VS 2008 Binding Text Box And Changing Scrollbars Property On Textchanged?

Mar 23, 2010

I have added two text boxes - both multiline.and I have the following.vb Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged


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VS 2008 Changing Text-property Of A Toolstripstatuslabel From A Module

Oct 2, 2009

I'm trying to edit the text of a toolstripstatuslabel from a module in my project, but whatever I do, I can't change it. [code]But that didn't work either.I tried to change If Me.StatusStrip1.InvokeRequired Then to If Me.InvokeRequired Then, but that didn't help either. I also tried to change the modifiers property of the toolstripstatuslabel to public, with no result.

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[2008] Changing DataBindings Text Property For TextBoxes Using Code

Jan 8, 2009

I used to use ADODC with VB6. Once I've set up databindings I can set a text box or other controls to link with a database's specific field by changing the Text property under Data > DataBindings. I want to change the field the text box links to at different times using code. How can I do this?

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User To Be Able To Search It By Changing The Text Property?

Nov 8, 2010

I am looking for a code exmple. I have a data combobox and I want the user to be able to search it by changing the text property.

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VS 2008 Binding Source And Changing Row Values From Code Vs Bound Controls

Sep 6, 2009

[edit]oops - stupid typo - this is resolved and explained in the next post[/edit] I've got a BINDING SOURCE - that I bind to controls - textboxes mostly. I create a row in the datatable behind this BINDING SOURCE like this.


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VS 2008 - Binding DataSource Property Of DGV During Loading Form

Apr 14, 2010

During Loading a form, I bind a datasource property of the DGV to the bindingsource, and then set the fillweight property of the DGV columns. But, after form being shown, earlier set properties are being reseted to default = 100.

The procedure is like:
1. TestForm.Show()
2. TestForm_Load(...) Hnadles MyBase.Load
DGV.DataSource = bindingsource
DGV.columns(0).fillweight = 80
DGV.columns(1).fillweight = 120
3. Me.close() (Closing the form which called TestForm.Show()

And now I have visible a TestForm with well binded datasouce seeing all the columns, but their fillweith property was beeing reseted...

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VS 2008 Enum Property Changing Unexpectedly?

Sep 2, 2010

I have an Enum file, as shown in first code block. Though it's first time I use an enum file, so maybe it's not correct to use it like this.. My purpose is just to be able to reference a global parameter from anywhere, so I can just type DataInterval.M1, and it will be treated as an integer... or.. will it not ? urther I have a property in my DataSeries class, of type DataInterval. And in this class I also have a bunch of methods Get/Set etc. to do different work on the dataseries (Inherits List(Of BarData)). roblem: The interval property keeps changing unexpectedly every time the GetNextCloseTime function is called.

''' <summary>
''' "Time Frame" of data series
''' </summary>


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Pan/change/move The Text Appended To A Richtextbox Control So The Text Itself Scrolls In Addition To The Scrollbars?

Jul 11, 2011

My application appends incoming report data onto a RichTextbox control. As more text arrives from an external device, the thumb initially fills the trough and as times goes on, the thumb diminishes in size. This is expected behavior.A modal dialog box allows the user to cancel the file download but since it's modal, the user can't scroll down to see what the last text that was appended.Is there a property/event/method that will show the most recent/last text in the RichTextBox control, rather than the initial text as I have it displayed now? The user would be able to see the text drawn real time without having to use the thumb to accomplish

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VS 2008 : Stopping A User From Entering Text Or Changing Text In A Textbox Without Disabling It?

Apr 26, 2009

A] Is there any way of stopping a user from entering text or changing text in a textbox without disabling it or

B] Is there a way of changing the texboxes back and fore color whilst it is disabled?

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Combobox Text Changes Without Firing TextChanged Event?

May 3, 2010

I have a combobox that has a text portion that is clearing for unknown reasons and the TextChanged event is not firing.

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TextBox.TextChanged - What Caused The Text To Change

May 18, 2010

We have some code in the textCahanged event of a textbox. We only want to fire that code if the user types into the box, not if we change the text in the box programmatically. Can I detect what caused the text to change?

