VS 2008 Datatable Unchanged After Change

May 28, 2010

I have a datagridview bound to a datatable via a dataview. The user is allowed to edit cells in the datagridview, thereby editing cells in the datatable. I recently found that if the user editted a cell, then closed the form without ever clicking on a different cell (thereby causing the current cell to commit), the change was vanishing because the editted contents of the cell were not being saved back to the datatable.

This was only happening if the user closed the form. Clicking on any other control on the form also caused the cell changes to commit. After rooting abut in the DGV properties, it appeared that all I needed to do is add the following code to the Form Closing event handler:

If Me.dgvCurrentRedds.IsCurrentCellDirty Then
End If

Sure enough, this caused the change to be registered in the underlying datatable. However, it was then getting obliterated by a different process, so I went looking for the source of that problem, and eventually tracked it down to this:

While the preceding code is causing the datatable to receive the new information, the datarow that has been changed still has the status Unchanged, even though it should have the status Modified since it actually has been modified. The fact that it appears unchanged causes some other code to obliterate the change, but that's irrelevant.

The question is, why is the row status UnChanged when it certainly has been Changed, and is there any sound way to force the row status to update?

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VS 2008 DataTable.Merge(AnotherDataTable) - RowState Remains Unchanged?

May 25, 2009

I want to compare differences between two tables in my database with identical schemas.

Dim changedRows As DataTable = DataTable1.GetChanges
'changedRows is always Nothing. Why???

The DataTable1 is updated with rows from DataTable2 correctly. i.e. missing rows are added and datarows that don't match are updated. But the RowState of each row is still unchanged. I need to have the rowstate (added/modified/deleted) so that I can update the database table.

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Keep The Rows Ordering Of Datatable Unchanged?

Jul 6, 2010

I have the following datatable with the ordering of DataClassIndex column before editting:



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VS 2008 Data Adapter RowState Remaining Unchanged?

May 2, 2009

I've got lots of textboxes bound to a Dataset. When I make changes to a textbox with the mouse/keyboard the rowstate becomes changed - and when I do the .EndEdit and update the row it goes to the DB.

I've got some textboxes that get changed in code. When this happens the rowstate remains UNCHANGED. Updates to the DB never occur.If the textbox is changed in code and I also change another textbox in the UI then both changes make it to the DB.

I've verified that the "in-code" changed field in the dataset is actually changed - but the ROWSTATE is still printing as UNCHANGED.Here I'm showing that field 29 has changed to "blank" - but the RowState still is UNCHANGED. Why would changes to the .Text property of a bound control does programatically not change the row state?

Seems a google for this does uncover issues like this - but nothing that's helped me fix it so far - here's one link I can't make sense of[URL]..

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Close An Unchanged Program Without Prompting To Save?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a form with textboxes for input. I have coded the Exit button to display a message box that asks the user if they want to save any data in the textboxes before exiting the program:

Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


The question I have if the textboxes are blank (nothing has been entered), how do I code the Exit button to close the program without displaying the message box asking the user to save the data.' Save the numbers. Call the btnSave_Click procedure.

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Database Updating, But GridView Remains Unchanged?

Oct 12, 2011

I've got my code to delete rows out of the database when the user clicks on the Delete button in my GridView, but the GridView isn't updating to reflect the new data changes.

Here's my code:

<asp:GridView runat="server" ID="grdQuestions" AutoGenerateColumns="false" Width="100%" CellSpacing="10"
<HeaderStyle CssClass="aspNetHeader" />


EDIT 1:Did some stepping through the code and found that e.CommandArgument is not getting a value in grdQuestions_RowCommand

EDIT 1 (Revised):The fact that e.CommandArgument wasn't getting a value was my mistake. I'd changed the way it's value was being assigned without removing the previous method.The code runs through grdQuestions_RowCommand and then goes into grdQuestions_RowDeleting and then executes GetModuleData.I have a feeling that to view changes to the grid, a PostBack might be required, but I've removed all DataBinding to an If Not IsPostBack Then block because the alternative caused problems with the DropDownList whose selection is used as a reference to populate the grid (ddlModules selected the Module whose Questions will display in the grid).

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DataGridView Unchanged After Adding Row To Bound DataSet

Jun 11, 2010

I add a row to the DataSet using the following code:
Dim NewRow as DataRow
NewRow = gds.Tables("TitleDataSet").NewRow
NewRow("Title") = txtTitle.Text
NewRow("Local_number") = nubLocalnumber.Value
NewRow("Number_suffix") = txtNumberSuffix.Text

This code executes without errors but the bound DataGridView remains unchanged (without including the new row). Obviously I am doing something wrong or I am omitting a vital command. What do I need to do in order to make the new row appear in the DataGridView? I did not choose to bind the DataGridView directly to the database table because the database is selected by the user at execution time. Instead I bound the DataGridView to the DataSet. I included the command:L
dgvTitle.AllowUserToAddrows = True
but that did not have any effect.

