VS 2005 DataGridView.ContextMenuStrip Property Blocks CellMouseClick Event?

Jun 18, 2009

If you assign a ContextMenuStrip to the DataGridView.ContextMenuStrip property and then right-click a cell, the CellMouseClick event doesn't fire. Why would the ContextMenuStrip block this event from occurring?

My workaround at the moment is to separate the ContextMenuStrip from the DataGridView and show it with code, but this seems unnecessary.

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VB2008 DataGridView CellMouseClick & CellMouseDoubleClick?

Sep 3, 2009

I currently have both DGV.CellMouseClick & DGV.CellMouseDoubleClick implimented in my code.The DGV.CellMouseDoubleClick never fires and the DGV.CellMouseClick always fires. The only exception is when I position the cursor between DGV cells and get the double arrow. If I double click with the double arrow then I get the DGV.CellMouseDoubleClick to fire

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ContextMenuStrip Event Handler At Runtime?

Jun 22, 2012

I create Context menu at runtime depends of text in selected cell of datagridview.
Like this:

With ContextMenuStrip1
Dim Str As String = DataGridView1.Item(1, DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index).Value


And as vbnet beginner with this code I can't get text of fired menu item in event handler.

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ContextMenuStrip On DataGridView?

Sep 27, 2009

I am formerly a VB6 programmer learning the .Net world of VB2008. I am confused and need assistance with the following.I am attempting to get a ContextMenuStrip to work on a DataGridView. I want my program to add the ContextMenuStrip and fill in its menu items. I would then like a right-click on a menu item to take me to a unique click event to handle the specific menu action.The example below is a simple form with a datagridview (1) and contextmenustrip (1). I could not get it to work without adding the ContextMenuStrip control manually.

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VS 2005 Contextmenustrip - Inconsistent Dropdown?

Apr 6, 2009

I've got a contextmenustrip with a couple levels of dropdowns (submenu items). Let's say I right-click the form and show the "main" set of items, one of which is "Food". If I move the mouse over Food (not click it), a dropdown (submenu) for Food should open, which it does. But then, say, one of the food items is "Fruit". When I move the mouse over "Fruit", the Fruit submenu should open automatically - but it does not always - sometimes it does, but sometimes I have to click it to open it. Furthermore, once "Fruit" has been clicked once to open, any other dropdown items (let's say we had "Veggies" and "Meat") will automatically open as I expect; and then "Fruit" will behave as expected also.

Any ideas on how to correct this inconsistent behavior? (i.e. all sets of dropdowns associated with a contextmenuitem should open when the mouse is moved over it, a click should not be required)

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VS 2005 Same ToolStripItems For ToolStripDropDownButton And ContextMenuStrip?

Sep 4, 2009

At design-time I have added the ToolStripItems to the ToolStripDropDownButton but I want to provide a Context Menu which has the same items but when I am adding the items to the ContextMenuStrip at runtime they are removed from the ToolStripDropDownButton and are only available to the ContextMenuStrip already, is it not possible to have them in both ToolStripDropDownButton and ContextMenuStrip?Rather than duplicating the menus I would have preferred utilizing them in both ToolStripDropDownButton and ContextMenuStrip.

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Host A DataGridView On A ContextMenuStrip Using ToolStripControlHost?

Apr 27, 2012

I'm trying to show a small DataGridView in my ContextMenuStrip that I have built. The DataGridView will show a unique list of values in a DataGridViewTextboxColumn "Sample ID" when its column header is right-clicked. I can get the unique values just fine, but I'm having trouble displaying the small DataGridView in the ContextMenuStrip. It currently looks like this.Notice, there is no data in the DataGridView. I have confirmed that the DataGridView.DataSource has several rows in it, yet the DataGridView shows nothing. Plus, I need to increase the size of my DataGridView, thus increasing the size of the ContextMenuStrip to show the DataGridView.

Public Class ContextMenu_Column_String
Inherits ContextMenuStrip
Private dvs As DataGridViewSettings


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[2005] Make Own Contextmenustrip For The Web Browser Control?

Sep 7, 2007

What I'm trying to do is make my own contextmenustrip for the web browser control, this menu has two items so far: "Select All" which will select all the text displayed and "Copy" which simply copies whatever text is highlighted or selected. No images are displayed so no need to worry about that.

Also I've noticed that whenever a file is dragged from windows and dropped onto the web browser control on my form, the browser simply displays the file (these are xml files that I'm dropping on the control, on my form) which is not what I want it to do, instead I want to grab the file path & name and use it elsewhere. The browser control doesn't have the DragEnter, DragDrop, DragLeave events like labels, forms, textboxes, etc... how would I handle this?

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DataGridview Show Custom ContextMenuStrip On Cell That Is Being Edited?

Sep 19, 2011

I'm trying to show a custom contextmenustrip on my datagridview and it works fine except when the cell is being being edited. Then it shows the default windows contextmenustrip with copy/cut/..Is there a way to overwrite the DataGridViewTextBoxCell contextmenustrip or disable it? The solution from Disable DataGridView System ContextMenu does'nt work for me.

