VS 2008 : Sending Commands Across A Network?

May 1, 2010

What I need to be able to do is send a command across a specific network port (eg. 2124) to a specific ip address. I already have writen the recieving code (for the iPhone os) and accepts commands like:

filefound("Name of file",filetype,size)

All this is to be sent in plain text and once received the iPhone will then send a command like:


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How To Send Commands Over A Network

May 26, 2010

I have never programmed a network program before and would like to learn at my own pace. Also I am not asking anyone to write this complete program for me, just bits of code to help me write a complete program. (though if you do code it all I won't complain.) I already tried using internet tutorials but none of them seem to work.I am trying to program a simple form with 4 buttons, and 2 users.The first button is a connectivity button. "Green" for connected, "Red" for not.The second button is a "Connect" Button which will connect to another computer with this program installed/active. (I want it as simple as possible)and the next 2 buttons switch between "1" and "0" depending on user input(Default "0"). the first button is the local user button and the second is the remote user button. When the local user clicks the local button then what he/she changes it to will be displayed at the remote site. The same thing will happen with the remote user.

I know how to place all the buttons where they belong, and to change the local text, but I have no Idea how to connect to a remote program or to pass messages between the two users. Can anyone suggest some Simple code to do this. (something that I will be able to learn and use to make more complex code later on.)

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Sending Commands To A Cmd Console

Jan 11, 2009

I am writing a windows gui front-end for a game that uses 6 open cmd console windows. The cmd windows are already open, I do not need to launch them, I just need to be able to send a command to a named cmd window by pressing a button on my Visual Basic 2005 Express form.


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Sending Commands To A LAN Printer?

Jan 12, 2011

How can I send commands to LAN Printer?

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Sending Commands To USB Programmer?

Sep 3, 2011

I'm writing a program in VB.NET 2010 that will connect to the PICkit(TM) 1 FLASH Starter Kit's USB programmer and send it commands to turn on or off something connected to the attached eLab16m board, for example, an LED. This is all done by using the libhid.net DLL. The vendor id is &H4D8 and the product id is &H32.

Update I've written a console program that outputs what's happening. Here's the output:Where it says device with report id 0x10, I am trying to query the firmware version from the USB Programmer.Update 2 I've fixed the problem with the Wacom Bamboo tablet by uninstalling its software and drivers from my computer. The error has disappeared from the command line, but it still shows the 0x10 error.

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Remotely Sending DOS Commands To Another Server

Jun 24, 2011

Is it possible to send DOS commands, using VB 2008, from one server to another server on the network? Perhaps using the process class?

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VS 2010 - Sending Commands To Process?

Jan 25, 2010

Dim movie As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim subtitle As String = TextBox2.Text
Dim box As New Process
box.StartInfo.FileName = "MP4Box.exe"


When i click a button this code is executed. But it wont execute the command "MP4Box.exe -ttxt " + """" + subtitle + """" Why?

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Send AT Commands To Router Network Port?

Aug 9, 2010

How can i send AT commands to my router network port?

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Sending Irc Commands From Multiple Forms & Classes?

Feb 13, 2012

while making my irc bot i need to send many different irc commands such as join channel, change mode, kick user message, topic channel message and so on. All these commands are currently process individually in a public sub on the irc connection thread.

Public Sub Write(ByVal command As String)


Would you have a load of public sub's to handle each or maybe something else?

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Sending Multiple Commands To A Serial Ports?

Aug 24, 2010

I am creating an application to configure some modems through the serial port. I have no problem sending a single string of data to the serial port and displaying the immediate response to a rich text box. I have 2 problems

1st: how to update the rich text box for any delayed response from the modem

2nd: how to react to the response from the modem, in other words I want to send the next command based on the response from the modem witch is usually "OK"

This is what my code looks like currently to send ans receive data from the serial port. (sport1 is my serial port and display is my rich text box)

sPort1.Write("AT+WOPEN=1" + Environment.NewLine)
With Display


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Sending Sms In .net Using AT Commands Error.Codes Attached?