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TextChanged Change Label From A Text File?

May 5, 2011

Basically I want to have a textbox (TextBox1) that when you enter an area code (ex. 512) that it will return the state (TEXAS) in the label (Label1). One way that I had been trying before was to reference from a text file the array that I am using which happens to be in the format of 512, TEXAS.

Sample -
TextBox1: 512
Label1: Texas


I would like to use this for multiple area codes and have been unsuccessful in getting it to work.

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Leave Event Used With TextChanged To Capture New IPAddress Text Value?

Dec 15, 2010

I have a TextBox control being used to capture an IPAddress from the user.I want to be able to allow them to change that IPAddres at which point the new value will be utilized by the appropriate .NET socket class to ping that new address.What other event is used with TextChanged to indicate that the user is done making changes to the TextBox. The Leave Event?

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Forms :: TextChanged Change Label From A Text File?

May 5, 2011

Basically I want to have a textbox (TextBox1) that when you enter an area code (ex. 512) that it will return the state (TEXAS) in the label (Label1). One way that I had been trying before was to reference from a text file the array that I am using which happens to be in the format of 512, TEXAS.

I would like to use this for multiple area codes and have been unsuccessful in getting it to work. Any help with that? Any ideas how I could get it to work?

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Remove Text From A TextChanged Text Box?

Dec 24, 2010

I have this text box that does a command when ever the text in it is changed. What I want to do is when the length of the textbox reaches >= 27 that it will not add that character to it, so I guess it has to delete it.

Here is my code.

Public Class Form1
Dim WordLength As Integer = 0
Dim StartIndex As Integer
Dim CurrentWordLengthLetter


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.net - Datagridview Column Index Changing When Binding To A Datatable?

May 16, 2012

i have two datragridviewcomboboxcolumn,and two textbox column in a datagridview.each combobox column is binded to separate binding source.

column names are sl_no,col_empname,col_empworktype,Col_Hours etc.and
displaymember,datapropertyname,valuemember and for comboxcolumn are


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.net - Setting A Textchanged Event To Only Fire When Text Is Actually Entered By User Not Program?

Mar 29, 2012

Windows forms Application. VB .NET 4.0 In my application I have a global boolean variable that keeps track of when changes are made and when they are saved called changesSaved. On closing even it checks the value of this variable before closing the window.. I am using textchanged event to automatically change the value of changesSaved to FALSE when text is changed.. Problem: The group box items are being populated dynamically so the user can edit the values or simply just view them. This dynamic population is causing the textchanged event to fire because the program is changing the text value of the box to put the values in that are stored in the database. The textchanged event should not fire unless the user him or herself enters a value or values in the text boxes..

Is there a way to specify the source i guess you could say for the text changed event or another way so that it will only fire when the user inputs information.??? Functions are as follows: The first is called by the load event to place the values in the box... The next one is the one that is being called as a result of the first one and is also the one that is causing the problems.


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Setting A Textchanged Event To Only Fire When Text Is Actually Entered By User Not Program?

Mar 28, 2012

Setting a textchanged event to only fire when text is actually entered by user not program

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Fields In Binding Source Not Changing When Underlying Access Table Has?

Sep 19, 2009

Re DataGridView Sorry don't really have any code - just a whole project. Basically I changed the underlying Access (accdb) Table by adding a new field, The new field shows up in the DataSources section of the Solution Explorer and in the "Edit DataSet with wizard" page but when I attach the binding source to a datagrid view, the new field is not there. I also created a new bindingsource but still not there.I just noticed I've another table where I changed the names to something more meaningful, and the old names are still there and the data for those fields doesn't display in the DataGridView

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[2008] Data Binding Text Boxes Not Updating To Different Record?

Jan 21, 2009

there is a tab control system. It relies on only five text boxes, and their bindings change when the tab is changed The relevant information is displayed. However, if I navigate to a different record...You can see that the same information is displayed in the tab control text boxes, and not the employee's details I just selected in the data grid or the navigation. How can I fix this? I'm not sure what's gone wrong here. Here's the code that changes the text boxes upon changing tab...

