VS 2005 Finding The Data : IndexOutOfRangeException Was Unhandeled

Jan 4, 2010

Table Employees has data as follows


Whien I enter "B" in text5 and run following codes then it show error message as IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandeledThere is no row at position 0I have two question

1) Why it does not select name begins with "B"

2) If it has no row then why it does not exit sub.

str = "select sno,name from employees "
str &= "where Name Like '" & (TextBox5.Text) & "%'"
cmd2 = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(str, con)
da2 = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(cmd2)


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VS 2005 Error : OleDbexception Was Unhandeled

Oct 11, 2011

i have a probleam with my coding.The error which i got is olehDBexeception was unhandled.In my coding here i am developing function use to subtract number in database based on user input.I dont how to solve this error , please some help me to correct my coding here. I also highlight the line cause an error

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'open db connection'
Dim Con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLOLEDB ;Data Source=Danawa;Initial Catalog=Store;Integrated Security=SSPI ")


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VS 2005 IndexOutOfRangeException Error

Oct 21, 2010

I am working with a listbox that contains reportnames. Some reports will have parameters, some will not. This application lets users view and run SSRS reports. It also allows them to send email messages to one or more recipients with a web link to the SSRS report using Report Viewer. What I have done with the listbox is whenever a report that has parameters associated with it, the control (DateTimePicker) appears on the screen for the user to pick a date. When a report with no parameters is selected, it simply changes the Visible property of the DateTimePicker to false so the user won't have to use it. Everything works fine, I am able to pick a report with parameters passed as part of the link that gets sent via email to user. User clicks on it and report gets displayed with the correct parameters in the ReportViewer. However when I exit out, I get this IndexOutOfRangeException exception. Here is my code for listbox -

Private Sub lstBxReportName_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstBxReportName.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim y As Integer


When I debug, error is on second Dim statement for rowViewReportNameChange. I guess I can simply include the Dim statements as part of my Try block and I can catch the exception?

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"System.IndexOutOfRangeException" Error When Trying To Read Data From SQL Database

Jun 10, 2010

My ConnectionString is working fine.

I've saved my SQL command in a string as follows: Dim sqlcmd As String = "select LEFT(eventDate,10) from Locations"

Dim sqlreader As SqlDataReader

Then I open my connection and at that point everything is fine.

I can execute the query just fine but the error comes up when I try to fill data into my webapp.


loc1Date.Text = sqlreader("eventDate").ToString() ---------- This is the line that is giving me the error "System.IndexOutOfRangeException: eventDate"

I just want the date pulled and not the time. get this date to fill into my textbox on my webapp.

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Runtime COMException Unhandeled?

Aug 16, 2011

I'm working on an app that writes to excel. The following piece f code is working properly ( it fills the requested cell) but generating a run time exception that I can't get rid of.


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VS 2010 - Error - NullReferenceException Was Unhandeled

May 27, 2012

I basically made a listbox, a button, and a popup window. The button openes the popup window, in that window you type some text, press "OK" and the text gets added to a list box. Simple right? Guess not...-Textbox1 is the textbox in wich you input text.-Label1 is the label on the popup window that tells you what to do. It's text is either "Edit name:" or "Input name:"This is the function if you click "OK".

If Label1.Text = "Edit name:" And Textbox1.TextLenght > 0 Then


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Error : System.nullreference Exception Unhandeled

Sep 23, 2011

I am developing a windows application in vb.net and getting an error of system.nullreference exception.I am trying to insert data in the database, insertion occurs in the first go. But, when i stop the porgram and re-run, i get the exception.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.EventArgs


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ExceptionError Was Unhandeled When Using .computer.clipboard.settext(a)

Oct 14, 2009

a is defined as string I don't get it, in some cases this line worked fine but in others it errored.

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VS 2005 Finding A Character In A String?

Oct 25, 2010

What do I use to find the position of a certain character in a string? Lets say I had a number 12345.6789 I want to know how far the decimal point is from the left? Of course the position of the decimal will change as the number will change.

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[2005] Finding The Datagridview Alternative?

Jan 27, 2009

I have an existing invoice module that displays its items in datagridview. The datagridview also contains DataGridViewComboBoxColumn. The problem with the datagridviewcomboboxcolumn is that it has too many records which results to performance problems. And the datagridview itself poses some performance problems dealing with the data.

