VS 2005 Filter String.Format Missing Operand Afternumber

Oct 13, 2011

Can someone take a look at my "afilter".I am getting an error when I try to read a file.Syntax error: Missing operand after 'Number' operator it works with some files but others perhaps I dont have it written correctly. [code]

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VS 2005 Syntax Error: Missing Operand Before '*' [/B]operator

Aug 13, 2011

i got an error in my code which is [b]Syntax error: Missing operand before '*' [/B]operator. i am using visual studio 2005 and sql 2005 database here i attach the code.In this code i try to use button the search data in database( table name staff) using a column =NAME and text box as user input

private Sub Search_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsearch.Click
Me.StaffBindingSource.Filter = "NAME = *" & Me.txtsearch.Text & ""
End Sub

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VS 2005 Missing Operand Error In Computed Data Column?

Aug 25, 2011

I'm trying to add a computed column to a datatable that references another column in the datatable. Sometimes the computed column has a mathematical operation applied to it, but in this case I'm just referencing the original column. The code looks like the following:

ReportData.Columns.Add("1_1_US", _
GetType(Single), _

The code isn't actually hard coded as shown above - there are functions that return the values for the first and third parameters - but I checked those and they are returning the expected values and not generating any errors themselves.

The error is thrown when the .Add method is called, and the error states "Syntax error: Missing operand after '_1' operator." It seems to me that it doesn't like the column name, which I suppose I could change and just workaround it at the presentation level. Still, I'm curious. Is this a bug in the .net framework or something? It doesn't mind "1_1" as a column name in the datatable, so why is it having a problem with it in the expression statement?

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Asp.net - Missing Operand After '00' Operator?

Dec 19, 2011

I'm trying to filter a dataview using a DataView RowFilter. I want to filter out data based on two date values checked on one column:

Dim dtFuture As Date = DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, 6, Today)
dv.RowFilter = "ValidUntil >" & dtFuture.ToString & "AND ValidUntil > " & Today.ToString

I am getting the error Syntax error: Missing operand after '00' operator..

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Missing Operand After 's' Operator

May 24, 2010

I write this code for filter BookInfoDateView.RowFilter = "bookname LIKE '%" & TxtBookName.Text & "%'"but i get error massage like: Syntax error: Missing operand after 's' operator.

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VS 2010 Missing Operand When Filtering A Database

Mar 22, 2011

I have a filter which is applied to a database on a listboxchanged event, and applies the listbox.text as the filter, so for example if the selected item in the list box is 'Terminator 4' then thats the filter. Its set on the listbox selected changed liek this;


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Syntax Error: Missing Operand After 'df24ff5' Operator?

Feb 28, 2011

I was going through attempting to filter my second form by the first one (named PickaClient) when I got the following error: Syntax error: Missing operand after 'df24ff5' operator.The line of code which causes this is : PickaClient.ClientsBindingSource.Filter = "ClientsID = " & PickaClient.ClientsIDTextBox.Text

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Manage An Operand In A Filter Qriteria?

Nov 18, 2011

I have a dataset with names in it and displayed in a gatagrid on a windows formi want to filter (search) for a specific name stored in a variable by:Names.TblNamesBindingSource.Filter = "LastName= '" & VarLastName & "'"Say if my variable (VarLastName) = "O'brien"I get an error saying i'm missing an operand becouse of the ' in the name.

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Table Filter String.Format?

Nov 22, 2011

I guess I just cant seem understand this correctly

Dim StatusClosed As String = Form11.Closed_Code.Text ' usually = S or ClosedSale or Closed Sale
Dim SubjId As String = Form10.add_Num_txt.Text ' usually = StreetName or Street Name or SN[code]....