Private Sub DataGridView1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles DocCostGroupDetsDataGridView.MouseDown
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then


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VB2008 : Find The Underlying DataGridView When Using ContextMenuStrip And ToolStripItems?

Oct 3, 2009

find the underlying DataGridView (DGV) when responding to a Right Click on a ToolStripMenu (TSM).I have several DGV's all using the same ContextMenuStrip (CMS) [DGV.ContextMenuStrip=CMS]I have six ToolStripMenuItems under the CMS. I thought I could just add a unique handler for each of the ToolStripMenuItems and be a happy camper on each Right Click...But I cannot figure a way to decode the underlying DGV. There doesn't seem to be any relationships between DGV and TSM and none between CMS and TSM.Is this path a dead end? If so how should one do it? FYI my DGV data is unbounded.

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Interface And Graphics :: MainMenu Disappears After Adding ContextMenuStrip In VS 2005

Sep 30, 2008

I am in the process of converting a Visual Studio 2003 project to Visual Studio 2005. Part of this effort also includes replacing some ComponentOne controls with .NET controls.


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C# - Why Is Attached Property Property Changed Event Only Firing One Time

Nov 27, 2010

I have a listbox binded to a list of objects. For each list item I wanted to have a rectangle whose fill color is determined by a few properties of the binded object. So I did the following:

Made sure INotifyPropertyChanged was implemented on my object.Created a class to expose the properties I am interested in as attached properties.Binded the properties of the object to the attached properties of the rectangle Created a style that uses triggers to set the rectangle fill based on attached properties.

This works, but only the first time the property of the object changes. After that, the attached properties do not seem to be receiving notification when the data object's property changes. I have double checked and my data object is raising the INotifyPropertyChanged event.

<Rectangle Style="{StaticResource RecordStateRectangleStyle}"
Width="10" Height="10" Stroke="Black"
local:RecordAttachment.RecordState="{Binding Path=RecordState}"
local:RecordAttachment.IsDeleted="{Binding Path=IsDeleted}" />


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VS 2005 Error: Property Access Must Assign To The Property Or Use Its Value?

Aug 13, 2011

got an ErrorProperty access must assign to the property or use its value.Here i attach the code which have an error.In this program i tried to add data into form . I also create button , textbox. i am using visual studio 2005 and sql 2005. i also have attach the imagece

Private Sub btnregister_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnregister.Click
admin1.LoginDataSet.staff(Me.NAMETextBox.Text, Me.TELEPHONEMaskedTextBox.Text,


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VS 2005 Text Box Leave Event And Button Click Event?

Jun 30, 2009

Can i Know how to catch between these 2 event, Leave and Click?

I have one checking in a textbox Leave event. I will go check whether this ID is already exist in DB or not. If exist, I will prompt MSG box to user.

When I click on Close button while focus is on textbox, this textbox Leave Event will trigger first before Button Click event.

So, the form remains open without trigger Button Click event.

how to prevent this textbox leave event or how can i catch/control this situation?

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Raise An Event When The Property Value Changes?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a class with a property, and I want to raise an event when the property value changes, but I have no idea how to declare events, or call them?

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Get An Object To Listen For Its Property's Event?

Dec 15, 2009

I have an object of type SomeObject, with an event StatusChanged. I have a property in SomeObject of type Status also with an event StatusChanged. Within a private function in SomeObject, I would like to run some logic (including firing the StatusChanged event) in the event that Status has fired its StatusChanged event. I have been away from events for a while so it's a bit cloudy to me. How do I do this?

I'm writing in ASP.NET/VB.NET EDIT Ok, in the event that I can't do the above, how would I get the outer object (SomeObject) to fire its StatusChanged event when the inner object (Status) fires its StatusChanged event?

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How To Attach An Event To Object Property?

Nov 1, 2010

I tried to make a custom form, inherited from systems.windows.forms.form object.

I just put one custom property named FormMode.When this property's values changed, it automatically raise an event.

Public class ucForm
inherits system.windows.forms.form
Public Enum FormModeEnum


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Variable/property Changed Event In .net?

Jan 3, 2010

How can I make an event that is raised when a variable or property is changed (or can I just put the code I would put in an event in the Set section of a property?

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Set And Get A Value From A Class Property Within The Main Event Of A Module?

Jul 8, 2011

the project uses a submain as startup object which is located in a module, thy so the application will be started in tray. Within the main() event i need to deserialize a xml file and with it set the properties of a class and then set what the application will do.The problem is, after I deserialize it and put set the property values I try to get them in the same event(main) but when it gets the value it returns as nothing(if string) or 0(if integer) but in the debugging i saw it setting the values.Is there a way to do that, within the main() event of a module to set the properties of a class and then get them without being nothing/0 ?

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Store And Then Raise Event In Property Of Attribute

Apr 9, 2009

I think know how to do this in C# but I'm having syntax trouble in VB.NET because I need to take advantage of the 'handles' event stuff. I have different events that I somehow (probably delegate) need stored in a property of an attribute (I just add an attribute to a property linking to the corresponding event).

