VS 2008 Controlling Windows Power Profile?

Jun 7, 2010

I have done a search on Google but not really found anything. Worst case I suppose I could use "powercgf.exe -l" to list them modes then try to get the GUIDs out of that.

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VS 2008 Windows Profile Picture?

Dec 1, 2010

again just wondering if anyone knows how to get the user profile picture path for a specified user in windows..

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Error 58'Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile' Has Multiple Definitions

Jul 22, 2009

when building my application I am getting some temporary files shown in Solution Explorer under Miscellaneous Files lie App_Web_YDKG.VB with following code block in that generating error

Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile
Return CType(Me.Context.Profile,System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile)
End Get
End Property

Error : Error 58'Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Filesinfinityvb2ae71c27d560144bApp_Web_pwduczex.38.vb456

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Windows - Last Login Date Of Server Profile?

Oct 5, 2011

So I'm writing a program to monitor access dates on a server. My goal is to get the last login / access date of each profile that's on the domain controller, but I have no idea what file / setting / property I should be looking at. Currently, my program checks the last modified date of:

\my-dcc$Documents and SettingsuserNTUSER.DAT.LOG I did this because it seems to be the most recently updated every time someone's doing something. However, I did some looking up and apparently that file is updated every time the user's registry is changed, even if the user is not logged on. This doesn't serve me very well because then my program would report a lot of false positives.

TL;DR - is there a Windows property or a specific file I should look at when I'm checking the last logon date of a user?

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List All Power Off, Power On Computers In Local Network?

Jul 26, 2010

Im coding an application that needs to list all computers inside my LAN, and get the status of the machines ex. Power On, Power Off.. in order to Wake On Lan, or Turn it Off.. im using Visual Basic .Net.I all ready listed all machines, now i need to get the status of them..

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VB And Utilize The 64-bit Processing Power Available In Windows 7

Feb 9, 2010

For sometime now, we have developed an applicatio in Visula Basic (Express Edition). We would like to utilize the 64-bit processing power available in Windows 7 (our application runs currently in a Windows XP environment). So we are contemplating to migrate our VB application from a Windows XP-based environment to a 64-bit hardware platform running on Windows 7.


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VS 2005 - Power Packs 3 Windows 2000 - Printforms

Dec 7, 2009

I am writing a program on my Windows XP computer at home and installed Power Packs 3 so I could take advantage of Printforms I copied the project to my flash drive and brought program to my office that has windows 2000, the program wouldnt load because Power Packs wasnt intalled. Windows 2000 wont allow Power Packs 3 so I installed Power Packs 2 hoping that would work. Its looking for version

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Controlling Windows Remote Desktop?

Mar 8, 2010

I am trying to overcome a problem I am having with remote desktop.Basically I have 2 machines running in different locations. I use remote desktop to access one of them (the "Remote Machine") from the other.("My PC")The "Remote Machine" is performing automated tasks that require the screen to be active, not the user login screen.

When I do so the Remote Machine logs off and presents the normal windows login screen.When I am finished reviewing the remote machine I log off and then I need to log back into the "remote" machine. It has no monitior but I can log in by pressing the enter key which sends a keypress to log into the user account( there is only one). In fact I do this the other way around. I press the enter key on the "Remote Machine" and this logs the user back in - terminating the remote session on "MyPC".

The problem is I have to physically go to the Remote Machine to press this enter key.This is a hassle - One solution is to remotely re-boot the remote pc but the lead time involved is too great.I am unable to fix this problem by tweaking setting or registry hacks so I guess the solution must be to cause the remote user to log back in programatically.I am an experienced VB user but I have never worked outside the windows environment. Ideally I would like to programmtically send a keystroke "{enter}" to the login screen but this doesn't work.

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Controlling External Application Using Windows Handles

Dec 22, 2009

I am trying to control an external application using visual basic. I have spy++ in order to get the windows handles of all the tool bars/buttons etc. Can someone refer me to some code/ tutorials on how i can control the application. I will need to perform mouse clicks (ex clicking file>open) and sending key strokes in that application.

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VS 2008 - How To Profile My Code - Don't See An Analyze Menu

Mar 6, 2009

I've been trying to figure out how to profile my code, and everything I read online says "go to the Analyze" menu and then blah blah

I don't see an analyze menu... where should I be looking?

I have visual studio 2008 Professional. It seems like this analyzer only comes with enterprise? Is this correct?

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VS 2008 Copy Directory To User Profile?

