VS 2008 Assign User Entered Text As The File Name?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a Form1 with TextBox1 and Button1.

Here is what I'm trying to do: When Button1 is clicked, I want an Excel file created and saved into a default folder (the user does not choose the folder...code for Button1_Click will choose the folder), and the file name will be the text that the user enters into TextBox1.

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Search For A Word Entered By The User In 40 Text Files?

Nov 2, 2011

I am building a search engine in vb.net which would have to search for a word entered by the user in 40 text files within the project directory. It should return the results as the total number of matches (text files) and the number of times this word is in each file.

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Take The Three Amounts From Three Text Boxes Entered By The User And Return?

Jul 24, 2011

the project here is to take the three amounts from three text boxes entered by the user and return a string in a label telling the user if the triangle is either a right triangle, equilateral triangle, or neither after clicking a button. The code I have must use a new Class named Triangle. No matter what is entered in the text boxes, the label always returns "You created a right triangle!"


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Access (read/write) The User Entered Text For A Document?

May 24, 2009

I want to access (read/write) the user entered text for a document.The document text is housed inside a CONTENTEDITABLE DIV tag within a html document.The html document is loaded into the webbrowser object (webbrowser.navigate(path and filename)).When the html document (bulletin.htm) loads,An error is popped up such as ACCESS DENIED to toolbar.htc and menu.htc And the toolbar and menubar are missing or corrupted.I have tried to generate the code for the document using the code below.

Function ScriptEditorHeader() As String
Dim sBuf As String = Nothing
sBuf = ""
sBuf = sBuf & "<html "


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.net - Setting A Textchanged Event To Only Fire When Text Is Actually Entered By User Not Program?

Mar 29, 2012

Windows forms Application. VB .NET 4.0 In my application I have a global boolean variable that keeps track of when changes are made and when they are saved called changesSaved. On closing even it checks the value of this variable before closing the window.. I am using textchanged event to automatically change the value of changesSaved to FALSE when text is changed.. Problem: The group box items are being populated dynamically so the user can edit the values or simply just view them. This dynamic population is causing the textchanged event to fire because the program is changing the text value of the box to put the values in that are stored in the database. The textchanged event should not fire unless the user him or herself enters a value or values in the text boxes..

Is there a way to specify the source i guess you could say for the text changed event or another way so that it will only fire when the user inputs information.??? Functions are as follows: The first is called by the load event to place the values in the box... The next one is the one that is being called as a result of the first one and is also the one that is causing the problems.


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Setting A Textchanged Event To Only Fire When Text Is Actually Entered By User Not Program?

Mar 28, 2012

Setting a textchanged event to only fire when text is actually entered by user not program

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Assign User Name In File Path?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm am not primarily a visual basic programmer however I am trying shell and executable from a vb macro after a mail merge with the code below I found this function to get the current username which is rather verbose

Option Explicit
Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Public Function GetCurrentUserName() As String


IF I PUT MSGBOX " " & GetCurrentUser & "" I return the current user with no problem and if I hardcode the user name the shell function works with no problem however I am uncertain of the proper syntax to code the username into the file path ...After tinkering with it for half an hour I figured I should just ask someone who codes in VB !

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Text Validation : Make Sure User Has Entered A Number(int/float/double Etc.) Not A String?

Apr 5, 2009

When I read a value from text box I want to make sure user has entered a number(int/float/double etc.) not a string. Is there any function to check it? otherwise how do i validate it.

Language : VB.NET
Version : Visual Studio 2005

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File I/O And Registry :: Save Settings That A User Has Entered?

Nov 8, 2009

I'm trying to create an app to launch at start up that will ask you what applications you want launching, or if you want all your favorite app's to start up etc. But before I go any further, I think its crucial to know how to save settings that a user has entered (such as program location and name in this case) so that he/she doesn't have to enter them every time at start up.

So far I have just made this, can anyone tell me how I would get it to save the settings entered?

Option Explicit On
Module Module1
Dim name As String


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C# - Library Or Code Snippet For AutoComplete In Text Control Based On The Previous User Entered Values?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm looking for a library for Autocomplete support in text controls which remembers all previous entries of the user and provide auto-complete support for it.For example for "recent files" I use [URL] and it works great. Do you know something like that for this purpose?

