VS 2008 - Determining On Which Drive Windows Installed

Dec 5, 2009

I wrote this code to try and figure out which drive Windows is installed on - it basically starts with C and looks for the first "fixed disk" with a Windows folder.

' Start with c: and look for first fixed drive (type=3) with a windows folder
Dim getInfo As System.IO.DriveInfo
Dim m_start As Integer = 67
Dim m_drv As String = Chr(m_start) & ":windows"
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Windows Updates Being Installed?

Jul 29, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to detect if Windows Updates are currently being installed.The reason is that I have written some software that sends my PC to hibernation if is idle for a specific amount of time, but I do not want this to happen if Windows is in the process of updating.

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VS 2008 Check On Which Disk Is Windows Installed On?

Aug 22, 2010

Is there a function that determines the letter that windows is on installed. For example:


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IDE :: Install VB 2008 On Windows Vista But Getting Error To Be Installed In The Global Assembly Cache?

Apr 24, 2010

I have sent out software created with VB2008 Express and everything has installed correctly on my PC which is running windows vista. But they can't get it to install, one is running XP the other Vista, they get the following errors

Windows XP

Microsoft.VisualBasic.Powerpacks.Vs Version to be installed in the Global Assembly Cache

Windows Vista

system.windows.forms.data visualization version be installed in the global assembley cache first

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Determining Which Tab Is Selected In Windows Forms TabControl (VS 2010)?

Nov 17, 2010

I couldt find an event that I can use to determinate which tab page is selected. I couldt find SelectIndexChanged

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VS 2008 - Choose Data Source - User To Easily Create A Connection To Any Installed Data Types They Have Installed

Jun 1, 2011

I have been trying for days now how to create a process to the user to easily create a connection to any installed data types they have installed. I have found an example right inside vb2008. I never use this because I code my own connections, but this would be real nice if I could include it or duplicate it.

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VS 2008 Determining Architecture Of OS (x86 Or X64)?

Nov 1, 2009

When trying to determine the Architecture of an OS, I ran across IntPtr.From reading the documentation, I saw this: Quote:The IntPtr type is designed to be an integer whose size is platform-specific. That is, an instance of this type is expected to be 32-bits on 32-bit hardware and operating systems, and 64-bits on 64-bit hardware and operating systems.

Since the size of IntPtr is intended to be the size of the architecture, would it be feasible to test the size and determine the OS by that? Or is there a better way?

I was thinking there might also be a way via WMI, but I don't want to use that for compatibility reason.

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[2008]Determining Age From DOB And Date.Now

Jan 6, 2009

I am looking for a method to determine an applicants age from a masked text box(date). Below is what I am using but I wnat to utilize vb.net code instead of inherited datediff from VB6, also this method rounds off the age e.g 44.9 to 45 which is not acceptable.

Below is what I am currently using, looking for a better way.

Private _age As Int32
Private _SixQvar As Int32
'This determines the age of the client and sets the value of _SixQvar


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IDE :: Can VS2010 And The CTP Installed On Windows 7

Jul 24, 2009

If not what else is needed.

Is it possible to install it as a virtual application?

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Determining Windows Startup Mode (Safe Mode, Normal)

Jun 21, 2010

I'm wondering if there is any code that I could use in VB.net so it can determine the computer's startup mode (such as safe mode or safe mode with networking).

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Detect If An Application Has Been Installed On A Windows PC In A App?

Jan 30, 2010

I know the default install path of the app and the name of the .exe file, but is there a way to see if it is actually installed? I've seen suggestions for checking registry entries, but I don't know if this app uses any or if if varies for different users on different pc's.


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Show Installed Windows Updates?

Jun 11, 2011

This is going to sound weird but I was wondering if there is a way to show in a list all of the installed Windows Updates.

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Specific Windows Updates Are Installed?

May 31, 2010

I'm trying to figure out if specific Windows updates are installed so I can install the correct ones.I'm currently checking the WindowsUpdates.log file that is located within the windows directory, but it's terribly unreliable.In my search to find an alternative method, I cam across this blog post. It seems like a perfect fit. Unless you take into account that this is VBScript and their querying Microsoft.Update.Session.what class in WMI that would relate to VB so I can pull the info.