An idea is playing in my mind to redesign the module, and i want to ask some of your suggestions on other alternatives for datagridview that can display and handle many records at the same time and can handle each row that has datagridviewcomboboxcolumn with also many records.To illustrate concretely, the datagridviewcomboboxcolumn contains the Product Items and the datagridview itself contains records and details such as quantity, rate, total amount of the product item selected.

View 2 Replies

.net - Finding WinForms Data Grid And Data Editor Controls?

May 15, 2011

Are there any good free alternatives to DevExpress data grids (WinForms)?I am looking for WinForms Data Grid and Data Editor Controls.

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Finding Any Free Msdn Library 2005?

Feb 9, 2010

is there any free msdn library 2005?

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VS 2005 : Finding Version Of External Program?

May 30, 2009

I know how to check for the version information from inside a VB2005 application:

Dim version as String= String.Format("Version {0}", My.Application.Info.Version.ToString)

That works fine. But let's say I have two applications, A and B. App A wants to find out what app B's version is. Is there a way to do that?

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VS 2005 Finding Object - Label Of Progress Bar

Jan 12, 2010

I accidentally deleted my a statusStrip which housed my toolstrip progressbar and toolstrip label. Now I cant see the label of the progress bar????

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VS 2005 Finding Any Free Panel Or Frame Or Groupbox Control That Has A Header?

Apr 28, 2011

is there any free panel or frame or groupbox control that has a header where i can type text, maybe with gradient?

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Finding Data In Excel?

Mar 23, 2012

I am having a little trouble with the folowing code. I made it so that it searches column "U" in the excel spreadsheet and for bcode that is input into a text box. The code runs perfectly the first time it runs but if i try to search a second time it gives me this error " Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A01A8"

Here is the

Dim Shape As String
Dim bcode2 As String
Dim Size As String


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Finding Largest Data In An Array

May 9, 2009

[wink]You'll notice i dim'd n as integer = 0...[/wink] hehe I need a bit of advice on how to find the largest number stored as data in an array. For example vote(0) = 6, and vote(3) = 12, and lets assume all the other vote(n) are less. How do I pick out the big one?


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VS 2008 : Finding The Sum Of The Data In A Column?

Oct 15, 2009

I'm connected to an access database using VB 2008.. there is information already located in the tables. But what I am looking to do, is find the "SUM" of all the data in a certain column.

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DataColumnCollection IndexOutOfRangeException?

Dec 15, 2009

Is there away to check the size of DataColumnCollection?

I'm getting the error:
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Cannot find column 12.
at System.Data.DataColumnCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)
at System.Data.DataRow.set_Item(Int32 columnIndex, Object value)
at MSProjectApp.frmCSVParse.ReadCSVToTable(String Filename) in
Y:softwareVisualStudio2008MSProjectMSProjectAppMSProjectAppfrmCSVParse.vb:line 83.

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IndexOutOfRangeException Error?

Oct 5, 2011

I've tried to run my program and I've used,

Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.accdb)};Dbq=" Application.StartupPath "CITSDB.accdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=123;


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Jan 25, 2011

I have the following code:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Main


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VS 2008 IndexOutOfRangeException?

Oct 7, 2011

i have a small project that basically connects to a mysql database online and displays the records in a listview. This works but the problem is:I have 2 buttons , 1 loads 1 database1 and works fine, the seconds ones as less colums in the database like database 1 has ID,Username,Password,Version,Notes

But database2 has ID,Username,Password and not the other 2 colums.

So i have this If reader("Version") = IndexOutOfRangeException Then


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Finding The Lowest Number From A Data File?

Jun 13, 2009

I am taking a VB2008 class and I have the entire program figured out except for one thing. I've checked our text I've scoured the internet and I've tried tons of things.

What this section of code does is access a data file, calculate the average from it... done.. that works, calculates the highest number in it... done that works... and calculate the lowest number from the file... nope... not working. I've tried tons of things and what i have in there now keeps giving me an output of 0, when it should be a 2.

Private Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
'Calculates average, minimum, and maximum temperatures from data file
Dim month As String


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VS 2010 Finding Row Position Of A Data Table?

Feb 27, 2011

how to find the row position/index in a data table, using a value from another table. For example, I use the row position from Linkingtable1 to get my value for CustomerID, but i want to use the CustomerID to search the CustomerTable for its row position, in order to show the Customers Name in a text box, As currently when loading the textbox shows the customerID. I understand the code to get the names from the rows in the datatable, its just finding the row position of the customerID.

