VS 2008 Changing Text-property Of A Toolstripstatuslabel From A Module

Oct 2, 2009

I'm trying to edit the text of a toolstripstatuslabel from a module in my project, but whatever I do, I can't change it. [code]But that didn't work either.I tried to change If Me.StatusStrip1.InvokeRequired Then to If Me.InvokeRequired Then, but that didn't help either. I also tried to change the modifiers property of the toolstripstatuslabel to public, with no result.

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MDI-update The MDI's ToolStripStatusLabel From The Module Code?

Apr 19, 2010

I've created an MDI application, on which I launch a macro using a tool bar button. The Sub is located in a module and I don't manage to udpate ToolStripStatusLabel from that sub.My MDI form is called "MDIParentMain"and I use the following code to make changes on oolStripStatusLabel (called "statuslabelMDIProgressbar"):

Sb test
Dim myform As MDIParentMain


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Changing ToolStripStatusLabel Text To Connected If Connected To A Network

Apr 4, 2011

On my program I am trying to make a ToolStripStatusLabel's text change to "connected" if connected to a network and if not connected to a network change the text to " Not Connected" then I don't know how to display a image if connected to a network or not connected. So if the computer is connected to a network I have a image that I would like to be displayed next to the ToolStripStatusLabel. And if not connected to a network, can the program display a different image? I tried this:

My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable=True(ToolStripStatusLabel2.Text "Connected")
My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable=False(ToolStripStatusLabel2.Text "Not Connected")

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VS 2008 Binding Text Box And Changing Scrollbars Property On Textchanged?

Mar 23, 2010

I have added two text boxes - both multiline.and I have the following.vb Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged


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[2008] Changing DataBindings Text Property For TextBoxes Using Code

Jan 8, 2009

I used to use ADODC with VB6. Once I've set up databindings I can set a text box or other controls to link with a database's specific field by changing the Text property under Data > DataBindings. I want to change the field the text box links to at different times using code. How can I do this?

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User To Be Able To Search It By Changing The Text Property?

Nov 8, 2010

I am looking for a code exmple. I have a data combobox and I want the user to be able to search it by changing the text property.

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Display ToolStripStatusLabel.Text Using An Array On MouseEnter

Nov 30, 2011

I have an array of picture boxes with images. I want the status bar to change when the mouse enters the image. I am stuck on displaying the correct text when the mouse is over a pictureBox.

hr1StatusText is an array of text read from a text file. Everything works but I can't figure how to iterate through the text for the status bar.

The code below works displaying the text for all PB's as long as the index is changed. What I am looking for is to display hr1StatusText(0) for PB(0), hr1StatusText(1) for PB(1), etc.

Public Sub Tile_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.MouseEnter
Dim TileMouse As PictureBox = DirectCast(sender, PictureBox)
ToolStripStatusLabel1.Text = hr1StatusText(0)
End Sub

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Web Browser - Show Hyperlink In Toolstripstatuslabel.text When Mouse Over On A Link?

Sep 24, 2010

I was wondering if you can give me a code that will show hyperlink in toolstripstatuslabel.text when mouse over on a link.

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VS 2008 Enum Property Changing Unexpectedly?

Sep 2, 2010

I have an Enum file, as shown in first code block. Though it's first time I use an enum file, so maybe it's not correct to use it like this.. My purpose is just to be able to reference a global parameter from anywhere, so I can just type DataInterval.M1, and it will be treated as an integer... or.. will it not ? urther I have a property in my DataSeries class, of type DataInterval. And in this class I also have a bunch of methods Get/Set etc. to do different work on the dataseries (Inherits List(Of BarData)). roblem: The interval property keeps changing unexpectedly every time the GetNextCloseTime function is called.

''' <summary>
''' "Time Frame" of data series
''' </summary>


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VS 2008 Cross-thread Error With ToolStripStatusLabel

Jan 28, 2010

I'm trying to set the text of a ToolStripStatusLabel in a form, wich contains some ToolStripStatusLabels, a ListBox and a button. I'm setting the text from a BackgroundWorker wich is started from a timer. I thought this would be okay. Well, the problem is that sometimes it works, and suddenly after a while, I get a cross-thread error wich says:

"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'ListBox1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on"

Well, where did the ListBox get involved in this problem? The code breaks on this line:

ToolStripStatusLabel3.Text = "Henter data fra eTime-basen..."

So, what am I missing here? I've never encountered this before in any way. I'm only using the ListBox later in my BackgrounWorker, and each time I'm using it I'm checking the InvokeRequired-property to avoid problems with threading.

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VS 2008 : Stopping A User From Entering Text Or Changing Text In A Textbox Without Disabling It?

Apr 26, 2009

A] Is there any way of stopping a user from entering text or changing text in a textbox without disabling it or

B] Is there a way of changing the texboxes back and fore color whilst it is disabled?

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Set And Get A Value From A Class Property Within The Main Event Of A Module?