Solved. Was missing the final command:L

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Assign A Value To A Message Box For When The Default Value Displayed In The Text Box Is Unchanged?

Jan 25, 2012

How can I assign a value to a message box for when the default value displayed in the text box is unchanged. ie. If my default value is 17 and the user clicks ok without retyping a number, the Input value displayed in a textbox will be 0.

Currently I have:

Public Class Form1
Dim MyValue As Double
Private Sub But_EnterInput_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_EnterInput.Click
MyValue = CDbl(InputBox("Input a value", "Data Input", "17", 200, 400))


This works however if the user types 17, the textbox will read 0. not what i want.

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Make Connection String As Stable(unchanged For All Environment)?

Jun 6, 2011

i am using MS ACCESS DATABASE for data processing in vb.net, so i need to change the "connection string" while re-compile in another machines ,so i want to make connection string as stable(unchanged for all environment)

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VS 2008 Nesting A Datatable Inside A Datatable?

Mar 16, 2011

Is there a way to nest a datatable into another datatable? I know you can do this with gridviews but thats not what I'm looking for.

Also, I don't want to merge the datatables. What I'm trying to do is have a datatable with 2 columns and each column containing different datatables.

View 7 Replies

Change IEnumerable To Datatable?

Dec 30, 2009

I used this but did not work :

Dim IENUM As IEnumerable = dat.getDanhSachDongSP
Dim bid as New BindingSource
bid.DataSource = IENUM
Dim dt2 As DataTable
dt2 = bid.DataSource

It show error "cant convert from IEnumberable to datatable"

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Change Datatype In A Datatable?

Jan 5, 2009

I have a datatable that I read xml into.

One of the columns is a date, but the dataype of that column is set to string. Is it possible to change that dataype to date?

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Change Value In Datagridview Or Datatable?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm selecting value from my database, passing it to datatable then giving DataGridView.DataSource value of datatable.The thing is that in those rows i'm also selecting some dates and problem is that my default date in database is '1900-01-01 00:00:00' because i use "smalldatetime". And what i want is this...when I find default value in database i want to show it like an empty string, like i said...because date is in smalldatetime format i can't do this in SQL query so i wonder how can I change this in DataTable or even better in DataGridView...of course, in code?

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Change DataType Of Datatable Columns?

Sep 7, 2011

I want to change the DataType of all columns of DataTable. I don't want use the loop.. [URL]

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C# - Change All Values In Specific Column In Datatable

Apr 9, 2012

I have a datatable contain fId field. I want to update all values for this field to "1" without using loop. [Code]

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Change DataTable Column's Type On Runtime?

Dec 3, 2010

I am trying to set to autonumber, the column called "enregistrement" , that exists into different dataTables that I have.

For TabIndex = 0 To oData.Tables.Count - 1


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Change Datatable Fill Or Get Command Text?

Apr 12, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to change the Fill command text of a datatable before issuing it.I need this because the table I am opening has over 15 thousand rows and it hangs for a while in the network when filling the table. So I would like to tell it what to SELECT instead of getting the whole table and then applying a filter.If there's a way of doing that without changing the fill command, it will also work for me.

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VS 2008 : DataTable Filter To Another DataTable?

Mar 11, 2010

i have a datatable with some data, i need to select some of the data, and put that data in a new datatable.

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DB/Reporting :: Change Column Order In DataTable Or DataGridView?

Mar 3, 2008

I'm retooling an app, and condensing my queries down to one, but to do so, I would like to move the columns for better presentation. I am reporting on errors for particlular equipment, and the user may want to get equipment by errors or errors by equipment. Is there any way to change column order?

View 5 Replies

VS 2010 - DataTable - Change / Remove Some Data Using Loop Does Not Work

Jan 24, 2012

I'm pulling data from my DB, adding it to a DataTable and binding that DataTable to my DataGridView. Before I bind the data, I need to change/remove some data. When I loop through the rows and use a Select Case, just for this column, it doesn't work. But if I use an If, it works fine. [Code] In the example above, the "Pass_Flag" row works just fine, but the "FailureCD" does not. But after the Select, with the If statement, it works. In the example, I'm casting the row as a string first and then an integer. I tried casting to an integer in the select case and it doesn't work either.