If SubjId is StreetNumber or SN its ok , if its Street Number with the space I get error

If I place a ' around {3} in my afilter line then it works if the SubjId is Street Number but not StreetNumber or SN

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Syntax Error "Missing Operand Before '*' Operator" Unexception Handles

Aug 13, 2011

i got an error in my code which is Syntax error: Missing operand before '*' operator. i am using visual studio 2005 and sql 2005 database here i attach the code.In this code i try to use button the search data in database( table name staff) using a column =NAME and text box as user input


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VS 2005 - Download String Missing Links

Dec 14, 2009

I am using this to download the source code from a web site but it is not downloading all the links:

With Form2.RichTextBox1
Dim instance As New Net.WebClient
Dim aAddress As Uri = Me.WebBrowser1.Url
.Text = instance.DownloadString(aAddress)
End With

If I right click with the mouse on the site and view page source the links are there but for some reason download string is missing them.

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[2005] String.Concat Generates A String A Format Not Supported Exception?

Feb 19, 2009

The following is ment to generate the path to a text file and stream the data found there into an array.

Dim y1 As String
Dim y2 As String
Dim y3 As String


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[2005] What Is The Operand To Test For Object Identity

Feb 27, 2009

Private Sub cbxSubject_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cbxSubject.SelectedIndexChanged
Select Case cbxCategory.SelectedItem


I get this error message:Option Strict On disallow operands of type Object for operator '='. Use the 'Is' operator to test for object identity.But I don't know how to correct this.

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Syntax Error: Syntax Error: Missing Operand After '14' Operator

Oct 21, 2009

I want to select some rows from a sql express 2005 table. I am using this expression: "Starttime >= " & dtpStart.Value dtpStart is a DateTimePicker But I am getting this error: Syntax error: Missing operand after '14' operator.

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VS 2005 Error: Input String Was Not In The Correct Format

Apr 8, 2009

I have a user that is receiving the following error: "Input string was not in the correct format"So I looked into the code and I can see why he is getting the error. The code is trying to execute this line:

_MyObject.LineBreaks = "0"

And the property looks like this:

Public Property LineBreaks() As Integer
Return _MyLineBreaks


Now, I immediately see that this old code is trying to set a string into an Integer and the old programmer was not using Option Strict, so he didn't notice this, BUT the problem has only happened one 1 user's PC. Running from the IDE works fine as well as installing the application other PCs. The code is executed every time the application runs, but yet only one person has reported the issue.Why would one PC baulk at this, but not the VS IDE or any other PC so far? Is there some system setting that determines how type conversion is handled? I need to get this user up and running.

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Operand & Is Not Defined For Type String And System.windows.forms.label

Feb 27, 2012

bases is a variable and outs is a label with a number in it. Gives an error --- operand & is not defined for type string and system.windows.forms.label Bases="ooo" and I want to
append a 0 or a 1 or a 2 to get "ooo2" for example.


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VS 2005 - IsDate Function - Check A String For Convert Able To Valid Date Format

Aug 15, 2010

with a system of regional date configuration as dd/MM/yy

isdate("13/08/10 10:00") ' returns true, but with a system of regional date configuration as MM/dd/yy

isdate("13/08/10 10:00") ' returns false

how to handle this situation, all i need is i want to check a string for convert able to valid date format & then convert the same.

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VS 2005 Method Not Found: System.String Microsoft.visual Compatibility.vb6.support.format

Mar 23, 2011

I got following error when trying to login my web application.

method not found: System.String Microsoft.visual compatibility.vb6.support.format

what is that ?

Microsoft.visual basic.compatibility.dll is already present @ my machine

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IDE :: String.Format Giving Error - Input String Was Not In A Correct Format

Sep 14, 2011

var queryString = string.Format("filename={0}&filestream={1}&append={2)", fileName, Convert.ToBase64String(b, 0, bytesRead).ToString(), 1);

above line of code giving error 'Input string was not in a correct format.'