Jan 28, 2011

Need to copy files to a directory within the user profile. simple task if i hard code the path, however i need the code to account for different users who run the code. this is where i run into the issue. code so far

Dim src As String
src = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("userprofile")
Label1.Text = src


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VS 2008 Power Menu FAIL

Nov 24, 2009

I have written a script but when I test my application out nothing happens.Below is the code that I used to make a Power menu with the options to Shutdown, Restart, and Log Off. I have also added in a timer. [code]

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Save A Power Point To A Server Using VS 2008?

Apr 12, 2010

Using VS2008 and all I want to do is have a page where the user clicks on a button and the Save File Dialog pops up, the user finds the Power Point doc using the Save File Dialog popup. Once the Power Point doc is found the user clicks on the Save button on the Save File Dialog popup. And the Power Point doc is then saved to a server on the network.

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VS 2008 Creating A Customer Power Plan?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to create a custom power plan in code. I've searched high and low and have come up with very little so far.

The first thing I ran into was WMI. After looking up some information, it seems that all of the WMI Power features are ReadOnly.

Then I looked into the registry. This might be a feasible option, but it's hard to say. It seems each Power Plan has a unique GUID associated with it. This isn't a huge issue, since I can create one like so:

Dim _GUID As Guid = Guid.NewGuid

With this method, the issue now lies in the subkeys. Each Power Plan looks like it also has a unique ID for each option in the power plan.

There are two issues with this. First, even though subkeys are the same for each powerplan on my PC, I'm not able to test others at this time. So I can't know for sure that they are the same. Secondly, I have no way of knowing which subkeys relate to which power options.

My only two other options would be an API or .NET methods.

That being said, does anyone know of any way to create a power plan or some info on it?

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VS 2008 : Adding The Power Packs 9.0 In The Installation Setup?

Sep 24, 2011

I've just created a setup file for my application . Instead of using the click once process , I used the Create Install Free 4.14.5 program , in order to be able to specify some parameters that under click once I couldn't (like specifying installation folder etc) . The problem , however , is that now when I installed the application , an error message appears saying that the computer is missing the Visual Basic Power Packs 9.0 (which I indeed used in my application) . So , is there any way I can add it to my setup file ? That is in order to avoid making people manually downloading and installing it .

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VS 2008 Controlling OpenFileDialog?

May 25, 2011

With many of the programs that I use, I have noticed that the file dialog boxes automatically enter a new folder (if I create a folder thru the dialog box). But my OpenFileDialog boxes don't do that in my programs.When I open the OpenFileDialog and press the New Folder button, the box stays in the current directory and I am forced to click into the new folder. I have researched the OpernFileDialog and I don't understand how to change this behavior. I want to eliminate this extra click to enter the new folder.

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VB Express 2008 - Error: Power Pack Version Be Installed In GAC

Jun 20, 2009

I have written a program in VB Express 2008 and published it so I can install on another PC. When trying to install on another PC I get the error message "Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPack.Vs Version be installed in the Global Cache (GAC) first" I have already installed the .NET 3.5 and the PowerPack but I still get the message.

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VS 2008 Controlling External Application

Jun 18, 2009

I need a quick way to control an external application. For example, I want to be able to... let's say... click a button and open up paint and zoom to 200%. This isn't my intention but that's basically the functionality that I need. I figured there must be a simple way to do this. I need to open the application, make choices (not all have keyboard shortcuts) and type in information.I've come across "shell" but that doesn't get me anywhere except opening the application.

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Controlling The Order Of Controls Being Populated On A Form In VB 2008?

Jul 29, 2011

My form contains a datagrid and a checked listbox. The listbox is populated on the form_load event. There's a function called when the datagrid's SelectionChanged event is triggered that modifies the checkmarks in the listbox. It all works fine when I manually click on any item in the datagrid.

However, the very first time the form runs, the checkmarks are not affected, even though the first item in the datagrid appears selected. I discovered that this is because the actual listbox is not yet populated on the form at the time the very first SelectionChanged event is triggered. So when the function tries setting the checkboxes, it doesn't get anywhere, since it doesn't see any items in the listbox.

Somehow the datagrid is getting populated, even before the form_load event is triggered. I need the listbox to be populated before the datagrid is populated, but I have no idea how to control this.

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VS 2008 Controlling Command Flow For TextBox.TextChanged?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a TextBox called Social. As you type in a Social Security Number into the textbox, it formats itself into the standard Social Security Number Format (XXX-XX-XXXX). It automatically adds in the dashes after the third and fifth number, or corrects/removes the dashes if numbers are added or removed from in front of the dashes. Also I coded the script to record the caret's location so that the caret goes back to where the caret was before the adjustment in dashes.

I used Pos and PosHold to hold the caret's location.

