VS 2005 Declaring Member Order?

Dec 28, 2009

Is there some way to get the declaring member order inside a class? For instance:

Public property Number1() as Integer
Public property Number2() as String

I need get the exact order. Maybe using reflection or something else

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VS 2005 Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Member?

Apr 28, 2011

Cannot appear to be able to get this function to not have the above error.Private Function GetIncidentActions(ByVal FromAgentID As Integer, ByVal ToAgentID As Integer, ByVal incidentAction As Integer, ByVal ActionDate As Date) As String


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VS 2005 Configuring A Datasource Value Member & Display Member

Jan 6, 2011

I have 2 tables Table A & Table B Table A has the table values that I want to be populated in a datagridview control.The challenge is that column 1 in table A contains an ID(foreign key) to a name field that is a located in table B. I need the datagrid to have the first column be a combobox that displays the names(from Table B) that are already in table A via the ID's, but reference the populating values from Table B. So that when you bring down the combobox you would be choosing from Table B data but populating table A with the ID and you would see a name there instead of an ID.[code] How do I populate my DS dataset with Table B? And how can I create a link to these two tables using a bound datagridview control?

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Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Member Or Nested Type Through An Instance; Qualifying Expression Will Not Be Evaluated

Jun 2, 2011

how do I overcome it? I have created a class and compiled into .dll This code


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Access Of Shared Member - Constant Member - Enum Member Or Nested Type Through An Insta

Aug 13, 2009

In Visual Studio 2008, if I do this:


Does anyone here know how to get the above to work WITHOUT warnings being generated?

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Warning 1: Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Member Or Nested Type Through An Instance; Qualifying Expression Will Not Be Evaluated

May 31, 2010

In the following code i get a warning at line 59:Warning 1: Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated.and.. At line 78 I get this Warning:

Warning 2 Property 'SelectedCustomer' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used.

The program compiles and runs well, but i cant' undesrtand the reason for these warnings. Any Idea ?

1: Public Class Form1
3: 'Form level members
4: Private objCustomers As New ArrayList


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VS 2005 : Declaring Clearing Passed Values?

Nov 1, 2009

I'm just learning VB and enjoying it, but I have run into a problem with a recent program. I am working with passing values. There is a button on my form that is pressed each time the user "votes" for an option. The problem is I'm declaring my variables in the button press action, then calling my subs/functions.

This seems to be re-declaring my variables each time the button is pressed causing the total counters to fail to increment. I wrote the code for a very basic example of what I am running into in my more complex program.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim intGenericValue As Integer
Call GenericSub(intGenericValue)


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VS 2005 - Exists Is Not Member Of Directory

Jan 3, 2010

I tried this
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Directory.Exists("c: estDir1") Then
'shows message if testdir1 exist
[Code] .....

I am getting errors such as:
Exists is not a member of directory
CreateDirectory is not a member of directory....... and so on
How to remove these errors?

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VS 2005 Member Variables And Events?

Oct 12, 2010

How should I handle events in this situation I have "Class1" with a "PropertyHasChanged" event.In "Class2" I've declare a Public Member Variable WithEvents of Type Class1.As well, Class2 has the Event "OtherPropertyHasChange".In a Form Class I've declare a Public Member Variable WithEvents of Type Class2.The Form Member has access to the "OtherPropertyChange" Event but not the "PropertyHasChanged" Event.Question is,how do I accesss the Events of Class1 from the Form Class?

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VS 2005 Order Of Events?

Apr 29, 2012

I am writing a custom backup program and learning as I go, everything has been fine up to now. When I click a button the following is run:

Private Sub BtnCopyDir_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnCopyDir.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists("C:TestDirectory") Then


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VS 2005 Error: Sort Is Not The Member ArrayDemo

Sep 27, 2011

i have a probleam with my homework . I try to do a sorting in listbox, but i got an error Sort is not the member ArrayDemo. I also highlight the line which i got error

Public Class Array
Dim strFriends(4) As String
Private Sub btnSortingArrays_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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VS 2005 Get Sort Order Of SortedColumn In DGV?

Aug 16, 2010

After updating a dgv , i want to again perform sort on the dgv with its already sorted column and the sort direction.

