VS 2005 Running Fortran Executable Using 'Shell'

Apr 14, 2009

I have an old Fortran program that I've compiled to a windows executable. On opening this from an explorer window the executable runs fine, however on using Shell to run the program a traceback error occurs. Just to be sure I used Shell to open a batch file which runs cmd /K ...exe Why is it that on double-clicking the batch file it will run the executable correctly, however on calling it from my visual basic (very simple button) program the batch file opens the command prompt just fine but does not execute the whole Fortran code successfully? Incidentally I have found that the error occurs on a line to do with reading from a file; it can print to the command prompt etc. with no problems just not deal with the reading the external text file for some reason. By the way paths for files etc. are definitely correct. It makes no sense to me, but from a bit of research it may have something to do with correcting the read statements - at the moment they are just in the form: read(99,*)

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Shell Command Launches An App Differently Than Running The Executable

Sep 1, 2009

I have a legacy vb6 application that uses a shell command to launch a newer .net application. It's a very simple command, just launches an app. Here's the problem. When I run the .net app through the shell command, it tries to connect to a database that is not referenced in it. If I double-click the .net executable, it runs just fine and connects the way it is supposed to. Normal, no problems. Only when I run it from the shell command do I have problems. I have checked everything I can think of and simply can not come up with a reason why the app would behave differently when launched from a shell command.

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VS 2008 : Run A Fortran Executable From A VB Form?

Nov 18, 2009

My challenge is to prepare for a presentation using a GUI interface to access a program written in Fortran.The Fortran program reads a data file and then writes an output file.For the presentation I need to be able to change a variable value in a VB form, update the data file, and run the Fortran program from the VB form.I also need to be able to create graphs using VB forms using the output file generated by the Fortran program.

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Write Fortran Or To Integrate Fortran To VB 2010?

Nov 7, 2011

I was wondering if there was a way to write fortran or to integrate fortran to Visual Basic .net 2010..Maybe with adding a refferance or something? what options are available?

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VS 2005 Run Fortran Exe From .net Application?

Nov 18, 2010

I am running one fortran exe in .net application(calling from command line with the help of system diagnostic process).If we directly click on fortran exe, it shows inputs to enter for fortran in command window, after input entered it gets executed.We want same behaviour but want to run fortran exe from .net application,If we click on button in vb.net form, this exe should get called and should show inputs to enter on the command line, once inputs entered it should execute. How to achieve this with .net application?

Right now, after clicking on button in vb.net form, exe get's opened in command window, but it is blank, and gets hanged.Below is the error forrtl: error (200): program aborting due to window-CLOSE event Image PC Routine Line[code]....

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IDE :: Get Executable Running?

Jan 13, 2011

Firstly I'm not a programmer and do not pretend to be one. I just enjoy killing some spare time I've been usining Visual Basic (started with VS2005 and now onto VS2010) to develop a program. Up until now I've been happy to plod along running the progam from the development environment. However, I recently was asked by an colleague if they could have a copy of the program to use.Therefore I opted to create an executable file for him to use. The problem is that whislt the executable file runs fine on my machine (Win 7) where VS2010 is installed, it does not deploy correctly on his machine (XP pro). Following is the message that I get:See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.


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Running Executable Within Program?

Aug 5, 2009

I'm trying to run a program (mame.exe) within a vb program. Mame is a program that allows you to run old video games. The games are stored in rom files. If you want to run mame.exe from a dos prompt, the syntax is "c:/mame.exe [rom]". The [rom] is the particular game you are running. I'm trying to create a front end menu from which I can execute games.

I've tried:

"c:/mamefiles/mame.exe [rom]")

and I get an error that says it can't find the file.

I tried

"c:/mamefiles/mame.exe", "[rom]")

and it seems to start the program but immediately shuts down mame.I tried

Shell("c:/mamefiles/mame.exe [rom]")

and again it seems to start the program but immediately shuts down mame.

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Executable Directory Where Application Is Running From?

Apr 7, 2010

I need to get the path (not the executable) where my application is running from:System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory()

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Running A VB2005 Executable On Any Windows OS?

Mar 14, 2011

Can a VB2005 executable created from VS2005 run on any Windows OS (vista, 7)? If not what is the "patch"?

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Running EXE In A Shell And Then Reading The Output?

