VS 2005 Parallels For Mac Windows7?

Sep 12, 2011

My program reads a tex tFile database file and needs to create a schema.ini file in the same folder the file is located.

On parallels the Schema.ini files is created and shows on the Mac Desktop but not on the windows side

its displayed on the Mac side with 2 red Parallel bars on it.

I have no knowledge of Parallels and wondering if anyone knows what is happening with this?

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VS 2005 Unable To Edit While Debugging: Running VS 2005 On Windows7?

Feb 14, 2011

I recently moved my Application that was running off of Window XP and created in VS 2005 over to a box that's running Windows7.Now, when I try to debug, I can't edit. In the lower portion of the screen, it gives me this error: Cannot currently modify this text in the editor. It is read only.

Under Tools->Options->Debugging, Edit and Continue are already selected; so it's something else. Also, under project properties->compile I have it set to Cofiguration (Active Debug) and Platform (Active Any CPU).

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VS 2005 Schema.Ini Not Created On Windows7?

Sep 4, 2011

I have had a problem with my program not working on a windows 7 machines so i finally built a box with Windows7 to test it. It seems the Schema.ini file is not being created.If I manually place the schema.ini file in the directory my program runs fine any ideas on why the file is not created on a Windows7 machine but is created on XP

schema ini code
Dim safeFileName As String = IO.Path.GetFileName(Me.OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
Dim fs As New FileStream("Schema.ini", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)


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Make Web.Cong Right In Parallels Panel?

May 2, 2010

I build a web project (ASP. NET) With VB Language In Visual Basic to be run properly But when I host transfer Error shows?

View 9 Replies

Not Getting Result In Windows7?

Apr 16, 2010

I am using vb.net 2010 with access 2007. everything works fine in XP, but when I switched over to windows 7 I did not proper result some queries here is my query: Select * FROM tblname WHERE fordt=#13-12-2010#It shows result in access as well as as in form.I get value from form in MM/dd/yyyy fo

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.Net Tcplistner Not Working On Windows7?

Feb 7, 2011

If I run into a problem or if I find that I don't fully understand a section of code I go online and search for the information I need. Which is usually quite easy.Ive made a simple chat program using the TCPlistner and TCPclient that can be found on msdn.


In the only problem similar to mine that I was able to find the person was given the advice to change 'AnyCPU' to 'x86' in projects/properties/compile/advanced compile options. I tired doing this but was unable to find any setting that I could change to 'x86'.

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Animate Forms Like Windows7?

Jul 8, 2010

to animate forms like windows7 in vb.net

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Building For Windows7 64bit

Jan 7, 2011

I have an application that I built in VB.Net 2008 on Windows XP for Any CPU that I would like to run on Windows 7 64bit. Is this possible from Windows XP or do I need to compile and develope on Windows 7 64bit for it to work?

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FTPclient.ocx Can Register In Windows7?

Feb 14, 2012

I have a app in VB 6.0 that uses the control FTPclient.ocx. It works fine in windows XP. When I try to register the OCX in Windows 7 , I can't register this OCX.

P.S - I use Regsvr32 pathOCX... to register the OCX

I can not register this OCX but can register other OCX with the same command..

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Unable Getting Result In Windows7?

Jun 12, 2011

I am using vb.net 2010 with access 2007. everything works fine in XP, but when I switched over to windows 7 I did not proper result some queries here is my query: Select * FROM tblname WHERE fordt=#13-12-2010#


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Displaying Output In Listview In Windows7

Jun 6, 2011

I have a problem with displaying output in listview in windows7. I am populating listview colum using OleDbDataReader from database which has value in string as "1,2,4,6,8,9,10" etc. But when I displays it in listview it appears as "10,9,8,6,4,2,1" i.e in opposite order but only in windows 7 not in XP.

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Repair / Reinstall MDAC 6.1 In Windows7?

