VS 2008 Airplane Seat Reserve System: Control Array?

Dec 2, 2009

Im having a little trouble with this Visual basic project I have to do. I need to create an airline reserve system in which the user selects whether they want first class or economy using a radio button. Also once the user hits reserve seat the first seat number should turn from green to red in the section they selected. If the user was then to hit reserve seat again the next seat (seat 2) would turn from green to red and so on. I know I have to use a control array. This is how far I have gotten.

Public Class Form1
Dim lblEconSeats(5) As Label


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VS 2008 Seat All Day By The Computer And Make Serial Keys

Jan 30, 2010

I finished my application and i have a registration system which checks with my server if the key is correct the program is validated and the trial part is removed. So my problem is that i do not want to seat all day by the computer and make serial keys. I want to make a program that will generate the keys for me. I looked into RockXp but that's a third party software.

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Make Random Seating Arrangement For Students In A Class In Which No Student Has Same Seat Number

Mar 21, 2012

i want to know how i can make a random seating arrangement for 20 students in a class in which no student has the same seat number in vb.net.[code]i am having trouble with this part:Get the value for the set number at that location - that is where the student will sit.Remove the element from the list, using List.RemoveAt/Repeat while there are elements in the list.

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Update A File For A Stock Control System In 2008?

Jun 7, 2011

How to update a file for a stock control system in vb 2008

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VS 2008 String To System.Windows.Forms.Control?

Dec 9, 2009

I got an error that i cant convert string to System.Windows.Forms.Control and i was wondering how could i do it this is the code that contains error:

If ResultRichTextBox.Contains("Text") Then

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VS 2008 How To Remove A Control Array

Nov 19, 2010

i have searched on MSDN and i google it but i didn't find anything that works in VS 2008 i wrote this code but it doesn't work:

Dim ix As Long = MyPicArray.Count - 1
Do Until MyPicArray.Count = 0


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Pass An Array Of String When A System.Array Is Expected?

Feb 24, 2009

I am writing an OPC Client in VB.NET (2008) and I am using an OPC wrapper from Graybox. I am having some problems with the data types. I have an Array of String that contains all of the OPC Items that I wish to read from the OPC Server. When I attempt to use the Array of String, Option Strict causes the following compile error message:Error 5 Option Strict On disallows narrowing from type 'System.Array' to type '1-dimensional array of String' in copying the value of 'ByRef' parameter 'ItemIDs' back to the matching argument. How do I pass the Item ID's (all strings) in an array?

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Adding Proper Number Of Pictureboxes To Array Control [VB 2008]

Aug 10, 2009

My application has no static number of pictureboxes. I want to add picturebox to array control.


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Converting System.array To Double() Array?

Jun 12, 2012

just hoping that someone may be able to assist me to convert system.array to double() array.

Declarations are as follows:

Private f_Data As System.Array

Private f_Measures() As Double

Private f_NumberOfObservations As Integer

I then 'fill' f_Data from a range in an Excel worksheet as follows:

f_Data = wsXLSData.Range(wsXLSData.Cells(1,1), wsXLSData.Cells(8, 1)).Value

This seems to work OK. Upon checking f_Data is indeed filled with 8 double type numbers.

I then try to convert this system.array to a double array as follows:

For i As Integer = 0 To f_NumberOfObservations - 1

f_Measures(i) = f_Data(i + 1, 1).value
I then get an error pointing to the line ' f_Measures(i) = f_Data(i + 1, 1).value' of type MissingMemberException was unhandled by user code'

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VS 2008 : Error - Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'ObjectCollection' To Type 'System.Array'

Feb 24, 2012

I am using a background worker and am attempting to use the following code. However I keep getting this error on i "Unable to cast object of type 'ObjectCollection' to type 'System.Array'."

Private Sub btnVerify_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnVerify.Click
myArray = listProxies.Items()
End Sub


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Assigning Values To An Array Error "Value Of Type MemberFocal.Member Cannot Be Converted To System.Array"

Dec 9, 2011

I'm having trouble assigning values to an array and am getting the error, "Value of type MemberFocal.Member cannot be converted to System.Array" - MemberFocal.Member is part of a custom class and I am attempting to create an array of these objects. Here is the code:


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Vb6 Migration - .net Taking Too Much Time To Load User Control Containing Label Control Array?

Dec 22, 2011

I am upgrading user control from vb6 to vb.net.In the vb6 application I am loading 3000 labels using a label control array.In vb.net I am doing same but it's taking too much time to load.In vb6 it's taking 1-2 seconds, but in vb.net it's taking 30-40 seconds for same work. Why does it take too much time in vb.net for same work?Code is given below, here Led is the label control array.

For l = 1 To 3000


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Convert Single Instance Program To Network "Multi-Seat" Program

Apr 26, 2012

I have developed some programs for processing and issue-coding electronic documents. I am teaching myself how to work with SQL Server because I want these programs to work with electronic documents imported into SQL Server as opposed to messing around in a folder stuck on the desktop, for example. From there I want to expand on the program so that it is a network enabled program.


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VS 2008 Listbox Control - Add Array Of Object As A Single Item In Listbox?

May 26, 2011

problem that i am facing is i want to add array of object as a single item in listbox. in vb6 i was using this Label1.Caption = Label1.Caption & Mid$ (strInput, intI, 1) & " " List1.AddItem (Label1.Caption) i was using label. caption to store object but not work in vs2008 because label.text only take text and left other values

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Auto-renumbering Control's Control Array?

