VS 2008 : Force Separate Application To Foreground?

Jul 14, 2006

How would I go about forcing a seperate application to the foreground?

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Force Separate Application To Foreground?

Jan 29, 2010

How would I go about forcing a seperate application to the foreground?

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VS 2008 Sendkeys To Foreground Window?

Nov 15, 2009

I'm trying to send keys (or more precisely, paste the clipboard, i.e., send a "ctrl+v") to the foreground application and I'm sort of stuck since I can only find ways to send a keystroke at once.

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Force An Update Of .NET Application?

Sep 21, 2009

I have written an application for a customer, and the application is run in various locations around the world. The company carefully controls the release of the software to the various buildings where it is being used, and because of this, I have made use of the "Check for updates" feature. The problem I am faced with, is that the folks using this software more often than not answers "NO" when prompted to download and install the latest version of the application. This is unacceptable and ultimately, we'll need to go in and have them manually install the software.

We don't publish updates to the software w/o meaning for them to be necessary, and I find it hard to believe that Microsoft doesn't recognize this sort of thing as being needed when they designed the update procedures. Alas, this seems to be the case.

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Force An Application To Update Completely?

Jun 12, 2009

Is it possible to use the strategy to force an application to update completely every s often to prevent piracy.I mean somenone manage to crack our click once application and make some modification.but inside the application there is some part of the code that make mandatory to update it.in each update all the application is replaced completely in this way the application on the user computer is a clean one and not the cracked one so the checks for seraching for serials numbers are reinstaed is it possibile to use this as technique to prevent piracy?

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Force File Download Instead Of Opening In Any Application?

Nov 26, 2010

I want to prompt users to save file instead of opening file in application. For example if user click a mp3 file link....mp3 file must not be open in win media player...instead user promoted to download that file.

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Force The Application To Use More Cpu To Reduce The Calculation Time?

Oct 24, 2010

I have a background process that require about 1 min to come to completion.

All the data are in memory and it does not need to read the harddisk.

I have noticed that the CPU utilisation during the full minute is less than 20%

is there a way to force the application to use more cpu to reduce the calculation time?

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Way To Force An Application To Launch In Secondary Screen?

Apr 12, 2007

What I'm trying to do is to launch Powerpoint Wiever 2003 in my secondary screen.I can get a form to launch in the 2nd screen but any programs I launch from that form stary screen.[code]

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C# - Force Application To Use A Specific IP Address From Running Computer?

Dec 4, 2011

I have a server (server A) that has several public IP addresses. I am building a desktop application that will run on server A to fetch data from another server (server B) using the httpwebrequest class.

What I would like to do is be able to programatically direct the application to use a specific IP address from the one the server (A) has.

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Force Multiple Instance Of A Standalone (3rd Party) Application

Jul 14, 2009

I need to be able to run multiple instances of a standalone (3rd party) application. This application prevents multiple instances from being ran from within the application. I need to basically override this.

I know it can be accomplished by hexing the original executable, however I would like to stay away from this method as I'd like for other users to be able to use my application from the get go without needing to hex the 3rd party app themselves or me having to send them the hexed app. Is there any way to achieve this or am I just taking crazy pills?

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C# - Winform Application, Does Window Minimize Force Garbage Collection?

Feb 8, 2011

Here's the scenario, winforms application, monitoring via Task Manager Processes Tab.On initial launch spins up to ~61,000K (initial data grid and data loads)If I minimize the application, not touching or doing anything the Mem usage drops to 1,380K.When I restore the application is spins back up to only 5.8K

So my question is, does the minimize send some internal message to clean up resources since the application in question is not in focus?The first app I noticed this in happens to be VB.NET, but I've observed the same behavior in my main C# winform applications.

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Create A Small Application That Will Force User To Enter An Even Number?

Oct 5, 2011

I need to create a small application that will force a user to enter an even number but i MUST use a loop. Here's what i've come up with:


Dim bynombrepair As Byte
bynombrepair = InputBox("Entrez un nombre pair")
If bynombrepair Mod 2 = 0 Then


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Force A User To Log Back Into To An Application If No Activity Is Detected For X Minutes?