UPDATE : This is a .NET Winforms application and I'm using normal Text Control.

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VS 2008 Saving And Loading Values That Are Entered By The User

Nov 13, 2009

The problem is this: I have two forms. One form and the other form do mathematical calculations. I want to save the values that the user inputs, so when the user quits the program and then starts it up again the values are still there. But when I open up the program, start typing in values, then calculate them, hit quit. Try to open up the program again, its giving me a message that the input file is invalid. When I click ok, the program doesn't crash, continues. But the values are not there at all. The other form I put exactly the same code, just changed the variables and it doesn't want to save the values at all! I wrote this code for saving and loading the values:


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VS 2008 Text Entered In DGV

Nov 29, 2009

I wonder if it's possible to do some action, when user've entered specified text in specified cell of DGV and he skips to another cell ?

What event should i use then ?;/ I can see some classes fot cellendedit and so on, but how to specified it to a single cell, not al of theme?

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Insert Letter "N" And Have Followed By 4 Digits Is Entered By The User In To The Text Box?

Nov 8, 2011

NOTE: I tried using concat() method, join method and even tried to insert just text(which turned out editable) but none of them worked as I wanted. I was thinking if substring method will work but I only have basic idea of how substring works. I want the letter "N" to be inserted into the text box when form loads and when the user enters 4digits(OrderNo2.text) which should be joined so that it can be saved together when I clicked on save button.


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How To Assign Variable To Text File On Load

Feb 3, 2012

I have the following code:
Public Sub SearchText(ByVal SearchFile As String, ByVal stSearchTerm As String)
''search loaded book
stSearchTerm = Me.txtSearch.Text
For Each Line As String In File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "BooksKJVOTGenesisBookOFGenesis.txt"))
SearchResults.rtbSearchResults.Find(stSearch, 0, RichTextBoxFinds.MatchCase And RichTextBoxFinds.WholeWord)

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Reading Text File And Assign Value To The Variable?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a text file. It has the following content.

5.000000 tEND =
1.0305644E-03 t_exposure=
32.50000 T_hfg=
20.50941 Temperature
-0.5424923 Heat flux
15.39559 impinging temperature

I have to read each line and assign the value to the variable in vb.net. for example i will declare tend, t_exposure, T_hfg, Tem, Heatflux as single in vb.net. Then I should read the file and assign


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Search For A String Entered In Column Of Datagridview In A Text File

Jul 2, 2012

I want to search for a string entered in a column of a datagridview in a text file.If this string exists in the file then allow the user to enter it otherwise dont allow the user to enter the string.Also,since I am reading data from the database into the datagridview, I have not added columns to the datagridview using edit columns option. How do I do this in vb.net.I tried doing something like this:


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VS 2008 Save The Text Being Entered Within The Richtextbox?

Mar 31, 2011

Is richtextbox can save a text within its control? What control in vb.net that could save the text being entered within its control paticularly, if any? I need somebody that could give me an idea on what control to use to save the text within the control. I'm not trying to save the text anywhere. I want to save it within the control. I don't have to save it with a filename and a path location. Just like this forum, which everytime you post and reply to a thread, you will have to enter your message in a certain workspace and after you submit, it will save within the control so everytime you open your thread you will see the messages. What control do I need to use in vb.net to do that? info especially the codes to save the text string within a certain control?

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Retrieve Info From Text File And Assign To Variable?

Mar 22, 2011

I have an application that gets executed on a windows mobile device using RAPI that outputs the current device type, rom version, and wireless driver version etc.. to a .txt file on the device.My plan is to then pull .txt file over activesync to my pc and then open it up and assign each of those attributes into variables in my application.

OEM VERSION:05.43.0001


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Implement A Search For The Calendar So A Date Can Be Entered Into A Text Box Which Intern Moves The Calender To Show The Date Entered?

Oct 4, 2011

I am creating a Calender application using the monthly calender control.I am trying to implement a search for the calendar so a date can be entered into a text box which intern moves the calender to show the date entered. I have been try to figure this out with no luck, is it even possible to do?

