VS 2005 Show Cursor After Hiding It

May 17, 2009

I don't know what's wrong but in my code I can't show the cursor. .Hide() will succesfully hide the cursor but then .Show() does nothing.

If moveTimer.Enabled Then Windows.Forms.Cursor.Hide() Else Windows.Forms.Cursor.Show() : MsgBox("wdf")

Basically while the game is running, I need the cursor hidden. That part works, but when the game pauses, I need the cursor back and .Show() isn't working. I have a msgbox to check and make sure that the Else side actually executes when the game is paused, and it does so I know .Show() is executing.

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Hiding Cursor On Specific Form?

May 1, 2011

I am working on a project where I need to hide the mouse however the Cursor.hide and the ShowCursor API (Which doesn't even work) will only hide the cursor on a specific form. How would I go about hiding the mouse everywhere? (Desktop/Internet Browsers/etc...)

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Hiding Full Screen Console Mousr Cursor?

Jan 6, 2011

How do I go about this? I know you can hide the regular typing cursor, but I would very much like to get rid of the mouse.

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Mouse Cursor Is Hiding Until Item Selected From Dropdown List

Jun 8, 2012

VB.NET Winforms Application... When a user starts typing in the search box of the application it automatically populates the name list dropdown box with the valid results and sets the droppeddown value to true... Everything is working fine except the fact that the user is forced to select a value from the name list or press the esc key because without doing so the mouse cursor just disappears and you have to move the mouse all the way outside the application for it to come back and it will only do so while outside the applicaiton.. Below is the code that I am using for this and it should be noted that I am using the droppeddown value else where in the application and none of those instances have an issue its only this one..

Private Sub u_lastName_Box_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles u_lastName_Box.TextChanged


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Error With Progressbar Show / Hiding From Backgroundworker

Aug 8, 2009

[Code] This is run from inside a backgroundworker. It throws an error, Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'pbUpload' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on. I have read and read and searched and basically come to the conclusion I am going to have to invoke the command but this is new area for me.

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VS 2005 Loading And Hiding A Form?

Jan 28, 2010

i am hiding a form and showing another form by this bit of

form 2 contains of a dgv and by the form1 i am editing the contents of the dgv present in the form 2.......

after making the changes when again i show the form2 and hide the form1,then the changes made did not appears in the form2............

i have this bit of code at the form load of the form2:

con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=LibraryManagement.mdb")


now when i close my application and again reload it then then changes that i made appears in the dgv of the form2........

if i am showing the hidden form then at the time of showing it,does the form load event of the hidden form is raised?


the hidden form is already loaded and there is NO form load event and only the form is shown and hidden...

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Can't Get The Cursor To Show

Nov 1, 2011

I have a dialog that opens with a textbox on it ready to receive text input from the user.

The only problem I have is that I can't get the cursor to show.

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[2005] Hiding The Titlebar, MenuStrip, ToolStrip Etc?

Feb 1, 2009

I have been playing with the Windows API.A Windows application typically has a TitleBar (with a caption on it), underneath is a MenuStrip, under that a ToolStrip (with the tool icons on it), and under that the main application area.I want to be able to strip everything off, except for the main application area.I have found how to hide the TitleBar, using:

GetWindowLong (and passing to it the handle of the form, and GW_STYLE to get the current windows style)SetWindowLong (and passing to it the handle of the form, the InitialStyle, and ORing with it WS_DLGFRAME) how to remove the MenuStrip and ToolStrip to leave just the main application area?

Code so far:

Public Class Form1
Private Const WM_SYSCOMMAND As Integer = 274
Private Const SC_MAXIMIZE As Integer = 61488


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[2005] TabControl Hiding Controls After Running

Mar 4, 2009

I'm having a weird bug with a TabControl that I've never seen before. Here's what I got:

A TabControl with 3 tabs. The first 2 tabs have an inherited DGV on them, and the third page is like a options page. The 3rd tab has a bunch of labels, comboboxes, checkboxes etc...

Whenever I play/start debuggings/run the app the controls of the 3rd page turn "invisible" on the design view. They are still shown in the app. Here are two pictures showing what I mean:

This is what the designer looks like BEFORE I run it: This is what the designer looks like AFTER I run it (Running app on the right): I've tried building/rebuilding/cleaning and nothing. If I close the solution and VS and reopen it, it will show but that's a pain to deal with.

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VS 2005 Hiding Connection String Using System.Configuration?

Mar 11, 2010

When connecting to data I always like to use the Configuration methods:

Dim settings As ConnectionStringSettings = _


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Label To Show X / Y Cordinates Of Cursor?

Mar 7, 2009

Im working on a project containing a couple of forms. On the main form I want to labels in the status bar that show the X,Y location of the cursor when it moves over the form. I thought this code would do it but it doesnt work

Private Sub MainForm_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseMove
lblCursorX.Text = "X: " & e.X
lblCursorY.Text = "Y: " & e.Y[code].......

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Make Drop Down List Show With Cursor?

Aug 21, 2009

I have a menu strip, which i want the drop down items to show when i move my cursor over it.

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Show Button If Cursor Is Between Two Strings In A Textbox?

Dec 27, 2009

Basically I have a series of lines in a textbox like this:

### = 1232, 1234, 1236, 1238, 123A, 123C ; comment here I want to show a button when the caret (cursor pipe thing) in the textbox goes is in a number so like:

... , 12|31, .... or
... , 123|1, .... etc
(the pipe being the caret)

I have written code to check if it is in a number and to get the number when the button is clicked, but it doesn't work correctly if I put the code in the selection changed event.

oh and the numbers can be upto 8 digits long and hex.