I am able to get the sorted column using 'SortedColumn' property, but how should i know the direction of the sort

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VS 2005 Reference A Member Of A Structure By Using A String Variable

Mar 20, 2009

, I was wondering if it was possible to reference a member of a structure by using a string variable. Here's an example of what i'm talking about:


Now, I know that you would usually reference the value in any of the members by using the following (String1 in this case)


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VS 2005 Navigating Tab Order Index Through Enter?

Dec 27, 2009

I am having nearly 20-25 textboxes on the form. I had already given tab index to those textboxes. So when i press enter, the textbox tab index must be navigated instead of tab. After entering text in TextBox1, when i press enter, it must goes to the TextBox2.How to do this?

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VS 2005 Set And Read Member Variables Of Combobox Items Object?

Jun 12, 2010

I have created a class called 'MyAddress' and in the form load event i am adding few objects of that class to the combobox. I want to know how should i set and read the values of the member variables of that selected item of the combobox. I have tried this and is working, but i am not sure whether it is the way to do

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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VS 2005 - Hide The Filetoolstripmenu In Order To Print Forms

Dec 2, 2009

I am using the 2005 Power Packs Print Forms, I need to hide the filetoolstripmenu in order to print because it come through on my client page So I am using filetoolstripmenusitem.visible= false, then calling print but i think its happens to fast so part of the filetoolstripitem is still coming through on my print image Is there something i can do to pause it for a second?

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[2005] Sorting Datagridview Column In Numeric Order?

Feb 7, 2009

I have an unbound datagridview that has 2 columns. Both columns contain numeric data only and will only go to 55 in count. How do you sort a Datagridview Column in collating sequence? I basically want to sort from 55 down to 1 and 1 to 55 in their respective numerical order.

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DB/Reporting :: [VB08 + SQL Serv 2005] - Order Columns In Datagridview?

Oct 13, 2009

I have a datagridview that I'm populating from a SProc. The data coms back fine and is presenting in the DGV without any trouble, but I don't like the order the data is being returned in.A long solution might be to modify the SProc to return the data in a different order, but I prefer to handle this on the UI for simplicity. Also, I know the user can re-order but that presents a specific poblem in the way the columns are structured.Is there a way to programmatically change the order at runtime?Here's the ode I have on the UI. If you need to see the adapter class also, please let me know and I'll present it, too.

Private Sub UpcomingInspections()
AddHandler mAdapter.ErrorOccured, AddressOf HandleDataError


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Plug In For Vb In Order To Use .swf File To Do Flash On Vision Studio 2005?

May 18, 2009

i understand that i need to have plug in for vb in order to use .swf file to do flash on Vision studio 2005. can anyone let me know where to download that component for this.

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Sort Field Values In Specified Order In Crystal Reports In 2005?

Feb 14, 2012

I am using crystal reports in visual studio 2005 to generate invoices. I want to sort different categories of products. I'm using group by on category field. How can i set a specified order in crystal reports for categories.I have for example 3 categories namely 'Recipe', 'Plain Spices', and 'Horeca'....The crystal reports shows them in ascending or descending order but i want Recipe data at top, then Plain Spices and Horeca in the end...!!How can I achieve this in my crystal report that has already been made?

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Does The Assignment Operator In 1.1 Do A Member-by-member Copy Of The ObjOriginal To ObjClone

Nov 18, 2009

I'm "cloning" objects in my code. For instance: objClone = objOriginal My question is: Does the assignment operator in VB.NET 1.1 do a member-by-member copy of the objOriginal to objClone or does objClone simply point as a reference to memory referenced by objOriginal?

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Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Memberor Nested Type Through An Instance; Qualifying Expression Will Not Be Evaluated?

Jun 23, 2009

i changed a class variable to shared so i can access it in all instances of the class, but it caused an error. what is causing this, and how can i fix it?

Shared img As Bitmap
.img = bgImage

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.net - The Member 'X' Was Changed To Be Inconsistent With The Association Member 'Y'?

