VS 2005 Move Images In Splitterbar?

Aug 2, 2011

I have placed the image on the splitterbar so when I moved them, the image doesn't moving with the splitterbar.

Do you know how I can make the image moving with the splitterbar when I moving them?

If you could take a look on the attachment and if you do know how to move the image with the splitterbar when I moving them

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How To Move Images In Splitterbar

Aug 2, 2011

I have placed the image on the splitterbar so when I moved them, the image doesn't moving with the splitterbar.Do you know how I can make the image moving with the splitterbar when I moving them?If you could take a look on the attachment and if you do know how to move the image with the splitterbar when I moving them

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Change Images When Location Move?

Sep 16, 2009

location after I clicked the images to move them to the left side but it didn't change the image.

Here its the code:

Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click
If Panel3.Visible = True Then


make the images changes to arrow-black2 when the images moves to location "1, 145"??

View 9 Replies

Custom Control For Splitterbar?

Jul 26, 2011

I looking for someone who are familar with custom control. I want to create two panels and the splitterbar to have a button in it where i can click to expandablecollaspe on either of the panels. I tried to use splitContainer where I can resize between the two panels and expandablecollaspe them, but I can't make the button on the splitterbar.

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Move Through Access Stored Images In Visual Basic?

Dec 10, 2011

So I have an application that saves and retrieves images from an Access database. The images are displayed in a picturebox but I'm having a bad time figuring out how can I move to the next/previous record/image in the database, so the user can view them and delete it if he wants to...

Here is a screen of my form so you can better understand what I'm trying to do:

And here is the

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim dbConnection As New OleDbConnection


Save and delete functions work fine, I just need to know how to do the Next and Previous buttons... This should be easy to do, but I'm still a beginner to VB

Biggest problem is that this is a part of a school work which I must deliver tomorrow.

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Block Splitterbar From Moving To Location Point?

Nov 29, 2011

I am using splitContainer1 to split two parts of the panel. I can move the splitterbar from the left to the right. I want to know how i can block the splitterbar from being moving when reaction to the location point 202?

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Move From 2005 To 2008?

Mar 1, 2010

I do have a application created by VB.net 2005 and the version is

I'd like to migrate the application to VB.Net 2008 in order to use the chart function which 2005 does not have.

This is what I am going to do.

1. Open Visual Studio 2008 for Visual Basic

2. Open a file for the application

3. It will try to backup current file and convert to 2008 from 2005.

4. The project version is still

Can I deploy this project from on same folder that I used with 2005 or Shoud I deployee as a new project as on different location?

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VS 2005 Can't Move Mouse Anyway

May 7, 2010

I was having a problem with my vb.net 2005 program.. It was installed in a VPN and i access it my home.. it has a backend database of MS Access (more than 20 tables & 20 queries)the problem, is when I'm using the program for 4hours and above, it is taking slow or sometime it cause my PC to hang or I can't move my mouse anyway..

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VS 2005 Blending Two Images?

Aug 20, 2009

how to tell VB to take two images and blend them together. Similar to how Windows 7 does it's wallpaper fade when it switches wallpapers. For now I found the program Image Magick can do that with the composite command. I'm trying to do something like this:

SH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
for x=10 to 100 step 10
SH.Run("%comspec% /c composite -blend " & x & " -gravity South img1.jpg img2.jpg -matte blend.jpg")

But so far no dice.

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VS 2005 How To Set Images On Listview

Jul 9, 2011

I am working on the listview that I have got two columns, the one that it goes for the images and the other one goes for the text data. I can extact the text data, but not for the images.

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VS 2005 TreeView Images

May 9, 2009

I've added 48*48 size icons to my application's treeview but they look s**t. With the default font settings what size images should I be using?

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VS 2005 : Do Not Move Form At Runtime

Oct 9, 2009

at runtime we can move the form.I use the foll. code,so dat form doesn't move.Mine code below working correctly,but lengthy-

Option Compare Text
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On


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VS 2005 : Move A Line On Graph?

Sep 12, 2009

trying to move a line on a graph (to a new calculated value)This is as far as I can get:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim label5 As Double
y = 310


This does not work?

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VS 2005 DataGridView Move And Select Row

Nov 3, 2010

I am trying to move a row in a datagridview and then select that row in case they want to move it up or down again. I have the code to move the row and then select the row here:


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VS 2005 Working On A Mouse Move

Feb 22, 2010

I am working on a mouse move for my project. How I do I set the messagebox to show if I have move the mouse, or if I have not move the mouse then show the messagebox?

