VS 2005 - Peer To Peer Chat Example

May 14, 2009

As it says on the tin, I need an example of a simple winforms peer to peer chat app in VB.Net 2005 as a basis for a works project I'm working on. I've scoured the net and found many C# versions, but time is a bit too limited to convert everything to VB. Does anyone know of any such example code or a link where I can get some pointers?

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DB/Reporting :: Peer To Peer Network And Access Database?

May 10, 2008

1-i have a peer to peer network (every computer can be server and clinet) and i want to write a server- client program with vb 2005 and access date base to install on any comuter as a server. that serve has a data base with user name , password and credit field filled in access database .clients must connect to server and get permissin from data base field(username and password) to open an special program.

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Peer To Peer Video Streaming WPF

Jun 22, 2010

I want to implement peer-to-peer video streaming in my WPF project.Plz help me by referring any web site or sample code which i can use in my project.

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Peer-to-peer Connection In Flash?

Sep 28, 2009

I know how to add flash player in vb.net, but I cannot find the tutorial for class library that make me control on flash. And I cannot find the source code for peer-to-peer connection in flash??

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VS 2008 Peer To Peer Network?

May 5, 2011

i cant for the life of me get a free direct link file hosting for my updater program. what im thinking of is now creating a small peer to peer network that the user could connect to my computer and i could have a drop box with the files in it. is this a feesable solution to this problem or should i go in a different direction? if so how would i go about constructing something like this?

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Using WCF Peer Channel?

Mar 9, 2012

I am architecting a program that I need some help on. I need to have a "watcher" program that will sit on a server and monitor a SQL Server. At configured intervals, the watcher will run a query on the server and create a dataset of information I want to share to any clients that are listening. I am looking at WCF Peer channel but all I can see is peer to peer chat and most of the examples I have seen are partial examples. I have looked at the example program from Microsoft but I am still a bit confused. The listener programs will receive the dataset of values from the watcher and filter the data at the local level and display the data they need and display it to the end user. I don't know if a TCP client/server would be a better solution, but the dataset may contain up to 10,000 rows of data. From what I read the WCF Peer channel will transmit at 50 mbps and should handle this load. My other option is a server/client architecture using TCP spawning a new thread for each request. Does anyone have any good examples, or articles about WCF and VB that they can point me to?

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Request For Peer-Review KeyedBindingList (Of TKey / T) Generic Collection Concept

Aug 18, 2011

There are a lot of different generic collections available, so the wisdom in creating a new one may be questionable right from the start.However, I often find myself wanting the same features from my custom generic lists, but cannot quite find all of those features in an existing object; namely, I would like to have a generic collection which works like a List or Dictionary (much like the System.Collections. ObjectModel. Keyed Collection(Of TKey, TValue)), but also works like a BindingSource does when it is bound to an ADO object (that is, it supports full sorting and filtering as well as currency).A feature I almost never need however, is transactional adds (the BindingSource's ability to 'cancel add-new').Again, with so many existing collections out there, I should take a moment to go over the reasons why none of them quite meet my needs.There is the System. ComponentModel. BindingList(Of T) which would provide some of the functionality of a BindingSource, but has strict requirements about the type {T} implementing IComparable in order to support sorting, and does not provide filtering (it is not an IBindingListView).It also only maintains a base item list by index, so does not provide keyed access.We could use simple databinding with a custom list inheriting from System.Collections. ObjectModel. Keyed Collection(Of TKey, TValue) bound to a BindingSource, but again TValue would have to implement IComparable to support sorting and we would still not have filter support.So to get all the features I was after, I decided that the best thing would be to create a new generic collection object which implemented IList, IDictionary, IBindingList, and IBindingListView (along with a few others) and would be capable of serving as a simple list, or as a binding source while providing full sorting and filtering over any newable object type.

