VS 2005 Change Is Not Applied On Rebuild

Feb 8, 2010

I have a vb .net program on visual studio 2005. I modified my code for a bug fix. When I am rebuilding and running the application, it shows me the old version of my program, ie, the new changes are not taken effect. To test more, I changed a Label box text and tried to rebuild the program. The program shown me the screen with the old label text. The change was not affected. I tryed to save the application, close, reopen , unfortunately the same effect. Then I copied the project folder to my other laptop to see if visual studio had anything wrong. But then there also I am facing the same problem.


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VS 2005 User Control Rebuild Take Effect?

Mar 23, 2009

I am writing a custom control which is a textbox currency control. What is the best way if I make changes to my control to have my main project use the changed control?

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[2005] "Rebuild" And "Clean" Projects?

Dec 28, 2011

[RESOLVED] [2005] "Rebuild" and "Clean" Projects

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Attribute Cannot Be Applied Multiple Times?

Mar 26, 2012

I keep on getting errors for every line in the code below that tell me that the attributes cannot be applied multiple times. What does this mean and how can I fix it without changing what the code does?

Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
<Assembly: AssemblyTitle("")>


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C# :: Operator Can't Be Applied To Operand Ushort?

Jun 2, 2011

Possible Duplicate:How do you return 'not uint' in C#? I'm trying to convert the following from VB.NET to C# and I'm getting a syntax error.

Dim CurrentCRC As UInt16
CurrentCRC = &HFFFF


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VS 2008 - An Error Applied Inconsistently?

Dec 11, 2009

I am puzzled by the presence of error 232: "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference" when I use the snippet below in a larger program after testing it successfully as a stand-alone subroutine. The offending line is:


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AddHandler Event Seems To Cause The Themes' Css File To Not Be Applied?

Feb 1, 2009

I am currently writing a website for a company to display their products to their customers. One of the things I am putting into it is the ability to add news items onto the homepage, only part of the admin side of the site.

I have managed to extract some news items from the database, and display them dynamically in a Web User Control which I have added to Default.aspx. I have managed to add buttons for "Update" with events. The problem is that, on clicking one of these update buttons, the page reloads with the theme applied (as it should), but the css files from the theme do not apply - the body text is bigger than it should be and changes back to the default font. I know the skin files apply as I have tried setting all button backgrounds to black by default. The css files seem to apply to any text which is generated from clicking an update button (I have it so it writes the title of the news item for the button that was clicked. This text is the size and font it should be). I have spent HOURS trying to work out why this is happening, with loads of Googling but no success. It is almost as if the theme is being applied between the PageLoad event and the ButtonClick event, but the skin files would say otherwise. Does anyone know why this is?


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RichTextBox - Remove A Style While Maintaining Any Others Applied?

Mar 6, 2010

I have the [B] [I] [U] buttons and they work to a point but here is the problem I'm having.In MS Word,I can Hilight text and select Bold and it bolds the text, I can then select Italic and while leaving it bold, it Italicizes it.I can then click the bold button again and it will remove the bold but leave the selected text Italicized. I can't figure out how to get this action to work.I know I can OR the styles to apply multiple styles to the text but I don't know how to remove a style while maintaining any others applied.Here's a section of code that I'm messing with.[code]....btw, I am using for the comments so that the code is easier to read.I have tried (in this specific segment) newFontStyle = currentFont.Style And Not FontStyle.Bold

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Set The Height Of Treenode Of Which Font Bold Is Applied

Aug 18, 2010

I have treeview in which for some of the treenodes I have to set the font selected by user. The font gets applied correctly, but the text is not displayed properly. Need to set the height of treenode. I'm using vb.net and VS 2008. I have already checked the Bounds property, but it is not set correctly so I cannot set the ItemHeight property of the node.

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View Previous Datatable After Filter Applied?

Mar 16, 2011

Code is:

Private Sub PatientFields()
txtFirstName.Text = pa.Tables(0).Rows(intcurrentindex).Item("Forename").ToString()
txtLastName.Text = pa.Tables(0).Rows(intcurrentindex).Item("Surname").ToString()


Once the search is executed I want to be able to click "refresh" and the original table is then shown in the datagridview. If I try adding after the search sub is completed:

table.DefaultView.RowFilter = Nothing

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C# - From A UITypeEditor, Retrieve An Attribute Applied To The Parent Of A Property In .net?

