Generating Blocks Of Code

Oct 18, 2010

i am making a Reflector,I want Some help with generating Blocks of Code(Loops,Branching,using Blocks,Switch Case Blocks etc).Until now i am able to convert IL to expressions and identifying startoffset and endoffset of a Code Block for Generating Code Blocks..The Trouble i am facing is Identifying the Initializer, Incrementer and Condition in a For Next Loop. which are contained between the StartOffset and EndOffset as Expressions. [code]

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How To Execute Blocks Of Code Based On Textbox Value

Oct 3, 2009

I have a windows form that imports data from an xls file to sql2005. I have a browser button, a dropdown list for the sheet names in excel and a process button. Now the excel file has 3 sheets (sheet1, sheet2, sheet3) the columns and data type are not the same so I need 3 different queries to access this file,

I think about CASE, but not very sure,
So if dropdown list.selectedvalue=sheet1 then
run code

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Pass Code Blocks To A Method Or Class?

Apr 23, 2009

Is there a way to pass code blocks to a method or class?

I'm trying to write a number of exception handling methods.[cod]e...

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Send A SMTP Email Blocks Caller Code

Mar 25, 2009

I have a form with a "Send" button to test a code to send SMTP emails.It fires the click event when I hit the "Send" button, but the email is never sent if I leave the form running. When I close it, the email is sent.This is not the needed behavior because the User may never close the Application (this is a Client/Server application, not Web).Below is the code behind the "Send" button's click event[code]...

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Generating The HTML Code?

May 23, 2010

i want to generate something like this:

<li><h2>CSS Drop Down Menus</h2>
<li><a href="" title="SEO Consultants Directory">CSS Hover Navigation</a>


View 4 Replies - Multiline Textbox - "Code Blocks Are Not Supported In This Context"

Jan 26, 2011

I have a multiline (> 50 lines) textbox containing plain text. I want to add either a session variable to the text in this box. In asp I would have done it by putting in <% %> code blocks but in .net I am getting the following error: "Code blocks are not supported in this context". I assume therefore that this would need doing in code behind.Is there a quicker way than putting all the text from the textbox in a string in code-behind and then adding the variable on like this? I would like to keep the text in my aspx page if possible.

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"Code Blocks Are Not Supported In This Context" Error In ASP.NET

Jun 20, 2011

I am getting this error by simply trying to insert some VB.NET code in ASP.NET markup. See the code:

<%@ Control Inherits="PerformanceWeb.Framework.SiteSettings" CodeBehind="sitesettings.ascx.vb" language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" %>
<table id="TABLE1" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="2" border="0" runat="server">


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Generating 25 Alphanumeric Code With Conditions?

Sep 25, 2011

I have been programming an activation type of security protection for my software but i ran into problems when i try to generate an alphanumeric key with conditions. i cant seem to be able to make the keys to be valid with the condition.Basically i can get the 25 keys but all of them seem to be returning 1(ones) instead of 0(zero which what i want. below is my sample code may be someone can tell me what i am doing wrong, by the way i did google, woogle,bing, bang, yahoo, yadoo etc but no go.

generate the keys
Public Function GenerateCode() As Object
Dim IntRnd As Object
Dim IntStep As Object[code]....

the damn thing keeps returning 1 instead of 0. I do know i can simply change to 1 and be off the issue. but if is that easy to generate 1 the isnt easy just to break it. oh yeah the whole thing hangs when i generate the code? if i loop it, its able to get a 0 but i cant take the key thats in the loop?

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Generating Crystal Reports Using Code

Jan 7, 2011

i am trying to create a crystal report and run it on the fly


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Generating Datagridview New Line In Code?

Apr 8, 2009

i am programming in and i am still a novice. i need to know how to generate a new line in the grid view from code. i have an input field which accepts a value. when i hit enter it should populate a line in a gridview. how do i generate this new line as it appears i keep overwriting the first line.

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VS 2010 Generating Code At Runtime

May 14, 2012

How can it be done? What I want is to have the program make a string, and then read the string as code. I'm a noob, and it sounds like this should be so easy, but after seeping through this forum, I have found no quick and easy solutions...


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Cut And Paste Code In VB Express Without Generating Errors?

Aug 5, 2011

I've deleted the original code, but to be specific, when I developed a form using Buttons and Textboxes I didn't place them in any specific order. The result was that as the user clicks the cursor, it would bounce around the page in what would appear to be a random sequence, but in fact was going to the next button/box in order of how it appeared in the code section of the form. Naturally, my first inclination was ..... OK, that's how it's going to be, I'll just cut and paste the code in the order of how I want the cursor to move. What happened was I generated several errors and the file would not compile. I can find no information on how to properly cut/paste code sections without generating these types of errors. BTW, I did try the focus() function and it did direct the cursor to the appropriate box, but it also only allowed 1 character to be entered in the textbox and summarily directed the cursor to the next box.