The problems I am having are:If I remove a number before one of the dashes, the caret is reset to '0' from using break points, it seem to jump out of the if statement before setting the location of the caret. Sometimes when a number is removed from before the dashes, the dashes are removed like scripted but, the dash is not put back in the correct location. This seems to happen primarily if you have numbers passed the second dash.

Private Sub Social_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Social.TextChanged


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VS 2008 Controlling Events From Multiple Program Instances?

Mar 20, 2010

I'm having a lot of trouble finding a solution to my problem, and its probably because I don't know exactly how to ask the right question - can anyone here point me in the right direction?

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VS 2008 Controlling Dynamic Input Fields - Webbrowser - .Net Forms?

Apr 9, 2011

I have VS 2008 and am working in VB.Net forms.I have a webbrowser control where I am trying to control input fields that are dynamically created. If a text field has proper handles such as id and name tags there aren't any problems.

For example, I am trying to work with twitter for posts. I know twitter has an API but I want to work with many similar systems and want to avoid the API as its case specific and I want to scale things within the VB.Net form. The login fields for twitter are easily handled, however the posting field once your logged in is just a text area with a class. There is a tagname but I have been unable to post using the tagname element.Any examples of posting to twitter without the API ?

web1.Document.GetElementById ... ?
web1.Document.GetElementsByTagName ... ?

I've done extensive searching but can find nothing to make it happen. DOM inspectors havn't revealed much about the field.

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VS 2010 Use Print Form Power To Print A Windows Form From Console?

Jun 29, 2010

trying to print a Form that I created using a VB.Net console application. My console application creates an instance of a Windows Form and fills it with data. I then created an instance of the Print Form class from the Microsoft Power Pack and am trying to get the form I filled with data to print but no matter what I've tried it just prints the command console window.

Dim firstPage As New FrontPage 'Windows Form
Dim pf As New PrintForm 'Print Form Power Pack
firstPage.Visible = True


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Possible To Have Different Profile Settings?

Mar 23, 2012

i just started programming with visual basic express 2010 and i am making a program but i get stuck at this point..is it possible to have difference profile settings? 60 textboxes saved each time or reloaded depending on what profile the user is asking for.the first time the user opens the program textbox1 = ""the user wil make it hello and he will have the option to save that to a profile.so if he close the program and opens it the next time he can choose to load that profilie or fill in something new agian and save that to profile2.so if he loads profile1 textbox1 will display "hello" and when the user loads profilie 2 textbox1 will display "goodbye"

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Use A Custom Profile In ASP.NET?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm trying to use a custom profile in ASP.NET using VB.NET according to this post: [URL]

I created my profile class under the folder /class/Usuario.vb using the Locus namespace. The class inherits ProfileBase as specified in the post above.

The problem is that when I try to make a reference to that class on my web.config it gives me this error message:

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Locus' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

This is how I'm declaring my web.config:

<profile defaultProvider="CustomizedProfileProvider" inherits="Locus.Usuario">
<clear />


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.net - Custom Profile Provider Using CMS API?

Feb 11, 2010

I have created a custom Profile Provider that is integrated with the API of a CMS. It works fine when pulling data for an authenticated user (Profile.FirstName), but errors when creating a new user's profile.


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Asp.net - Custom Profile Properties In MVC 3

Jun 14, 2012

I need to implement some (maybe 10) custom properties for logged in users for my MVC3 vb.net web app. These will define how certain data is displayed within my views. I can think of a couple of possible solutions..


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Not Getting Profile Properties In Code Behind?

Mar 26, 2010

I am trying to get Profile properties in the code behind. But I am not getting any intellisence like Profile.Homephone or Profile.CellPhone. When I try:

Dim memberprofile As ProfileBase = HttpContext.Current.Profile
Dim homePhone As String = memberprofile.GetPropertyValue("HomePhone").ToString()


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VS 2010 2 - Possible To Add New Dial-up Profile

Nov 27, 2010

My first question is. is this possible to add new Dial-up profile using vb.net? And make that as default dialup with this strings..Connection Name: Any Profile Name Dial #: *99***1#2nd question is:

I tried to code to dial my DUN using .net. But How can I dial that without prompting me the dial window.

Here is my code.


That code display only the dial window and not automatically dial a connection.

Or point me to correct link to study.. I know RAS API, it's most of the RAS tut are in C++.. even in MSDN

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Asp.net List Of Users By Profile Property?

Oct 10, 2011

I have created some profile properties for when a new user is added to our system.

One property is called 'Client' and links this user to a particular client and stores a client id.

I am trying to create a page that shows a list of users for each client on the system such as:

Client 1
User 1
User 2


Is there a way to get a list of users that match a particular profile property?

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