To that end, I've created the KeyedObjectModel which contains the KeyedBindingList(Of TKey, T) generic collection/binding source. This collection can be used as a typical list, or as a binding source (you do not need an additional BindingSource component between the collection and UI controls, although you could certainly have one).Various constructors are provided in order to initialize an instance of the collection as either an enhanced list-dictionary, or as a complete BindingSource.Any object that has a public constructor which takes no arguments can be used at type {T}, providing that the object has a property of type {TKey} which will contain unique values for each entity in a given collection.If the object implements System.ComponentModel.NotifyPropertyChanged then the collection will also bubble up property changes on the current item to the collection's CurrentItemChanged event.An implementation of IComparable on type {T} is irrelevant because sorting and filtering are performed on the property values of {T} based on the type of the specified property.The current design of KeyedBindingList(Of TKey, T) is in an 'alpha' stage.The class is mostly complete from a feature implementation standpoint, however, the code has not yet been optimized and the base collections of values, keys, and view are being maintianed in generic lists of their own, rather than raw arrays.However, even without performance tuning, the collection appears to be performing quite well, up to a few thousand entries, given the amount of flexibility and funcitonality it provides.At this stage, I would really love to get some peers to try using the compiled DLL and beat up the collection a bit.Once the code has been proven and optimized, I will publish it as an example.It is a fairly complex class though (currently made up of eleven or so partial classes) so I don't really want to post the code until it has been optimized. [code]

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VS 2005 Create A CHAT Server?

Mar 6, 2010

I want to create a CHAT server?

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VS 2005 Creating Client-server Chat?

Jan 22, 2012

I have google it but I couldn't find the answers. So basically I want to make a Client-Server chat. I just want to creating each server for the clients to entered the chat room with each different server, e.g: client 1 and client 2 entered chat server 1 (just a name of a room), client 3 and client 4 entered chat server 2 and so on. How I can do that?

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Tcp/ip Client Server Lan Chat Using Visual Studio 2005?

Mar 11, 2010

i have wanted to create a TCP/IP Lan chat program in visual studio 2005. i have already created an interface for it but no codes yet. Attached are images of the client and the server.

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VS 2005 Chat - Scroll Bar/File Opened By Another Process?

Jan 30, 2012

To summarize, my program uses a textbox to display the chatroom from a text file on the school network. When someone sends a message, it writes that message to the text box like so:My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(baseDir & room & ".txt", Message, True)
The baseDir is where the chat files are stored, and the room that the user is in can be altered by the user. created a scroll bar to use so when the chat room reaches a certain length of lines, you may use a scroll bar to view the whole chat. I realized that when someone sends a new message, the scroll bar then jumps back to the top of the text box. Is there any way to fix this, so that it will jump to the bottom each time someone types something new?

Dim lines As String() = IO.File.ReadAllLines(baseDir & room & ".txt")
Dim numLines As Integer = lines.Length
If numLines > 20 Then


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VS 2010 Receiving Chat From A Java Chat Server?

Aug 20, 2011

So, in another related post, i got the chat to send to a java server, cool.Now, it's a matter of sending it back to VB.on the server side of things, (in java), I am using the following

public static void sendback(String what2send) throws IOException {
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(mySocket.getOutputStream());


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VS 2008 Turn Winsock Chat System Into A Multi-client Chat System?

Mar 25, 2011

i have made a client and server chat system in VB 2008 with winsock,it's a one to one chat and works perfect fine, but do anyone know how to turn it into a multi-client chat system? Code in below: Here is the code for the server:


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.net One To One Chat?

Jun 21, 2010

I am developing a chat application here i have kept general chat room here multi users can chat with each other but now i want one to one chat in my application, when logged user click on any user in the user list, one pop up window should be opened on the user computer and another pop up window should be opened in the remote users computer?

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Create Own LAN Chat?

Dec 21, 2011

How can I create my own LAN Chat?

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FTP Chat - Can't Use The Same Username?

Jan 10, 2012

I'm making a basic FTP chat for me and my friend, how would I make it so the people can't use the same username? I don't know how to use databases..


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Have A Wireless Chat Box?

Jan 11, 2011

I want to make a chat box and a lan chat box looks pretty simple, but i want to make it to where you have to have wifi to chat wirelessly. Is is possible to have a wireless chat box?

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Host Chat Then Ip?

Feb 12, 2011

i need some help i want to create a chat but how to make it like you have winsock but are there none others and i got also a question im planning to buy a domain and if u use the dedicated ip can i host my chat then of that ip

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How To Create A Chat Box

Oct 30, 2011

Iam planning to create a chat box by vb.net but I don't know what to do.What is that app needs?

