VS 2008 Adding A Number To A Control Name?

Dec 6, 2011

Im learning .net from vb6 and been stuck with this a while

Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Long

For i = 1 To 3 Me.Controls("Text" & CStr(i)).Text = "This is textbox number: " & CStr(i) Next End Sub

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Adding Proper Number Of Pictureboxes To Array Control [VB 2008]

Aug 10, 2009

My application has no static number of pictureboxes. I want to add picturebox to array control.


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VS 2008 Adding A Number From One Text Box To Another?

Dec 10, 2010

RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text + MaskedTextBox1.Text Everytime I click add, it just adds the actual number to the RTB1 instead of adding the numbers together like a calculator.

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VS 2008 Adding Number To Date To Do Calculations?

Feb 24, 2011

But task to use vb.net for school project. I want a code to help me add a No fo Months(this is an integer) to a datefield to do calcualtion and the result display in a textbox as a date. eg I have 2 fields: Months and startdate, the third field which is the result in a date format. eg 6 months to make a payments, the payment start from 01-02-2011. i want small code which would determine the enddate of the payment period. am getting a problem putting the code together

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VS 2008 Counting Up To A Number, Then Adding To Combobox?

May 29, 2009

i am trying to count up to a number and add each number to a combo box. so for instance, the string value = 7. i want the combobox to count up to 7 in single numbers starting with 1

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VS 2008 Adding A Number Range To A DataGridView Combobox

Jan 14, 2011

I am using this to populate column1 combobox from a text file and it works fine.[code]I tried to add a number range using this to populate columns 4 and 5..[code]The number range populates the combobox(CB) fine but when i select a number from the CB it causes a error and selects the first item, the error loops evertime the mouse hovers over the CB..[code]

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VS 2008 Adding Control To Another Control

Dec 3, 2010

I am programmatically creating a Tabcontrol and adding Tabpages to it. To each Tabpage, I am adding 2 Pictureboxes (Testpicture1 and Testpicture2). The amount of Tabpages depend on the amount of frames in my .tif file. So, each picturebox holds an image (frame) from my .tif file sequentially from˜0 to totalpages. All good so far. I can click each tab and correct images are displayed in correct order. The problem is that when I drag a control (picturebox) and try to add it to Testpictue1 or Testpicture2 it does not work correctly. At first I thought the it didn't work at all, but when I checked each Tabpage I have found that all pictureboxes got added (draped) to my last Tabpage, in this case Tabpage4. So this is puzzling. Even though each Tabpage holds 2 Pictureboxes and they display the correct images yet the picturebox is added to the Testpictue1 or Testpicture2 of the last created Tabpage? [code]

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Adding Number In A Listbox Then Multiplying By A Number Using One Button?

Oct 14, 2011

adding all the numbers in a list box then multiplying it by a %.theres one listbox and two buttons, and two textboxes.i've completed everything but this and can't fibd it in my book. I just looking for pointers. this is what i have which i know isn't right

Dim sum, cost As Double
sum =
cost = sum * 0.06
lstbox.Items.Add("Total Commission =" & cost & ".")

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VS 2008 - Tab Control (Adding X Button)

May 23, 2009

I need to add an X button on my tab headers so that the user can close the tabs easily and intuitively. I want it to work like firefox tabs, where you can press the X on any tab to close it at any time. Is there any way to do this?

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VS 2008 Adding Control On Another Thread?

Jun 2, 2010

I am trying to add a picture box to my form that contains an animated progress gif, in a separate thread, but I can't seem to get the picture box to appear on the form. Here is my form

Private Delegate Sub AddProgress()


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VS 2008 Adding To DateTimePicker Control?

Nov 26, 2010

Wasn't really sure what to name this thread or how to explain it. I have a form with a dateTimePicker control on, textbox for days, button and label, when the button is pressed I'd like the amount of days put into the textbox to be added to the value in the datetimpicker then the result being put into the label.

E.g. Select 26th November in the DTP, then put 6 into the textbox, press the button then have 2nd December come out in the label. I've tried a few things but all fails and just gives me back the original value in the DTP.

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VS 2008 - Adding ObjectListView Control To Form

Mar 21, 2010

I have added a freshly compiled ObjectListView.DLL to my VB.NET project and I've added a ObjectListView control to my form. But, thus far I have been unable to do anything with it except make it throw exception errors of various kinds. I know I'm not supposed to use it using the same syntax that ListView uses, but the documentation for this control is as well developed as MSDN's for ListView--which is to say vague to nonexistent. I can't use ListView because it gives me no control over row height and cell padding. Both need to be minimal, but with the defaults used by ListView, you could move in and and make a living between the entries. Too much space. I need things compact because the application I'm developing needs all the real estate it can get for other purposes.