Jan 20, 2010

Consider this scenario:

Class MyClass
Property SubProp1
End Property


Next, I put an instance of MyButton into a property grid, expand property MC and edit SubProp2.From the type editor for SubProp2, I want to get hold of the attribute applied to property MC.Looking at the context,PropertyDescriptor.ComponentType, we arrive at Type: MyClass.If i look at the attributes applied to MyClass, though, it will only return the attributes applied directly to MyClass, and not the extra attribute applied to the property MC.

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SQL Query Applied To Bindingsource.filter Doesn't Work

Aug 23, 2011

have a query in SQL, returns the results I expect, however when I copied this query to a bindingsource.filter call,I get "Missing Operand" errors

Me.ItemsBindingSource.Filter = String.Format("SELECT * FROM items WHERE (GETDATE()) BETWEEN (items.ItemStartDate) AND DATEADD([month], items.ItemOccurances, items.ItemStartDate)")

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Rebuild Entire .dll In New Version

Apr 23, 2012

i am still new to VB, and need a little help. We have an application that runs on what I believe is VB2005. I am able to open the main .dll in VB2010, and can modify the forms, etc, and they will show the changes in the applications, but is there any way to change the current forms to the nicer looking forms in VB 2010? I guess I could just rebuild the entire .dll in the new version, but was hoping not to have to do that.

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Press The F5 Or Start Debugging It Does A Rebuild?

Nov 25, 2009

Using VB 2008 When I press the F5 or Start Debugging it does a rebuild even when I have made no changes since the last time. Where is the setting to tell it to only do a rebuild if there are changes?

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Verify If Need To Rebuild A Project Programatically?

Mar 3, 2009

I have an add-in that does operations to open projects in the current solution. Before I do any of those operation, I want to verify if I need to build the projects or now. Is there a way I can check if a project is out of date (Up-To-Date = True)?

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When Indexes Rebuild While Creating DataView

Feb 15, 2011

Here is the code
Dim xR() As DataRow = xT.Select("TS='" & TS & "'")
Dim qRow As DataRow
If xR.Length = 1 Then
qRow = xR(0)
[Code] .....

Sometimes(not always) I get that internal index is corrupted. I read somewhere that frequent updates to in memory datatable, can produce error like that and that only real solution is to create dataview from time to time, and by doing that datatable rebuild it's indexes...is that for real....I have changed my code and now I'm creating dataview and disposing it right away...so far so good. but I was wandering is thatfact....does datatble rebuilds it's indexes when you create dataview...and if not when are they rebuild.

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VS 2005 2005 To 2008 : Change That Without Having To Uninstall VB And Reinstall With New Name?

Jan 9, 2010

If I have a project that I built in 2005 can I also work on it in 2008 and vice versa? What are the main differences from each version Also I deployed a project and it installs on the user computer with the name I installed VB 2005 with, not the name I use in project set up?? Is this common how can i change that without having to uninstall VB and reinstall with new name? Or is it picking that name up from somewhere else in my project?

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.net - Did A Rebuild All On Project, Now Get Error Mentioning MSACAL.DLL?

Mar 4, 2011

I recently inherited a VB project for some maintenance. I've been making changes and testing in VS2008 using F5. It's been going well.I did a rebuild all and now it won't run. It displays a dialog saying something like "MSACAL.dll or some of its dependencies are missing." There are a number of INTEROP.....dll files in ..obj (I didn't look in ..in and am home for the weekend) but none in ..objDebug.

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Fake Compile Errors / Rebuild Program

Jul 26, 2010

Anyone ever get fake compile errors and rebuild the program and then they go away? Well mine aren't going away and I can compile and run no problem. I've got something like 100 compile errors and the "run with error's" warning doesn't appear at any time and when I do run my program it runs just the way it should. However I still see like 100 errors.

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Put A Process In A SSIS Package That Will Rebuild A Solution?

Jun 16, 2010

I want to put a process in a SSIS package that will rebuild a solution. In that solution it creates a setup.exe that includes a sql server compact database that is updated by the SSIS package.

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VS2008 Crashes Reliably At The End Of A Solution Rebuild?

Mar 30, 2009

VS2008 SP1, Winforms solution, VB.NET, compiling for x86 and .NET v2 I have about a dozen projects in the solution, with a couple of Windows forms projects and some class libraries. If I rebuild the solution, it clears out and recompiles all the projects, as you'd expect... and then disappears without trace or error message. Since I'm reconnecting to VSS 2005 over HTTP across the internet, it takes all month to start back up with everything loaded, so it's incredibly irritating. The compiled application itself works fine, and normal build and run after changes also works fine.