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Game Programming :: 360 Picture Move VB 2005

May 13, 2008

im currently making(or trying) Turbo Tanks from vb Express edition 2005 and I cant get my tank to move a full 360. I can only make it move 90degrees make a object move 360 and btw is it possible to actually make this game from VB 2005 [URL]

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VS 2005 Move Cursor In The Masked Textbox?

Sep 25, 2010

I have a MTB with the mask "00 / 00 / 00",

now when the user fills the mask, say he enters the value for the first two zeros(days part), after that i want the cursor to be automatically at the third zero. (yes the cursor automatically move when the user enters the next input, but i want it to move before the user enters the input)

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VS 2005 Move Label To New Position Programmatically

Sep 13, 2009

how to move a label to new position programaticly I have tried:


None of these works, it's driving me crazy, in VB6 no problem, but VB2005 No hair left on my head, it's all on the floor

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VS 2005 Unable To Move To Next Record In Dataset?

Jun 21, 2009

I have the following

Private ReportAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter 'used for controlling database
Private ReportTable As DataTable
Private ReportManager As CurrencyManager


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VS 2005 Button With Drop-down Images

Jun 17, 2011

I am working on button component, and I would like to get up and down arrow keys on the button, and on the click event of these arrow keys to display the images, proposed functionality in the form can be done further. I want to display an image with the text and the arrow keys to display the images when I click on the button like this:

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VS 2005 Capture Images From Video?

Mar 20, 2009

I playing a video with Microsoft.Directx.AudioVideoPLayback. My code is pretty simple: I create a Video object wich opens an avi movie, I assign its owner property to panel1 control and then I play the movie.I want to capture images every second from the movie that is being played.I try with panel1's DrawToBitmap() method and then saving the drawn bitmap, but it just draw the panel1, not the image.Is there a way of doing it?.

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VS 2005 Cool Setup Images?

Oct 12, 2009

i going to create setup.exe to install my project using vb.netfor the same i want some COOL/professional setup images that i can put on my screen

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VS 2005 Images / Icons In External .dll?

Jul 21, 2009

I'd like to move my images / icons and wav files (basically, almost all of my internal resources) from an existing project (VB 2005) and put them in an external dll, then reference this from my exe and call the relevant resource as required.

What would be the best way of doing this?I understand that I should create a ClassLibrary and put my resources in that, but how should I expose those resources to an external program and how should I reference and call the dll from my exe?

I've done some searching, but not found anything that seems to explain the process adequately enough.

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VS 2005 Import New Images From Camera?

Mar 5, 2010

i want to make an application that will display new images from a camera at the time they are taken.The camera will be connected with USB to the computer.I thought to set a FileSystemWatcher that will monitor for new image fileson the camera and then copy those images and display them.But i searched a little bit and i found a WIA library on msdn

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VS 2005 Make Images Transparent

Jun 2, 2010

how do you make images transparent in vb 2005? i have a bunch of images that i want to use, but they all have a white square background. How would I get rid of its white square background?

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VS 2005 Several Images In A Listview Subtiem?

Dec 1, 2010

is it possible to have several images in a single Listview subitem?

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VS 2005 Thumbnail Images For Files?

Aug 6, 2009

Is it possible to set the image windows displays when viewing a file created in a VB.NET application? In my case I have files saved that store info on football plays for a play creator program. Can I use the image of that play as what the user will see when he searches through windows explorer?

Let me further explain with an analogy: photo files in windows have their images displayed as the user cycles through them; he chooses which one he wants to doubleclick based on the thumbnail image of the actual photo. I'd like to have a "photo" of the play itself shown instead of what is now just a blank generic grey icon for the play files that I save.

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VS 2005 - Move Items From One List Box To Another And Vice Versa

May 11, 2012

I have two list boxes and first list box have some items and I want to drag and drop from listbo1 to listbox2.. Below code is working fine...Now I want to drag and drop items which is moved from listbox2 to listbox1..

Private Sub ListBox_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
Handles ListBox1.MouseDown, ListBox2.MouseDown
Dim lb As ListBox = DirectCast(sender, ListBox)
Dim ix As Integer = lb.IndexFromPoint(e.Location)
[Code] .....

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VS 2005 Move A Column And Hide Another In An Excel Worksheet

Sep 3, 2009

I am having trouble using VB .NET to move a column and hide another in an excel worksheet..[code]

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Save And Retrieve Images In 2005 Program

Jan 29, 2009

How to save and retrieve images in a vb.net 2005 program

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