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'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' With .Char()?

Jun 28, 2011

Private Sub TbxInput_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TbxInput.KeyUp


Basically, what this code is supposed to do is compare the text inputted in the input textbox with the text of the string answerstring. It seems to successfully compare the two, but every time I type the first char into the input textbox the program crashes, givingmythe Out of Range Exception. I assume it means the Char() "array" thats built into vb is out of bounds, however as i've set the while loop so that it only is executed when the whilecount is less than both the length of the input textbox and the answerstring, I don't see how it could be out of bounds.

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DataSet Error: IndexOutOfRangeException

Dec 3, 2004

I have a dataadapter and datasets. I debugged it and gave me an error on

LName = DS.Tables("AcctInfoTble").Rows(1)("LASTNAME")

error: There is no row at position 1.

WHAT DID I DO WRONG at the following code? There is a LastName value in database.


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Error IndexOutOfRangeException Was Unhandled

Nov 14, 2009

I was testing out an application that I created which then I recieved an error as said in this topic title. The application that I am making is one where it requires 2 form GUIs, my main one is called frmConferenceRegistrationSystem (the first picture) and my secondary one is called frmConferenceOptions (The second picture) and what they are supposed to do overall is total up the cost of registering for a conference that is selected in frmConferenceOptions and the error that I am recieving is within the ElseIf statements in the frmConferenceOptions form (third picture and first section of code) And also here is the rest of my code for both of my form GUIs at the bottom of this topic

If ltbList.SelectedItem(IntrotoECommerce) And ckbConferenceRegistration896.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then
My frmConferenceRegistrationSystem Code:
Public Class frmConferenceRegistrationSystem


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VS 2008 SQLDatareader IndexOutOfRangeException?

Mar 9, 2010

My code where errors occurred:

strSQL = "select * from transactions where TransactionID='" + txtTransactionID.Text + "'"
While dr.Read


The weird thing about this, is that when I first run it, I was able to Bind it to all the Textbox and thought everything went smoothly, but when I run it again without any changes in that code, that error suddenly appears... sometimes that error went to other dr.item(""

View 6 Replies

Finding And Replacing Data In A Binary String (or File)?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a binary file. If I look at it with a hex editor, the first values are:208, 207, 17, 224, 161, 177, 26, 225, 0, 0, 0, ... etc.It has a length of 330240 bytes I have tried to open it and read it into a string so I can manipulate it and write it back. No matter what I use, I either don't get the correct number of bytes or the values in the string are incorrect. The most common error results in the first values being: 63, 63, 17, 63, 63, 26, 0, 0, 0 .... etc.It is interesting that it appears that any value > 63 becomes 63.

I get the 2nd values by a simple loop:

For lnx = 0 To 99
Debug.Write(Asc(line.Substring(lnx, 1)))

I have tried a whole number of ways to read in the file, including filestream, My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText, File.io.readAllLines, etc.All either give me a string length of about 324000 (not sure why) or, if they do, don't have the correct values. Yes, I have tried various encoding options.

I need to find a string (sort of like: "D" & Chr(0) + "L" & Chr(0) + "S" & Chr(0)... ) so I can then replace that portion of the string with a new value, then write out the file.I use the ".indexOf" to find the data in the string.Why can't I load the file into a string? Or, do you know of an easy way to find some text (similar to above) in a file and then replace the next x number of bytes with a new value and close the file?

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IndexOutOfRangeException (Index Was Outside The Bounds Of The Array)?

Jun 3, 2009

I've been trying to build this application with vb .net 2005 for the last couple of weeks in a computer programming class. The purpose of the program is to parse data from an html table displayed in the webbrowser and display it in a datagridview format (I plan on expanding it later). I've coded pretty much everything, but I keep getting an error related to the arrays that neither I nor my teacher can figure out. I attached a zip file of the complete project, in case anybody who was willing to look at it needed the rest of the program. I also included an "Items.htm" file with a html table in case people wanted to test running the program.

Public Class tableForm
Private tfColumnInteger, tfRowInteger As Integer
Private DataSet As DataSet = New DataSet("HTML Parser")
Private Table As DataTable = DataSet.Tables.Add("Table")


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