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VS 2010 Adding Whole Numbers Between A Number And A Number

Feb 3, 2011

VS 2010 Adding whole numbers between a number and a number

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VS 2008 Adding A New Method To A Custom Control Found

Feb 25, 2010

I found a custom ListBox that, strangely doesn't have an InsertAt method and I would like to add one. The custom ListBox uses an object instead of just a list of strings like a normal ListBox. I was curious what the logic behind inserting a new item at a particular index would be.The only thing I could come up with was add the new ListBoxItem at the end, then using the specified index, I could either keep moving ListBoxItem objects to the bottom, with the Add() method, from that index till the ListBoxItem at that index equals the one added, or I could use that index number in a "calculation" till I know I've moved the correct number of objects.

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VS 2008 ListView Control - Adding Items From SQL Database

Nov 16, 2009

I am very new to Visual Basic, and I need to add items from my database to the ListView control. I have a table in the database called tblChannels that I would like to draw the information from and populate the ListView control in VB, in the form of a column. I currently am unsure about how to go about doing this. Previously I have created combo boxes that draw the information from the database, but trying this method for the ListView does not work how I want it to.

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Adding A NumericUpDown To A PropertyGrid Control In Visual Basic 2008?

Jul 6, 2009

Does anyone know of a way have the PropertyGrid control display a NumericUpDown instead of a DropDown box or text box? One of the properties that I need to capture is an integer and I'd like the user to be able to spin up or down to choose a value instead of typing it in.

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Order Of Creation Or Adding To The Parent Control Determines Whether Or Not A Control's Dock Property Supersedes Another's

Jun 17, 2010

i frequently have troubles with the dock property. it seems that either the order of creation or adding to the parent control determines whether or not a control's dock property supersedes another's. e.g. a control with the dockstyle fill will overlap with another docked control on the same parent. does anyone know what the rules are to determine how docking will behave; particularly in dynamically created GUIs?

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Adding Control Population Of Control & Navigation In Datagrid View

Jul 8, 2009

1. when i pick a value from a combo in next col of data grid which also have a combo should populate conditionally.

2.when i edit the cell having combo previous selected value is overwritten by first value of combo it should be if i select any value from combo but should not over written default as i click the cell. (edit mode is on click)

3.by pressing enter key cursor should jump to next cell in same row . means navigation should horizontally but should jump to first cell of next row if cell is last cell

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Asp.net - Adding To Page Control Collection From Inside A User Control?

Feb 12, 2011

I have an asp.net usercontrol which represents a "popup" dialog. Basically, it's a wrapper for the jQuery UI dialog which can be subclassed to easily make dialogs. As part of this control, I need to inject a div into the page the control is used on, either at the very top or very bottom of the form so that when the popup is instantiated, it's parent is changed to this div. This allows "nested" popups without the child popup being trapped inside the parent popup.

The trouble is, I can't find a safe way to inject this div into the page. A usercontrol doesn't have a preinit event, so I can't do it there, and calling Page.Form.Controls.Add(...) in Init, Load or PreRender causes the standard exception "The control collection cannot be modified during DataBind, Init, Load, PreRender or Unload phases."

I thought I had found a solution by using. ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Me.GetType, UniqueID + "_Dialog_Div", containerDiv, False) which seemed to work well normally, but recently a coworker tried putting an UpdatePanel inside the dialog and now she's getting the error "The script tag registered for type 'ASP.controls_order_viewzips_ascx' and key 'ctl00$ContentBody$OViewZips_Dialog_Div' has invalid characters outside of the script tags: . Only properly formatted script tags can be registered."

How are you supposed to add controls to the pages control collection from inside a user control?

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Adding A Number With Zero's?

Oct 8, 2011

Using VB.NetWhen i add a the number with zeros means, it is showing exact result without zero'sFor Example

Dim a, b, c as int32
a = 001
b = 5


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Adding Number Then Going Another

Oct 27, 2009

I have list of number to add, the fomate of how the number are listed a bit tricky. thats what I mean:


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Adding A Number To Another In Code?

