VS 2008 Peer To Peer Network?

May 5, 2011

i cant for the life of me get a free direct link file hosting for my updater program. what im thinking of is now creating a small peer to peer network that the user could connect to my computer and i could have a drop box with the files in it. is this a feesable solution to this problem or should i go in a different direction? if so how would i go about constructing something like this?

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DB/Reporting :: Peer To Peer Network And Access Database?

May 10, 2008

1-i have a peer to peer network (every computer can be server and clinet) and i want to write a server- client program with vb 2005 and access date base to install on any comuter as a server. that serve has a data base with user name , password and credit field filled in access database .clients must connect to server and get permissin from data base field(username and password) to open an special program.

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Peer To Peer Video Streaming WPF

Jun 22, 2010

I want to implement peer-to-peer video streaming in my WPF project.Plz help me by referring any web site or sample code which i can use in my project.

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Peer-to-peer Connection In Flash?

Sep 28, 2009

I know how to add flash player in vb.net, but I cannot find the tutorial for class library that make me control on flash. And I cannot find the source code for peer-to-peer connection in flash??

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VS 2005 - Peer To Peer Chat Example

May 14, 2009

As it says on the tin, I need an example of a simple winforms peer to peer chat app in VB.Net 2005 as a basis for a works project I'm working on. I've scoured the net and found many C# versions, but time is a bit too limited to convert everything to VB. Does anyone know of any such example code or a link where I can get some pointers?

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Using WCF Peer Channel?

Mar 9, 2012

I am architecting a program that I need some help on. I need to have a "watcher" program that will sit on a server and monitor a SQL Server. At configured intervals, the watcher will run a query on the server and create a dataset of information I want to share to any clients that are listening. I am looking at WCF Peer channel but all I can see is peer to peer chat and most of the examples I have seen are partial examples. I have looked at the example program from Microsoft but I am still a bit confused. The listener programs will receive the dataset of values from the watcher and filter the data at the local level and display the data they need and display it to the end user. I don't know if a TCP client/server would be a better solution, but the dataset may contain up to 10,000 rows of data. From what I read the WCF Peer channel will transmit at 50 mbps and should handle this load. My other option is a server/client architecture using TCP spawning a new thread for each request. Does anyone have any good examples, or articles about WCF and VB that they can point me to?

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Request For Peer-Review KeyedBindingList (Of TKey / T) Generic Collection Concept

Aug 18, 2011

There are a lot of different generic collections available, so the wisdom in creating a new one may be questionable right from the start.However, I often find myself wanting the same features from my custom generic lists, but cannot quite find all of those features in an existing object; namely, I would like to have a generic collection which works like a List or Dictionary (much like the System.Collections. ObjectModel. Keyed Collection(Of TKey, TValue)), but also works like a BindingSource does when it is bound to an ADO object (that is, it supports full sorting and filtering as well as currency).A feature I almost never need however, is transactional adds (the BindingSource's ability to 'cancel add-new').Again, with so many existing collections out there, I should take a moment to go over the reasons why none of them quite meet my needs.There is the System. ComponentModel. BindingList(Of T) which would provide some of the functionality of a BindingSource, but has strict requirements about the type {T} implementing IComparable in order to support sorting, and does not provide filtering (it is not an IBindingListView).It also only maintains a base item list by index, so does not provide keyed access.We could use simple databinding with a custom list inheriting from System.Collections. ObjectModel. Keyed Collection(Of TKey, TValue) bound to a BindingSource, but again TValue would have to implement IComparable to support sorting and we would still not have filter support.So to get all the features I was after, I decided that the best thing would be to create a new generic collection object which implemented IList, IDictionary, IBindingList, and IBindingListView (along with a few others) and would be capable of serving as a simple list, or as a binding source while providing full sorting and filtering over any newable object type.

To that end, I've created the KeyedObjectModel which contains the KeyedBindingList(Of TKey, T) generic collection/binding source. This collection can be used as a typical list, or as a binding source (you do not need an additional BindingSource component between the collection and UI controls, although you could certainly have one).Various constructors are provided in order to initialize an instance of the collection as either an enhanced list-dictionary, or as a complete BindingSource.Any object that has a public constructor which takes no arguments can be used at type {T}, providing that the object has a property of type {TKey} which will contain unique values for each entity in a given collection.If the object implements System.ComponentModel.NotifyPropertyChanged then the collection will also bubble up property changes on the current item to the collection's CurrentItemChanged event.An implementation of IComparable on type {T} is irrelevant because sorting and filtering are performed on the property values of {T} based on the type of the specified property.The current design of KeyedBindingList(Of TKey, T) is in an 'alpha' stage.The class is mostly complete from a feature implementation standpoint, however, the code has not yet been optimized and the base collections of values, keys, and view are being maintianed in generic lists of their own, rather than raw arrays.However, even without performance tuning, the collection appears to be performing quite well, up to a few thousand entries, given the amount of flexibility and funcitonality it provides.At this stage, I would really love to get some peers to try using the compiled DLL and beat up the collection a bit.Once the code has been proven and optimized, I will publish it as an example.It is a fairly complex class though (currently made up of eleven or so partial classes) so I don't really want to post the code until it has been optimized. [code]

