VB 2008 Transaction Commands?

Jul 28, 2010

back in VB6 i have used the following commands many time very succesfully, however for some reason i have been unable to find the correct manner to accomplish these task in vb 2008

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VS 2008 - Transaction SProc's In Code - Says That My Insertcommand's Transaction Object Is Null

Apr 29, 2009

I've seen plenty of examples of transactions in the actual store procedure's SQL. But I'm wanting to do the transaction and keep track of it in code. I tried this but it says that my insertcommand's transaction object is null. How can I fix this?

vb Dim conn As SqlConnection = DBConnections.SQLServerConnection
Dim params(1) As SqlParameter


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Oracle Transaction - Rollback Your Transaction If You Haven't Commit The Transaction

Oct 31, 2011

I want to know that do you still need to rollback your transaction if you haven't commit the transaction that was created earlier.


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Transaction Error On Call To Commit() When Select Has Been Executed Inside Transaction?

May 9, 2011

I get this error at the Commit of a transaction in a desktop application:

This OleDbTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable.

Other posts I have seen with similar error suggests this can occur if it takes a long time, or contains large amounts of data. This is not the case here.Logging tells me it takes 140 ms from Begin to Commit and about 10 commands executed inside the transaction.It is using an Oracle database.This class is a simplified version of my database class:

Class MyDatabase
Private mConnection AS OleDbConnection
Private mTransaction AS OleDbTransaction


Is it not allowed to run a select inside a transaction like this? Or can it be done by running the transaction in a specific isolation level (I see that the BeginTransaction method has an optional parameter for doing this) ? ..Or some other sollution..? In my case, it was not a problem to move the select to run before the transaction started, but what if you need to run selects that must run inside the transaction?

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Transaction Object - The Transaction Property Of The Command Has Not Been Initialized

Mar 5, 2009

What is this kind of exception?

Error : Execute requires the command to have a transaction object when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The transaction property of the command has not been initialized..

This one causes the error: Dim oOperation As COperationOutputTypeBS
oOperation = COperationOutputTypeBS.GetOperationOutputType(txtOperationCode.Text)

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VS 2008 Transaction Scoop Generate Error

Sep 16, 2009

when i run following code on server machine (sql locally installed) it execute nomally.But when i run following code on client machine (connectivity with sql by DSN) it generate an Error (Microsoft ODBC SQL Server) 'Driver Distribution Transaction Error'[code]without transaction scoop it run on both machines normally.

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Insert SQL 2008 Parent And Child Rows In A Single Transaction?

Nov 13, 2010

First, a little background (greatly simplified): I have two classes, one called Entity and one called Item which a subclass of Entity. They each store their individual properties in seperate SQL 2008 tables using TableAdapters generated by a strongly typed DataSet. The Entity class has a Save() method that looks like this:

Public Sub Save()
End Sub


Indeed, the SQL table does not contain a row in the Entity table with the necessary ID at this point because the transaction is not complete.

My goal is to prevent the Entity record from being inserted if inserting the Item record fails. I could write code to delete the Entity record again, but this does not seem very elegant to me...

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[2008] Link 2 Parts Of My The Transaction Part Of Vending Machine?

Jan 12, 2009

I don't know really how to link 2 parts of my the transaction part of my vending machine and the restocking bit. Here is the The Restocking bit is basically adding to values from txtbx27 and 13 in the listbox and then showing the final value in the txb27, which i want to link with Transaction part of my code so that its possible to control machine's stock.


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VS 2008 CMD Commands In VB?

Sep 11, 2009

How would I do a CMD command in VB?Also, how would I check for a destination? So if the program cant find a folder, it will close?

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Using Keydown Commands In 2008?

Apr 8, 2009

I am extremely new to visual basic and it is the first time i have ever tried to program anything. I am currently using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition which I downloaded for free off of the mictosoft website. Anyhow, to the question at hand: I was wondering how one would use keydown commands in VB express 2008. I have looked far and wide and have yet to find an answer to this. To simplify it to a specifit answer how would I move (or rather, slide), say, a picturebox to the left of the screen by holding down the left arrow key and have the picturebox stop moving after I released the arrow key. By simply seeing how the code is I should be able to do it for any other keydowns.

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VS 2008 Bat Commands In VB/ VB Equivalent?

Oct 9, 2009

Im trying to make a simple program which changes the files properties and was wondering how i would make this

@echo off
title File Changer


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Execute Some Commands In Cmd Prompt In Vs 2008?

Feb 2, 2010

i'm tring to execute some commands in cmd prompt in vs 2008. (with out using BATCH FILE)


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VS 2008 : Sending Commands Across A Network?

May 1, 2010

What I need to be able to do is send a command across a specific network port (eg. 2124) to a specific ip address. I already have writen the recieving code (for the iPhone os) and accepts commands like:

filefound("Name of file",filetype,size)

All this is to be sent in plain text and once received the iPhone will then send a command like:


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VS 2008 Array/List And Its Commands?

Oct 24, 2009

new to Arrays/List and not sure how to use them properly

Dim deck() As String = {"Ac", "Kc", "Qc", "Jc", "Tc", "9c", "8c", "7c", "6c", "5c", "4c", "3c", "2c", "As", "Ks", "Qs", "Js", "Ts", "9s", "8s", "7s", "6s", "5s", "4s", "3s", "2s", "Ad", "Kd", "Qd", "Jd", "Td", "9d", "8d", "7d", "6d", "5d", "4d", "3d", "2d", "Ah", "Kh",


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VS 2008 How To Run Batch Commands Using A Button

Sep 6, 2010

i want to make a program to run batch commands when I press a button

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VS 2008 Remote Send Commands?

Dec 10, 2009

I have an application which I would like to access from another computer.So I thought of making a client which my application(server) would send commands to and then the client runs the command.