Jul 8, 2011

the project uses a submain as startup object which is located in a module, thy so the application will be started in tray. Within the main() event i need to deserialize a xml file and with it set the properties of a class and then set what the application will do.The problem is, after I deserialize it and put set the property values I try to get them in the same event(main) but when it gets the value it returns as nothing(if string) or 0(if integer) but in the debugging i saw it setting the values.Is there a way to do that, within the main() event of a module to set the properties of a class and then get them without being nothing/0 ?

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Forms :: Set And Get A Value From A Class Property Within The Main Event Of A Module?

Jul 8, 2011

the project uses a submain as startup object which is located in a module, thy so the application will be started in tray. Within the main() event i need to deserialize a xml file and with it set the properties of a class and then set what the application will do.The problem is, after I deserialize it and put set the property values I try to get them in the same event(main) but when it gets the value it returns as nothing(if string) or 0(if integer) but in the debugging i saw it setting the values. Is there a way to do that, within the main() event of a module to set the properties of a class and then get them without being nothing/0 ?

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Refering To A Form Control Property From A Module Function / Sub?

Mar 7, 2012

I have a single form application with two modules. The first module holds all the Sub procedures that provide the filtering functionality for 3 DataGridViews on the form. The second module holds the Predicate of T functions that actually filter the List(Of T) objects that are bound to the DataGridView controls.

I split them into modules since I was starting to have difficulty organising and finding the procedures and functions if I held them all in the form code.In some cases I can happily both Get and Set form control properties from within the modules. In one case I simply can't, I suspect I may yet find some more instances as I test further. The offending line is in one of the Predicate of T functions:

If tWord.Length <= Investigator.NumericUpDown.Value Then Investigator is the Class name of the form.

I suspect my problem might be that the Predicate of T functions (which are collated in a module) are called from the DoWork procedure of a BackgroundWorker that is a component of the form - hence the DoWork procedure is in the form code, but I'm not certain. The same code worked fine when everything was all in the form code. The error reported when adding a watch to the Value property in the module function is "
'Value' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level ". I have tried the following to no avail:

1) Setting the NumerciUpDown modifier to Public

2) Adding a Public ReadOnly Property to the form class that simply returns the Value propety of the NumericUpDown

3) Adding Imports Root Namespace.Investigator to the module

I am considering adding a Public Shared variable to hold the curent value of the NumericUpDown and referencing that from the Predicate of T function.I realise, and have read many times, that accessing form control properties from module functions is generally not seen as a smart thing to be doing, but since I am not trying to chnage anything, I simply want to know what the current value is I decided that I wasn't too worried.

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VS 2008 - Changing Font And Color Of Highlighted Text?

May 13, 2009

This is my source that I created
Private Sub FontToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FontToolStripMenuItem.Click
RichTextBox1.Font = FontDialog1.Font
End Sub
Private Sub ColorToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ColorToolStripMenuItem.Click
RichTextBox1.ForeColor = ColorDialog1.Color
End Sub

When I want to change color and font in richtextbox, all of text in textbox is changed. How to make source code that change color and font in text that we highlight.

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VS 2008 Changing The Mousepointer When The Forecolor Of Text Richtextbox Changes

Sep 9, 2009

I have an ap that requires the user to fill in information in certain areas in a richtext box. The areas that the user needs to complete is colored blue. To give the user some cue that input is required, I would like to change the mouse pointer when the pointer moves over blue text in the rtb.

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VS 2008 Setup Program - Changing Welcome Screen Text

Mar 21, 2012

I've added a setup and deployment package to my project. When I go to install it the first screen says "Welcome to the setup setup wizard." Obviously, that doesn't look right. I want to change this, but can't figure out where that setting is. How to rename that setting so that it says "Welcome to the Wonderful Program setup wizard" instead?

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VS 2008 Changing Bound Data When Entering Text In ComboBox?

Aug 9, 2009

I have a data-bound combobox that pulls values from a BindingList(of T). Combobox loads fine, correct values are displayed (I'm not using SelectedItem or SelectedValue). I'm using properties and connecting the data to the control via a bindingsource.

What I want is if the user types text into the combobox, I want the data from the bound table to change to that new text, i.e. edit the bound data directly.

Easy as pie to do with a textbox, but can't seem to get a combobox to work this way.

I was trying to use the validated event of the combobox to write the data to the datasource, but it doesn't fire when I press enter. Is that the way to do it? Can I not link the data to the combobox directly?

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Changing An Unexposed Property?

Dec 16, 2009

I am using a custom built driver to communicate via Modbus TCP with a Windows CE Controller.

There is a property declared in the driver as a SHORT. I need this property declared as a LONG. I have tried everything I know of to change this programmatically but I am having no luck.

' Declared in the class
Dim dev As vHMIModbusMaster.CDevice 'this is the Modbus Comm Library
Dim WithEvents MBSerial As vHMIModbusMaster.CModbusSerial
Dim WithEvents MBEthernet As vHMIModbusMaster.CModbusEthernet


Address is sent to the event from a timer event. It is the .Memory_StartAddress that I need to be a long.

