VS 2005 : How To Check For The Matched Strings

Dec 31, 2010

I am working on my project as I am trying to create a boolean which I want to check the matched string using with the html tags whether if the strings is matched then display the messageboxes.

Here's the

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Address of URL


What I am trying to do: I want to check the strings in the php page using with the htmltagsstrings and check if the strings is matched or not. If the strings is matched, display the messagebox that says "I am going to ban you", otherwise if it not matched then display the messagebox that says "Ok, let get some details".

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Check For The Matched Strings?

Dec 31, 2010

I am working on my project as I am trying to create a boolean which I want to check the matched string using with the html tags whether if the strings is matched then display the messageboxes.

Here's the code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2005 Matching Datatables And Store Matched Data

May 11, 2009

I am trying to match between two datasets. Based on some predefined criteria the matched items are stored into a datatable. I am using the code below: [code]I am not sure whether there are more effective way to store the matched items in a new datatable since the method I used here requires three loops which is a lot of processing time.

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Check If There Is More Than One Strings In Each Line?

Jan 8, 2010

I am still working on my project, I use regex method to get the html class string in each line. However can you guess that if it possible to check the full strings whether if one line has more than one strings then get the full strings?[code]...

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StringCollection : Check If It Has No Strings?

May 1, 2010

Here's a try on how to check if a sting collection has 0 strings[code]...

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Check If Two Strings Are Within A Range Of Eachother?

Dec 25, 2009

I need to take six altitudes altitude1 and altitude2 and check to see if they are with in a value of 250 of each other. Then if there are any that are within 250 of each other, to make them turn red.

Second thing is:

I need to take 6 altitudes, and arrange them. I have them in panels and I have 6 empty panels as place holders for .location value however I need to know how to look at 6 values and say arrange these values accordingly highest number this place lowest number this place etc.

I have looked everywhere on the internet and maybe im just retarded when it comes to math in vb.net.

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Check Strings In Php While Match With Each Listview Item?

Apr 9, 2012

I want to know how I can check the string 'enabled' in my php page for each paragraph while being matching with each listview items that i have extract the strings from my php page?

Here's for an example: i check the string 'enabled' in paragraph one and if it does have it then tick the checkbox on the listview item 1 otherwise untick.

i check the string 'enabled' in paragraph two and if it does have it then tick the checkbox on the listview item 2 otherwise untick.

i check the string 'enabled' in paragraph three and if it does have it then tick the checkbox on the listview item 3 otherwise untick.[code]...

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Way To Concatenate List Of Strings Into A Comma-separated Strings, Where Strings Are Members Of An Object?

Oct 16, 2009

Say I have a List(Of Tag) with Tag being an object. One member of Tag, Tag.Description, is a string, and I want to make a comma-separated concatenation of the Description members.Is there an easier way to do this than to read the Description members into a List(Of String) and then use the Join function?

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Dll Not Matched With Assembly

Apr 20, 2012

When I add a .dll file as a reference in C# application it shows an error:A reference to the ".dll" could not be added.Please make sure that the file is accessible and that it is a valid assembly or COM component.

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Check Enum Names Against Strings In A Rich Text Box And Highlight Matches?

Mar 18, 2012

learning about Enum and trying to determine if it has the right methods for what I need:


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VS 2005 - Separate Two Strings?

Apr 1, 2009

I am accepting two values from user. these two values are to be stored in the tag of an label. So i needed a seperator for two values.i thought of using an comma or an semicolon, but what if the user enters an comma or semicolon.Or is there any other way of storing the two values at two different places. i.e one value in tag and other one somewhere else

View 10 Replies

VS 2005 : How To Split The Strings

Mar 13, 2012

I am working on my program to read the html tags using with httprequest. When i set the timer, it connect to my site via httprequest and it will read the whole tags from the php source when I am trying to compare between <p id='mystrings1'> and the <span id="mystrings2">Enabled">.

here's what the messagebox display:

<p id='mystrings1'>user data 1</p><p id="images"> <a href="images.php?id=1">Images</a></td> | <a href="http://myhotlink.com">Link</a> </td> | <a href="delete.php?id=1">Delete</a> </td> | <span id="mystrings2">Enabled</td>


what my program are doing is they are looking to compare the two tags between mystrings1 and mystrings2, then it display the whole tags from the php source.how i can split the whole tags when i am trying to compare with the two tags?

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VS 2005 Trying To Match Strings

Jan 2, 2011

I am working on my project as I am trying to reads the whole strings in the php page while read the strings from the textbox. When I input 4 matched digit numbers, it displaying the messagebox that says the number is incorrect which it does.[code]I am trying to achieve by read the strings in the php and find the strings if it matched with the textbox strings and then display the messagebox??