Apr 17, 2010

In the code below - when I try to read the contents of the text file that I've created by using the > in the shell command, I only get the first character of the file - not the whole contents!I've put breaks in the code and checked the contents of the file immediately after the shell command and the file is complete. I can't understand how I'm only getting one character of this text file.

Private Sub myButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles myButton.Click
Dim runEXE
Dim path As String = pathTextBox.Text
path = Replace(path,"Program Files", """Program Files""")


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Check Creation Date Of Executable That Is Currently Running

Jun 9, 2009

I would like to implement into my program a version query of the executable and I figured the easiest way would be having a check on the date of the executable. So how can I check the creation date of the executable that is currently running (from the program itself that is)?In short - double click on .exe and it will tell the date of its creation

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Running An Executable Application .net Version Lower Than 4?

Jul 13, 2010

It appears that the executable application I created can only be run on a computer with .net 4. How can I compile/create the executable to run on a computer with .net 2?

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Open Executable File In 2005?

Jan 20, 2012

How to open Executable File in VB.Net 2005

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VS 2010 Program Crashes As Published Executable, Not As Program Running In Studio Or Express?

Jun 6, 2012

I wrote this VB program to be able to throw a device we developed into programming mode where we use an ATMEL Flip installer to upload new firmware. I can program one device after another running the application off of Visual Studio Express 2010 or Visual Studio 2010, but when I go to publish this file and run it on another machine, it becomes unstable and crashes after each upload. On those same computers if I run the raw unpackaged program under Visual Studio Express, the system does not crash, and I can program devices repeatedly.

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VS 2005 Errors At The Time To Build The Executable?

Jun 1, 2009

I finish to makethe forms and the code of my project, but when I try to make the executable file it shows errors about some forms that I created as test but I deleted so I wonder where I need to go to take them out and try to build again my executable smoothly?Example: Unable to open module file :'C:....CrystalReport2.vb': The system cannot find the file specifiedNote: That CrystalReport file was eliminated because I didn't need it.

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Quest AD Management Shell Command & 2005?

Jun 28, 2010

Is there any way i can run a Quest AD management shell command (not a plain powershell command) from Vb 2005 ? i mean do i need to register a snap-in within vb or register a dll or something ?for eg. i need to create a simple script to add multiple users to multiple groups then i can quickly design the front end in VB with 1 textbox for users & 1 for groups & then in background can i run a quest ad management shell command to actually add the groups (using add-qadgroupmember in this case)

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Making An Executable File In Visual Studio 2005?

Aug 16, 2011

I have developed a windows application using visual studio 2005 (vb) . I am done with my development and want to roll this out to my colleagues.

I have created executable file (exe) when i was using vb6 but i am not sure of how to do it here in Visual studio 2005.

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VS 2005 - How To Capture Return Code From Shell Command

Aug 25, 2009

If I execute any shell command in VB application How can I capture the return code from the shell command. I have written something like this
shell(db2look ....,AppWinStyle.Hide)
Now I want to know the return code of the above command which ran using shell script.

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Generate A Single Executable File With 2005 Express Edition?

Mar 18, 2010

We use VB to create an HMI for an industrial environment. Currently, the computer we use has VB2005 Express Edition installed. When the application is developed, we take the Release folder which contains 7 files and place in on the computer with a shortcut to the executable.My boss stumbled upon another integrator that has a single executable. They apparently can stick this executable on any computer and it will run. He says that the "visual basic runtime" is included in the executable and it "just runs".I know just enough about VB to do what I need to do and am not overly familiar with all the inner workings. I seem to recall VB5 & 6 having a single executable as long as the runtime was installed already.Does VB2005 have the capability of a single executable?

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VS 2008 Make A Shell Replacement For The Windows Default Shell

Aug 1, 2009

I'm going to attempt to make a shell replacement for the Windows default shell: explorer.exe. I'm not sure if its possible using Vb.Net, but I can't seem why not. My end goal is to use a custom made shell for a Windows Preinstallation Environment instead of the default command prompt. I plan to use a 3rd party program to compile the program with the .NET Framework. Otherwise, it wouldn't work because Windows PE does not support the .NET Framework.

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Deployment :: Can An Executable Program Create An Executable File

May 17, 2012

I have a program that outputs a file. I want the user to be able to just double-click the output file and launch the program, just like Word and Excel. In Word for instance, one doesn't necessarily have to open WORD then click on File--> Open and locate another Word doc. He can just go to the folder and open the Word doc. I want to implement the exact scenario in my program.