Public ReadOnly Property IsTrue() As Boolean
Return True
End Get
End Property

They need to be events so that other programmers can use the VB.NET handles keyword on methods.
Public Delegate Sub TestEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Object)
Public Event E As TestEvent
Public Sub Test() Handles E
End Sub

These properties are already raising a general event, which I am catching, determining the related property and thus getting the related attribute (and delegate/event). I want to then raise the event that's related. If I just use a delegate tied to the particular event that won't raise other handlers will it? I also want to avoid having to write a sub for each property that just uses Raise Event on the event type if possible as this seems redundant.

E.g. avoid:
Public Event E As TestEvent
Public Sub CallE(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Object)
RaiseEvent E(sender, e)
End Sub
[Code] .....

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Assign A Event Handler Value To The Text Property Of The Appropriate Label?

Mar 13, 2010

What is the code to assign a event handler value to the Text property of the appropriate label. Here is my code so far and I want the values created by clicking the button to display in the text for the associated text boxes?


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Forms :: Set And Get A Value From A Class Property Within The Main Event Of A Module?

Jul 8, 2011

the project uses a submain as startup object which is located in a module, thy so the application will be started in tray. Within the main() event i need to deserialize a xml file and with it set the properties of a class and then set what the application will do.The problem is, after I deserialize it and put set the property values I try to get them in the same event(main) but when it gets the value it returns as nothing(if string) or 0(if integer) but in the debugging i saw it setting the values. Is there a way to do that, within the main() event of a module to set the properties of a class and then get them without being nothing/0 ?

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How To Add Event Handler For Property Change Of List Item

Apr 5, 2011

I have a class called solution. This class has a property named cost. I also have a class called solutionList that inherits List(Of Solution). I have an instance of the solutionList class in another class called solutionGroup. Within the solutionGroup class I have a property called totalCost that sums the solution.cost property for all solutions in the solutionList.

But, I need a way to know when the cost has changed so that I can recalculate the solutionGroup.totalCost. I've added events to the methods that add or remove solutions from the list but I need a way to know if someone does something like
SolutionList.Item(0).cost = 100.
How to raise an event when the cost property of a solution that is in the solutionList is changed but with no luck.

Here is my solutionList class:
Public Class solutionList
Inherits List(Of Solution)
Friend Event listChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Public Sub New()
End Sub
[Code] .....

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Set READONLY Property And Set Value To $.00 In Datagridview

Jun 11, 2011

i have this code to build datagridview column. I will fill this coulmn with the data from another column (I have done it) But now, I want it so that the table property READONLY: TRUE and the column TOTAL_PRICE to have $#.00 format.

Public Class columnLoader
Public Sub New(ByVal system As String, ByVal quantity As Integer, ByVal description As String, ByVal totalPrice As Double)


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.Net Counterpart Of The Blocks In Csharp?

Jun 4, 2010

what's the vb.Net counterpart of the following blocks in Csharp?


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Generating Blocks Of Code

Oct 18, 2010

i am making a Reflector,I want Some help with generating Blocks of Code(Loops,Branching,using Blocks,Switch Case Blocks etc).Until now i am able to convert IL to expressions and identifying startoffset and endoffset of a Code Block for Generating Code Blocks..The Trouble i am facing is Identifying the Initializer, Incrementer and Condition in a For Next Loop. which are contained between the StartOffset and EndOffset as Expressions. [code]

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How To Decode GIF Pixel Blocks

May 24, 2009

I need to know how to decode GIF pixel blocks. The example block that they are using look like this "00 51 FC 1B 28 70 A0 C1 83 01 01" and i cant under stand how they converts that to "100 028 0FF 103 102 103 106 107 101" !?!?I mean... 00 51 FC 1B 28 70 A0 C1 83 01 01 === 00000000 01010001 11111100 00011011 00101000 01110000 10100000 11000001 10000011 00000001 00000001 if I read that like 9bit each it no way I get this result != "100 028 0FF 103 102 103 106 107 101" ?

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How To Do Nested Case Blocks

Feb 29, 2012

I am working on a project that requires that I use nested case blocks. However, I am not quite sure what this looks like. And for whatever reason I'm having a hell of a time trying to find the answer through google. Are nested case blocks like nested if blocks? Or are they something completely different? More information on the project can be given if needed.

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What's The .Net Counterpart Of The Following Blocks In Csharp

Jun 4, 2010

what's the vb.Net counterpart of the following blocks in Csharp?

public class NullableDateTimePicker : System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker
Default Constructor
public NullableDateTimePicker() : base()


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Excel 2010 Value Property For VS 2005

Feb 24, 2011

I'm recreating a program (don't ask - it is embarrassing) in Visual Studio 2005 VB where I read a spreadsheet in an then select values from certian rows. I added the Interop reference and the MS Excel 14 object library, but when I type something like:

Public oSheet as Worksheet

I'm concerned because when I type the period after the ) it does not allow me to select value. I type it in and it does not give an immediate syntax error but I'm guessing that when I try to run this, it will fail the build. Is there an other reference I need to add or do you get the value of a field differently for Office 2010 than we did for Office 2007?

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