Remotely Sending DOS Commands To Another Server

Jun 24, 2011

Is it possible to send DOS commands, using VB 2008, from one server to another server on the network? Perhaps using the process class?

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Mobile Phone To App - Remotely Disable Email Sending Feature Of Program By User ?

Feb 7, 2010

Ok, I haven't started this yet, but I'm just thinking out loud for a project I have coming up.

One approach I am thinking about pursuing involves "messaging" my application (windows form in VS 2008 pro) from a mobile device, whether it be a laptop, phone, pda, etc.

is this possible? (1st question) and what is the "correct" implementation to do this? (2nd question)

The idea is to remotely disable the email sending feature of my program by the user (owner of the application) to kill email alerts if they are not at their computer.

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Sending Commands To A Cmd Console

Jan 11, 2009

I am writing a windows gui front-end for a game that uses 6 open cmd console windows. The cmd windows are already open, I do not need to launch them, I just need to be able to send a command to a named cmd window by pressing a button on my Visual Basic 2005 Express form.


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Sending Commands To A LAN Printer?

Jan 12, 2011

How can I send commands to LAN Printer?

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Sending Commands To USB Programmer?

Sep 3, 2011

I'm writing a program in VB.NET 2010 that will connect to the PICkit(TM) 1 FLASH Starter Kit's USB programmer and send it commands to turn on or off something connected to the attached eLab16m board, for example, an LED. This is all done by using the DLL. The vendor id is &H4D8 and the product id is &H32.

Update I've written a console program that outputs what's happening. Here's the output:Where it says device with report id 0x10, I am trying to query the firmware version from the USB Programmer.Update 2 I've fixed the problem with the Wacom Bamboo tablet by uninstalling its software and drivers from my computer. The error has disappeared from the command line, but it still shows the 0x10 error.

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VS 2008 : Sending Commands Across A Network?

May 1, 2010

What I need to be able to do is send a command across a specific network port (eg. 2124) to a specific ip address. I already have writen the recieving code (for the iPhone os) and accepts commands like:

filefound("Name of file",filetype,size)

All this is to be sent in plain text and once received the iPhone will then send a command like:


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VS 2010 - Sending Commands To Process?

Jan 25, 2010

Dim movie As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim subtitle As String = TextBox2.Text
Dim box As New Process
box.StartInfo.FileName = "MP4Box.exe"


When i click a button this code is executed. But it wont execute the command "MP4Box.exe -ttxt " + """" + subtitle + """" Why?

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Sending Irc Commands From Multiple Forms & Classes?

Feb 13, 2012

while making my irc bot i need to send many different irc commands such as join channel, change mode, kick user message, topic channel message and so on. All these commands are currently process individually in a public sub on the irc connection thread.

Public Sub Write(ByVal command As String)


Would you have a load of public sub's to handle each or maybe something else?

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Sending Multiple Commands To A Serial Ports?

Aug 24, 2010

I am creating an application to configure some modems through the serial port. I have no problem sending a single string of data to the serial port and displaying the immediate response to a rich text box. I have 2 problems

1st: how to update the rich text box for any delayed response from the modem

2nd: how to react to the response from the modem, in other words I want to send the next command based on the response from the modem witch is usually "OK"

This is what my code looks like currently to send ans receive data from the serial port. (sport1 is my serial port and display is my rich text box)

sPort1.Write("AT+WOPEN=1" + Environment.NewLine)
With Display


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Sending Sms In .net Using AT Commands Error.Codes Attached?

Jun 10, 2009

i need help on that. My app is able to debug and execute successfully. But the problem is after i click on the send button, a msg box shows message successfully sent.However the recipient did not receive the msg at all.This is the code below:


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VS 2010 Sending 'text' Commands To A Console App

Feb 15, 2012

I need to build an forms app that 'posts' or 'sends' text commands to an external console process, called Minecraft Server It is a java-based process, filename 'minecraft_server.jar'. Run by my computer via 'java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui'. The Process ID I assume would change each time it's run. This process can be downloaded here: [URL]

I am guessing that I need to:

1) find the Process ID for it, based on its process details, such as Command Line

2) figure out a way to 'post' these commands, commands such as "stop" into the console window

I cannot have this process launched by my VB project.

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Add Account To VPN Server Remotely?

Jun 3, 2011

I have a VPN server Hosted in

For Incoming Connections I have to Login Remotely(RDP) & add User Manualy(username & password)

I Just want to do it remotely(adding users for incoming connection) Through an application. which i want to write in

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Cannot Connect To Server Remotely

Sep 28, 2010

How to connect to MS SQL Server 2008 remotely? I have the following code but I can only connect to the server under the local machine network.


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Ping A Server Remotely

Jun 27, 2011

I am working this little project where i need to ping some servers remotely. there's three of them. I need o ping them and per say while they're being pinged to have a command window open with the pinging process going to keep an eye untill it can ping successfully.And since this is for all three servers how do i create a program where it will have all three servers being pinged? [code]

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Adding Account To VPN Server Remotely?

Jun 3, 2011

I have a VPN server Hosted in For Incoming Connections I have to Login Remotely(RDP) & add User Manualy(username & password)I Just want to do it remotely(adding users for incoming connection) Through an application........which i want to write in

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Communications :: Execute Command Remotely On Server

Mar 16, 2010

I have been searching for a good code example that will place a small server program on my server and then allow me to use a client on my pc that will tell the server program to run a batch file on the server.