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.net - Windows Service Be Installed With Express Edition?

Dec 8, 2009

EDIT: I'm starting a bounty on this question. For the moment, I've moved on and am developing my application using VS2010 Pro Beta, but I'd really like it to be able to be built with express edition, since we are generally not a .net shop and even if one or two developers have VS PRO it will not be available to our entire team.

To be the accepted answer and claim the bounty, you must provide sample code and instructions that will allow a Windows Service to be installed and uninstalled using vb 2008 express edition. You don't necessarily need to start with my code (but the essentials of it are included below).


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ASP Files On Windows 7 Aren't Loaded Even Though Installed IIS?

Jun 5, 2011

I don't know how to get my asp code to work on windows 7. I ran my project, it works correctly.

But for some pages I'm getting an HTTP 401.5 error.

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Creating A Program That Once Installed Was A Windows Toolbar ?

Nov 6, 2011

I'm wondering how I would go about creating a program that once installed was a windows toolbar. What I'm trying to do is similar to the clipboard, but I want to customize it to my own style. I work in a data entry job and many of the bills we enter have similar information that I'd like to be able to enter without repeated typing. I'd like the toolbar to be docked to the top of the screen, and have several buttons on it. Clicking a button, while having a focus in my data entry program, would paste the button's text (or the full text of what the button caption represented) into the selected field. Alternately, if focus between multiple applications is too difficult to try, then clicking the button would highlight the text and copy it to the windows clipboard, so I could then click back into my data entry program and hit ctrl-v. I dont need help on the program itself...just on how to make it as a windows toolbar, if possible.

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VS 2008 Determining Count For Readbytes Function Of Binaryreaders

Feb 8, 2011

I was trying to make a client/server application. Server listens at a specific port for an incoming connection and if there is a connection it accepts is and asks for a password. If password is correct then they simply wait for some "string" from eachother. everything is fine if I send and get data in string format. there is no problem at all!

(By the way I am using simple usual TcpListener/TcpClient, Networkstream, Binaryreader/writer, etc...

I decided to add file transfer option. well for that i needed to transfer data in byte arrays. Because of this I decided to make all data traffic in byte arrays. So I converted strings to arrays and arrays to string in between. In case of file transfer, file chunks are being sent with a cap like "[cap]"<data chunk>. This was my idea. On the other side there is a sub looking what is coming and what does it mean by looking its cap. In case of file transport specific cap, cap will be removed and data is being added to previous ones...

My problem was, that my binaryreader: reader reads incoming data without any parameter:


But in case of readbytes i have to put a parameter called count.
Well I don't know how much bytes are going to come until I get them. In case of TcpClient I can get it with: Client.GetStream.length.

But how can I get the same result with TcpListener? (At the server)

Can I transfer chunks of file bytes in string format and convert them back to bytearrays without any loss or problem?

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.net - Secure Pen / USB Drive - Windows

Jun 16, 2011

I want to built an application using VB.NET so USB drive can be enabled/disabled [without OS Restart] to secure from file being copied without owner's permission! Before putting - or down vote, write your reason to do so

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C# - Check If A Windows Application Is Installed On Local Machine From Asp.net?

Mar 17, 2010

We have a certain application installed on a single machine. I would like to enable/disable a button based on the existence of this application. Is there a way to check for its existence from asp.net?

the app is currently on an XP machine, but want to code for Win7 as well. VS2008 3.51. Asp.net

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IDE :: Do Users Of Windows Applications Have To Have Database Application Installed

Jan 26, 2009

Do users of windows applications have to have the database application installed if your program uses databases to store information? For example, when making VB2008 programs, if I use the visual studio express database (.sdf), or maybe a MSAccess database, to store information within my visual basic program...when I deploy the application to the users, can they run the program okay even if they don't have MSAccess installed on their computer?Also, do I need to have MSAccess installed in order to write programs that use MSAccess databases?

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Use OpenGL In Visual Studio 2010 32 Bit Installed On Windows 7 64 Bit?