Apr 26, 2010

I received "method '~' of object '~' failed" error while my VB6 program trying to bind data from database to my Janus GridEX component. This happen to my client's pc running on Windows7 Home Premium with MDAC6.1. I do not have this problem in my Windows7 Professional with MDAC6.1. Search through the web and most of experts suggest it might be caused by MDAC.how to reinstall / repair MDAC6.1?

View 4 Replies

Running 32 Bit Apps On Windows7 Or Vista 64 Bit?

Nov 18, 2009

We paid to have a program built as an add in to SolidWorks. I believe it was written with VB6 and now does not work on the newer 64 bit OS. Now the programmer wants an exorbinant (sp?) amount of money to update to work with the 64 bit. Is he legit or just trying to make more cash?

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Vb2010 Application Not Working In Windows7?

Apr 10, 2011

i created an application with vb 2010 in my windows xp pack 3 now i want to use it in windows7, but its not working!

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VS 2008 - DLL For Parallel Port In Windows7

Sep 18, 2010

I need to program Parallel port. For accessing port I used inpout32.dll but it is not working with windows 7.

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Windows7 Doesn't Create A Folder?

Jun 13, 2011

I'have this litle piece of code which worked nice under windows XP and Windows Vista but won't do a thing under Windows7.

I use it to store link adresses to apllications I wish to hoock up to. Basicly I first select a apllication with a "Open File Dialog" and then create a folder on a specified location wherin I create a txt.file to which I write the adress. So far so good. But Windows7 just doesn't let me create a folder

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text


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.net - SmtpClient Works In Windowsxp But Fails In Windows7?

Feb 2, 2011

I am setting attributes for SmtpClient in program. It works fine in windowsxp but in windows7, it does not work every time. Some time it works and some time fails with failure message. Is there any known issue with SmtpClient in windows 7?

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Access Denied To User Folder In Windows7?

Jan 26, 2010

I am the owner of the directory I am running an executable in VS and I have the following error: 'Access to the path "'c:usersenee' is denied.' The OS is Windows 7 and I have the UAC turned off.

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Can't Create OLE Object For Dymo Printer On Windows7 64 Bit?

Dec 15, 2011

I can not get labels to print on a Windows 7 64 bit machine. The program works on windows 7 32 bit. The error is Can not Create OLE Objects

Public Class ArmsInput
Dim strAssemblyCode As String
Dim strLineID As String


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Cannot Write To The Program Files Directory In Windows7?

Jul 13, 2011

I normally install my application in a directory in the c: drive as the software is only used within the company.There is some simple security; the program writes a 'bat' file that gets the volume serial number this then this is used to generate a licence file. Both of these files are written in the application directory.I'm giving the program to an external client and am going to install the program in the program files directory - but I find I cannot write a file to the Windows 7 program files directory.

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Programmatically Detect Whether The System Is On LAN Or Dial Up In Windows7?

Nov 11, 2010

We have a situation wherein we need maximum uptime for database connectivity which is on our LAN. However, we would like to connect to the server also in the event that the LAN is down. We have option of doing this [switch to dial-up from LAN] automatically using code or manually an operator can do so. The problem is to determine if the current connection is whether on a LAN or Dial-up?

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Windows7 Current SSID & Signal Strength

Sep 22, 2010

I have looked absolutely everywhere for documentation on wifi adapter usage programmatically in any

language, and have found tons of code for Windows Vista and prior. There has not been a single DLL

or code snippet that functioned on my laptop. I suspect it is because I am running Windows7, but

just in case here are my laptop specifications:[code...]

This obviously has some flaws in it, particularly it adds all the values to the same double.

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ActiveX Not Woring Properly In Windows7 And MS Word2010 Configuration?

Sep 29, 2010

i am using an activex control in my website. it was working fine till we tested it in (win7 + word2010) configuration.I am getting below error when i am testing activeX control in win7 + word2010 configuration.