Jun 10, 2009

i need help on that. My app is able to debug and execute successfully. But the problem is after i click on the send button, a msg box shows message successfully sent.However the recipient did not receive the msg at all.This is the code below:


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VS 2010 Sending 'text' Commands To A Console App

Feb 15, 2012

I need to build an forms app that 'posts' or 'sends' text commands to an external console process, called Minecraft Server It is a java-based process, filename 'minecraft_server.jar'. Run by my computer via 'java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui'. The Process ID I assume would change each time it's run. This process can be downloaded here: [URL]

I am guessing that I need to:

1) find the Process ID for it, based on its process details, such as Command Line

2) figure out a way to 'post' these commands, commands such as "stop" into the console window

I cannot have this process launched by my VB project.

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VS 2008 Network App - Send Message Or Network Package To Some Of The Clients In The Network

Aug 18, 2009

Here is my idea so far: I have a bunch of computers connected in a local network. One of them is a MySQL server, one will have a vb.NET program wich will act as a "second server" and the rest will be different clients. What I want to do is that the "second server" will send out some kind of message or network package to some of the clients in the network, and they will execute a code based on what message it is, or what kind of package it is. I'll give you a simple example:


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Sending Data To Another Form In A Network ?

Jul 30, 2010

How i can send data from one form to another form through a network? i'm not asking for the codes, i just want to know what i should do to accomplish this task. i'm conceptualizing a game with the following details:

1.) there are two players, connected through a network
2.) they take turns looking for words from a puzzle of randomized letters
3.) after the given time has elapsed their words are checked and if both players has the same word, the word is removed
4.) the score is tallied

My question is, how do i get the words from the other form? specifically, how can the server form get the words from the client form? is it possible if i use xml? or can the server form access the variables of the client form? (i don't think it can, though)

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Sending Documents To A Network Printer Using .NET?

Aug 3, 2009

We have large IBM Infoprint printers. I need to read a bunch of PDF files off a database, merge them together, and send it to one of these printers. I need to be able to specify many options such as what tray to use, with/without staple, etc. All of these options can be manually set when I try to print something off my computer (via the advanced print driver preferences), so I am certain that these can also be set programmatically. How can I do this in .NET (Visual Basic)?

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Sending Messages Between Client Machines On A Network?

Mar 15, 2012

i have several clients on a LAN network, these clients all have access to a particular sql server. i want to write an application that allows any client on the network to send one or more messages to another client on the network providing that both clients have access to the specified sql server.

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VS 2008 My.Computer.Network.Ping() Cannot See Network Under Windows 7

Nov 18, 2011

I have a .NET 2.0 *.dll that calls My.Computer.Network.Ping(). The *.dll is then run out of an *.exe via AppDomain.CreateDomain() and Invoke(). The problem is that this works just fine under Windows XP but under Windows 7, I get an exception saying that no network connection is available. I tried the Ping() call out of a small console application under Windows 7 and it works just fine.


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VS 2008 CMD Commands In VB?

Sep 11, 2009

How would I do a CMD command in VB?Also, how would I check for a destination? So if the program cant find a folder, it will close?

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Using Keydown Commands In 2008?

Apr 8, 2009

I am extremely new to visual basic and it is the first time i have ever tried to program anything. I am currently using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition which I downloaded for free off of the mictosoft website. Anyhow, to the question at hand: I was wondering how one would use keydown commands in VB express 2008. I have looked far and wide and have yet to find an answer to this. To simplify it to a specifit answer how would I move (or rather, slide), say, a picturebox to the left of the screen by holding down the left arrow key and have the picturebox stop moving after I released the arrow key. By simply seeing how the code is I should be able to do it for any other keydowns.

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VB 2008 Transaction Commands?

