VS 2005 List (Of T) As Optional Function Argument

Sep 7, 2010

I want to specify an List(Of String) as an Optional function argument. But i am unable to initialize it in the function declaration.

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Excel - Equivalent Of Optional Range Argument In VBA Function

Aug 31, 2009

I have an Excel VBA function that takes a number of optional parameters, including an optional Range:
Function DazBeta(A As Range, Z As Range, _
B As Integer, _
Optional Freq As Integer = 1, _
Optional c As Double = 0, _
Optional r As Range, _
Optional Pct As Boolean = True, _
Optional Label As Integer = 1)

I am translating to VB.NET, and it's the optional Range that is giving me grief because VB.NET does allow optional Ranges. Or rather, optional parameters must provide a default value. What is the recommended way to change the VB.NET function signature so that the code is callable from an Excel cell as a UDF? (The VB.NET implements a UDF, the assembly is registered as a COM server, and the Excel spreadsheet is told of this server and type library, allowing the VB.NET code to be called from an Excel spreadsheet cell.) I have other compilation problems, so I have not been able to explore this. I am thinking that accepting an optional Object (default value Nothing) might work and then I could cast the Object to a Range. Alternatively, if there were a default value that could be specified with an optional Range, that would work, too.

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Run-time Error '449': Argument Not Optional

Jun 30, 2009

I am getting this error when debugging a VB application. The method that is being called when I get this does not have any arguments. Definitions in code are as follows with names changed to protect the guilty


The question is, if the method is not defined to accept argments, then why am I having a debug assertion while debugging that says that the arguments are not optional?

View 15 Replies

RunTim Error '449': Argument Not Optional

Oct 12, 2010

I have an Image.OCX which is build on 2008. This is used by VB Application.Many OCX methods are not used in Application. I want to delete unused method from OCX.Step for method deletion.

Delete exists Method from .ODL File i.e //[id(181), helpcontext(11)] long CreateImage(ID id);.
CreateImage same function . Delete //DISP_FUNCTION(CImageCtrl, "CreateImage", CreateImage, VT_I4) from Ctrl.cpp.
Delete interface ID from AFX_DISP_ID.


Following Error Message display "Run Tim error '449':Argument not optional."

let me know is that possible to delete exist method from OCX and How?

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Create An Empty Dictionary For Optional Argument?

Apr 9, 2009

I have a function that has an optional dictionary argument. Since it's optional, it needs a default value, and I'd like to set it to an empty dictionary instead of Nothing. How do I go about that?

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Set A Default Value Of Functions Optional Argument To Null?

Aug 4, 2011

How can you set a function optional argument to null? For example, I want to set the optional argument intCode equal to Null. These arguments are used to send to a stored procedure as parameters.

Public Function pubfnc_SetCommentCode(ByVal strFieldName As String, ByVal lngResultID As Int32, Optional ByVal intCode As Int32 = DBNull.Value) As String

View 13 Replies

Add A Optional Parameter In Visual C# Function?

Mar 14, 2012

How can i create a optional parameter in C# as we create in VB.Net

Public Sub Demo(ByVal a As Integer,Optional ByVal b as integer=3)
End Sub
I want to declare this in C#


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Set An Optional Byte Array In Function

May 2, 2011

I can't figure out the syntax for having an optional byte array in a .net sub Public SubMy Function(ByValFilename as String,OptionalFileData as Byte())The optional keyword requires me to set a default value - which is understandable, but I cannot figure out the syntax to do that here. Public Sub MyFunction(ByValFilenameasString,Optional FileData as Byte(){0})

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Using Color As Optional Parameter In A Sub/function?

Nov 3, 2010

how can use color as an optional parameter in a sub/function?This doesn't work.

Public Sub WriteLog(ByVal sText As String, Optional ByVal lColor As Color = Color.Blue)
End Sub

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Calling A Vb Function With Optional Parameters With A C# Call?

Nov 3, 2010

I am interacting with VB code on a different tier, using a client-side c# program. The VB function signature looks like this:

Public Sub toggleExclusion( _
ByVal mouse As Double, _
ByVal study As Integer, _


I get an error saying no overloaded method of toggleExclusion takes 2 arguments?

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Have An Optional Parameter Of The Type List?

Sep 25, 2009

Is it possible to have an optional parameter of the type list?Ex.