Jan 4, 2011

This sounds like the stupidest question ever!!! BUT what is the code for adding a number to a label with the label's value being calculated dependent on user input?! So you choose 2 numbers to multiply, If a box is ticked then you add 10 to the label. I've got everything else I just can't work out the structure/code for this little bit.

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Adding A Number To The Result?

Oct 26, 2009

i need to add the number in textbox 1 to textbox2 and mutiply the result times .10, if the result is grater than or equal to 2000 i need to add 12 other wise i need to add 10 heres my code

Dim total double
total = Val(txtbox1.Text) + Val(txtbox2.Text) * 0.10
If total >= 2000 Then


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Adding A Percentage To A Number?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a fixed percentage 0.3% I need to multiply this by a number of months which varies 1 to 12

Having done this I need to add the percentage to a pre-determined number

so as an example

£300 + (0.3 * 10)

I can get the 3% (0.3 * 10)

But when I add this to the existing number (£300) it equals £303 not £309 which is what it should equal.

Can anyone advise the way of adding a percentage as appose to just another number? This also need to allow for -percentages i.e. -3%

The equation I am using is below and I appreciate there is nothing to set decTotalPercentage as an actual percentage but that's because I am stumped...

decTotalPercentage = decPercentage * intMonths
decFinalPercentage = decMoney + decTotalPercentage

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Adding Line Number To A Dataset?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a dataset that is being populated from a text file.

123,john doe,product1,20.99
123,john doe,product2,10.75

There can be multiple of the same order number. In the dataset, I want to have a column "line number" and I want to put in it the value of the linenumber (in this case 1 and 2) per order. In sql , I was able to accomplish this by inserting rownumber() and grouping by order number. Can this be done in .net?

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Adding A Random Number Within A Range To A List?

Jun 2, 2011

EDIT: I am so sorry! I have added my thread to the C# discussion thread instinctively wherein in fact I have been creating my application in VB.NET so sorry! Please transfer my thread to the appropriate location! I am currently trying to mess around with a simple mp3 player and am in the process of creating a shuffle list from all the songs in my playlist.

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Keystroke Binding - Adding Number Pad Into Calculator?

Dec 9, 2009

I am fairly new to programming and I am completing the Step by Step by Microsoft for Visual Basic 2008, but I am not finding anything in the book about binding keystrokes for a program. I want to add the Number Pad into my Calculator Program so that every keystroke on it would correspond to a button in my program but I am unsure how to do this take.

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Reading Auto-number Value After Adding A Record?

Jul 17, 2011

I have an Access table which has an auto-number primary key. When I add a new record to it I want to be able to get the value of this field.

The relevant code I have is:

dsNewRow.Item("FullName") = NewStudentFields(0)
dsNewRow.Item("FirstName") = NewStudentFields(1)
dsNewRow.Item("LastName") = NewStudentFields(2)


I want to be able to access the value of the primary key immediately after the Update (if that's possible without having to search the dataset for the new record - cumbersome!) or, even better, just before the Update, if that's possible.

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Adding Arbitrary Number Of Controls In Loop At Runtime

Jul 12, 2009

How do you add an arbitrary number of controls to a form at run time? With indexed controls I could define the 'seed' control at design time and reference 'clones' of the 'seed' control at run time via the index. Now I must declare each additional instance of the control at run time then set each individual property that differs from the default for that control for each instance. Then I must add the newly declared control to the appropriate container controls collection. I'd like to do this in a loop but how can I get away from using a fixed control name in the declaration:

Dim controlname As New Control

I can't use a string that I can manipulate the contents of for controlname because it sees it as a double declaration. I can't use an array such as Control(index) for controlname. Dim Control(maxindex) As New Control doesn't work. Dim Control(maxindex) As Control works but any assignment based on this such as Control(indexvalue).Name = "ControlName" fails. It didn't address the issue of handling the declaration of new controls in a loop with some kind of variable name for the control.

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VS 2010 How To Get Sequence Number By Adding 1 To The Results Of A Count

Apr 18, 2012

I'm trying to write a function which obtains the sequence_number by counting the records in a table that fit a particular criteria and if the result is 0 or nothing sets a variable to 1 but if the result is 1 for instance, the variable will be set to 1 + 1.

This is the code i'm using but i'm not getting the correct result when results are actually returned. For instance, if the result of count is 1, i want "seq" to equal 1 and total (which represents the sequence # assigned to the next record which is entered with the same plan and date) would therefore be 2 which is the result of seq + 1 (i.e. 1 + 1)


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