VS 2008 Delete Stuff At Runtime?

Jun 12, 2011

VS 2008 [RESOLVED] Delete stuff at runtime

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Delete Stuff At Runtime?

Jun 30, 2010

Adding it there but if i load i it loads it all

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VS 2008 - How To Delete XML Information At Runtime

Jul 1, 2010

How Do you delete xml information if you can add it to at runtime then prehaps you can also change it a run time.

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Drop Down Box And Other Stuff In ASP.NET With (VS 2008)

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to polish up a program a program that I have converted from a Windows Form in to an ASP.NET Web Application. I have several questions:

1.) I have a drop down box where users can select their variables, but users can also enter their variables manually into various text fields. What I want is for the drop down box to show a string like "Choose Variables" when ever the user enters their variables manually. I want this to happen without having to reload the page.

2.) In the Windows Form version of this application I had a RichTextBox that populated with data (line by line) after a calculation was made. I used "AppendText" in my Windows Form, but that is not available in ASP.NET, and neither is the RichTextBox. I tried to use just a text box but that isn't working right.


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Delete A Variable On Runtime?

May 25, 2011

im using many variables in my project however, they are most of the time used for 1 or 2 things, so having them loaded up like that forever sounds not very good for performance.Is there a way i can remove a variable after i no longer need it?

for example:

private sub button1_click() handles button1.click
dim result as integer = var2 + var1 / 2


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Delete Point At Runtime?

Sep 21, 2010

I am able to draw points on a picture box. Add Labels to the points i draw. And delete the Labels at runtime.

It is the last part im having an issue with. Apparrently when i press the button to delete all the labels it does that because i can then start creating the labels again in the picture box starting at 0 again. But it leaves all the old labels visible on the screen. I assume i need to delete the Points to but this is beyond my current knowledge set.[code]...

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VS 2008 Updates Stuff Up Intellisence?

Aug 17, 2009

Last night 3 updates automatically installed from VS 2008 on my comp KB952241, KB971091 and KB973674 Today intellisence was not working for .net - I uninstalled the updates and everything is, once again, working fine I dont know what update did it ... But I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this - I would rather not have the updates if they stuff things up.

Oh - and before anyone asks - I tried resetting the visual studio settings

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VS 2008 Network Stuff - Get The List Of Games ?

Mar 23, 2009

In games such as Warcraft III, you can play against players on LAN, and it can show a list of games being hosted by people on LAN. There is no central server that holds the entire list, so how does it get the list of games? And also, how would I code something that creates a game on LAN, like a bot?

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How To Delete Selected Button Controls In Runtime

Sep 3, 2009

I have a block of code below that allows the user to create new buttons at runtime at the click of the right button at runtime.But i am wondering how to detect the selected button on the main form and then the user can delete the selected button at runtime.

The other thing the user can do is also to drag the button around the win form when in runtime. Cause i'm new in VB and i am exploring this part. the code that i have is here and it is created by one of the member in msdn.


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VS 2008 - Sqlserver Database - Tables And Stuff Just Vanish ?

Jul 1, 2009

I seem to have a major problem. when I add a typed dataset to my project and go back to my sql server and click on the databse I use it doesn't open. the tables and stuff just vanish. using the wizard, it creates this connectionstring:

<add name="Schenectady.My.MySettings.SISQL2ConnectionString"
connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataSISQL3.mdf";Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

It connects fine. but after I try opening it in sql server i get an error. It doesnt let me restore or anything. i tried restarting my pc incase the db was locked but it is still gone. now my app cant connect. Just for clarity, is user instance supposed to be set to true. and what is the purpose of it. also when the wizard asks to make a copy of the file that will be copied accross each time I run my project I select No.

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VS 2008 Get File Contents To Make Program Do Certain Stuff?

Nov 7, 2009

1)How can I make my program get the contents of a .txt file on my website to tell the program to run or not?Here is and example of what I want:Say the file says "Running", the program would run without problems.If the file was to say "Unavailable", a pop up would appear saying "The program is currently unavailable, try again later." Then once the person clicked OK, the program would close.

