Db Row Limit For Adodb?

Jan 23, 2010

is there anyway to limit the rows selected in adodb?i had something like this
Dim command As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("select*from Table order by Col1 limit 5", connection)

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Should Use OledbConnection Or ADODB With .NET

Jul 23, 2011

I'm converting a VB6 + ADODB app to VB.NET 2010 and targeting both x86 and x64 I understand that ADO is available in both 32 and 64 bits and that .NET supports it.The VB6 code uses ADODB and ADOX to work with OleDb and Odbc data sources. It also uses the Jet and Replication Objects 2.6 library to compact and copy Access database files (if the uderlying database it's using is Access)I'm wondering if I should consider using OleDbConnection/OdbcConnection in the .NET version of the software or stick with ADO.I've looked at OleDbConnection, OdbcConnection and SqlConnection and can see that porting the old code over would be time consuming and risky.

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VS 2005 Adodb To

Oct 23, 2009

I went through many documentation but this doesn't seem to get into my matter somehow. It'll be great if anyone can show me how to execute the following function using coding:


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Add New Record - ADODB.Recordset

Aug 11, 2010

Application Type = Windows Forms
DatabaseType = MS Access 2007

I am developing a win form app in vb 2008 combining with ms access 2007 as backend. I am using ADODB.connection and ADODB.Recordset objects.


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ADODB.Recordset Not Defined

Jun 3, 2011

i am trying to save information in to my access database , i created new instance of an ADODB.Connection object and ADODB.Recordset object but visual studio 2005 is given me an error message that ADODB.connection and ADODB.Recordset are defined?

this is my code

Public Class Form1
Dim con As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim str As String


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ADODB.Recordset Not Defined?

Mar 9, 2011

am trying to save information in to my access database , i created new instance of an ADODB.Connection object and ADODB.Recordset object but visual studio 2005 is given me an error message that ADODB.connection and ADODB.Recordset are definedthis is my code

Public Class Form1
Dim con As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset


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ADODB.Recordset Update To ADO.NET

Apr 20, 2011

I have a piece of software I am converting to ADO.NET from ADODB. In ADODB I can update a recordset by simply.

Dim rs as ADODB.Recordset
rs = query("select * from tblSomethere where something = something")
rs("something").Value = something.Text


Dim rs as ADODB.Recordset
rs = query("select * from tblSomethere where something = something")
rs("something").Value = something.Text

I am confused about to easily accomplish this. I know I can use an insert or update command but it would be much easier to do something like this. NOTE: The query just returns a filled RecordSet, it just executes the command and connection without me having to do it all over the place.

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Implement VB ADODB Recordset?

Jul 22, 2010

I am new in VB.NET.I Developed Project in VB Recently.In VB6.0 i worked on ADODB Recordset by Connecting Access DB.And i wrote SQL Queries in the Functions and these Functions Called in the Recordsets. I will send u my code wich i developed in VB6 in the below.


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'Recordset' Is Ambiguous In The Namespace 'ADODB'?

Jun 17, 2011

I encounter this error as mention in the subject line. I just change from windows XP 32 bits to windows 7 64 bits, and the following code were working fine in windows XP, but in windows 7 I get ambiguous namespace for all the DIM cnn As New ADODB.Connection and DIM rst As New ADODB.Recordset.I Have no idea what is going on.However, the exe that is created from my old XP runs fine on both XP and Windows 7 32 bits but not the Win7 64 bits.

Public Sub mStartConnection()
Dim initPath As String
Dim File_Reader As StreamReader


View 4 Replies - Properly Closing Adodb Connections

Apr 19, 2011

in, there are some applications that use adodb to access a mysql server.


re writing these functions is a big task - and I am not interested in doing it unless absolutely needed. Here is my problem though. even if the connection is closed (and i have stepped through the code, it closes) The connection is still visible on the sql server in a sleep state why? and how can i make sure that the connection is closed.

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ADODB - Record Count Return Zero

Jun 6, 2012

I've written some code to try some thing. I don't get an error message. However, the record count return " zero". I declare some objects and make a connection. That all works fine. But no records.

Here's the code :
Public Class Form1
Dim vtest As VariantType
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
[Code] .....

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ADODB Get Results From Stored Procedure

Mar 3, 2009

I had the great fortune to receive the task of converting an ancient VBA Access order tracking application into a stand alone VB application. Along the way I was trying to parameterize their SQL queries, most everything has gone well but now I am getting an error I can't figure out."Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal."Iam kind of stuck using as much as the old code as possible because the client "knows VB" and wants to be able to edit the code after I'm gone.


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Cannot Display Data In DataGridView Using Adodb

Aug 13, 2009

Private Sub frmDAFTARGAJI_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Connecting To A SQL Server Database Using ADODB?

Jun 27, 2010

01Private Sub Command1_Click()
03 Dim MyConnObj As New ADODB.Connection 'ADODB Connection Object


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Destroy The ADODB.Recordset In 2008?

May 23, 2012

I migrate a project from vb 6.0 to 2008.


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Error 91 On Trying To Retrieve An Adodb Field?

Jan 10, 2011

The following VB code is from an application that I am developing. It establishes a record set by executing a SQL query on a SQL connection (ADODB). On the first pass through, the statement fails with an error 91, I trap it and re-execute the sub and then the statement works! The statement that fails is italicized and bolded below.

Sub LBTasksAD_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)


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Error Using ADODB Connection & Command?

Nov 15, 2011

I am getting errors when I try to use this adodb.connection and command in my code. The error I am getting is saying that the connection and command are not defined. I read online that depending on your version of vb that you might use the "OLE" connection instead of ADODB.

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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How To Clear ADODB Connection Pool

Jun 1, 2012

We have a application using both and ADODB connections(both connecting to MS SQl server) Whenever an connection throws an expection, we cleared the pools Now if any ADO.connection reopened and everything works fine Is there any way to clear pools for ADODB connection?

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Not All Results Returned From ADODB Connection?

Jun 1, 2010

We have had a visual (2002) service running on our server for several years now with no problems. However I recently needed to update one of the DB calls by adding additional fields to the SELECT statement. However, after adding the new fields, some of the returned data is coming back empty when I loop through the records. I have confirmed that the querystring is accurate and returns all of the data through a third party viewer, so I'm not sure what is going on.For example, in the code below, everything worked fine with field1, field2, and field3. However, when I add field4, data for field2 and field4 come back empty when looping through the results.

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Update MSAccess Schema With Without Using Adodb?

May 10, 2010

Using the connect schema you can get the schema from a access database. I can use the alter statement to add a field, but I want to update the descrption and default properties. Can the be done without using adodb or adox (com objects)?

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Waiting On A Lock With An Adodb Recordset

Feb 8, 2011

I have a vb program accessing a table in an sql server database. I would like the vb program to wait if it attempts to update a row which is locked in the table. The default behaviour of the recordset seems to be fail immediately with a timeout if the record it wants to update is locked.

The sql server is set to a default lock_timeout of -1 (infinite I believe). Is there a way to have an ADODB recordset wait on a lock (say for 60 seconds) and then fail if it still can't update the record.

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