View 11 Replies

Compare Two Arrays And Remove Matched Item?

Jan 13, 2010

i have tese two arrays

if i find filter_ids in stroutids i want to remove those from stroutids array
Dim strOutIDs() As String = Split(OutIDs, ",")
Dim Filter_Ids() As String = Split(Me.ucIo_Entry.Filterd_RowIds, ",")


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VS 2005 - Best Practice For Comparing Strings

Jan 21, 2010

Below two which is the best practice to compare strings...
If "A".ToLower = "a" Then
End If

If String.Compare("A", "A", True) = 0 Then
End If

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VS 2005 - DateTimePickup Format Strings

Jun 1, 2010

I have an application which uses the calendar. I guess the control DataTimePicker is a choice. For this month "June", the format looks like.


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VS 2005 How To Split Returned Strings

Mar 26, 2012

I am working on my program to compare the tags between mystrings1 and mystrings2. When the program have found the matches through on pattern1, it will extract the whole tags from the php source which I only want to extract the strings from mystrings1 tag while ignore the others.[code]Do you know how i can extract the strings from mystrings1 while ignore the other tags when I get the returned strings?

View 9 Replies

VS 2005 IsNumeric() Use With An Array Of Strings?

Jun 7, 2011

I have VS2005 and I'm trying to use a function like isNumeric, except it accepts an array of strings.


I keep getting errors, anybody know why? Might just be a stupid mistake, haha its been a long day today.

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VS 2005 Setup The Fill Strings?

Nov 28, 2009

I want to fill the strings of the time in each column with the information in each row from the webpage and input the strings onto the datagridview.

Public Function readwebpage(ByVal url As String) As String
Dim objRequest As WebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("http://entertainment.ie/TV_Listing/28%20November%202009/451/ITV2.htm")


View 1 Replies

VS 2005 Where To Store The Strings In Main App

Oct 17, 2010

I want to create the matched strings in vb.net and set them as private, so no one could read them when using ollydby. Here's the

Dim a As string = "ˆ"
Dim b As string = "%"
Dim c As string = "ÿ"


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Combo Box Items Match With Gridview Row And Display Only The Matched Row

Apr 24, 2012

The user will click the book name in the combo box.

Note: The combo box is separate from datagridview . It is not part of datagridview columns.

Then the datagridview for Issuing books i.e. with the columns bid,bname,aname,data of issue,date of return should be displayed.

The row that will be displayed in datagridview is such that the bookname selected by user in the combo box should match with bname row .

On the same datagridview there will be button with name "Issue" so once it is clicked then this whole data of datagridview should get stored in the database table name "Issue" and get deleted from the databse table name "MBA"

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Exclude Matched String And Getting Value Of HTML Span Element

Nov 13, 2010

1. How do I exclude a string that is matched?

I have something like this:
You answered question 1 correctly. You have been awarded
<a href="url"> 1 point</a> .
You answered question 2 correctly. You have been awarded
<a href="url"> 1 point</a> .
You answered question 3 correctly. You have been awarded
<a href="url"> 1 point</a> .

You answered all 3 questions correctly! You have been awarded a total of
<a href="url"> 3 points</a> .

So basically I want to filter out all those in bold, it should look like this when printed to a textbox:
You answered question 1 correctly. You have been awarded 1 point.
You answered question 2 correctly. You have been awarded 1 point .
You answered question 3 correctly. You have been awarded 1 point.
You answered all 3 questions correctly! You have been awarded a total of 3 points.

2. How do I get a value of HTML span element? (I'm not sure how to phrase this but I think you will get it if I show a example..)
It goes something like this...
<span class="quiz1">Question 1:</span>
<span id="q1">Question Here </span>
I want text in bold to be displayed in a label. Do I use getAttributeByID here? How do I use it in VB.net?

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VS 2005 Build Secure Connection Strings

Oct 3, 2010

I would like to store secure connection strings somewhere safe in vb.net. How can I build the secure connection strings in what situation and what would be the best??

As I have done the little research and found that the secure connection strings would be encrypted the strings and input the strings in app.config, so I would have to make a change in the app.config

To change from this unprotected app.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


The code have been built to a guy who known as Nick J. Fessel. I am not too sure if it very secure to use it so. Do anyone know that if the connection strings is secure or not?

info for the secure connection strings without being found out

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[2005] Populating Textboxes From Array Of Strings?