2)How can I make the program get contents from a .txt file to get the latest version of the program, then if there is a newer version, there would be a pop up saying there is a newer version and they need to update. Then when they clicked OK, the program would close and it would open their default web browser or Internet Explorer to the update page.

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VS 2008 What Type Of Project To Chose To Get Stuff Done On List

Oct 25, 2010

I am quite new to the VB scene, and am still quite confused by the variety of options presented as far as choosing the correct project type.I have been coding for roughly 4 years now and consider myself still to be a beginner. My past experiences include, hmtl, C++, vba, assembly, and a few others which I'm sure currently escape me.However, VB is a whole new boat and I'm just not sure where to get started with what I want to do.I've Googled the internet, went through the MSDN, and even did some tutorials.My current dilemma is I wish to make a program that will do a the following: Allow a User to download a set of data from an embedded web page.Open an excel file Download more data from a different web page.Open another excel document..I'm sure this is probably quite simple to do (read: I hope...). However I'm just not sure where to begin as far as choosing a project type. Additionally I'd like to have it set up with buttons, where button1 reads something along the lines of "Step 1: Click Here to Go and Download Data", "Step 2: Click Here to browse to excel file", etc etc.What type of project do I chose to get the stuff done on my list?

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VS 2008 - Sending Stuff From Window Forms To Remote SQL Server

Mar 2, 2012

I want a quick and easy way of sending stuff from my window forms to my remote SQL server, my remote sql server allows remote connections to my IP address. How can I do this? I also need to return a result, either true of false.

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How To FileInfo Before, Delete Or SHIFT + DELETE, Process Final Delete Of File

Feb 13, 2011

How can be find out which file is going to delete when, user provides command like DELETE or SHIFT + DELETE or by programmatically gives DELETE command. Well I know about FileSystemWatcher Class, but this class doesn't provide information before delete...

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VS 2010 Upgrade From 2008 To 2010 - Now LINQ - IntelliSense Is Not Working For LINQ Stuff

Apr 20, 2010

I just upgraded a project from VB 2008 to VB 2010. Before, the project did not use LINQ. I have started implementing it. So, I have updated the target framework from 2.0 to 3.5, and added a reference to System.Core, and imported the namespace System.LINQ to the entire project and also imported System.Data.LINQ into the form I'm working with (because it was not available in the list for Imported Namespaces in the references tab).

It's not throwing any errors now, but my IntelliSense is not working for LINQ stuff.

For example... I write this:


Then, if I type S. on the next line, the IntelliSense doesn't grab what it should for S (Only get Equals, GetHashCode, GetType, ReferenceEquals, and ToString, instead of the options I should get like Count, First, FirstOrDefault, etc...). If I Type S.First. then its the same thing, no IntelliSense that lists the available fields for S, just the standard options (Equals, GetHashCode, GetType, ReferenceEquals, and ToString). I should be seeing my column names in my table when I type S.FirstOrDefault.

So any ideas what is going on? When I type the code, for example, MessageBox.Show(S.FirstOrDefault.FirstName), it works perfectly. But it doesn't change the casing of the text (so it would read s.firstordefault.firstname) and no intellisense while doing it. But no errors. BTW - Everything works perfectly when creating a NEW VS 2010 application, it's just my projects upgraded from Visual Basic 2008 that have this issue.

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.net - STL Like Stuff In VB?

Dec 4, 2011

Is there anything like STL in Visual Basic , e.g a binary tree , quick sort Do I have to implement those algorithms myself , does Microsoft provide any useful interface ?

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Declare Stuff At Once?

Sep 23, 2008

i am making a program and the program runs too slow, so i would like to declare my functions at once.. not like this :


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Use MS's VB Express And Stuff?

Jan 17, 2010

I've been looking for some programming languages, and I've read about the basics of Python and C++, but I'm more interested in Visual Basic But! Everywhere I look, I only find tutorials about how to use MS's Visual Basic Express and stuff, not how to code, not tutorials about the code syntax, how to declare variables and these essential things.Does anyone here has a good tip about learning the basics of VB? And not how to use VB Express/Full edition I can insert a new button but I have no idea on how to make it work, what's the point of it?