EDIT: Just to clarify, No add-ins except Refactor! (I know, I guess I ought to try uninstalling it to see if it's that, but it's just too useful! - I will see if there's an update though). And no custom build steps. It's just a vanilla Winforms app, with references between the projects (and some references to COM dlls for interop).


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Does Windows Service Need To Be Rebuild After Changing Config File

Aug 1, 2010

I changed config file of the windows many times. Before changing config file I stopped the service and after changing config file, started again. Every thing worked fine.

But last time when I made some changes in config file of the windows service and started it - It didnt worked, I even tried reinstalling the service but in vain.

As a last resort I rebuild the service with new config file and copied newly build files on the server and installed the service. To my surprise the Windows service worked perfectly this time.But I have only made changes to config file and the code of the windows service was untouched. My question is, do we need to rebuild the Window service if we change the config file many time?

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Rebuild - Created A Program Setup Using Standard Procedure

Mar 15, 2011

I would like to get some advise from all of you. I created a program setup using standard procedure(adding new project.. setup and deployment, setup project). When I ran the setup and installed the program in computer, It's working. Then I decided to amend certain form in the program. I right click at solution"my program name" and click rebuild solution. then i try to run again the setup, there is nothing happen after that(It remain like before amendment). Did I miss anything here? I have never used this method before and this is my first time using it.

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Rebuild Array Versus Linked List Traversal?

Mar 11, 2010

I have been working on a number of card games. Important, of course, is shuffling the deck.I have come up with a few different ways to do this. Currently I do not shuffle, but to deal a card, I lay out the deck in order, selecting a random number between 1 and the number of cards remaining and selecting that card. I then remove that card from the deck so that another card can be picked.There are two main ways to do this, and I am trying to figure out which one is optimal.The first is to have an array of cards. When one card is dealt, a new array is formed with that card missing. I kind of like keeping the array size exactly the size of the deck, but perhaps this is not efficient. So, the first array has length n and the new array after the card is dealt has length n-1. VB.Net makes it simple to change array sizes around like this.

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Rebuild To Get The Designer Updated On Debug, With Custom Controls In Form?

Aug 10, 2011

At the moment, I'm writing tons of custom control, which all fits my needs. But the thing is, each time I Debug the project, it doesn't update the form designer at all, not even the code. My solution to this is to Rebuild the project, which can take time. This is very frustrating.

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate to compile.

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Updated Table Loses Saved Data After Project Rebuild

Mar 17, 2009

since I still use VB6 and the code is in VB8, I can't find the solution.The sub below is executed in a button's click event, and is supposed to save data to his database. It seems to work fine : you can add persons (in a separate form), and see them appear in the datagrid. You can stop the program, go back to the VB editor, and run it again (without rebuild), and the previously added persons will still be visible in the datagrid. But...If you add some persons, then go to the editor and force a rebuild (for example by adding more code), and than run the code again, the the previously added persons are gone (nomore visible in datagrid)!To me, it seems that the problem is to effectively update the database. I have searched on the internet about this topic, and I read that you must "set" the UpdateCommand.


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VS 2005 - Allow A User To Change The Height Of The Treeview Which Will Automatically Change The Height Of The Textbox?

Apr 9, 2009

I have a treeview and text box below it... is it easy or even possible to allow a user to change the height of the treeview which will automatically change the height of the textbox so there is no gap between them?ie one gets bigger the other gets smaller etc etc

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Suppressing "You Must Rebuild Your Project..." Warning Message?

Aug 6, 2009

When I make a change to a usercontrol, I get a warning message "You must rebuild your project for the changes to {class} to show up in any open designers."Is there a studio environment setting that will prevent me from ever seeing that message again? The Error List window popping up and stealing focus is really getting on my nerves, and sometimes it doesn't want to automatically re-hide.

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Difference Between Build ,rebuild ,start , Start Without Debugging?

Aug 18, 2007

I am confused with the terms Build ,rebuild ,start , start without debugging in VS.NET.After writing the code what actually we want to do .We have to run directly by pressing F5 key or we have to build the solution .Usually i tried to run the application after coding and if shows any any errors i will fix that and run again .I never used build or rebuild thing .What exactly meant by building the solution .What is meant by rebuild and start without debugging.

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Change Password In .NET 2005?

Jul 14, 2009

In form6 is where changing password will occur. I'm not sure what is the problem. Help. Anyone?

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form6


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