I come from a VB6 background and have only recently started using .net. The developer of the driver has been very slow to respond and I am having a hard time convincing him that the problem is with his code. The thing is that it works fine as long as I send an address less than 32767.

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Changing Name Property Of A Button--Already In Use

Feb 3, 2011

I have a form which has ONLY three buttons. Somehow they got named Button5, Button6, and Button7.

When I try to rename them Button1, Button2 and Button3 to match code, I get a Dialog box which, if I look at Details, says the Button name is already in use.

Is there something I can do to enable the renaming?

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Refactoring A Module Into A Class: Changing Shared Fields To Instance Fields

Nov 14, 2011

I'm currently refactoring an old Visual Basic DLL (VB.Net), which stores all of its data in one module called Globaldefinitions as public fields. There are about 200 fields, referenced thousands of times all around the code:

Public Module Globaldefinitons
Public a As Short
Public zz10 As Double


I need to change the module into a class with non-shared fields. This means, each and every of these thousands of references needs to reference the instance of that class:

globalDefinitionsInstance.a = 5

How do I go about this efficiently?

Regular expressions operating on the source fall flat. Refactoring tools like Re-Sharper or CodeRush don't seem to offer this functionality. Visual Studio 2010 cannot do it automatically either.

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Asp.net - Listbox.SelectedIndex Is Not Changing After Some Asp Property Changes?

Jun 14, 2012

I have a form with a dropdownbox two listboxes and two buttons on it. I removed a "select" button as I just used the DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged, but the event would not fire until I used the suggestion from:Why DropDownList.SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire?

It involved changing the AutoPostBack='true' and EnableViewState="true" properties

So now the DropDownList works but with the two listboxes, the SelectedIndex stays as -1 and does not change even when selected.


I think it has something to do with post backs, page_load or the selectedindex changed event of the listbox, it worked perfectly before I made the modifications.

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Changing A Specific Property For Several Controls At Once?

Apr 24, 2012

Let's say I've got a TableLayoutPanel with 50 cells in it. Inside each cell is a separate text label. If I want to change the color of each of those 50 labels at run-time to the same color, is there an efficient way to do it? (so that I don't have to write 50 lines of LabelX.ForeColor = X, etc).

Not that I would mind writing 50 lines of code for this, but I would like to figure out the most efficient way to do this sort of thing, for future reference.

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Scroll Bar's SmallChange Property Not Changing?

Feb 5, 2009

I need to use a Vertical Scroll Bar to scroll through some controls (an array of checkboxes to be precise) on my form. Their number changes depending on the user's requirement during program execution so I need to change the Maximum value of the scroll bar in my code. Also, the SmallChange property needs to be modified depending on the set maximum value (other wise scrolling through the controls will take ages ).

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Changing Default Value Of A Property Of A Control (DataGridView)

Jan 12, 2012

I am inheriting my own datagridview (say MyDataGridView) from the standard datagridview control. What I want is that certain properties of MyDataGridView should have a different default value than what its base have. For example, AllowUserToAddRows,


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Preventing Controls Enable Property From Changing?

Mar 9, 2010

I m implementing control based security in my application. where i m saving controlname (per form) in database, which are to be restricted. So far I have implemented the security and restricted control get disabled.

Now what i want to do is that i have to prevent that for those controls the "control.Enable" property should not change. how can i restrict that.

I have achieved the functionality by canceling enable=true property in "Invalidated" event of the control. but this is not some generic way. I have to map this event for all controls in all forms :(.

What i really want is that as all my froms are derived from same parent which implements the security. so the parent should some how restrict enable property from changing.

So,HOW CAN I PREVENT CONTROL enable property from changing in their parent class?

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VS 2005 - Changing BackStyle Property To Transparent

Aug 3, 2010

There is no BackStyle property in Visual Basic 2005 ... But I read in MSDN that changing the BackColor of label control will make the background of label control Transparent ... So we'll be able to see through the label control ... I changed the BackColor property to Transparent but it didn't work for me ... BackColor changed to Transparent ... But still I ain't able to see the image behind the label control ... (PictureBox) ... Background color of label still remained the background color of Form i.e. Control color ...

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VS 2010 ToolStripStatusLabel?

Jan 8, 2012

Currently, I am copying files via a for loop. Each time a file copies, I increment a progress bar that is housed in the ToolStrip. This works. What doesn't work is updating the text of a label each time a file copies.

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Why ToolStripStatusLabel Does Not Become Visible

Dec 16, 2009

why my ToolStripStatusLabel does not become visible when i run this code

But does become visible if I place it at top of code before openfiledialog?

Will Not Become Visible

Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:"


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VS 2008 DataBind LinkLabel Text Property?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a LinkLabel on a form that has its Text property bound to a strongly-typed DataSet. When the user closes the page, I call BindingContext.Item(_ds.UserSettings).EndCurrentEdit() and then serialize the data if _ds.HasChanges = True. However, HasChanges is always False.

Has anyone else done this with a LinkLabel?

I just like the LinkLabel in this scenario. I guess I could hide a TextBox off of the side of the form and bind to it, instead.

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