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VS 2008 Network App - Send Message Or Network Package To Some Of The Clients In The Network

Aug 18, 2009

Here is my idea so far: I have a bunch of computers connected in a local network. One of them is a MySQL server, one will have a vb.NET program wich will act as a "second server" and the rest will be different clients. What I want to do is that the "second server" will send out some kind of message or network package to some of the clients in the network, and they will execute a code based on what message it is, or what kind of package it is. I'll give you a simple example:


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VS 2008 My.Computer.Network.Ping() Cannot See Network Under Windows 7

Nov 18, 2011

I have a .NET 2.0 *.dll that calls My.Computer.Network.Ping(). The *.dll is then run out of an *.exe via AppDomain.CreateDomain() and Invoke(). The problem is that this works just fine under Windows XP but under Windows 7, I get an exception saying that no network connection is available. I tried the Ping() call out of a small console application under Windows 7 and it works just fine.


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VS 2008 : How To Do A Database A Network

Mar 14, 2010

how to do a database a network? in a library system, when the student searches a book in a datagridview then, when they borrow books, they click the borrow then it borrows. Then it would reflect the students name and the book that the student borrowed in the librarian form. how is that?

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VS 2008 : Using COM1 Over The Network?

Mar 26, 2012

I have written in VB.NET a POS application.I'm using one thermal printer connected to COM1,I create a bat file wit this command :

copy mydata.txt COM1:

I run this bat and printer is working fine.I've installed my application on a second computer in the network and I need to print from there to the same printer,but is located on another computer.So how I use COM1 over the network,I've seen that for LPT port can be used
NET USE command.

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VS 2008 App That Gets The Names Of The Network PC's

Jun 22, 2009

I have this app that gets the names of the network PC's. I want to ping each PC to see if they are accessible. This is the code I use to ping:

Private Sub tryPing()
Dim aPing As Ping


Would it be better to ping each computer on a different thread? (If yes, how can I do this?)

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List All Computers On The Network With 2008?

Apr 11, 2010

I wonder how do I list all computers on the network with vb 2008?I know to do in vb6 I have no more sense in vb 2008.

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VS 2008 - Possible To Get Network Users Local IP?

Jul 9, 2011

Is it possible to get all my network users' local IPs using VB 2008?

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VS 2008 : Get The View Of Another Machine On The Network?

May 24, 2010

Get the view of another machine on the network, or window of another application in my application (like I could see e.g.: Sage on a e.g.: browser in my application).This would be a great improvement for the users that use some applications on our server computer, at the moment we use remote windows connections but we don't want to allow the server as with full permission for some users.

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VS 2008 : Make A Bridge Network Using VB?

Mar 20, 2010

My school block my website and i want to make a Bridge Network like "Freegate" It have "Server" and "Client"using my pc to be the server at home and the pc in the school are clients Than it will contact to the server, and any data will go throw the Server and go out!

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VS 2008 : Sending Commands Across A Network?

May 1, 2010

What I need to be able to do is send a command across a specific network port (eg. 2124) to a specific ip address. I already have writen the recieving code (for the iPhone os) and accepts commands like:

filefound("Name of file",filetype,size)

All this is to be sent in plain text and once received the iPhone will then send a command like:


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VS 2008 Application On Shared Network

Jul 28, 2009

I have a VB2008 application that runs off a server. Users connect to the application via shortcut.


For what it's worth, the application is targeting .NET 2.0 Framework on both the development side and package install side.

The illustration below is more for my sake than yours, but should help me explain the problem.

User A and B work just fine, but when User C and User D attempt to use the program via shortcut9(same as User A and B) the error below is displayed.


what I can do to allow User C and D to use the application?

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VS 2008 Computer.Network.DownloadFile()?

Dec 10, 2011

My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("http://MyDomain.info/MyFile.zip", SaveFileDialog)Hi, the above don't work, what i need is for it to popup a savedialog for the user to browser for a location to download the file

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VS 2008 Fulltrust For Network Application?

Feb 8, 2011

On the earlier version of VB.net 2003, I could run a wizard to give full trust to a .Net application on the network. With VB.net 2008, there is no longer a wizard to do this. I did some Googling and most of the references I find refer to using Caspol for .Net 2.0. That doesn't seem to be an option .net 3.5 (I can't find Caspol in the framework folder). Does anyone know how to do this for VB.net 2008?