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VS 2010 Can Use Timer When User Tries To Log-in And User Entered A Wrong Password 3 Times

Jan 6, 2012

Can i use the timer when the user tries to log-in and the user entered a wrong password 3 times.i will give the user 5 mins to log-in again with the correct password and if the user enters the wrong pass. 3 times again i will give another 10mins also this is what i want when the user close the program the timer is also their and running that it will give the user the remaining tym on how much tym left 4 him to log-in again.Can i do this in vb.net??i dont know how 2 do this i dont have a clue if it is possible can someone give me a code??

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Assign Value To A Variable In An Application At Runtime Through A Text File And Then Set That Value To Permanent?

Mar 13, 2012

sir, i have no idea how the code will look, but i want it to assign a value after reading from a text file and then store it for further use even if the text file is not there, but without using any external storage like registry, disk, ram. It should store the value in itself and do like this:-

dim variable1, variable2 as string
if file.exists("text.txt")
read the text


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Textbox Cursor Resets To First Position As Text Is Entered - VB 2008

Apr 14, 2009

I am working in VB 2008 and I have a textbox on a form that is used to enter a parcel number. I can enter the number in a 15 character string such as 12345678...... and it works just fine. The parcel number in real life contains dashes to make it easier to read, decipher, etc. so it looks like 12-3-45-67....... Under the textchanged subroutine for the textbox I have a case statement set up that checks the length of the parcel number as it is entered and inserts the dash accordingly.


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When I Create The User And Assign The Role, The User Should Get The Permission Automatically?

Nov 24, 2011

I need to define some roles in my program with defined permissions. Let's say the administrator can have access only to certain features. The officer in charge to certain features and the user as well. for example, I have several group boxes and the user can access one of it only. So how i do manage these permissions? What I want do is have the roles already with the defined permissions. When I create the user and assign the role, the user should get the permission automatically.

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Do While Count Is Less Than User Entered Value?

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to perform a task while the word count of a richtextbox is less than a user entered value, but the word count keeps coming out miles out, here is what I have:

Dim count As Integer = 0
RichTextBox1.Text = ""
Do While count < NumericUpDown1.Value


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Read The Values Entered By The End User?

Dec 17, 2010

I have an EXE that creates objects based on params passed to it.Say I have textboxes named 57 and 21.I want to read the values entered by the end user.


How do I pull this data from the boxes?

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Query With User Entered Criteria?

Apr 8, 2011

My project consists of a user interface designed in Visual Studio 2010 Express. I have it linked to an Access database. At this time, I have two text boxes that the user will enter a number. I want to be able to write a query that will take the first and second number and pull the information from the database that is equal to or greater than the user entered number

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Application Displaying Sum Of All Integers Entered By User

Jun 21, 2010

I Create an application that when a user enters a positive integer value in a input box(the default number is 10) when the OK button is clicked, the application should display a message box with the sum of all the integers form 1 through the value entered by the user. If the user enters a negative value, the application should display an error message. I believe I have to use a loop condition but I have no idea what to do.

EX: User enters 10 in the input box once OK button is pressed a message box pops up and says "The sum of the numbers 1 through 10 is 55". Use the following test data to determine if the application is calculating properly
5 15
10 55
20 210
100 5050

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Automate Export To Pdf After User Parameter Entered?

Jun 10, 2009

I have a report that requires the user to enter their ticket number, then they click view, and it generates. Pretty standard. What I would like to do is have the report automatically export to a pdf when they click view. Does anyone know if this is possible and how I would approach the matter?

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Check If User Has Entered All Inputs And Go To The Next Form?

Sep 3, 2009

How do i check if user has entered all inputs and go to the next form.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub


In this code it gives an error, but after displaying the error it jumps to next form.

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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView - Insert New Row Entered By User?

Jul 19, 2009

I have a datagridview and, I know I am a bit weird, but when believe it or not, when a user enters a new row I want to insert that row in the database. And even weirder, when a user changes a row in my datagridview I want to update (imagine that) the database.

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