EDIT: Oh and another thing.I was playing around VB, creating a simple user interface with buttons, and I've noticed that the code doesn't change when I update the button's or other objects' Name property in the Designer window... shouldn't the code update itself with the new objects names?

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Ut The Stuff Into The Hashtables?

Jul 25, 2009

i have a hashtables working with a simple dictionary, my problem is i put the stuff into the hashtables but i cant extract the key... i need the key so i can remove stuff from it using the code..

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Add Stuff Form One Combo Box To Another?

May 11, 2011

i am working on a project! the problem i am having is that i have two combo box first combo box takes stuff form the file and then add it to listfile it also removes that selected file from the combo box.suppose i have four carid in my combo box...when i select one car and then send it to dispatch it removes form tht combo box and add it to the lst file... this much i can do. is i need that carid that removes from the combo box should add in another combo box ... but i cant able to do it

Public Class MainForm
Private strCarID() As String
Private strTime As DateTime
Private strDate As DateTime


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Add Stuff To The Existing Tables?

Sep 10, 2009

I am making kind of like a login form, except a little more complicated. Right now I have an SQL Database that stores the login information. My question is, how do I add stuff to the existing tables? Like How would I have it so an admin can type in a new login and a new password, and have it so the form stores it in one of my tables in the database?

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Cannot Display Any Stuff On ListBox?

Feb 1, 2012

I can't get anything to display on the list box that I created named "depreciationListBox" I have been working on this project for a while and I am quite stumped.

Private Sub displayButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles displayButton.Click
Dim cost As Double
Dim life As Double = CDbl(lifeListBox.SelectedItem)
Dim period As Double
[Code] .....

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Converting .Net To Delphi (API Stuff)?

May 8, 2011

Dim ThisModule As IntPtr
Dim Proc As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("Sol")
For i = 0 To Proc(0).Modules.Count - 1


I have made this code, and works perfectly, but now... i want to make it in Delphi, the problem is... i have not the enough knowledge for make it, and... in google, i haven't found the information i need.

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Get Rid Of All Microsoft.VisualBasic Stuff?

Nov 6, 2010

I am almost done cleaning the code. It is a huge project and I only have 35 errors left. I have opened a new thread as this is no longer only about IsNumeric. All errors relate to the following Microsoft.VisualBasic keywords:

DateDiff <=== solved date.Subtract(otherDate)


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Passing Stuff To And From PHP File

Feb 11, 2009

I saw this thread and think that this is something I could use [URL]. I'd like to be able to pass stuff to and from a PHP file.

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Stopping The Loop Stuff?

Jul 23, 2011

I used a combination of If and doWhile loop codes. Is it possible that the loop will stop at 2nd loop if it will perform a 3 loops?I'm creating an app that if the problem is got the match at 2nd out of 3rd loop, the loop will stop.

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Button Clicks Stuff In Webbrowser1?

Jul 30, 2011

How can i make it where you click button 1 and on a page likeebbrowser1 it will click the text Add as friend cause they don't

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C# - Finalizers Accessing Managed Stuff

Jul 26, 2010

I am well aware that finalizers are typically used to control unmanaged resources. Under what circumstances may a finalizer deal with managed ones? My understanding is that presence in the finalizer queue will prevent any object, or objects strongly referenced thereby, from being collected, but it will not (of course) protect them from finalization. In the normal course of events, once an object is finalized it will be removed from the queue and any objects it references will no longer be protected from collection on the next GC pass. By the time a finalizer is called, the finalizers may have been called for any combination of objects referred to by the object; one cannot rely upon finalizers being called in any particular sequence, but the object references one holds should still be valid.


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Connect To Rcon And Handle Stuff?

Feb 19, 2010

How do I connect to the rcon and handle the stuff?

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Creating A Variable For Bunch Of Stuff?

Mar 1, 2012

I want to create a variable that will hold bunch of stuff.

I will be using over 50 IF statements (it's a complicated number game) and the IF statements will be something like this.

If something = 1 then
' do this
' then do that


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