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In .NET String.Format Is Accepting Objects Of A Type That Don't Match The Format String

Jul 7, 2011

I have a function that is getting passed a String and a DataRow.The String is a custom formatter. The idea is to do this

String.Format(passed_in_String, DataRow("ColumnINeed"))

The reason this is being done is at this point we have no idea what the column contains.However, if the formatter is "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" and the DataRow("ColumnINeed") is an integer containing 42, String.Format is returning: MM/dd/yyyy In this situation I need it to throw an exception instead of returning nonsense.Is there anyway to make String.Format throw an exception if the object does not match what the format string is expecting?

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Format String To Pass To String.Format That Would "move" The Decimal Point?

Aug 26, 2010

So I need a format string to pass to String.Format that would "move" the decimal point.I can't perform any math operations before doing the String.Format, so it has to work right off the bat.Basically I'm emulating a formatting string from a proprietary server. In it if I say:


for the value:


The result is:


I'm close with this, but it's not spot on:

String.Format("{0:#0.##}", 12345)

an extra, but not necessary... there is also MR2Z, which moves the decimal 2 left, but if the value is 0 "" is returned.

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Format DataColumn Values In DataView.Filter Expression?

Jun 11, 2012

I am trying to build a filter string for my DataView, but I have run into a problem. My underlying DataTable contains values that are formatted when displayed in my DataGridView.For example, if the DataColumn contains 1.52 and the DataGridViewColumn.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "n0" then 2 is displayed.So the user sees 2, then sets the DataView.RowFilter = "DataColumn = 2", and no DataRows are returned. Is there a way to format the DataColumn in the RowFilter string? For example, DataView.RowFilter = "FORMAT(DataColumn, "n0") IN (2, 4)". This filter string should return 3 rows. If not, can LINQ do this?

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String.Format Input String Was Not In Incorrect Format

Nov 4, 2010

however, i'm copying this directly from the book in its example format and still getting an error.

FormatException was unhandled
Input String was not in correct format
Public Class Form1


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Date Format - Take A String Formatted Like '010711' (DDMMYY) And Put It Into Format '01-Jul-11'?

Jul 1, 2011

I need to take a string formatted like '010711' (DDMMYY) and put it into format '01-Jul-11'. Ive thought about doing something like string.toArray and then having some conditionals that format from there but am looking for an easier way.

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[2005] Last Position: Missing In .Net?

Jan 26, 2009

When you select Definition in VB6.0 there is this Last Position menu that lets you return to the line where the cursor is located previously, it seem to be missing in .Net IDE or I can not just find it?

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Missing ASP.Net Web Application Template From Vs 2005?

Jul 22, 2009

I have got a serious problem. I installed Visual Studio 2005 and installed IIS that is running.When I create New Project on Vb.Net or C#. I am missing ASP.Net Web Application Icon or template from below:

Project/Solution Templates The first thing I noticed is the number of templates that ship with the Standard version. On New Project, the available templates are:


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VS 2005 Missing One Or More Required Parameters?

Sep 3, 2010

I am trying to returns records based on the last name of a customer in an access db. When I run the query in Access it works fine, the name in the examples returns 3 records with that last name. I use the same basic structure for other queries based on other fields (ID, UnitID etc) and they work fine.


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Custom Format Timespan With String.Format?

Jan 13, 2010

I want to format the Timespan to have format like this 49 hr 34 mn 20 sec

I used the String format below :

String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", theTimeSpan.TotalHours, theTimeSpan.Minutes, theTimeSpan.Seconds)

It formats the Timespan to this format 49:34:20. How can I add hr mn sec to the String.Format above? or there's another easy way?

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Fix A Missing Debug Menu/toolbar In 2005?

Aug 8, 2010

I am suddenly missing the debug toolbar/menu. In stead the Data menu appeared.

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References Missing When Checking Files To VSS 2005?

Sep 1, 2009

I have added reference to few dlls in my VB.net Project. When I check into Visual source safe and get latest version from another machine, VS.net 2008 throws errors.I have to add the references again in that new machine. Is there anyway where I can keep the references in spite of files checked in to VSS?I need to send copy all the files to production server and we don't have VS.net on the production box to add reference and build the application.

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