Apr 22, 2010

I would like to try and implement a feature wherby once you have logged into an application (straightforward winforms application) and had your credetials verified the application would then force you to log on again if no activity had been detected in the application for a certain number of minutes. In essence I want to provide some extra security for those occasions when users get up and wander away from their machines for prolonged periods.

I have all the logic for logging into the application, it's just the checking for no activity over a given period and then forcing the user to log back in again that I'm not having much luck with.

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Force Close Application - Code Is Executed When A Button Is Clicked

Sep 2, 2011

I have a backup script i made in VB. part of the code im having trouble with:



Now this code is executed when a button is clicked, if the folder does exists, it displays a message and continues the backup. however if it does not it displays displays "does not exist box" then i want the application to close.

I played around with the application.exit commands but it seems like the code just skips over it, and continues to try and backup the data, then errors out. how do i make the application close, if the dir does not exist?

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Force FormatNumber To Use A "-" To Separate Every "000"

Jun 27, 2012

How do I force FormatNumber to use a "-" to separate every "000"

Depending on my users culture on their computer
the result looks like "123 456 789.1235" or "123,456,789.1235"

How do I force it

Dim A As Decimal = "123456789.123456"
Dim B As String = FormatNumber(A, 4)

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Clicking Button In Separate Application Not Working?

Nov 7, 2011

I am trying to automate an application and I need to respond to a prompt that is being issued by the application that I've started. The application is issueing a message and I'm using some api controls to respond so that it doesn't stop but they are ignored. here's the code I'm using and I'm hoping someone will look at it and tell me what's wrong. The odd thing is it works on my laptop (Windows 7 Pro 64 bit) but fails on my desktop maching (same OS).

If p.Start() Then
Dim nWnd As IntPtr
Dim ceroIntPtr As New IntPtr(0)
Dim Wnd_name As String


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Organize Application Are Going To Be Able To Separate Every Program / Webpage (over 400) From Each Other

Oct 18, 2010

We have an ASP classic ERP (very large application) that we want to rewrite using ASP.NET. I am looking for a way to organize the application so we are going to be able to separate every program / webpage (over 400) from each other. Every program needs to be independent because many developers will work on the project at the same time.Visual Studio seems to make a DLL for every assembly so I was wondering if it's a good idea to make a huge solution with one project per DLL.[code]This way, we would be able to deploy every program separately without altering the others. We would also have over a thousand DLL to manage...

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Use Threading In Application To Put Two Functionality In Two Separate Threads?

May 2, 2009

I have one applicatin developed in my ap i have two main functionalities

1)Copyig Folders & Files from one source to destination

2) And I am showing status of copying in richtextbox and progrss with progress bar

Here i need to use threading bcz i am copying files from one server to another server and some large size files while copying my application always gone to stuck and i am not able to see status of copying and progressbar so how i use threading in my applicatio to put two functionalitis in two seperate threads.

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Forms :: Create Separate Parts/winforms Of The Same Application?

Sep 19, 2011

is it a bad idea to create separate parts/winforms of the same application (using the same SQL Server DB) in different executable files. For example for a School IS: A Receptionist App, A Teacher App, A Principal App and so on.

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String Manipulation - Separate Three Fields Of The Phone Number And Display In Three Separate Text Boxes?

Feb 23, 2012

I created a telephone number form where the user enters the telephone number in a text box as (nnn) nnn-nnnn. The first 3 digits in parenthesis are the ISD code, the next three are the area code and the last four are the local number. I need to separate out these three fields of the phone number and display in three separate text boxes labeled appropriately. Now, suppose the user enters the phone number in a text box as a continuous string of 10 digits, where the first three represent the ISD code, the next three represent the area code and the last four represent the local number. I'm lost as how to change this string into the form (nnn) nnn-nnnn. This is what I have


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Call/run Excel Macro Within A Separate Visual Studio Application?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm looking to call an excel macro (excel version 07) within a separate visual studio application (visual studio express 2010). Basically, a user clicks a browse dialog button to select a xls or xlsm file which is then added to a listbox. Next, I would like the macro to run when another button is clicked. The macro looks at the first column in excel and moves the listed .tif images from one folder to another. I referenced the excel libraries, but seem to be getting hung up on a few code statements (''''ERROR see code below). I would like to run the macro within visual studio for any selected excel file or add the macro somehow to the selected excel file and run it.