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Automatically Generating Code From A Text Or Xml File And Then Compiling?

Jul 15, 2011

I would like to know how I could generate code from a text file in a particular format into a or C# source file.I would like my code generating program to read text file having the following format:[code]The idea is to compile the main code after the user have modified the txt file and used the code generating program. I would prefer to write the code generating program in C, python or C#.

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Code In Creating/generating Textbox When A Clicking A Button?

Jul 13, 2011

What possible code will I use for this particular situation:

I my form: If the button is clicked, a Text Box will be created in the form.

Then if the button is clicked again, another text box will appear and so on and so forth.

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Generating Coupon Code - CustomerID - BusinessID - OfferID

Nov 6, 2011

I have five fields

4.Day of Purchase
5.Month Of Purchase

Private Function MakeCouponCode(ByVal sn As Int16) As String
Dim a(16) As Char
Dim chk As Int16
Dim check, tDate, slNo, couponCode As String


I am using the above code to make a CouponCode...but somehow its not very hard to crack...Any idea how can i make a bullet proof coupon code in not more than 16 digits?

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VS 2008 - Generating Random String - VB Code Snippet

Aug 22, 2009

Dim strFilename As String strFilename = Format(Now, "ddmmyyyyhhmmss"

That generates the day number month and so on. But i want to generate a string with "VB Code Snippet" then after that just any 5 letters or numbers so it might generate "VB Code Snippet 7ef82"

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C# - Generating Code - Get A Proper String Representation Of Nullable Type?

Mar 17, 2010

So I'm building an application that is going to do a ton of code generation with both C# and VB output (depending on project settings). I've got a CodeTemplateEngine, with two derived classes VBTemplateEngine and CSharpTemplateEngine. This question regards creating the property signatures based on columns in a database table. Using the IDataReader's GetSchemaTable method I gather the CLR type of the column, such as "System.Int32", and whether it IsNullable. However, I'd like to keep the code simple, and instead of having a property that looks like:


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Forms :: Generating Custom Code For A Windows Form From User Input

Mar 30, 2009

I am trying to figure out how to generate code from user input. In Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic.My script always begins with:function Init (Quest)Then from here a user would input a quest name, type and zone in a interface using windows forms.[code]I would also like to have these available on the UI but wont generate unless a user checks a box to add them or there is a box already for them but wont step into the code unless the user enters something into the box.Is there anyone that can explain how I would go about doing this. Or maybe some kind of visual studio plugin that will help me out.

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Visual Studio 2008 Generating Custom Code For A Windows Form

Mar 31, 2009

how to generate code from user input. In Visual Studio 2008, Visual BasicI am new to this so I will try to explain the best I can.[code]I would also like to have these available on the UI but wont generate unless a user checks a box to add them or there is a box already for them but wont step into the code unless the user enters something into the box.Is there anyone that can explain how I would go about doing this. Or maybe some kind of visual studio plugin that will help me out. Or reference?I don't need anyone to do this for me I just need an explanation of how to do this or some kind of reference. Would this be a text template?

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VS 2008 - Generating Custom Code For Windows Form From User Input

Mar 30, 2009

How to generate code from user input. In Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic. My script always begins with:

function Init(Quest)
Then from here a user would input a quest name, type and zone in a interface using windows forms.
RegisterQuest(Quest, "Kill Zombies", "Heritage", "Firestorm")
This part a user would enter in his interface what would an NPC say if accepted.
[Code] .....

What I need is a few text boxs that a user can input "Kill Zombies" or whatever they like and when they push a generate button it will create a file with a .quest extension. All of the code remains the same except for the quotes that would be the user input from the interface. Basically everything in quotes can be changed by the user in an interface. I have created my own functions for when a user accepts, deny and complete a quest. The user just needs to input what should happen then click a generate button to throw it all together as a .quest file to be saved in his or her quest folder for the server to call on later.

I also have many other functions like:
AddQuestRewardFaction --- (Quest, Faction ID, Amount)
AddQuestRewardCoin --- (Quest, Copper, Silver, Gold, Plat)
AddQuestStepObtainItem --- (Quest, Step ID, Description, Quantity, Percentage, TaskGroupText, Item ID(s))

I would also like to have these available on the UI but wont generate unless a user checks a box to add them or there is a box already for them but wont step into the code unless the user enters something into the box.