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Show / Hide Form When Cursor Is In The Top Left Corner?

Jul 13, 2009

you know how you can set the windows taskbar to appear and disappear when the position of the mouse is all the way at the bottom? i want to do the same thing with my form when the mouse is in the top left corner of screen.or perhaps you can suggest to me a different way to do this. the user will probably just need to set those trackbars just several times during their usage.

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Windows.Forms.Cursor.Show() Doesn't Work?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a test app driven by bluetooth serial events In my form load code I hide the cursor so it doesn't get in the way of pictures (fullscreen) When one event is called by bluetooth, it brings up a msgbox and the user has to click OK. I tried Windows.Forms.Cursor.Show() but it doesn't work.

I'm guessing it's something to do with delegates and events and the form, but the debugger doesn't complain at any point. It just refuses to show the cursor. How can I get my serialport event to show the cursor? And then hide it after?

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VS 2005 - Setting Default Cursor Focus

Feb 22, 2010

I have a form that has two text boxs User ID and password. My question user must move cursor to the User ID field. But it should default to that field as that is the only option. How to do it in .net?

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VS 2005 Extract Word Cursor Is Over On Mouseover

Jan 3, 2011

I want to extract just the word that the mouse cursor is over. I have the following [code]The problem is that this code will extract the word the mouse cursor is over and the previous words before it. Could you please help to get just the one word that the cursor is over.

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VS 2005 Move Cursor In The Masked Textbox?

Sep 25, 2010

I have a MTB with the mask "00 / 00 / 00",

now when the user fills the mask, say he enters the value for the first two zeros(days part), after that i want the cursor to be automatically at the third zero. (yes the cursor automatically move when the user enters the next input, but i want it to move before the user enters the input)

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VS 2005 Placing Cursor In Datagridview Cell?

May 3, 2011

I have second column as datagridviewTextBoxColumn column in the datagridview, after opening dot net form runtime, in first cell of this column , I am populating �-� character at third position with remaining everything blank. Requirement is cursor should be at first position in this cell.

But now what is happening is, as my second column�s first cell should have cursor after opening form, we are sending tab key from first column to second column runtime with SendKeys.Send("{TAB}") as result cursor is located after �-� which is not requirement , cursor should be at first position in cell.

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VS 2005 Position Of Cursor Inside Textbox?

Jun 30, 2009

I wanna get the position of cursor(not mouse position !!), when the cursor is inside a textbox or richtextbox. On the click of a button, i should get the current position. If i get X,Y co-ordinates, it s well and good. If not possible pixel co-ordinates. Please help. I am new to vb.net

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VS 2005 Trace If The Cursor Is In The Selection.start?

Dec 12, 2011

RichTextBox1.SelectionBullet = True
RichTextBox1.SelectionIndent = 10

using the above for numbering in richtextbox, how I can trace if the cursor is in the selection.start which is in the place where numbering is there...

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Find Cursor Coordinates On Screen In VB 2005 Code?

Oct 4, 2009

How do i find the cursor coordinates on the screen in VB 2005 code?

"label1.Text = e.Location.X" Only gives you the coordinates in the program window itself, i want it to be displayed in a label/textbox in relation to the whole screen.

View 12 Replies

VS 2005 Cross Cursor And Make It The Width And Height Of The Form

Oct 6, 2009

I am trying to use a cross cursor and make it the width and height of the form without any luck. I read in a thread i may have to use a custom cursor, is this true? I have tried to re size the Cursors.Cross


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VS 2008 THe JuMpIN CuRsOr - Make Cursor To Jump To The Next Textbox After Type The Digit

Jan 14, 2010

how can i make my cursor to jump to the next textbox after i type the digit

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Replace Default Windows Cursor With A Custom Cursor (winforms)?

Feb 16, 2011

This VS010 solution is not providing my intended outcome as a custom override of a 'crosshair' or 'reticle' cursor e.Graphics.DrawPath() is the function that isn't working. This

WORKING solution demonstrates how it's supposed to work. The additonal PictureBox added to a Panel is, for reasons I don't understand, not allowing the 'new' cursor to appear.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Drawing


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Cursor - User Control - Able To Update Its Cursor While It Is Disabled

Apr 28, 2009

I have a user control, and want to be able to update its cursor while it is disabled. For example, say that I have a user control whose cursor is Default. The below code works ONLY when the user control is already enabled; if it is disabled the below code doesn't work and the cursor remains Default: Me.MY_USER_CONTROL.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor

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Set The Cursor To 'cursor.wait' For The Whole Display Screen?

Jul 2, 2009

How can I set the curosr to 'cursor.wait' for the whole display screen and not just for the application form? I have tried "Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor" And several variations but without success.

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Setting A Cursor Hotspot (icon Cursor)

Nov 6, 2009

I have a custom cursor that I have as a ico file as cur files are only mono coloured and 32x32.

The only problem in using a ico file is that I can't set where the hot spot is and at the moment it is set in the middle of the icon which is no help

I was looking on the msdn website and it said to set the hotspot like this

Dim instance As Cursor
Dim value As Point

value = instance.HotSpot But I don't know how to set the point value to (0,54) which is where I want the hotspot to be located.

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VS 2005 Hide/show Tab In A Tab Control?

May 11, 2010

how to hide/show tab in a Tab Control?

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VS 2005 How To Create Show Button

Jul 28, 2009

the purpose of this button is that after form load when i select a data from the combobox dropdown list and press this show button then the correspondingdata present in other fields are shown........

Private Sub shw_btn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles shw_btn.Click
con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data


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