Jan 3, 2011

I get this error if I follow these steps: Change property Y of an object (an associated entity property)
Attempt to submit changes At this point the value of Y and the value of X (the underlying key) are not in agreement -- LINQ to SQL apparently doesn't synchronize these until GetChangeSet is called.An expected error occurs due to some business logic or database level constraint during the update operation.At this point the value of Y is in agreement with X because GetChangeSet was called.Change the value of Y to Nothing (aka null).Call GetChangeSet.

The error occurs on the last step because the value of X and the original value of X (returned by GetOriginalEntityState) are different, and the new value does not agree with Y? Is that why? Is this a bug in LINQ to SQL. Must be because I don't see the same behavior if I change Y to another (non-null) value instead during step 5. What's the right way around this? I can see a few ways:

Discard the DataContext when an error occurs and leave the UI as-is. I don't like this because then optimistic cocurrency change conflicts cannot be detected. The new context doesn't have the original values in it that were populated at the same time the UI was populated, so if the UI has any stale values in it, they will cause data in the database to revert.Refresh the datacontext (OverwriteCurrent) and leave the UI as-is. I don't like this for the same reason as #1.Refresh the datacontext (OverwriteCurrent) and re-populate the UI. I don't like this because then the error message just presented to the user does not show the user the error they made and allow them to correct it. It also discards all the other changes the user may have made.When the error occurs, explicitly retrieve the key for Y that corresponds to the original value of X and reset Y, then call GetChangeSet to re-synchronize X (X is read-only or private so I can't reset it directly). This seems to work, but seems like a hack, and may require lots of code for other similar errors.

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ComboBox / Binding / Display Member & Value Member

Aug 31, 2011

I know I have done this before and as I remember it should be really easy. But for some strange reason I can't do it now and I am about to jump off the building.I will make it simple:Two tables, one is just a list of products and their code.The other table: "details" has a field named product. I want to store only the code there.In the second table's entry form, I am putting a combobox. This combo box should display the list of products, their names, but depending on which one is selected, the code is what is passed to the table "details". Currently If I set the display member to product and the value member to code it still pases the product to the binded data source.

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Show Display Member Based On Value Member?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a database that holds information about a particular job. One of those things is a customerID. CustomerID links to another table containing customer details. I have a combo box attached to a custom object that holds customerID as the valuemember and CustomerName as the displaymember.The JobDetails holds the customerID info. How do I set the default selection in the combobox based on the ValueMember of the combo box?

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Need To Change One Combo Box (of Many) To Order Items In Descending Order

Nov 1, 2009

I have a combo box bound to a datasource. I need to change one combo box (of many) to order the items in descending order.I'm guessing I could order the collection in the dataset, but that will mean all my combo boxes will be reordered?

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Re Order Column Order In A Data Bound DataGridView?

Apr 17, 2010

I have a databound Datagridview. The DGV is bound to a datatable of a strongly typed DataSet created using the wizard. Is there any way to re order the columns before displaying them eg: the Columns are displayed in the DGV in this other Col4, Col6, Col3, Col1,Col5, Col2

But I want to it to show as Col1, Col2, col3, Col4, Col5, Col6?

I realise that the display order followed the Column order in the database table and by extension, the datatable. I have re-arranged the columns in the Database but the Datatable still retains the old order.

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VS 2010 : Access ORDER BY To Get DESCENDING Order

Oct 8, 2011

This might not be so 'VB' as it is 'SQL using VB' I have an application with a built in MS Access DB. I have a table that has a column full of integers, I shoot the DB a SQL "order by 'column name' " string and it returns the table ordered by my column of integers.BUT it returns them like this, and I want them like this

0 6
1 5
2 4


How do I get the OrderBY to do a descending list starting with the highest number?

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VS 2010 Tab Index Order And Control Order

Aug 18, 2011

I'm working on the exercise page 73 (VB 2010 in 24 hours). It's basically a form with 2 text boxes, 2 text labels and a command button. It's really simple and uses this loop to cycle through the items, and tell me the name of them in a Messagebox


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VS 2005 Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference?

Jan 25, 2010

I am getting the following error when I call another form from Form1 and fill out the text boxes and Press Ok button. For some reason I cannot access the datatable (dt) from Form1. It gives me the following error: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference


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