Private Sub TabCheck()
If TabState = 1 Then
pnlTabs.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.tabs1


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AmbiguousMatchException When Binding To Default Property In WPF

Dec 22, 2011

The following XAML produces an AmbiguousMatchException. The DataContext for myText is a DataTable consisting of > 1 row which contains a DataColumn named "test":

<TextBox Name="myText" Text="{Binding Path=Rows[0].Item[test]}"/>

When I modify the binding path syntax to the below example, the binding works as expected:

<TextBox Name="myText" Text="{Binding Path=Rows[0][test]}"/>

Given that the name of the DataTable is "myData", both of the following lines of code reference the contents of the column "test" on row 0:


Why doesn't the syntax that explicitly names the Item property appear to work in a binding scenario?

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Binding To Indexed Property With String Key?

Sep 14, 2009

Say I wanna bind to dictionary that TKey is string with XAML:<Label DataContext="{MyDictionary}" Content="{Binding Item("OK")}" />Doesn't work.How should I do it?

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C# - Binding Property To Control In Winforms?

May 4, 2011

What is the best way to bind a property to a control so that when the property value is changed, the control's bound property changes with it.So if I have a property "FirstName" which I want to bind to a textbox "txtFirstName" text value. If I change FirstName to "Stack" the txtFirstName.Text also changes to "Stack".

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Data Binding WPF Property To Variable

Apr 4, 2011

I have a project in WPF 4 and VB.net 2010. I want to bind the volume property of a mediaelement to a variable in another module. Mind you, the variable is in the correct data type, so no conversion is necessary

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IDE :: Binding Via Property Element Syntax?

Dec 20, 2009

First, I am making the assumption that anything you can do in "Attribute Syntax" (AS), you can do in "Property Element Syntax" (PES), but not vice-versa. That is the reason I intend on coding completely in PES if possible. I have encountered quirks though.The first issue is regarding AS "x:Name" or PES "<FrameworkElement.Name>": If I use PES, I must make sure it is the last element, otherwise any PES below it will error on build; eg "Value of type 'System.Windows.ResourceDictionary' cannot be converted to 'Namespace.ClassName'."

A problem encountered intermixing AS and PES: Set "x:Name" and "MinWidth" as AS. Set "Title" as PES.


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Picture Box Property Binding Is Not Working?

Apr 14, 2012

Is there any reason why a picture box wouldn't be saving the image location and loading it into the box the next time the window loads through the picture box property binding 'ImageLocation'?

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User Control Property Binding

Nov 15, 2009

Nothing binds to my user control. It will bind to other controls. code for UC property:

#Region "IsOn"
'Public Sub IsOnValue_Changed Handles
Public Sub Me_IsOnChanged() Handles Me.IsOnChanged


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User-Control Property Binding?

Feb 25, 2012

I develped custom DateTimepicker in vb.net that users can pick date in persian lanquege with it.in my main contrl class i have bindable property with name "Value". here is the property code :

<Editor(GetType(TypeEditor), GetType(UITypeEditor)), Browsable(True), _
Bindable(True)> _
Public Property Value As String


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VS 2008 - Changing Font And Color Of Highlighted Text?

May 13, 2009

This is my source that I created
Private Sub FontToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FontToolStripMenuItem.Click
RichTextBox1.Font = FontDialog1.Font
End Sub
Private Sub ColorToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ColorToolStripMenuItem.Click
RichTextBox1.ForeColor = ColorDialog1.Color
End Sub

When I want to change color and font in richtextbox, all of text in textbox is changed. How to make source code that change color and font in text that we highlight.

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VS 2008 Changing The Mousepointer When The Forecolor Of Text Richtextbox Changes

Sep 9, 2009

I have an ap that requires the user to fill in information in certain areas in a richtext box. The areas that the user needs to complete is colored blue. To give the user some cue that input is required, I would like to change the mouse pointer when the pointer moves over blue text in the rtb.

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