Jun 21, 2010

The situation is like this, says:I have textbox1 to textbox20 to show real-time reading, then textbox21 to textbox40 for other purpose. So textbox1-20 can be manage in group through: For index As Integer = 1 To 20 Form1.Controls("Textbox" & index).BackColor = SystemColors.Window Next The problem is, after some time i feel i like to change the order or add/delete few textbox, then i need to change the control name one by one by entering the name by hands(says if i add a text box then its name will be textbox41, then then For loop wont work, Or I deicided to delete the textbox15, forloop wont work either, then i need to rename them manually.)

Question: If there a ways that create a control array in VB 2008 express edition? which can set the name of Textbox1-20 to ButtonGroup then refer to them by says Buttongroup(1) for textbox1? (which means set a group of control in one name)

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How To Find Out If A VB6 Control Is Indexed (control Array) In .NET

Dec 16, 2010

I working on a VB.NET project to manipulate a VB6 form using COM Interop. Some of the controls on my VB6 form are indexed and some not, so calling ctl.Index fails on those that have no index. Is there a way to work out if a control is indexed?

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System.io.fileinfo Cannot See A File In System Folder On Windows Server 2008 64bit

Jan 28, 2010

I have a utility that is a simple exe that is not installed compiled with VS2005 and works well. But when I upgraded to VS2008 the utility can no longer locate files in the active system folder. I have UAC turned off and am logged in as the Administrator and it still can not locate a file that I can see in Windows Explorer. The file I am looking for is PakMgr.exe.

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VS 2008 : Error - Cannot Perform 'Like' Operation On System.Int32 And System.String"

Nov 2, 2009

I'm trying to use DataView.Rowfilter and I'm getting an exception which says "Cannot perform 'Like' operation on System.Int32 and System.String".

Here's the code...

Dim str2 As Double = CDbl(searchSTR)
Me.shipperDV.RowFilter = fieldName & " LIKE '*" & str2 & "*'"

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VS 2008 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could Not Load File Or Assembly 'System.Core

Feb 15, 2010

I have finished coding an application which I designed for people working in my office. When I started to install the application to computers at the office, I realized that, in some machines, application doesn�t work properly. Although it worked for 15 computers perfectly, for 3 computers following error code is displayed:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.

Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog].

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VS 2008 : A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.InvalidOperationException' Occurred In System.Windows.Forms.dll

Feb 12, 2011

A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll It displays in my Immediate Window when i run my program, I'm using a text reader to read a number of XML files using background worker...most the time it stops so something is wrong but sometimes it works fine.

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IDE - Add Is Not Member Of System Array

Jul 21, 2010

The following code get an error in IDE when ADD method is used on Methods4Cost. Generic List of should work fine but IDE complains "'Add' is not a member of 'System.Array'".

Dim Methods4Cost() As List(Of CostMethods)
Dim values As String()
Dim costmethod As CostMethods
[Code] .....

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Jan 15, 2010

ok i'm just curious about what's the use of this function. is there any hidden meaning in it or does it just do the same thing as this:

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VS 2008 Changing Picturebox Back Color To System Color "Control"?

Feb 5, 2010

Im havin a problem changing my picturebox back color to System color "Control".I can set it to color.red , color.blue etc , but not control .

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'Images' Is Not A Member Of System.Array?

Mar 30, 2012

I got this error within my code and haven't been able to figure out what is wrong with it,im not sure if im doing this Array Correct that could be the reason just looking for some guidance.

Dim imgPictures() As Image


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'Select' Is Not A Member Of 'System.Array'?

Jun 14, 2010

why the following code

Dim myStrings(My.Settings.test.Count - 1) As String
My.Settings.test.CopyTo(myStrings, 0)
DataGridView1.DataSource = myStrings.Select(Function(s) New With {.Value = s}).tolist

would be giving me grief in an existing app but work fine when i put it a new project starting from scratch. I'm getting the following error:

Error 6 'Select' is not a member of 'System.Array'. C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy DocumentsMy ECUCSG3303Citation Browser v2.6Citation BrowserfrmCitation.vb 43 36 Citation Browser

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C# - CopyToDataTable Is Not A Member Of System.array

Jun 27, 2012

I have a function in a VB.Net script file, but it produces the error 'CopyToDataTable' is not a member of 'system.array'.

Public Function CollectionFromTable(tableName As String, sql As String, sortOrder As String) As DataTable
Dim foundRows() As DataRow


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Get An Error Saying 'Next' Is Not A Member Of System.array

Jul 15, 2011

I haven't had this problem before. For some reason, when I declare a variable,I.E.rand as a new random(), and try to use rand.Next, i get an error saying 'Next' is not a member of system.array. Not sure why this is happening.


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How To Fix 'add Is Not A Member Of System.array' Error

Feb 10, 2011

I'm having trouble understanding why i'm getting the error 'add is not a member of system.array'I'm using an arraylist and when I hover over my declaration of memberarray As ArrayList() the tooltip states 'Dim memberarray as System.Collections.ArrayList()[code]

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Using Select Case With System.Array?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a webservice that will return a 2-D Array of Boolean. It can return True, True; True, False; or False, False. If I try it in a Select Case statement, I get this error: Operator '=' is not defined for types '1-dimensional array of Boolean' and '1-dimensional array of Boolean'. Use 'Is' operator to compare two reference types. TechGeek00x If this was the answer you needed, please Mark as Answer. More people can find the answer they're looking for if you mark your answers.

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Creating Control From 'control Array?

May 8, 2011

I have an array of picture boxes as so:

Dim pieces(500) As PictureBox
pieces(1) = New PictureBox
With pieces(1)


The program does not crash or anything, but the picturebox is no where to be seen on the form. How to I make this work correctly?

And is 'Control Array' the correct term for this? or something else?

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