VS 2008 Communication Between Separate Applications?

Dec 7, 2011

I'm thinking of creating some applications that will process search and storage requirements.

I want these to be separate applications - so that I could eventually move them to different servers for scalability.

What methods are available for me to have these app's communicate with each other?

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Interprocess Communication Between C++ And .net Applications?

Dec 12, 2010

I have a c++ console application that has a variable, say, vardata. I want my vb.net application to access the content of vardata. I thought I can do that by saving vardata to clipboard and vb.net should get the clipboard text. The problem is that the content of vardata is changing 150 times/second and I am missing a lot of changes when vb.net application is trying to get clipboard text. Is there any ready function i can use to save the data in a memory space (c++ side) and access it from my vb.net application (vb.net side).

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Asp.net - Communication Between Multiple Web Applications Using SignalR

Oct 11, 2011

Application A (Bidding Interface) - A web page to allow multiple end-users to place bids on certain items.

Application B (Managing Interface) - A web page to allow a user (or could potentially be multiple users) to monitor/control the actions from Bidding Interface.

So when a user from Application A place a bid on a piece, I'll need a way to alert Application B that a bid has been placed. Then from Application B, should the user choose to accept the bid, I need to send an alert back to Application A (to update current price, increase bid etc...)

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Utf 8 - Text Communication Between Applications With TCP Sockets?

Oct 9, 2011

I've got a problem to make two applications to send text-data between themselves.
The message is transmited without any problems, the awnser is received too. But, there is a lot of a "New line" char in the end of the string send/received on each side. I guess it's because of i'm readeing the full buffer; i've tried to remove all Chr(10) and Chr(13); I also tried to trim the string, but it didn't worked.

Here the code I use :

Client Side :
Dim cl As New TcpClient
cl.Connect("", 2000)
Dim str As NetworkStream = cl.GetStream


UTF8 works on 4 bytes, and when I read the stream and I put it into a buffer, if there is no char, the 4 bytes stay on a 0 value.

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Communication Beetwen Windows CE And Windows XP Applications?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a desktop (XP) application and a CE app (Motorola MC9090) and I want to Scan few Barcodes with Motorola and then send the text to the application on PC using WiFi. I have no idea how to do it - (VB.NET preferred)

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VS 2008 USB Communication?

May 9, 2010

I made a device (it's a remote-control your computer thing). Is it possible to interact with it using USB & VB.NET? If so, how? I've looked around and it doesn't seem to be part of the framework, but maybe there's some API I could use? I could always use serial ports, but I don't really want this device to require a battery. Is it possible, and if not, is there another way I could do this?

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VS 2008 Using TCP Communication For IM?

May 13, 2009

I am currently using the code from this thread:Click Here Using the code how would i allow the user through the client to send a message to the server which specifies the user the message is intended for as well as the message. I know how to send messages as there is a function for that in the code supplied in the link.Though how do i associate usernames with each client? As i saw a username property has been created in the code but how do i use it for the purposes i want?

I also need to be able to test the username and password fields for a login system..

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VS 2008 : Communication Between .net Programs?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a Windows Form Application which has been developed in vb.net 3.5. It is a charting program and shows stock market charts to users. Now I have made another program in vb.net (same .net version) and I want this program to interact with the one I made before. The new program is like a small scripting language. So for example: if I run a script then its output should be reflected in the other program. How can the two programs communicate ? Both will be running on same systems. No remote stuff. I mean passing arrays,strings or possibly structures.

Plus I have several functions which are written in first program. Is it possible for the other program which is an .exe also to call the functions of the other one if I make sub/function public or something. The reason is we can calls functions or subs if we include a dll. But can one exe calls functions/sub of another exe (if both program are in .net).

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Serial Communication Using Threading In 2008?

Jul 5, 2009

how to do serial communication using threading in vb.net 2008,

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VS 2008 - Communication Between Programs (Tag Property)

Apr 19, 2010

Is it possible to get the Tag property of another .NET form running in a seperate process?