Private Function TestFunction(Optional ByRef MyList As List(Of Double))

The real problem is giving the list a default value. When dimming a new list, you can use the code below to give it a starting value:

Dim MyList As New List(Of Double)(New Double() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})

But even after trying many variations of the above code, I cannot get it to work as an optional parameter.

View 16 Replies

Asp.net - Building A Valid SQL Query With Optional Parameters For Search Function?

Oct 20, 2011

I have a search function de build.We are using pure ASP.NET w VB.NET We have multiple DropDownLists and we're building a search query with whatever was selected in those DDLs. My question is, how can I handle the blank values (unselected dropdownlist values) with the SQL Query ? I'm using AND operators in the query so if anything is blank it'll fail the search. If the dropdownlist has no selected value, i don't want the value to be part of the search. It would be easy to code with just 2-3 parameters, but we're looking thru at least 10 items and doing a SWITCH CASE or multiple IFs would soon become mayhem.

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Specify DEFAULT For Optional Parameter To Stored Procedure Wrapper Function?

Sep 18, 2009

My problem is this (apologies if this is a little long ... hang in there):I can define a function in VB.NET with optional parameters that wraps a SQL procedure:

Sub Test(OptionalByVal Arg1 As Integer _
Optional ByVal Arg2 As Integer _
Optional ByVal Arg3 As Integer


View 7 Replies

Argument Not Specified For Parameter Of Private Function

Mar 3, 2011

I am using visual basic and trying to create function. I am getting this error:
"Argument not specified for parameter '_IsDayRateCheckBox' of private function CalculateParikingCharges(_HoursDecimal As Decimal, _IsDayRateCheckBox As System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox) As Decimal'.

This is the code.
Private Function CalculateParkingCharges(ByVal _HoursDecimal As Decimal, ByVal _IsDayRateCheckBox As CheckBox) As Decimal

This is how I call the function.
Dim HoursDecimal As Decimal
Dim AmountOwedDecimal As Decimal
If Not Decimal.TryParse(HoursTextBox.Text, HoursDecimal) OrElse HoursDecimal < 0D Then
ErrorLabel.Visible = True
[Code] .....

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Argument Not Specified For Parameters Of Public Function

Feb 19, 2011

I have to create a program that finds the total cost for pizza, fries, and soft drinks, and places that in a list box. So far, though, I'm stuck. I have this code so far:

Class frmBill
Sub btnTotal_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
[Code] .....

The errors that I am getting are:
"Argument not specified for parameter 'D' of Public Function totalBill(P As Double, F As Double, D As Double)
"Argument not specified for parameter 'F' of Public Function totalBill(P As Double, F As Double, D As Double)
"Argument not specified for parameter 'P' of Public Function totalBill(P As Double, F As Double, D As Double)"

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Convert Argument Function In Hashtable?

Jul 23, 2010

I try to convert names and values parameters of function into a hashtable. For name of parameter, it's ok, but not for value.

Function test(ByVal param1 As String, ByVal param2 As String) As Hashtable
Dim hash As Hashtable = New Hashtable
Dim stFrame As New StackFrame


There is a property to get default value of parameter (if optional) with param.DefaultValue but how to get current value ?

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Derive Address Of A Function That Is Passed As An Argument?

Nov 26, 2009

ok basically i've got a delegate ByVal function_to_execute As dele0 but instead of invoking it, i wish to add it to an eventhandler

Public Sub test(ByVal function_to_execute As d0)
Dim t As Timer = New Timer()
AddHandler t.Tick, AddressOf function_to_execute.address


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Function Returning An Object With Type Specified In The Argument

Mar 22, 2011

How can I create a function that returns an object of a certain type, which the user of the function specify in the argument (using vb.net 2010) ?


The code above doesn't work, but maybe it can explain what I want to achieve. Using this feature, I want to hydrate my data transfer objects from datatable. Client will just call this function, specifying which DTO the client wants, and this function will just create that DTO and populating the properties with reflection GetType.GetProperties().

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How To Access A DLL Function Having A Void Pointer Argument

Jan 4, 2012

I need to access a DLL function which has a void pointer argument (probably written in C/C++). In VB6 it could be accessed by declaring the argument as 'Any'. VB2008/VB2010 does not know this variable type 'Any'.

I tried instead: Object, IntPtr, UIntPtr, Int32(), Long e.t.c. but there always occurs a compile error or a runtime error.I did a lot of Internet investigation but could not find any answer.

Is there a solution to this?