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Which Method Should I Use For Chat Server?

Feb 22, 2012

I am working on the client-server on my application and I am unsure which one of those method that I should use for the chat server. When I tried this:

Dim port As Int32 = 13000
Dim localAddr As IPAddress = IPAddress.Parse("")
server = New TcpListener(localAddr, port)[code].....

I found that both of these methods are the same, I can connect to the server when I use either of them. tell me which one of them is the easy way and which one of them that I should use to connect to the server, send message...etc?

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C# - Connect To Facebook Chat Using .net?

May 21, 2010

How can I connect to Facebook chat using C# or Visual Basic?

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Chat Application NOT MultiThreaded

Mar 16, 2012

I don't want it to be MultiThreaded. i read some tutorials and have a good idea. but unfortuantely all the tutorials on the web write code without explaining. so is anyone here has a good knowledge with Chat application ? I know it's about sockets and stuff but i just need an explaination with code ;)

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Chat Application Over Internet?

Sep 16, 2011

I'm trying to make online chat..I saw 2 P2P tutorials:url...both are great tutorials, but they work in LAN only with addresses and ports given.if anybody knows which port and address could I use with this ideas and go to internet.

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Chat In Program Using Lan Connection?

Mar 18, 2009

Chat in vb.net using lan connection

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Chat Over Internet VB 2008?

Mar 31, 2010

I built a chat program using Socket (winsock2005dll) but it did not work well on internet, I've heard that using system.net is more powerful

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Chat System With One Or Two Ways?

Jan 15, 2010

I'm trying con build a simple chat client/software (whole in on executable) wich start listen from the start on the port 5900 and when a client connect to that port the chat is established.

The problem is that only the client can chat to the server, the server cannot answer the client because the connection is working in one way.The i've tried to connect from "server" to the client when it establishes a connection but the system crash warning me that the port is already on use.


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Create A 2-way Client Chat App?

Mar 24, 2011

im a bit humiliated on searching the net with a step by step instruction on how to create a vb.net form app that can communicate to other computers using tcplistener/tcpclient.

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Create A Chat Room?

Dec 23, 2011

create a chat room? My current hosting is a linux server with mysql. I want to make a client that can connect to the database.(already done) and if the user exists, to open a chat form. I want this to be multithreaded, that way I can have up to 500 people chatting with each other at the same time, from different locations. (realistically will usually be around 50)I have found some winsock type examples, but I dont understand how I can adapt that to work with a linux server... Can anyone help give me examples? I guess I basically want an IRC.(Which I dont know how to implement.)

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Create A Tcp/ip Chat System ?

Mar 16, 2010

I want to create a tcp/ip chat system using vb.net. I have created using vb6 using winsocks but unfortunately I couldnt find it in VB 2005. I have discussed with some friends about it and they also couldnt do it. I like to try something I dont know in this way I learn more. I want to create the in such a way that the client and server both have an interface and the client and server both have port text-boxes and the client has the host text box and the connect button.

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Creating A 3d Gl Graphics Chat - & C# ?

Sep 19, 2011

I want to create a 3d graphics chat. (Think Imvu Not Single Life. I tried opensim, that's a virtual world, not what I'm looking for, plus would prefer to code my own, as I was needing to rewrite so much)This chat I would run between friends on my own server (no monies for server costs)

First I need to know if I am on the right track or not.

ie : need 3d graphics engine at base ? (Any opensource ones I could look at legally to learn from?) need instant group chat engine?(Any opensource ones I could look at legally to learn from?) need login forms, web browser/viewer to run graphical chat in? plus of course I would need a database of meshes and so on?

So first I need to know if I'm looking into the right areas, plus where to find up to date tutorials (ie links) the web is huge? (Oh and opinions from more experienced people.)

Furthermore can this all be coded in vb.net or do i need to code part in C# and add together, can that be done?

Plus I am using a trial version of ms visual studio 10, I am unable to purchase it when trial runs out and do not know what I can switch to then that is free an legal to use, to learn an create opensource projects.

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