Faulting application name: iexplore.exe, version: 8.0.7600.16385, time stamp: 0x4a5bc69e
Faulting module name: MSVBVM60.DLL, version:, time stamp: 0x4a5bda6c
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0003187e


I am having a textbox control in my activeX control. when i removed it it started working fine for me in the win7 + word2010 configuration also. If i am putting it again, i am seeing the above error.

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After Installing Windows7 Sp1 - Vb6 Compiled Exe Is Not Working In Windows Xp Machine

Jun 17, 2011

I have windows7 home premium 64bit edittion, I use VB6 and VS2008. I recently install Win7 SP1 in my machine but after installing the SP1 my old VB6 application is working fine in my pc but compiled exe files are not working in other windows XP machine, then I uninstall WIndows7 Sp1 from my PC and again compile the old vb6 application, now i notice that this exe is working file in all other pc. is there any way to use win7 sp1 with vb6 ??

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Game Programming :: Check What Windows The Client Has On His Pc ... Xp / Windows7 / Vista?

Jun 9, 2010

how can i check what windows the client has on his pc...xp/windows7/vista

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OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() Hangs When Used In An Installer Class Windows7 And Vista

Dec 17, 2009

I have an installer class that presents a form to the user. One of the functions of the form is to browse to a file using the open file dialog. This form functions fine when used in an application but hangs when calling OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() during an installation on a Windows7 or Vista machine (Windows XP it works as expected). I get the same rusult when 'run as administrator' and with UAC off. I also get the same results when calling SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() in the same context. The call doesn't throw an exception but causes the form to stop responding. Any suggestions on how to get this to work correctly?

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Windows7: Writing A Text File Giving Access Denied?

Nov 28, 2010

I've been doing some more experiments and have summarized the query as below: I've created the simplest application. A project with a plain form, which writes text file within its application directory. Simple as that.Supposing this was my application which I want to distribute on the world web. I've created a basic installer for this using NSIS installer. The Installer installs my application in a folder created inside Program Files. The OS is Windows7 and UAC is enabled.Now I know many people have been facing difficulties in accessing files inside the Program Files folder. My app is simply creating a plain text file, nothing more, and within its own application directory. It is giving Access Denied error. But if I right-click on the EXE and run it as Administrator, then it works ok.The only solution thats available is not to write in the application folder, and write text file in some other folder which is not protected. My question is that other programs that are installed on my system are also doing it. I have a temperature monitoring software called SpeedFan on my system, it creates log files within its app directory. All other softwares create log files within their app directories, why cant I?I just have to make a small log file for my application and Win7+UAC is not letting me do it. I don't want to write the small file in any other folder. How are the other softwares accomplishing this ?

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.NET Window Based Project Built On .NET 3.5 Framework Is Not Working In Windows7 64 Bit System?

Jan 28, 2011

I have VB.NET Window based project built on .NET 3.5 Framework that is working on the Windows7 32 bit System but when I try to run this same application in Windows7 64 bit System it gives an error message: "System.BadImageFormatException: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)"

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Visual Studio 2010 Created Program Doesn't Work On Windows7 64 Bit While Works Fine On Windows Xp

May 15, 2012

I have one tool which we developed on visual studio 2010. there are basically two parts of my project, one is UI part which i wrote in VB and algorithm part which is in C++ on back end. When we compile C++ part it creates a .dll which is used by my front end VB program.

Now my problem is little weird since i am compiling and deploying this tool on windows xp machine but some of the users are using windows 7 64 bit machines and after running the program for about 5-10 minutes, it crashes on windows 7 with following error

Not enough storage is available to process this command and when i view details of that error, i get the following description.

See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
************** Loaded Assemblies **************


i am completely clue less for this error since this program works fine on xp but doesn't work on windows 7.

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Itextsharp [2005 Express Edition] - Install To Extract Data From PDF Documents Using 2005?

Mar 12, 2009

Is this software what i need to install to extract data from PDF documents using 2005? If so is this the link i need to get it from? [url] I just got no idea about itextsharp

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