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VS 2008 Game Network Tracker?

Aug 25, 2009

I want to create for a game an external program that can give advice about what to do but I have no idea where to start.First off all I am not an unexpericend programmer but simply never did something like this before.Its about the game called PoxNora, this is some kind of advanced chess with so called 'runes' that can level, you can upgrade and collect.

The game send data to the client while you are playing. This data(is what i expect) contains information about what you are playing and what your opponent is playing. I know there are programs(forgot the names and cant find them that fast anymore ) that can listen to proccesses and detect network packages(wich is usually done for cheating in a lot of games). I want to do the same for this game and then let the program give advice.

Example of advice even when you dont know the game.I have 2 so called 'runes' and the enemy has 1. I want my program to calculate if it is better to attack firstly with one unit, maybe it causes debuffs, and then with the other one to maximize the damage output.

However it will take some time to create a program like this I really want to make it. I can create all those calculations myself but have no idea where to start with the network part.

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VS 2008 Network & User Security?

Oct 18, 2011

i need advise regarding user security on the network i am unable explain my need , because it won't visualize much hence i attached the graphical representation here kindly find it

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VS 2008 Simple Network Client

Jun 19, 2011

I've written an app that gets an integer value every 500 ms from a MCU over usb. Works great. I want to get that same value over TCP/IP. Programming the MCU is no problem The problem is in VB.Net. I've read a bunch of sites and they seem to be overkill to what I want and just don't work for VS 2008. I just want to get that value and then manipulate it. I've tried the 'system.Net.Sockets' import and dimmed a 'New TcpClient', but one of the sites said to call the tcpClient.connect method and that doesn't come up in intellisense. Can someone help me just connect to a server with known IP address and Port, and read the integer 'x' every 500 ms?

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.net - Using A FileStream On A Network When The Network Drops?

Mar 26, 2012

I am writing some code as part of a framework for opening a file.The file is of custom type and should not be opened by more than one instance of my application. To stop multiple file opening I use a filestream to create a lock file and then keep said filestream open. This seems to work in preventing another instance of my application from opening the file ( as it will fail in recreating the lock stream in the files open code ) but if the file is on a network share and the network drops then the original application also can not access the file any more.The code to get the lock stream is as follows:

' We need to keep this stream alive to prevent other applications gaining access to the lock
mLockStream = New FileStream(mLockPath, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)[code]....

In this I create the lock stream the first time round and then if another application tries to create it, it throws an exception and stops them from getting any further. This is kind of how it needs to work, unfortunately as I said, if this is done across a network and then the network connection is dropped for some reason then I can not delete the lock stream as I get an IOException telling me a process cannot access the file as it is open in another process ( which shouldn't be happening I don't think).

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C# - Reflection And Permissions Work Over Network - .net 2008

Nov 16, 2009

I have various projects that use reflection to access and invoke private or internal members in some of the framework classes. These projects all work fine on my machine (running visual basic express 2008), but are they guaranteed to work on another machine, or, say, over a network? I've had a look at Reflection-Permission, but I'm not sure if I need that granting to me or if I grant it to my project!

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VB 2008 Search Network For Printers IP Addresses

Jun 12, 2011

i am trying to find a code that will do a search and find the ip address of any printer on the network with a ip address?

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VS 2008 : Connecting To SQL Server From Network Drive?

Aug 3, 2011

I'm having a issue connecting to a SQL server from a network drive. [URL]But i'm not sure how to give my assembly a strong name?

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VS 2008 Developed An Application That Can Monitor Network According Their Sub-net

Dec 13, 2009

I'm new in VB, and plan to developed an application that can monitor the network according their subnet and display the network utilisation. Can anybody guide me what is the needed to develope this application on VB..

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VS 2008 Get Path Of Mapped Network Drive?

Dec 23, 2009

I was expecting this to be easy but it seems that it is not... all I want to do is loop through all drives on a computer and if the drive is a network drive then get the UNC path that this network drive maps to. Simples. I was expecting to just do this:

For Each drv In IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives()
If drv.DriveType = IO.DriveType.Network Then
End If


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VS 2008 Network File Copy Performance?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm hoping someone can point me in a different direction. I'm copying files from one computer to another. Both are on the same switch connected at 1Gbps here's my problem:Using File.Copy with a list of files I can get an average transfer speed of ~60Mbps Using multiple background workers with a split list of files and File.Copy is slower Using the FileStream read/write method I get an average speed of ~55Mbps with a 8M buffer

What can I do to get a faster transfer rate? I'd be happy to hit 250Mbps over the LAN.

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