I thought this would be simple... I am finding it not that easy.

We have a server that users need to execute a command on however we do not want them to have login rights to the server so this will allow them to execute the batch file without having to log in.

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VS 2008 Remotely Connect To Mysql Server?

Sep 9, 2010

from code i try to remotely connect to mysql server :

Dim conn As New MySqlConnection
Dim comand As New MySqlCommand
Dim myconnstring As String = "server=" _


I get Timeout I/O operation. With mysql front i can connect without problem.I closed windows firewall.

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Decrease The Response Time When Dealing With SQL Server Remotely?

May 20, 2012

I have created a application that uses a SQL Server database at a remote location over the internet.There are 10 clients that are working on the same time.The problem is in the delay time that happens when inserting a new row or retrieving rows from the database, the form appears to be freezing for a while when it deals with the database, I don't want to use a background worker to overcome the freeze problem.I want to eliminate that delay time and decrease it as much as possible?

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Code Snippets - Remotely Accessing Server Event Logs?

Dec 2, 2010

I am working on a project that includes having my VB app pull event log data from a Windows 200x server remotely. Does anyone have any code snippets or reference sites that would have information on remotely accessing admin functions/data in a Win2Kx server environment?

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Irc Server - Computers - Able To Control Them Remotely Without Using External Dekstop Management ?

Jan 6, 2009

At my house we got 6 computers and 5 laptops. Not I want to be able to control them remotely without using external dekstop management or something else. So i can control when my kids can use the computer or not

So I came up with the idea of creating an irc server that listens to commands that I type from my main computer. The commands are no problem for me to program but the irc server itself looks pretty hard. I've been looking on google but cant find a good source to learn it. some other ideas than using irc protocol?

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Make A Connection To Dbf Free Table In LAN Environment Or Remotely To Server (without Mapping Network Drive)?

Sep 8, 2011

I have this code:


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Click A Button And It Send Various Commands To VPS Server Through SSH

Aug 3, 2011

I want to make a simple program where I can click a button and it send various commands to my VPS server through SSH. I have had an extensive search online but the SSH Components range from $200-$500 which is far to expensive for what I want to do. I was just wondering if anyone knows any other free alternatives. Or maybe has seen a free SSH Component. I am very well aware that free clients exist like putty but would very much like to incoperate it into my own program to be automated.

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Remote Server Returned An Error (503) Bad Sequence Of Commands

May 11, 2010

I attempting to download 6 files from my FTP site to a local server using VB 2008.After 1 or 2 files are downloaded I am geeting an error Bad sequence of commands.It appears the ftp connection is not closing then re-opening.[code]Then I change the file name. After the 2nd or 3rd file, I get the error message.How would I close the connection and reopen it without having to close the program?

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VS 2010 : Send RCon Commands To Game Server?

Dec 20, 2010

im trying to send RCon commands to a Call of duty: Black Ops game server.I read a thread from a few years back about sending RCon commands to a CoD 4 server, and all look promising until the application kept crashing when I pressed connect.


all I want is to be able to send a few commands to the server through an application.

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Sending A Log To A Remote Server?

Dec 9, 2010

how to send a log using console app to a external server? I have the application sitting in a store oulet, then I need this application to send over a log file.

I have a couple of ideas.. one is using a tcp listener and sender, then the listener logs it over in the server.

Another is using a ftp send.

but I would prefer it to be coded in the program itself.

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Sending A String To An Ftp Server?

May 3, 2011

I am working on an application that is going to read a weight from a scale. The people who sold us the scale said that I can send a string to the scale over FTP and the response I will get is the weight. I haven't done much with ftp and have been searching for weeks. Can anyone point me in the right direction? The steps are... Create a TCP/IP connection to the ip address, port 1701 If the connection is succesful then I'll get 53 Ready for user as the response I can then send the username/password to the machine (sent as a string...) Read the response, which should be 12 Access OK I then need to transmit 'r wt0101' to read the weight. The response will have the weight. They've said this is done through FTP but maybe that's not the case? I don't understand why it would be FTP but that's what the technical documents say. Is there a class I can use that sends string commands over a tcp/ip connection?

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Sending An Email From Server?

Nov 4, 2011

I'm trying to send a simple email via This is the first time i've tried this and am getting the same message every time. I've looked everywhere with no answer... The host that i use is bluehost, and i know the port name and the client name and username and password are correct. So i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong, perhaps it's thinking i should be sending from my localhost, or my ip address? Either way, below is the error i'm getting, and the code. The # just represent the numbers in the error and so on and so forth.

Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: cpe - ##-###-###-###... (my-pc)[my ip address] is currently at...

Dim Mail As New MailMessage
Mail.Subject = "The Email Subject"


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Communications :: Sending Packet To Server

Apr 12, 2012

i want ask how i can send hex packet to server .i am able to connect IP and port [code] here we can see that for 3 hex 33 is used and for char "." 00 07 13 and many others are used and for its 0F used [code] it sends same Hex for each "." in packet but i want to send other values as there in original/so i want to create a byte to send from hex code/

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Sending An XML File To A Remote Server

Feb 17, 2010

A certificate is required to complete client authentication.I am sending an XML file to a remote server.[code]

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Sending Data To Clients From A Server In Vb?

Aug 27, 2010

Actually I have created a chat application is it possible to send data to particular client only?

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