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Merge Dos Batch Commands To A Button In Vb 2008?

Jan 5, 2011

This time i want to kno dat how can i merge dos batch commands to a Button in vb 2008, remember one thing i dont want to redirect on .bat file. I just want to add bat command in button codes.

like i have created a button "PING" and if i click on that button the system starts to ping on that ip which i have defined in ping button like ""

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VS 2008 - SQL Data Adapter Commands Parameters

Feb 22, 2010

I have a very large table, and I have a sql data adapter to fill a data table. The user is able to change some values, then saves the changes, at this point i just call the adapter update method (I use the sql command builder to get all the commands of the adapter). What I need it's to make some changes to 4 parameters in the update command, before calling the update command, but I don't see how to do this? Before the update itself, I don't have any values, if I set the parameters (I saw the number of the parameters in the debug mode), before the update, that doesn't do anything, I think they get override in the update method...

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VS 2008 : Adding A One Second Delay Between Execution Of Commands?

Feb 20, 2010

I have an application in which I save transactions. So I have a datagridview populated with records and i test for changes in the datatable when saving.then i loop through the changed rows and save in the following order:I have a command that saves a wage.then a command that saves interest.I use this to save as a transactiondate:

acccmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TransactionDate", tdate.Date + Date.Now.TimeOfDay)

then the other command :

intcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TransactionDate", tdate.Date + Date.Now.TimeOfDay)

but sometimes the code is executing the two commands on the exact same time. Now I have a query that displays a running total and on order for the running total to work properly no two transactions should have the same datetime for a particular person.how can I add a delay between the two commands to ensure the datetimes are saved differently?

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VS 2008 Form_Load Terminates Despite Commands Left?

Jan 25, 2011

i have a problem: I have a Form_Load-Method which is not doing all the commands in it. It just interrupts and jumps to the "Form_Paint"-Event, eventhough i did not yet paint anything or invalidated any object. The Form_Load-Method is this:


the dashed line indicates the point of termination. the for-loop is simply not done. i tried it with stop points and the last point it stops is the ReDim-part. this can only mean, that the ReDim-Command forces the program to leave the method. but the for loop is never done afterwards. Can you help me? Because i really dont get it.

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VS 2008 Running Commands On [X] Button Click?

Sep 3, 2009

i have been looking everywhere for the method used when you click the [X] Button so like that i can run some commands on form exit. I found Form_Unload method replacing Form with the name of my form and no luck. I'm sure there has been some talk on the subject but searching forum shows nothing that seems to work.

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VS 2008 : Executing DOS/Command Line Commands With User Prompts?

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that does the following:Executes the following command line string (wmic /node:computername bios get serialnumber)Prompts user for the "node" entry Displays the resulting serial number in a dialog box I'm a bit of a noob at this (I haven't coded anything in VB since early 2000s) so I'm at a bit of a loss where to start. I plan on including some functions to submit the node entry and the resulting serial number to a database in the future for archiving as well.

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[2008] Send Linux Console Commands To A Remote Linux Server?

Jan 23, 2009

Is there a way for my program to send Linux Console Commands to a remote Linux server?

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Sql Transaction In ADO.Net

Sep 22, 2010

I am getting the following error while handling transaction(Isoloation level is serializable) in Ado.Net."Transaction (Process ID 75) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction."

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Add Transaction To Some Subs?

May 20, 2010

Can I code to add transaction for some subs? If there is an error in any sub will roll back.For example,

sub1 delete some tables

sub2 insert data into tables which just be deleted

sub3 send out confirmation email

sub4 make submit button disable

I knew that transaction will work for sub1 and sub2 but I do not know if transaction will work for all of subs

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Two Connections Under One Transaction

May 24, 2012

I searched araound and having some difficulties in implementing one scenario with SQL Server 2000 and sybase.I have two SQL servers on different locations naming ServerA (MSSQL Server) and ServerB (Sybase server).I have a table called SALARY.Whenever I insert one record to customer SALARY in ServerA, I also will insert it into ServerB.If should any of them failed, both of them should be rolled back.I am using Asp .Net with VB for the programming.I do not have the right to change / add table in Server B. The only thing allowed in Server B is insert/delete/update record.I looked around and find a method to use TransactionScope but I am not quite sure it is the right way to do.url...

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Use A Transaction To D Update?

Sep 27, 2011

I've found my current side project has become a great learning experience and have decided to keep it going that way. What I'm trying to do is update a table from a DataTable. The datatable has been created and isn't a direct result of a

query otherwise I'd just use a update and not learn anything new. This is what I have for code thus far[code]...

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Using Transaction Then SQL DataAdapter

Jun 12, 2011

I'm having a hard time on using Transaction then after that I need to use sqldataadapter. When I tried the code below I'm having an error "ExecuteReader requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized." Pointing to this block.[code...]

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.net - View Pending Changes On An SQL Transaction?

Mar 7, 2012

While working on some functions that update my database, I was writing some quick tests just to make sure my functions were executing properly. When it comes time to actually update the database I can pass a transaction to a function and then commit it:

user.Assignment("assignment value for some column in table", connection, transaction)

I am curious if there is a way to write a quick test that can verify that the transaction will actually update certain rows before committing?

user.Assignment("assignment value for some column in table", connection, transaction)
If Not transaction["SomeColumn"] = "Expected value for SomeColumn"
assert("ColumnName was not going to be updated to the expected value!")

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Alternative To Transaction Lock?

Mar 20, 2012

In my project i am using begin transaction commit or rollback changes. but this causes lock to the tables in that particular functionality.

So if the any other user does any other functionality those locked table are not available until the transaction is completed. I want to know if there is any alternative to transaction which insures data security but the tables are not locked out.

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