VS 2010 Component Named ADODB And Interop.MAPI.dll To Do So

Jul 13, 2010

Hi, I'm trying to receive email in vb.net and I found a great tutorial on how to do it. However, I need a component named ADODB and Interop.MAPI.dll to do so. Where could I find either component?

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Add Interop.ADODB.dll To My References?

Mar 6, 2010

How can i add Interop.ADODB.dll to my references as i cant seem to find it when i try?

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Interop.ADODB.dll To Ado.Net / Easy To Change?

Feb 8, 2012

My app currently uses Interop.ADODB.dll to retrieve data from an access database.My compiled setup file has to include a Interop.ADODB.dll file for the software to work.What would i have to do in order to convert my app to drop the interop file by using Ado.net instead?Would it simply be a matter of changing the references and connection strings or does it involve alot more than that?

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VB 2008 : Cannot Find Interop.adodb?

May 10, 2012

This program has worked for a year. It is stored in a remote server and triggered to run by the client.At least till this last build. Now the report cannot find the dll. I placed it in the same folder of the server with the exe and have copy local set.

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VB2008 Express 'Cannot Create Activex Component' Using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application

Apr 30, 2010

I am working on a VB2008 Express application that makes used of the office interop access. The exact code is:


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VS 2010 Retrieving Specific Emails (MAPI / CDO / WSK)

Mar 1, 2012

I have decided to go down the MAPI / CDO or Winsock route in my application. Sending emails is easy enough. However, I need to retrieve and display emails. The slight twist in the tail is that I don't want to download / access all emails, just those from a certain sender's email address. Most users will have Outlook installed on the computer but i'd rather not rely on this unless I have to. I'm not sure which technology to use and how to go about this as I don't want to download all messages and then iterate through them. I'd rather just request emails with specific properties.

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Method Not Found: 'ADODB.PositionEnum ADODB._Recordset.get_AbsolutePosition()'?

Jul 26, 2011

I have something strange occuring. The following code works 100% when run in VB2008 Express.When compiled and run onthe same system, it generates the above message.The codebasically opens a Access DB and loops thru the db There is a progress bar (also tried a simplelabel) to display progress using AbsolutePosition.

dbInUse.Open("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=C:SCDBv4DataSCDBData.mdb")
rsInUse.Open(OpenCommandSQL, dbInUse, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)


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Making A Program In VS 2010 By ADODB Connection With MS Access

Sep 23, 2011

I am using VB6 for a (ADODB Connection & Record set) database program by connecting MS Access file (MDB). Can I make same program in Visual Studio 2010 by ADODB connection with MS Access (MDB)?

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VS 2010 Optional And Named Parameters In An Attribute?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a custom Attribute class where the constructor takes one fixed parameter and two optional parameters. It is my understanding that one can supply one or more optional parameters by using 'named parameters' such as this:

Private Sub CallMethod()
Me.OptionalMethod(-1, z:=1)
End Sub


Well, I thought, perhaps Attributes don't support named parameters. I know they can behave a little weird (they don't support all types in their arguments for example I think), so I thought little of it.But then... I noticed something else. If you take a look at my code of the attribute class again. Notice that I am using an attribute on that class as well... And what do you know: named parameters. Working just fine... The AttributeUsage attribute has the exact same configuration: one fixed parameter and two optional parameters. I seem to be able to call them using named parameters just fine, where I cannot call my own attribute constructor with named parameters...

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VS 2010 Make Folder Named By Current Date?

Nov 8, 2011

im asking for help on how to Make Folder and it name by current Date?

sample today is 11-08-2011

so program will create a folder name 11-08-2011 (Nov.08,2011)

and also creation of folder triggered by timer lets say Folder creation every 11pm daily.

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VS 2010 Reflection, Create A Class With Dynamically Named Properties?

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to make a very simple audio tag editor. The idea is that the user can select as many audio files as he likes from a ListView, and a PropertyGrid will then display their tags + their values.When multiple files are selected, I want the property grid to display the values of the tags that all files have in common, and display empty values for tags that the files do not have in common.As an example, look at the properties list in your Visual Studio IDE when you select multiple controls (of the same type for this matter). Select a few Button controls, for example, and notice that the properties whose values are the same (often things like Font, ForeColor, etc) are displayed. Also notice that the values for properties that are not the same (Text, Name, etc) are empty.