'Here is the button click procedure

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
filenames = lstFiles.SelectedItem


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Create Separate Object Instances For New Objects In Separate TabPages?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a TabControl object on my form with many tabs created in code (TabPages) and my problem is that the same objects that are in the initial TabPage needs to be in the other TabPages created in code, I have this done in code when the user clicks the 'New Tab' menu option, however the same code is used for any new tabs created. The problem created here is that I have an event against one of the objects that appear in the other TabPages, but because the same code is used to create any new tab pages, the event will only work on the newest tab page, if that makes sense? By the way these objects that appear on the other TabPages are properties at the top so events can be handled against them in the respective subroutine.


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Possible To Have Separate Combo Boxes That Will Give Separate ID Values But Using Same Table?

Apr 30, 2010

I'll get straight to my problem - I'm currently coding in Visual Studio.I have a table (countries) with the columns ID | Name. The table is filled with around 28 records.I also have a form with 4 combo boxes (set up as 1,2,3 & 4) that I want the user to select. These combo boxes will display the names from the table countries. I then want to use the selected names in the combo boxes to Insert into their corresponding ID into another table. For example England would have the ID 1, USA the ID 2 etc.So, is it possible to have separate combo boxes that will give separate ID values but using the same table? At the moment I can't seem to find a solution.Eventually the form will have more than 4 combo boxes so I don't want to use separate bindingsources for each combo box.

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VS 2008 Possible To Force A DataGridView To Be Single Row Only?

Jul 28, 2011

is it possible to force a DataGridView to be single row only?I cannot set the AllowUserToAddRows to false as i need one row.I cannot re size the grid to display a single row as i need the horizontal scollbar.

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Set Form In Foreground

Apr 20, 2009

how do I set a form in the foreground and prevent it from being set to the background if another form is clicked... when a form comes up, i disabled the other forms so no object within them could be selected, but if i just click on them, the foreground form disappears... i want it to stay in the foreground until the user closes it manually...


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Write An Application For Receiving Data (ascii Characters) From Microcontroller Through The Serial Port In Three Separate Parts

Jul 18, 2009

I need to write an application for receiving data (ascii characters) from microcontroller through the serial port in three separate parts. I've created three RichTextBoxes, but I do not know which commands I need to type. In first textbox I need to receive one byte... next six bytes need to be placed in second text box, and finally last seven bytes need to be placed in third textbox.

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Forms :: Force Webbrowser To Use Single Window In 2008 VB Express?

Aug 5, 2009

I am writing a VB program in VB 2008 express edition, and I need to make a simple web browser used by touch screen users. I have done making the simple web browser to browser the webpage, but when I open some links they are opened in the external IE rather than the VB web browser, how can I force all web page to be opened in the VB software?

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Bring Window To Foreground?

Oct 15, 2009

I am trying to use appactivate to bring a window to the foreground however this is not working. When the program is already open on the desktop and there are other windows on top of it and I use AppActivate then it brings that window into the foreground. However if that window is minimized to the windows bar below, then the only thing appactivate does is have that program selected but it does not bring it into the foreground. I need to have any window forced to the foreground while retaining its original size.

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VS 2008 Force The Creation Of A Handle Of A Control Before The Form That It Is Contained On Is Loaded?

Nov 24, 2011

I am just wondering how to force the creation of a handle of a control before the form that it is contained on is loaded... I have tried:


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Auto-Termination Of Foreground Threads?

Apr 25, 2010

I just wanted to know that When our Vb.net application terminates are all our foreground threads automatically terminated.I read that all our background threads (worker threads) are all automatically terminated once the application shutsdown (when we dispose it)H/owever i wanted to know about Foreground threads , I know that wehn we use

dim t as thread
t = new thread (address of blahblah)
t.isbackground = true ; //This makes it a worker thread ... which will terminate when the form is disposed

my question is now suppose i dont set the background property and make it run as a foreground parallel thread. Will it close when the application disposes...

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