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String Manipulation - Separate Three Fields Of The Phone Number And Display In Three Separate Text Boxes?

Feb 23, 2012

I created a telephone number form where the user enters the telephone number in a text box as (nnn) nnn-nnnn. The first 3 digits in parenthesis are the ISD code, the next three are the area code and the last four are the local number. I need to separate out these three fields of the phone number and display in three separate text boxes labeled appropriately. Now, suppose the user enters the phone number in a text box as a continuous string of 10 digits, where the first three represent the ISD code, the next three represent the area code and the last four represent the local number. I'm lost as how to change this string into the form (nnn) nnn-nnnn. This is what I have


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VS 2008 Form/BLL Communication, Best Coding Practice?

Apr 18, 2010

Question is related to rather simple programs typically presenting some data in a few datagridviews, charts etc. And consisting typically of a main form and one or two settings forms.I'm trying to program in a layered structure, pulling every bit of code out of any form class, and having a seperate "program class" for any form that I make. Now.. So far you can't complain on that I guess, but how to do this in best coding practice? In the form class I make a member object of the program class, hence making the program class a child of the form. Now I'm able to create events in the child class, and have handler methods in the form, without writing delegate classes (it seems). Now, that is fine, as it enables me to update the form controls with such events happening in the program class. However, how do I send events the other direction, from the form (parent) to the program class (child)? I guess I don't have to use events, I could just use the member object to access public methods in the program class directly, with passing of parameters from the form controls.. however, is that good practice? Or should I use events also that direction, and how to make that work, do I need to introduce delegate classes

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Create Separate Object Instances For New Objects In Separate TabPages?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a TabControl object on my form with many tabs created in code (TabPages) and my problem is that the same objects that are in the initial TabPage needs to be in the other TabPages created in code, I have this done in code when the user clicks the 'New Tab' menu option, however the same code is used for any new tabs created. The problem created here is that I have an event against one of the objects that appear in the other TabPages, but because the same code is used to create any new tab pages, the event will only work on the newest tab page, if that makes sense? By the way these objects that appear on the other TabPages are properties at the top so events can be handled against them in the respective subroutine.


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Possible To Have Separate Combo Boxes That Will Give Separate ID Values But Using Same Table?

Apr 30, 2010

I'll get straight to my problem - I'm currently coding in Visual Studio.I have a table (countries) with the columns ID | Name. The table is filled with around 28 records.I also have a form with 4 combo boxes (set up as 1,2,3 & 4) that I want the user to select. These combo boxes will display the names from the table countries. I then want to use the selected names in the combo boxes to Insert into their corresponding ID into another table. For example England would have the ID 1, USA the ID 2 etc.So, is it possible to have separate combo boxes that will give separate ID values but using the same table? At the moment I can't seem to find a solution.Eventually the form will have more than 4 combo boxes so I don't want to use separate bindingsources for each combo box.

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VS 2008 - Sending Data From Client To Server (No Communication)

Oct 13, 2010

I'm not sure what I have done wrong, I am trying to get my program to send data (UsernamesPasswords) from client to server, then the server says if it's right or wrong.

The error is on this line:
Dim networkStream As NetworkStream = TcpClient.GetStream()

Heres the Client:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("You must enter UN/PW!")
[Code] .....

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Write Using Visual Basicprogram 2008 (for Serial Communication)?

Mar 22, 2011

I am working on a porject that interlinks a PC and PIC using the USBtoUART programmer for Serial Communication.

I have just started using and reading the Book on Visual Basic 2008 Professional and read the book by ROD STEPHENS <VB 2008> Programmer's Reference.

However, I would like to know where should I start working from?

I personally want to start from building the Visual Basic interface that enables serial communication between PC and the USBtoUART converter.

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Controlling Outside Applications - Resize Multiple Applications And Send Keystrokes To Each One

Sep 12, 2011

I am working on a project that is used for key broadcasting. Don't worry nothing illegal, I'm making a multibox application for world of warcraft. However I am having trouble when it comes to launching and manipulating other applications from another.