Jul 28, 2010

back in VB6 i have used the following commands many time very succesfully, however for some reason i have been unable to find the correct manner to accomplish these task in vb 2008

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VS 2008 Bat Commands In VB/ VB Equivalent?

Oct 9, 2009

Im trying to make a simple program which changes the files properties and was wondering how i would make this

@echo off
title File Changer


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Execute Some Commands In Cmd Prompt In Vs 2008?

Feb 2, 2010

i'm tring to execute some commands in cmd prompt in vs 2008. (with out using BATCH FILE)


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VS 2008 Array/List And Its Commands?

Oct 24, 2009

new to Arrays/List and not sure how to use them properly

Dim deck() As String = {"Ac", "Kc", "Qc", "Jc", "Tc", "9c", "8c", "7c", "6c", "5c", "4c", "3c", "2c", "As", "Ks", "Qs", "Js", "Ts", "9s", "8s", "7s", "6s", "5s", "4s", "3s", "2s", "Ad", "Kd", "Qd", "Jd", "Td", "9d", "8d", "7d", "6d", "5d", "4d", "3d", "2d", "Ah", "Kh",


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VS 2008 How To Run Batch Commands Using A Button

Sep 6, 2010

i want to make a program to run batch commands when I press a button

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VS 2008 Remote Send Commands?

Dec 10, 2009

I have an application which I would like to access from another computer.So I thought of making a client which my application(server) would send commands to and then the client runs the command.

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Merge Dos Batch Commands To A Button In Vb 2008?

Jan 5, 2011

This time i want to kno dat how can i merge dos batch commands to a Button in vb 2008, remember one thing i dont want to redirect on .bat file. I just want to add bat command in button codes.

like i have created a button "PING" and if i click on that button the system starts to ping on that ip which i have defined in ping button like ""

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VS 2008 - SQL Data Adapter Commands Parameters

Feb 22, 2010

I have a very large table, and I have a sql data adapter to fill a data table. The user is able to change some values, then saves the changes, at this point i just call the adapter update method (I use the sql command builder to get all the commands of the adapter). What I need it's to make some changes to 4 parameters in the update command, before calling the update command, but I don't see how to do this? Before the update itself, I don't have any values, if I set the parameters (I saw the number of the parameters in the debug mode), before the update, that doesn't do anything, I think they get override in the update method...

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VS 2008 : Adding A One Second Delay Between Execution Of Commands?

Feb 20, 2010

I have an application in which I save transactions. So I have a datagridview populated with records and i test for changes in the datatable when saving.then i loop through the changed rows and save in the following order:I have a command that saves a wage.then a command that saves interest.I use this to save as a transactiondate:

acccmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TransactionDate", tdate.Date + Date.Now.TimeOfDay)

then the other command :

intcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TransactionDate", tdate.Date + Date.Now.TimeOfDay)

but sometimes the code is executing the two commands on the exact same time. Now I have a query that displays a running total and on order for the running total to work properly no two transactions should have the same datetime for a particular person.how can I add a delay between the two commands to ensure the datetimes are saved differently?

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VS 2008 Form_Load Terminates Despite Commands Left?

Jan 25, 2011

i have a problem: I have a Form_Load-Method which is not doing all the commands in it. It just interrupts and jumps to the "Form_Paint"-Event, eventhough i did not yet paint anything or invalidated any object. The Form_Load-Method is this:


the dashed line indicates the point of termination. the for-loop is simply not done. i tried it with stop points and the last point it stops is the ReDim-part. this can only mean, that the ReDim-Command forces the program to leave the method. but the for loop is never done afterwards. Can you help me? Because i really dont get it.

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VS 2008 Running Commands On [X] Button Click?

Sep 3, 2009

i have been looking everywhere for the method used when you click the [X] Button so like that i can run some commands on form exit. I found Form_Unload method replacing Form with the name of my form and no luck. I'm sure there has been some talk on the subject but searching forum shows nothing that seems to work.

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