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Query A DataTable - Change The Query At Runtime (ex. Changing The Customer Name)

Oct 15, 2011

I created a RDCL in the designer. I would like the User to Determine what is shown in the Report. How can I change the query at runtime? (ex. changing the customer Name)

This is the query that I have in the properties:

SELECT [Date], Address, Customer, Orders
FROM Report_qry
WHERE (Customer= 'JohnDoe')

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Loop Datatable And Select Checkboxlist Item Based On The Datatable Field Values

Aug 18, 2011

I am trying to display value of the field ("UserID") for every row exists in datatable to checkboxlist(make the checkboxlist item selected).

I used for loop, but only the field value from last row of RoleUsers table is selected in the checkboxlist.

Here is my code

Private Sub DisplayRoleUser()
Dim conn As SqlConnection
Dim cmd As SqlCommand


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VS 2005 Datatable Vs Dataview - Apply A Filter To The Defaultview.rowfilter Property Of That Datatable

Mar 15, 2010

I have a datatable and I apply a filter to the defaultview.rowfilter property of that datatable. If I then loop through the rows collection of the datatable, will I only be able to see those rows that the filter applies to, or will it loop through all the rows?

View 6 Replies

VS 2010 : System.ArgumentException Was Unhandled Message=DataTable 'get_item_list' Does Not Match To Any DataTable In Source

Apr 21, 2010

I am working on a project that takes an xml schema and xml data files and places them into a DataTable, the 2 files are generated from a working table that i have written to disk. I wish to load these 2 files into a DataTable. Here is What i have

Friend Function CreateTable(ByVal tableName As String) As Boolean
Dim table As New DataTable(tableName)
table.ReadXmlSchema(tableName & ".xsd")


this however produces the following error on line 3


System.ArgumentException was unhandled Message=DataTable 'get_item_list' does not match to any DataTable in source.

get_item_list is the parameter passed into this function (tableName)

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Datagridview Bound To A Datatable Setting Its Datasource Property To The Datatable

May 20, 2011

I have a datagridview bound to a datatable setting its datasource property to the datatable. I would like to have a child form that contains a list of columns associated with the datatable that contains a checkbox that will allow the user to hide and show the columns ( I do not know the best control to use here) (I assume this is the easy part as All i need to do is loop through each of the datatable's columns to get the column name)

now I would like save these visible columns on some event like form_closing so that the next time the user opens the form up it will remember the settings

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Get Subset DataTable From Main DataTable, But Preserve Primary Key & RowErrors?

Apr 16, 2012

I came across a problem with using a BindingSource as my DataGridViews.DataSource. Whenever I applied a filter to a column in the BindingSource and the user makes changes that don't match the column filter the DataGridViewRows would automatically disappear. A similar thing would happen when applying a Sort to a column. If the user made any changes the DridGirdViewRows would automatically sort causing rows to be moved around. This was not ideal for my application and there isn't anyway to stop this from happening with the BindingSource.

To correct this issue I have to use subsets of data. I use a DataView to apply the filter and sort to the main DataTable, which creates the subset DataTable.The problem is when I use the DataView.ToTable method I loose the Primary Key and RowError information. So I have to reapply this information everytime the user filters or sorts the DataGridView.Is there a better way to get a subset DataTable?[code]...

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VS 2010 Datatable - Summarize Multiple Occurrences Of An Item In A Datatable

Jun 5, 2012

I have a datatable that has a resource in one field and hours used in another, it looks like this -

Resource Hours Used
Manager 1
Accountant 1
Field Staff 2
Accountant 3
Manager 4
Manager 1
Administrator 6
Field Staff 4
Manager 0.5
Administrator 1

What I want to do is be able to create a summary of the data table above that groups multiple occurrences of a resource and adds up the hours used for that resource, creating a summary that looks like this -

Resource Hours Used
Manager 6.5
Accountant 4
Field Staff 6
Administrator 7

View 15 Replies

Assign A Populated Datatable's Columns To Another Empty Datatable?

May 28, 2007

Is there a simple way to assign a populated datatable's columns to another empty datatable? That is, I want to copy a datatable's structure only but not its data.

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Creating DataTable And Copy Existing DataTable Schema?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm using vb.net 2010.I have a DataSet with a Table and data. MyDataSet1 which contains Table1 I want to create another table that is the same as the Table1 but without data, but it should have the columns, etc.

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Getting Array Of Selected Datarows From A Datatable.select Into A Datatable?

Apr 8, 2009

I am getting array of selected datarows from a datatable.select.I use the commands below to get that array or datarows

Dim foundRows() As DataRow
strExpression =

Here is what I tried.I have looked at examples by MS but they all just write to the screen and I have no interest in that.

For Each rowWork In foundRows

"LineOfBusiness = 'CPP'"

foundRows = modXchange.pdtWork.Select(strExpression)

Now, I want to place the rows from foundrows into an empty data table.I did what I thought was the obvious but that only returns a bunch of rows with no data

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