Jan 22, 2009

this is how I set up my data object for a file parser. (

Dim mytable As New List(Of String(,))()
mytable.Add(New String(4, 16) {})

and it loads mytable like this:

mytable(x)(y, i) = sToken(i)

Let me explain the indices, I have a form with a tab control. In mytable,x is the tab number. Each tab has up to 5 groups which is y. Each group has 17 text boxes, i.Each group also has 17 labels.I started looking at Me.controls, and looking at control properties like tabindex for some way to iterate through the textboxes and mytable to load the textboxes.

so I started with:

for x = 0 to 31
next x

and I saw how all my objects are not in sequence as it descending halfway through my label controls, then switched to my textboxes, and then seemingly finished randomly. I am at a total loss without the old index property and what I want to do is something like (forgive my syntax)

Form(0).Tab(x).group(y).textbox(i).text = mytable(x)(y, i)

I was thinking of manually setting the tabindex of all textboxes in group1 to sequential order to try something like:

group1.component.tabindex(i).text = mytable(x)(y, i)

To me this is fun and challenging, but also very frustrating and makes me miss coding in assembly As I can't seem to find any reference to the tree structure of accessing components indirectly, if that makes sense.

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.net - Search In A Directory And Subdirectories And List All Matched Files And Folder?

Sep 15, 2011

I want Search In a Directory for multiple pattern ( For Example : *.jpg,*.png,Davood,*.dj ) that Result shoud return all files and folders that matched with my pattern,

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Catching SQL Exception - Put Data In A Field That Doesn't Matched What Is On The Other Table

Nov 9, 2009

What is going on with my code. To .NET and handling SQL connections. I am trying to catch an error where lets say someone puts in something that violates the rules of the field (i.e. they put data in a field that doesn't matched what is on the other table.) Please find teh code I ahve put on the save button to try to catch the error. Instead of popping a message box up the program just closes itself.

Private Sub Job_tableBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click_2(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Job_tableBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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Finding The Page Number Of A Matched String In A Word File?

Jun 7, 2011

I am not an ardent developer in vb.net programming. But off late I am using vb.net to develop a windows application.

The following is what I am trying to do:

I am reading an excel file and storing the string value present in each cell, and trying to match the string in a word file.

The program works fine except that I am having problems in returning the page numbers of the matched string.

The page number value is always returned as one.

The following is a piece of what I had written:

If FindStringInFile(wordfilename, vValues) Then
currentPageNumber = word.ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection.Range.Information(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdInformation.wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber)
TextBox3.Text = currentPageNumber
End If

wordfilename is my word file and vValues is my excel string data

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VS 2008 - Enter String / Search And Display Matched Item

Sep 24, 2010

I've got a form which loads all the files from a selected directory into a list box, a user then enters a string into a textbox and then loops though all items in my listbox, there is a match it adds it to another list box - this is a simple method of search for all documents. I can only seacrh for perfect matching strings right now.

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VS 2005 Writing 4 Or More Strings To A Single Line In A Text File?

Sep 22, 2011

I've got my self in to a pickle here.I'm trying to do something I used to do in basic? At-least I think you can do this in Basic, you know Qbasic,What I'm trying to do is put 4-8 strings on to one line separated by a comma.Example might be:

writer.writeline (bob1, bob2, bob3, bob4) Out put might look like Test, Test2, Test3, Test4

I'm tried looking in to formatting of writeline/write, but I didn't get any where with it.

Also if this is possible- I would like to be able to read it just like :

reader.readline (Rbob1, Rbob2, Rbob3, Rbob4) If anyone cold just point me in the right direction, I'm sure I can figure it out - If not... Well I will ask another question.

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VS 2010 - Statement That Reads Through A Text File Till The End While Pulling Out 3 Different Matched Items

Oct 10, 2011

Im trying to come up with a do while statement that reads through a text file till the end while pulling out 3 different matched items, then writing those matched items to ascending spots in an excel file, and then creating a bar graph according to the saved data. Sounds complicated but...I have the program reading the text file, pulling out the first iteration of all three, writing them to an excel file, and I have it even graphing them the way I want it to. The only thing I havent done before (and which is probably the easiest), is creating the do while statement so it keeps searching line to line for the three interactions of what im looking for and writing them to ascending spots in the excel file.

Right now my code works like this, which is perfect for pulling out the first 3 and creating a graph, I just inserting a do while and a rowindex + 1 variable.

vb Dim alines() = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:deviceinfo.txt")
Dim amatch As String
Dim muvalue As String


I have a feeling in order to pull this off, I do not want to use the, "ReadAllLines" option and possibly want to put the text into an array.

And do something like: if lines.count > 0

But im not familiar with how arrays work in VB, and more specifically what the syntax is. The other tricky thing I am trying to add is an if statement that adds to a variable (such as i) everytime a line is added to excel so the program will write to ascending lines. I was trying to have the it work with the do while statement but pretty soon realized that if I did: i = i +1. Everytime it went through the loop then the data was going to be on random lines corresponding to their place in the text.

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