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Line Of Code Is Generating This Error - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Aug 14, 2010

with datagridview1

while looping through all the cells

i am trying to allot a cell value to another cell value basing on some conditions
& finally delete one code is as fallows

Dim i, x As Integer
i = 0
x = Me.DataGridView1.Rows.Count[code]....

error i am getting is : Object reference not set to an instance of an is extremely surprising for me the same code has worked nice for me but why & how the same line of code is generating this error.

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.Net Counterpart Of The Blocks In Csharp?

Jun 4, 2010

what's the vb.Net counterpart of the following blocks in Csharp?


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How To Decode GIF Pixel Blocks

May 24, 2009

I need to know how to decode GIF pixel blocks. The example block that they are using look like this "00 51 FC 1B 28 70 A0 C1 83 01 01" and i cant under stand how they converts that to "100 028 0FF 103 102 103 106 107 101" !?!?I mean... 00 51 FC 1B 28 70 A0 C1 83 01 01 === 00000000 01010001 11111100 00011011 00101000 01110000 10100000 11000001 10000011 00000001 00000001 if I read that like 9bit each it no way I get this result != "100 028 0FF 103 102 103 106 107 101" ?

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How To Do Nested Case Blocks

Feb 29, 2012

I am working on a project that requires that I use nested case blocks. However, I am not quite sure what this looks like. And for whatever reason I'm having a hell of a time trying to find the answer through google. Are nested case blocks like nested if blocks? Or are they something completely different? More information on the project can be given if needed.

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What's The .Net Counterpart Of The Following Blocks In Csharp

Jun 4, 2010

what's the vb.Net counterpart of the following blocks in Csharp?

public class NullableDateTimePicker : System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker
Default Constructor
public NullableDateTimePicker() : base()


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Block Like ShowDialog Blocks But Without A Form?

Sep 10, 2010

So you know how when you call "Form.ShowDialog" from where ever you call it, it blocks until the form being displayed closes. And then the function returns whatever result it was.I want to know how to block like, but without a form, yet still have the "main ui thread".Basically I have this long process that needs to thread out and do several things... and it's heavily event based. It jumps between two threads, the main ui thread, and it's own background thread. The main ui thread needs to have access so that I can randomly open different dialog boxes for things... sometimes they're just windows asking to hit OK or Cancel to continue, others it's to perform some action, etc etc.

But there is NO central form related to it. It's a complete background thread running that randomly hops over to the main ui thread for things.Right now I have this class I designed called lets say "DoJobProcessor". On it is a function called "BeginDoJob" that threads off from the thread pool... when ever I need to jump back I use a ManualResetEvent to block on the background thread, jump over to to the main thread with "invoke" and passing a reference to the MRE, then release the block when done there and continue on on this background thread.

All while this is going on I just set the form I'm trying to block the main ui thread from managing by just setting its Enabled property false.It all feels just messy and annoying... and I was just writing something using ShowDialog and I was like... HEY, what if I could block this BeginDoJob method, hi-jack the main ui thread, then let that function return the result when done instead of having this "Complete" event with the return value in it. It's obviously possible because ShowDialog does it, but I don't know how.

This way the job I'm performing isn't always waiting for the main ui thread, instead its the other way around... the ui thread waiting for it, the way it aught to be. Show something, branch off do some stuff and just idle the display while it does it, come back show something else, branch off and just idle while it does that.

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Break The Text File Into Blocks?

Jul 19, 2011

Im working on a somewhat major program for my work. Just in short, im reading in a text file but i then want it to break the text file into blocks. I will put a quick snip of it here:



So i figured id see what the pros could tell me. I have a couple good links, one for a regex cheat sheet but i just dont have a very good understanding of regex.

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Create An Application For Inserting Blocks?

Mar 19, 2012

i want to create an application for inserting blocks from vb into cad,

i want a form with buttons on, the buttons will have the block names on, when you click

on the buttons the blocks will go into the drawing that is open

because i am new to this i dont no where to start

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Handling Errors In Try/catch Blocks?

Jun 11, 2011

What is the convention in VB when a sub requires that a try/catch block succeed in order to function, but the catch block doesn't bubble the exception up?

I could put all of the code into the try block, but this seems messy since most of it doesn't need to be tried, it just needs the try to have succeeded.

For example, should the catch block exit the sub? This would work in my current situation, and if it is the proper procedure, let me know, but what about the more general scenario where both both success and failure require additional processing?

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WebBrowser Control Blocks Popup?

Mar 24, 2009

I am using a WebBrowser to load a webpage. In that page, there are several links. When clicking on one, it opens and then immediately closes. IE7's popup blocker is set to allow all from this site, nor does it work even if the popup blocker is completely disabled. I have no other blocker running.

how I can make these windows stay open?

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