So far I have tried creating TextFile and added it to the Resources. On FormLoading, I simply I stream-read the Resouce file, but I can't write to the Resource on FormClosing, since the Resource is ReadOnly. Also, the Resource is built & compiled so I suppose you can't add anything to it at run time.How you lunch an output file without launching the Executable program that created it?

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Executable On Vista - Open The Executable It Goes To A "WindowsApplication1?

Jun 1, 2009

I have an executable that I was able to get working on all XP machines by registering all the .dll's associated with it.On Vista, however, I go through the exact same registration process but right when I open the executable it goes to a "WindowsApplication1 has stopped working" dialog. I registered the DLLs in the SysWOW64 folder. I also ran Dependency Walker which came up with IEFrame.dll as flagged, don't know if that is relevant though.

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VS 2005 Mobile Application VB 2005 - Detect If An Instance Of App Is Already Running?

Feb 8, 2012

I am in process to develop an application for Windows Mobile 6.5 using Visual Basic 2005 and .NET Compact Framework. My problem is that I want to know if an instance of my application is already running and, in that case, I want to jump directly to that instance, without starting another one. I tried several solutions found on the internet but I think there are solution for desktop applications not for mobile applications because I have a lot of errors.

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VS 2005 Unable To Edit While Debugging: Running VS 2005 On Windows7?

Feb 14, 2011

I recently moved my Application that was running off of Window XP and created in VS 2005 over to a box that's running Windows7.Now, when I try to debug, I can't edit. In the lower portion of the screen, it gives me this error: Cannot currently modify this text in the editor. It is read only.

Under Tools->Options->Debugging, Edit and Continue are already selected; so it's something else. Also, under project properties->compile I have it set to Cofiguration (Active Debug) and Platform (Active Any CPU).

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VS 2005 Outlook Interrop In VS 2005 Got Error Upon Running

Feb 12, 2012

i got error that is not familiar to me in the line with bold font... i'm using windows 7 with MS Office 2010 and Visual studio 2005 in this application


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Use Shell To Have Application Call An External Application But Its Not Working - Error: 'System.windows.shell'

Jun 3, 2011

I'm trying to use the Shell to have my application call an external application but its not working...I don't understand why. I get the following error: 'System.windows.shell' is a namespace and cannot be used as an expression!

Heres my code....any ideas what I'm doing wrong. Its got to be a simple...stupid error.

Private Sub mnuUpgrade_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Microsoft.Expression.Web.Interop.Legacy.CommandBarButton, ByRef CancelDefault As Boolean) Handles mnuUpgrade.Click


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Oct 5, 2006

I have several subroutines which are written in FORTRAN.

1) how I need to compile the FORTRAN subroutines?

2) what I need to do within VB 2005 to call these FORTRAN subroutines within the VB 2005 code?

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Application Calling Fortran Exe

Nov 18, 2010

I am running one fortran exe in .net application(calling from command line with the help of system diagnostic process). If we directly click on fortran exe, it shows inputs to enter for fortran in command window, after input entered it gets executed. We want same behaviour but want to run fortran exe from .net application, If we click on button in vb.net form, this exe should get called and should show inputs to enter on the command line, once inputs entered it should execute. How to achieve this with .net application? Right now, after clicking on button in vb.net form, exe get's opened in command window, but it is blank, and gets hanged. [code]

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Calling Fortran DLL Program?

May 11, 2011

have problem with calling a Fortran DLL from VB.net Program. The VB program provide the GUI while the Fortran DLL does the calculations.The Fortran DLL opens and reads from data files supplied by the VB program. however, DLL program displays a message that says it can not open the file.

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Passing Argument To Or From A FORTRAN DLL From .NET?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a DLL written in fortran that I know works because I am getting it from a working software package that we use daily. I am trying to call it from anything but am having problems i believe with passing the correctly formatted arguments in and out of it, so i decided to try and access it from a VB program. I chose VB because I have contacted the developer of the software package we are using and he gave me his DLL function call in VB6, even though he is not allowed to show me the FORTRAN source.

Problem is (perhaps, i think) that I am writing in VB.NET, which has different data types than VB6. Can anyone see why i am am having problems. The error i get upon running is: "AccessViolationException was unhandled: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."


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