View 11 Replies

Pass An Array Of Arrays As A Function Argument?

Nov 11, 2010

I have several parameters consisting of separate System.Byte() arrays. What I need is the syntax for a function declaration where the parameter is an array of arrays - I do not want to delve into System.Collections, and it's my preference not to CType each array into an Object and then back into a Byte().

Problem I'm having here is that:

Public Function MyFunc(arrayparam() As System.Byte) As System.Byte()

accepts a single-dimensional Array of individual Bytes.

Then Public Function MyFunc(arrayparam() As System.Byte()) As System.Byte()

View 12 Replies

Pass Clicked Button As An Argument In A Function?

Apr 26, 2011

How can i pass the button click as an argument in a function.

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Passing A Array As A Argument To A Javascript Function?

Apr 20, 2011

Im trying to pass a array as a argument to a Javascript function from code behind(vb.net)
Code im trying


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VS 2008 - Passing Class As Argument For Function

Mar 23, 2010

VB.NET is not letting me dance with both feet, or piss with both hands. I've got one foot and one arm tied behind my back at every turn. I want to use this statement in a function:
Return CType(Formatter.Deserialize(FS), DS)
Seems doable, right?

Function ReadFileStream(ByRef FS As FileStream, ByRef DS As Object)
Dim Formatter As New BinaryFormatter
FS.Position = 0
Return CType(Formatter.Deserialize(FS), DS)
End Function

Right? I mean, CType only accepts a class name as the second argument. I can't give it an instance of a class, or it croaks. Yet if I try to pass the class name as the argument to that function:
DataInfo = ReadFileStream(FileStream1, DataStruct)

VB.NET croaks on this, too, complaining that "'DataStruct' is a type and cannot be used as an expression.". It's used as an expression by CType just fine outside of the function. Does the VB.NET legislature provide a clause that allows for a 'Type' to be passed as an argument in a function? Writing all the supporting code ten million times to deserialize a file using CType ten million times in a large application will get very complicated and tricky very quickly. It should be handled by a routine so that any cases and adjustments that come up can be dealt with in one spot.

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Error: Expression Is Not An Array Or A Method And Cannot Have An Argument List

Aug 4, 2011

i have these 3 sets of code that are giving me INT() errors. Error: Expression is not an array or a method, and cannot have an argument list.


Private Sub Form6_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim Browser As New WebBrowser


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Insert List Object As Argument In String.format

Feb 10, 2012

I am trying to pass a list in string.format as the parameters to the SQL statement, but I get the following error: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list. I know that I can get it to work when I list out each individual list member as the arguments, but I am wondering if there is a shortcut so I can just use the list object as the only argument.


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Pass An Optional Parameter To A Function Of Type System.Drawing.Color - Error "Constant Expression Is Required"

Mar 22, 2012

I want to pass an optional parameter to a function of type System.Drawing.Color. The problem I am having is that when I declare the function it says "Constant expression is required" but I have tried variations of the following, including integers, full qualified indentifiers, even old vbWhite constants to no avail.


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Index (zero Based) Must Be Greater Than Or Equal To Zero And Less Than The Size Of The Argument List

Feb 2, 2012

I created a .NET application that reports to a log file the contents of a registry key. My code works perfectly but it is choking on one of the string values found in the registry. The code that works normally is below.


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Index (zero Based) Must Be Greater Than Or Equal To Zero And Less Than The Size Of The Argument List?

Apr 18, 2009

Sub Users_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Users.Click
Dim fmtstr As String = "{0,-15} {1} {3}"


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Sql Server - Assign The Value I Queried To A String Which Is An Argument In A Procedure If The Argument's Data Type Is An Object?

Dec 5, 2011

I made this procedure re-use a select query:


And I use it like this if I would want the selected value placed in a textbox and it works fine


However if I want the value to be passed in a string like so:


The string ends up having an empty string value. How do I assign the value I queried to that String?

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Optional Date Value In One Of My Sub - Handle The Default Value For An Optional Date?

Mar 6, 2010

I am trying to have an optional Date value in one of my sub but since you cant set Date to nothing, this doesn't work. And i cant set it to the Date.minvalue inline.

Private Sub abc (ByVal A As String, Optional ByVal B As Date = Nothing)
End Sub

So, i went and set it to some date in the past.

Private Sub abc (ByVal A As String, Optional ByVal B As Date = #1/1/2001#)
End Sub

what would be the proper way to handle the default value for an optional Date?

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