VS 2008 Correct C# Operator?

Dec 20, 2010

what is the correct equvilent of VB.NET boolean "AND" and "OR" operators? "&&" and "||" or "&" and "|"?i got conflicting answers when i did a google!

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Error: Option Strict On Disallows Operands Of Type Object For Operator '='. Use The 'Is' Operator To Test For Object Identity

Jan 27, 2010

I am tightening up my coding with the Option Strict set to ON. It has now produced alot of errors. An example of this is:

If AllocatedDGV.Rows(i).Cells("RoomNumber").Value = RoomsAvailableDGV.Rows(j).Cells("RoomName").Value Then

It gives me the following error: Option Strict On disallows operands of type Object for operator '='. Use the 'Is' operator to test for object identity.

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Option Strict On Disallows Operands Of Type Object For Operator Use The 'Is' Operator To Test For Object Identity

Apr 6, 2012

I need to write an interface to get data to/from our data files.

We have a low level class that holds field values for each record read from the files.

This just holds two values, the value read from the file (DBValue) and the updated value that may need to be written back to the file (CurrentValue).

These values may be any of the standard value types (integer, date etc) or a string.

Either value (DBValue or CurrentValue) may be null if not defined.

I have written the class to manage this data which works fine while option strict is NOT on.

But we have an office policy of having option strict on all the time.

When I put option strict on, my object value comparisons fail with the error: "Option Strict On disallows operands of type Object for operator '='. Use the 'Is' operator to test for object identity."

Question, how should I change the following code to handle option strict on ...

This is all running on Visual Studio 2010


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Coalesce Operator And Conditional Operator In .NET?

Mar 10, 2009

Possible Duplicate: Is there a conditional ternary operator in VB.NET?

Can we use Coalesce operator(??) and conditional ternary operator(:) in VB.NET as in C#?

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VS 2008 Missing Operator?

Jan 20, 2011

I am getting the missing operator error with this, could you help.

Dim s As String
If ListBox1.SelectedIndex >= 0 Then
s = " WHERE SalesRep = '" & ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString & "'"
End If
If ListBox2.SelectedIndex >= 0 Then


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VS 2008 Mod Operator Limits?

Sep 4, 2009

Originally Posted by VS 2008 DocumentationAll numeric types. This includes the unsigned and floating-point types and Decimal.....The data type of the result is the smallest data type that can hold all possible values that result from division with the data types of number1 and number2

View 20 Replies

VS 2008 Operator Is Not Defined?

Jul 16, 2010

I have this code

Public Shared Function IsEntryCDRM(bigfile000Name As String, entry As BigfileEntry) As Boolean
If entry.length < 4 Then


Operator '+' is not defined for types 'Char' and 'Integer'

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VS 2008 Substring And Like Operator?

Nov 3, 2010

Im not too experienced with VB so this question will probably be fairly easy to answer. Im trying to take a 4 character value from a textbox and make sure it meets these specifications: 1st digit = and F OR P, 2nd and 3rd digit any A-Z value, and the 3rd Digit a 1 OR 2. Whats wrong with this?

part1ID = idTextBox.Text.Substring(0)
part2ID = idTextBox.Text.Substring(1, 2)
part3ID = idTextBox.Text.Substring(3)
If part1ID Like "[FP]" AndAlso part2ID Like "[A-Z]" _
AndAlso part3ID Like "[12]" Then

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Is It Correct To Correct Properties Values On The Fly

May 15, 2010

Is it correct to correct properties values on the fly? for example: (note the .ToLower)

Public Property X() As String
Return _x.ToLower
End Get


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Connect To SQL DB Receive The Code And Then Check If That Code Is Correct And If Its Correct Download Silence The Pro File?

Jun 8, 2010

i'm working on a system that upgrades a basic version to a proversion but i have a payment gateway . it generates a code in an SQL DB.now i have a form in VB that has a textbox and a button how can i let VB connect to my SQL DB receive the code and then check if that code is correct and if its correct download silence the pro file. from an url.

View 7 Replies

VS 2005 Getting The Correct Number Of Attributes To Match The Correct Number Of Text Boxes?