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VS 2008 Using MAPI With .net?

Jul 15, 2010

I need to send notification emails from a vb.net app using MAPI.

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Use Named Pipe For Full Duplex Inter-process Communication In Vb 2010 (Framework 3.5)?

Apr 13, 2012

I have 2 applications that needs to talk to each others. After some research, I wanted to go with managed pipe (namespace system.io.pipes). The problem is, the client must send commands to the server but need to also wait for incoming message from the server at the same time. I tried to go asynchrone but it doesn't work.


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VS 2010 Interop And Modal Forms?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a .NET application that calls a method in a COM component to show a dialog. Unfortunately, you can't pass the .NET form to the COM component to set the owner form without a type mismatch:

_ComForm.Show vbModal, _DotNetForm

So, what that means is the form is displayed without a parent form. The problem is, if the user launches the COM form and then while the dialog is shown, clicks to another application and then returns to my application, the COM form is now behind the .NET owner form and most users won't know how to find that window. Is there any way around this?

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Add MAPI Controls To Application?

Feb 23, 2010

I would like to know how to add MAPI controls to a vb.net application

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Mapi Email To Outlook2010?

Apr 14, 2011

I am trying to send out an email via outlook2010 using mapi.

Dim oApp As Outlook.Application

oApp = New Outlook.Application()

Dim oMsg As Outlook.MailItem[code]....

I cannot use smtp ( i have used that before ) ... I just cant seem to get a simple email to popup on my outlook that I try to create in vb.net

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Obtain Entire Text Content Of A Webpage Displayed In Iframe Named 'test_iframe' In 2010?

Sep 9, 2011

I want my application to open a web page that has an iframe within it named "test_iframe". Now I want to obtain the text being displayed in test_iframe. How do I get this content (I dont need the HTML code, only text being displayed in that page). Also if the iframe is hidden, can I obtain the content in such a scenario also?

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Visual Studio 2010 - Designer - Type 'MyProject.MyResources.Resources' Has No Property Named 'myicon

Jun 17, 2012

Long story short I made a form in VB.Net project which involves lots of icons and images. My problem is when I build my project, and then go back to that form, suddenly errors showed up.

The errors says : "The type 'MyProject.MyResources.Resources' has no property named 'myicon'". Just to be clear, it worked fine before I did the build, and it happened to every single images I have on Resource.

When I chose "Ignore and Continue" all of the images I used are gone. I tried to googled it, some says to delete my .exe file on Application/Bin/Debug folder, which is working. But this issue has been some kind of an annoying one, since it happens again every single time I build.

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Moving .msg From A File To A MAPI Folder?

Jul 24, 2009

is there any way to move a contact or apointment item from a file (ie C: est) to a MAPI folder? The way I have it set up now I can save all the items from the outlook MAPI folder into the file, but I can't retrieve them. I've tried my.computer. filesystem. copyfile, but there seems to be no way of feeding it the mapi folder as a string it can understand. I've tried to see if I could open the .msg from the file as any format I could think of, and then saving it. No luck there. I've searched extensively, too, though I'm not sure I was using the correct terms.

My end goal is to make a folder on a shared drive that other users can go to and look at a list of contacts and or calendar items, then possibly upload them into their own contacts/calendars. I've even tried taking all the relevent data out of them and putting it into a text file, then uploading it to outlook. I got that working well enough, but it seems so convoluted, and is far from robust. It seems like it should be easy to just copy them over, since you can just click and drag them on the UI, but I haven't had any luck

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Use When Upgrading To NET In Place Of VB6 MAPI MAPISession & MAPIMessages?

Jan 26, 2011

I want to upgrade and re-write a VB6 program in VB.NET I used VB6 MAPI MAPISession & MAPIMessages to read and view email messages into a Data Grid in the VB6 program I want to be able to load and view the email messages into a DataGrid in VB.NET using Visual Studio

Not at all sure of what I should be searching for or what replaces the VB6 MAPI method in the VB NET code

I have tried searching for sample code and read many forums, but still not on the right track

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Sending The Same Series Of Emails With MAPI In VB5 Produces Different Results?