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VS 2008 Mobile Applications - Device Board Serial Number In Vb 2008

Oct 15, 2011

My some problem for vs 2008 in mobile applications How to learn mobile device board serial number in vb 2008?

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Multi-threading Forms - Open A Separate Form As A Separate UI Thread From The Start Up Form

Oct 27, 2011

I have a few forms that have a lot of really intensive updating along with a great deal of user interface (text boxes, button clicking etc) Is it possible to open a separate form as a separate UI thread from the start up form that called it to "show" or open or whatever the new method might be?

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Using Sound Like (MP3) In 2008 Applications?

Mar 8, 2010

I added a file with a format MP3 into a vb.net 2008 application and it was working and playing prefect, but after I deployed it and installed it onto the same machine (laptop), the file MP3 didn't play? Just there is no sound after installed the application. There is no error message appear. I have used this code to get the path:

Dim aPath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetModules()(0).FullyQualifiedName)

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VS 2008 - Running Applications Besides *.exe?

Feb 22, 2011

i am having trouble executing applications that havent got the prefix .exe here is the code tat i mostly found in the internet can someone help so it will be able to play with all applications tried to make it play with msi but it wont play.


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VS 2008 Communicating Between .NET Applications In The LAN?

Aug 8, 2011

I need to communicate between multiple applications (one server and multiple clients) in the LAN. While googling I came across 3 concepts (TCP/IP, Named Pipes and WCF). I also understand WCF needs lot of study for a starter like me. I need to have one (server) application running on one machine, the values generated by it should be displayed immediately on the other (client) application which will be running on multiple machines in a LAN. Also when the user pauses the process from the client application, it should pause the process on the server application.

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VS 2008 Distribution Of VB Applications?

Mar 27, 2010

I've developed a small cost-tracking app with VB 2008. I was wondering what are the dependencies this app requires to install and run on other computers? I am not using any 3rd party or out-of-ordinary controls/DLLs.

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VS 2008 Get The Name Of Applications .exe File?

Sep 3, 2009

How can i get the name of the applications file? Application.ProductName is only the product name. I want the name thats its called

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VS 2008 Multilingual Applications In .NET

Jun 22, 2010

I want to update my existing application(s) to support multiple languagescultures.

There are a lot of artilcles on Globalization and using cultureinfo class.

I haven't came accross any article which tells about the approach to carry out such conversions.

From what i can see is that I have to update all my interface text , consider culture specific number, date formats and string comparisons.

1. What is most recommendedused method for setting interface text to support multiple languages.

2. Are there any tools available which helps me carry out these changes

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2008 : Can VS Copy The Executable To A Separate Directory

Dec 18, 2009

VS sets your project up with the default directory structure: ...indebug which also seems to contain some other files besides your dll (I assume these are related to the debug symbols, etc).So how do you set it up to copy your dll to another directory when debugging?Right now, I'm having to manually copy the built dll with every run and that's getting to be a bit annoying.I'm using VS 2008?

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VS 2008 : Force Separate Application To Foreground?

Jul 14, 2006

How would I go about forcing a seperate application to the foreground?

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VS 2008 Infinite Loop In Separate Thread?

Jun 25, 2010

Im working with and trying to run an infinite loop on a new thread which at some point takes action (e.g. make changes to Viewport3D). But no matter what I use:

- BeginInvoke

- Background Worker

- Timer

I run into problems. My porblems are:


I am doing all this in WPF.

How can I run the loop in the background and get it to affect the Viewport3D controls content without throwing an error or freezing up the application? A Viewpoirt3D is a control in WPF.

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VS 2008 Separate And Display Array Contents?

Oct 28, 2010

I have an Array called myDat

It contains Name and date of birth;


and so on ... Keeping the same order so they match I want to put the names in one array and dob in another

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VS 2008 Separate Textbox Text Every 4 Characters?

Apr 11, 2010

i want to seperate textbox characters every 4 characters. like this:

regular text =
filtered text:


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