Need to copy files to a directory within the user profile. simple task if i hard code the path, however i need the code to account for different users who run the code. this is where i run into the issue. code so far
Dim src As String
src = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("userprofile")
Label1.Text = src
I am trying to create a VB.NET application that allows a user to copy an Active Directory user or template in order to create a new Active Directory user. Currently a user right clicks on a template and chooses Copy, then enters info for new user.user is then created just like the template user. How can I perform these operations using the VB.NET framework and Active Directory or Account Management DLL's?
I want to create a small app to add my wireless profile to our 800+ laptops that are reimaged once a year. I'm going to deploy this app using the MDT/WDS.
I'm trying to copy a image for a directory, that my program create if it doesn't exists. The directory is create successfully but the image isn't copy. The error is "couldn't find a part of path".
Here is my vb Private Sub btImg_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btImg.Click Try If Not IO.Directory.Exists("img") Then IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("img") [Code] .....
when building my application I am getting some temporary files shown in Solution Explorer under Miscellaneous Files lie App_Web_YDKG.VB with following code block in that generating error
Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile Get Return CType(Me.Context.Profile,System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile) End Get End Property
Error : Error 58'Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Filesinfinityvb2ae71c27d560144bApp_Web_pwduczex.38.vb456
VS sets your project up with the default directory structure: ...indebug which also seems to contain some other files besides your dll (I assume these are related to the debug symbols, etc).So how do you set it up to copy your dll to another directory when debugging?Right now, I'm having to manually copy the built dll with every run and that's getting to be a bit annoying.I'm using VS 2008?
I am using the following Recursive Directory Copy code, and am having a strange issue. I am using this to copy and directory and all subdirectories and files to removable media (flash drive). Everything copies perfectly fine except for 1 file. this occurs on the same file every time and sometimes the file copies successfully, but other times it does not.The problem file is a 7-zip archive with a .7z file extension.When it does not successfully copy, the file is only 8 bytes on the flash drive.[code]
I've been searching for a while, but it seems that I can't find an easy way to get the current user profile folder. I've tried "%userprofile%" environment variable, but it didn't worked (or I'm doing something wrong).How can I do it? I want to add the value to an string variable.
I actually tried something like: Dim Userfolder As String = %UserProfile%
I tried with quote marks too, but none seems to do the trick.What I'm missing?
I need to find out the path to the logged in users profile folder in VB.NET.
I know there is one to get the AppData folder but I need only the profile path becuase there is a file I need to read in the root of the profile folder.
Using the Membership & Profile Providers: Am I able to retrieve a user profile using their Membership UserID instead of their Username?The reason I ask is because if I have the UserID and not the Username I would have to write the following two lines of code [code]Dim Profile As Profile = Profile.GetProfile("UserID")Will this affect performance? Is my design bad? Am I missing something? I am aware that I can retrieve the current logged in user using the following code: HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
I am looking for code to create user profiles on new pc without logging them in.I will have admin rights but want to create a default profile for each user and copy some files to each profile before the user logs on the first time/
I want to pass an membership user name to a subroutine and retrieve the profile property named FullName for that user, how can i achive this in
I am creating a VB.NET application for a Calculus class as a little side-project. It requires user profiles that are saved locally in the program's main files. I am using 2 separate classes to access the user profiles right now.
The first class is called Config and it is used to manipulate the basic config file which contains lesson document paths, settings, and user profile names.
The second class is called User and it is used to load up user profiles from a profile directory where user data is saved in separate text files.
The Config class retrieves the user names, and user profile text file paths. This text file path is then handed off to a User object that can then load up and interpret the file.
how should I format the config file and user files so they are secure enough that someone can not easily retrieve or manipulate data?
Here is a sample of how I am reading the text files:
Dim userList() As String = {Nothing} If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(configPath + "config.cfg") Then Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(configPath + "config.cfg")
The problem isn't reading the text file, I am just not sure how to make it secure. I was thinking about first parsing the entire file to translate it from 'encrypted' to text, and then save it as a temporary file which I would pass off to the above code, then delete the file immediately afterward. As for 'encrypting' (is that the right word for this?) the file, I could maybe bit-shift each character using a key that I would save at the beginning of the file.
I have a straight-forward task I'm attempting to accomplish. I have the mechanics down, and need to hammer out the details but I'm stumbling across one small point. :)
This script is supposed to take the files in the local C:Temp directory, and copy them to a selected user's shared directory on the file server.
Protected Sub btnCopy_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnCopy.Click My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyDirectory("C:Temp", "\MAVERICKVOL1Users" & ddlName.SelectedValue & "DESKTOPRECORDINGS", True) End Sub
This script does indeed work (and I'm aware I need to create exception handling) but it only copies what contents are on the server's directory of C:Temp rather than the local source directory.
I'm using VB.NET/ASP.NET to achieve this.
How am I able to direct my function to use the local user's directory rather than the remote server?
I know, it's a bit weird asking for a query to tell me my own email address right, I'll explain further...
I'm writing a COM add-in for Outlook 2007. One of the subs generates and sends an email to a particular address and this all works fine.However I have a need to have an option for the sender to be able to include themselves on the recipients list.As more than one person will be running this I cannot just set the sender's email address manually and would prefer to just add a check box on the form to enable this feature.
The only bit I'm stuck on is working out how to find the email address of the person sending the email. I could do it with an AD query against the logged on user but this needs to work for non-domain users also so need another method.
I'm trying to copy a file from my.resources to a user directory thus:- HTML My.Resources.MyFile.Copy("C: empabc.xml") I've also tried:- HTML File.Copy(My.Resources.MyFile, "C: empabc.xml") Neither work.
what is probably a very stupid and basic question, I'm new to Visual Basic I currently coding a program which deletes specific files that are part of a game. It finds and deletes all the files in the "program files" directorys but there are also certain files in My Documents that must be deleted.
The problem is the filepath to My Documents includes a username which is unique to different users, meaning on any other pc the program will not work.
The path on my computer is: C:UsersShaneDocumentsElectronic Arts
How can I get the program to find this folder on other computers? I'm totally lost.
I have a piece of business-soft to make the lives of our employees easier. It's fairly typical, a tabbed-MDI style main form with a load of buttons that activate each of its sub-modules.
I have security set up on it so that someone in sales can't enter the module for purchasing, etc... I authenticate the user by having them type in their network password and check it against the AD server with this function:
'Remember to Imports System.DirectoryServices for this to work Private Function ValidateActiveDirectoryLogin(ByVal Domain As String, ByVal Username As String, ByVal Password As String) As Boolean
I need to read the distinguished name of the current user (the one running the program) from Active Directory.I'm warm (I know I should use System. DirectoryServices and DirectorySearcher), but somehow I can't get the code to work properly, nor can I find a working example.Now, after having spent hours searching for examples on the internet, I'm getting quite frustrated with myself, so I turn to you hoping someone can provide an example.Why I need this: when people run this program, it needs to detect which OU they belong to. We have several sites (for example Rotterdam and Amsterdam) and depending on what site the user's OU is, I need to perform some actions. So I hope to derive f.e. "OU=Rotterdam" from their DN.
I have some problem with copying the file from one Directory to another directory by create the folder if that folder is not exists in destination directory.
how to copy, delete, show files, show current directory, change directory, make folder, rename folder. My problem is i have a method on deleting a file and copying a file, but i don't know how to pass the method so that when i click the delete button it would let me choose what file to delete. By the way im using buttons on each function.[code...]