Apr 18, 2009

I have created a basic query generator which allows a user to select the Select, WHERE and criteria attributes using a number of checkboxes.However i have got stuck. In the results form i have the following code

Private Sub DisplayRecord()
RichTextBox1.Text = ds.Tables("newResults").Rows(intCurrentRecord).Item(0)
RichTextBox2.Text = ds.Tables("newResults").Rows(intCurrentRecord).Item(1)
RichTextBox3.Text = ds.Tables("newResults").Rows(intCurrentRecord).Item(2)


The program keeps on crashing if the user does not select the corresponding amount of display records from above for the amount of attributes they want for the SELECT part of the query in the intreface in form 1.

How would i go about making something where the number of SELECT attributes selected which are listed in a string create the correct number of textbox fields in the results form (form2)

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VS 2008 Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Apr 11, 2009

I have program, which takes scripts (RGSS) and inserts them into a database. These scripts have lots of quotes and things like that inside them, but I don't think thats the issue here.

The error: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression


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VS 2008 Correct Way To Get Application Version?

Apr 19, 2010

I want to display my app version on the login form. using this

Me.Text = "Version - " & _

I am always getting But, my publish version is currently

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VS 2008 Create A Dll - Cannot Find The Correct Namespaces

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to create a dll but I am not sure if it can be done, because I cannot find the correct namespaces.

Public Class CellSelected
Public Shared Sub HideSelectionColours(ByVal DGV As DataGridView)
' Sets Cell Back Colour and Text Colour to Normal


The highlighted text is either not declared in the case of color or not defined in the case of datagridview.

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VS 2008 - Input String Was Not In Correct Format

Dec 23, 2010

When I attempt to read my Xml file when using a schema file I get the following error message:
Input string was not in a correct format.
If I delete the schema it read its fine so I am assuming something in schema file isn't matching the incoming data? How can I determine which line is creating the error?

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VS 2008 Checkboxes Not Showing Correct State?

Nov 5, 2009

I have a form that has many checkboxes located on a tab control with 3 tabs each tab has checkboxes on it.I have a button that when pressed selects all the checkboxes. That does work and it does execute all that were selected. However there are no checkmarks appearing at all. This worked before! It seems like the more checkboxes I added to the form the less they properly showed f they were checked or unchecked. Now none of them show unless I close the form and reopen it then all of the boxes are checked like they should be when the select all button is pressed.

View 12 Replies

VS 2008 Detecting If User/password Are Correct For FTP?

May 22, 2011

Basically i want to send a created file over a local network via FTP. If the username/password/IP address is incorrect the application just crashes.

Is there anyway i can detect if the credentials are correct? etc.

Code I'm using to upload the created file is;

My.Computer.Network.UploadFile("C:lini.ftp", "ftp://" + ftpUser.Text + ":" + ftpPass.Text + "@" + ftpIP.Text + ":21/Usb0/launch.ini")

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VS 2008 Input String Was Not In Correct Format?

Nov 15, 2009

I am building a program for my CINS-113 class where it allows the user to enter a number 1-15 in a masked text box and then hit OK and it will display that number in a ListBox as such:

Say they enter 1...

1 X 1 = 1
1 X 2 = 2
1 X 3 = 3
1 X 12 = 12

I have gotten everything to work great, but when you enter anything but numbers 1-15 it properly provides a message popup telling you that your entry is basically not the right value, but then I get a build error that says "Input string was not in correct format" and it highlights my line: "intInput1 = Convert.ToInt32(strInput1)"


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How To Use Operator As A Comparison Operator

Nov 11, 2009

I want to perform equality comparison in VB.NET and cannot get it to work. Error: value of type Boolean can not be converted to System.Drawing.PointF


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VS 2008 Error: Error71Option Strict On Prohibits Operands Of Type Object For Operator '&'

Aug 4, 2009

Dim lastidcmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT MAX(ProformaID) FROM " & IIf(boolException, "ImportException_Proforma", "Proforma") & " WHERE SupplierId=" & CustomerId & ";", con)

in the part marked in red I get this error:Error71Option Strict On prohibits operands of type Object for operator '&'.how can I fix this. I turned on Option Strict today and got this error.