Oct 15, 2009

I am using VB5 on a Windows XP SP3 computer.I have an application that send emails to customers that have birthdays today and that bought a product from me today. If I run the application several times with the same search criteria with the same customers and the same date and time, I "may" or "may not" get the save Emails sent out.I am using a MAPI Signon prior to the birthday select and MAPI Signoff after the birthday select; another MAPI Signon prior to the sales today select and MAPI Signoff after the sales today select.I count the emails that are supposed to be produced in each select above and the counts are correct. It's the emails that may not agree with the counts.What could cause this?

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Clean Elegant Solution To Form-class Level Component Collection Initializing Before Initialize Component?

Feb 3, 2011

I am converting an old Vb6 solution to .net 2.0 in vs2010. I've been working in C# for about 3 years now and .net for 5. I don't recall having this problem in C#, but if I want initialize a readonly collection of DerivedControlFoo Is there a clean way to do it besides creating a sub to do it all off somewhere else? I'd love to be able to do it at the class level at the declaration for readability and simplicity.

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Create A DLL Component For Database Operation And Use Created Component In Another Project

Mar 1, 2010

Create a DLL component for database operation and use created component in another project. Required methods, events and properties

a. Connect
b. Add
c. Delete
d. Save
e. Record navigation (first, next, previous, last)
f. Properties for all database fields
g. Events for validation of database fields.

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VS 2010 Error: Could Not Load File Or Assembly 'Interop.ActiveDs.Version=

Apr 22, 2010

I am working on an application which compiles fine on machine that is Win 7 and 64 bit CPU. But when copy and I run the exe file on similar machine (Win 7 64bit) I get error message: Error: Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.ActiveDs.Version=,... I have added ActiveDS Type Library 1.0 C:WindowsSysWow64activedstlb as a reference in the project file.


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VS 2010 Obtaining "ADODB.InternalField" While Populating Combobox?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm using the following


But the result is always the same

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VS 2010 - Class To Component ?

Dec 13, 2010

I have created a class and want to distribute it without giving off my code/create it as an application. I am aware that components are nearly no longer used and their disadvantages. I dont need to draw anything on the ui. (I know basically components are used for this aim but I just need to try this :] )

My question is: My class uses a webbrowser because webclient and web request don't work for me. When I start vs 2010 and select new project - Class Library and include the namespace System.Windows.Forms it doesnt find it. So first of all should I select class library to create a component and how could I include the webbrowser object?

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Sending Email Using MAPI Causes Error On 'ResolveName' Function In Window7?

Aug 25, 2009

In Windows XP as well as in Vista,it was possible to compose and send out an email using MAPI with the default email application MS Outlook,utlook Express or anyother. Butin Windows7, it is not possible to send out mails using MAPI.The ResolveNamefunction callprompts an error. I found that ResolveName function is deprecated Is there anything else can fix this problem?Following is a sample of the code



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VS 2010 Component Recognize The Form It Is On?

May 1, 2010

I'm trying to make a Toolbox component which the user can drag onto a form in the VS Designer. The component has to recognize the Form it is on, in order to handle certain Form events. I would prefer to do it without requiring the user to add any code to the form. Does anyone know a way the component can get the identity of the form?

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VS 2010 Make Excel Component?

Nov 20, 2010

Just tried out a new Excel component. (Spire.Xls)I make a reference to the DLL and write my code to create an excel workbook. Everything seems fine but when i compile my program i got this warningWarning1The referenced assembly "Spire.XLS" could not be resolved because it has a dependency on "System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, ublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" which is not in the currently targeted framework".NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Profile=Client". Please remove references to assemblies not in the targeted framework or consider retargeting your project.Mix-kasse

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C# - Change A Component Name In A Component Designer In WinForms .Net

Jan 8, 2010

I've created a component whose name I'd like to be able to change while editing in the component tray. I've added a Designer action for a name property, but now I'm stuck.

Looking at the property grid, I can see that the name property is parenthesised, indicating that it's not a regular property.

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