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VS 2008 Is This Code Correct To Add Value To Label4 From Tetxbox1 At Runtime

Apr 1, 2010

Label4.Text = Label4.Text & " " & TextBox1.Text is this code correct to add value to label4 from tetxbox1 at run time?so that the label content should look like this 45 56 67 89 .the should be appended in the label4 whatever i enter in the textbox1.Also these value should be added in the database as list of items in the single field.so that i can retrieve these values in a listbox that is in the another form .

View 24 Replies

VS 2008 Error 1 Operator '&' Is Not Defined For Types 'String' And 'System.Windows.Forms.Comb?

Sep 2, 2009

with this code dont know wht its not working source = wc.DownloadString(String.Format("http://" & cboHSearch & "/cse?cx=013269018370076798483:gg7jrrhpsy4&cof=FORID:1&q=" + cboEngine.Text + "&sa=Search", Me.cboEngine.Text.Replace(" "c, "+"c), resultCounter))

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VS 2008 Get Green Label Box To Show Correct Coordinate After Box Is Scaled

Sep 2, 2011

I am trying to get the green label box to show the correct coordinate after the box is scaled. The red box always shows the true coordinate of the mouse in the picturebox. So for example - after you click on [Scale x4], the 32x32 picturebox will be 128x128. The red box will now show from 0-127 x and y. I would like the green box to show 0-3 x and 0-3 y. Does anyone know how to do this? The code is ready to run, just cut and paste. [code]

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VS 2008 - WebBrowser - Code - Doesn't Print The Label With The Correct Thing

Oct 30, 2010

vb Public Class BugReportsCentral

Private Sub BugReportsCentral_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


Why this code doesn't work? It doesn't print the label with the correct thing.

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Vb 2008 Number Guess Game - Operator '<' Is Not Defined For Types 'System.Windows.Forms.Button' And 'Integer'

Oct 29, 2011

I am getting Errors: Operator '<' is not defined for types 'System.Windows.Forms.Button' and 'Integer'.

Operator '>' is not defined for types 'System.Windows.Forms.Button' and 'Integer'.
Value of type 'Integer' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.Button'.

And my program does not work!

Below is my code..............

Private Sub ProgressBar1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ProgressBar1.Click
ProgressBar1.Value = TextBox1.Text
End Sub


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(VB 2008) Login System Using A Database And Query Builder To Return The Correct Values

May 10, 2011

I've created a log in system using a database and query builder to return the correct values, however, once the users signed in I need to bring up the rest of their data from the same table in the database. How'd be the best way of going about this? I'm not sure whether the log in should be changed to use the primary key as well.

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VS 2008 - Update OleDB Code Error - Table Blank Apart From User Id Which Is Correct

Jan 3, 2010

I'm trying to updatesome records, currently my table is blank apart from the user id which is correct. but i get the error below.

My UserSettings table is as follows

ID is a Integer
MonthID is a Integer
YearID is a Integer
UserName is a string
Balance is a Integer
PhotoAddress is a string
GameSpeed is a Integer

This is my code and below that is my error in my ErrorTXT box.


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VS 2008 PrintPreview Dialog Loads And Correctly Displays Correct Number Of Pages

Aug 12, 2009

The PrintPreview dialog loads and correctly displays the correct number of pages.When the Print button on the dialog's toolbar is clicked, only one blank page is printed to the printer.Seperately, when calling the PrintDocument1.Print() method, all pages are printed correctly to the printer.[code]

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[2008] Express Edition - Create A Variable /add Up The Score Of Correct And Incorrect Answers?

Feb 27, 2009

i am creating a quiz which would be 20 questions for software design students and may use alot of code.my first problem is the score for the test, i know a friend of mine can add up the score but he cant move onto the next thread until you have got the question correct which is sort of cheating, i want to know how you create a variable and make that variable stay in all the forms and add up the score of correct and incorrect answers and come up with a final score for the user in the end.

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VS 2008 SendKeys.Send() Method Does Not Send The Keys Fully Correct All The Time

Nov 9, 2009


Now as you can see it is sending the textbox1 text and then pressing enter then sending textbox2 text! Theres quite a few problems in that but before i discuss note: This code is in a Timer. Problem #1: It does not send the keys fully correct all the time because its trying to send them all at once! So i want it to send them 1 letter after the other with 200 ms sleep in them! Problem #2: The sleep is not working: The reason i know is because even after it did the first textbox1 text it didnt wait that 2000 ms!

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