Dec 25, 2011

i have installed visual studio 2010 32 bit on my new computer which have windows 7 64 bit. Everything seems ok. But now I try to learn how to draw some spheres with movement. I have tried to install openGL2 but it does not work or said that it does not fit with 64 bit, or it works only with VC.

Could any one, please, give me a short introduction to install and use open GL in vb.net 2010 installed on windows 7 64 bits ?

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Windows Service Not Showing Up When Installed With Setup Project?

Aug 31, 2009

I have a simple windows Service developed in VS.net 2008 and VB.net. When I install the service using Installutil.exe from the command prompt it is working like a charm.

When I try to add a setup project and set the output and build and install it though it says successfully installed, it is not showing up in the services.

The event log shows that it is successfully installed. I just did check the registry, it did place the assemblies in HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftinstallerassemblies.

But I don't understand why it is not showing up in the services listing. I refreshed and restarted.

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Map A Network Drive Over A Windows Service?

Mar 2, 2010

How can I map a network drive over a Windows Service. What I did until now.

Using the Shell command. -> not working.


Shell("net use \" & My.Settings.ParaRootPath & " " & My.Settings.ParaPasswordHTTPS & " " & "/user:" & My.Settings.ParaLoginHTTPS)

Using a System.Diagnostics.Process object. -> not working


ShellExecute As New System.Diagnostics.Process
ShellExecute.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
ShellExecute.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"


If I run the application as normal application, it is working correctly.

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Restrict Access To A Drive In Windows?

Feb 3, 2010

i need to restrict access to a drive in windows using vb.net

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VB Windows Service That Maps A Drive Then Uses It?

Feb 22, 2012

How to map a network drive to be used by a service. My question is relatively similar, and I realize there are others that are.. but I can't get it to work. I am creating the service thru visual studio 2010.

I attempted to map using WNetAddConnection2- and it successfully maps and is instantly lost (check if drive is mapped right after mapping it). I tried something else. saw some information about using WSH.. I added the reference and tried using wsh... didn't work.I tried WNetUseConnection and that failed as well.

Attempted running the service under a different profile- that didn't work Once I actually get access to the network drive, i need to copy files from that share into a local directory. Maybe I'm missing the boat here but If someone could give me a thorough explaination of what is actually going on and a direction to head I can probably figure it out

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Windows 7 FileExists Error - Get The Drive Letters To Work In The IDE?

Jul 11, 2011

I'm running Visual Studio 2005 SP2 on Windows 7. When I'm in the IDE and execute a My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists, or DirectoryExists or CopyDirectory, etc. that accesses a network drive using the drive letter (i.e. L:) it thows an error. If I use the full UNC (\computernamesharedfolder) it works. However, if I go into my project's bin folder and run the compiled .exe from there, the drive letters work. I've tried running VS.Net as admin and it makes no difference. How do I get the drive letters to work in the IDE?

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Access Cryptainer Virtual Drive Projects Using Windows 7 & Net 2005?

Jan 17, 2011

I am trying to migrate from XP & Net 2005 to Windows 7 & Net 2010 My intention was to replicate net 2005 first & get projects working before installing net 2010, as I envisaged all sorts of learning tasks which I could resolve at a snaill pace whilst still being able to operate with net 2005

Stage 1 was to load 2005 on Windows 7, no problems yet.

Stage 2 open the Virtual Cryptainer drive

Stage 3 load a project ( was never a problem with XP)

Stage 4 project errors reported as not being able to access linked modules in another folder

Windows 7 seems to have more folder security/permissions than XP, so I altered as many folders being associated with the project but to no avail.By changing the virtual drive folder permissions are they amended on the drive folders (if so how would this affect going back to XP)

are the folder permissions somehow stored in the registry, which means if I restore an old virtual drive from backup, does W7 now know the permissions & apply them to the back up drive, even though those folders were never accessed in W7?By the way, anybody reading this that does not know about Cryptainer, should look at it very seriously, I now have no data files on drive C, & all my data files in the cryptainer vault are compact & virtually impossible to be opened without a password up to 100 char long!

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Adding Call Functions For Defragment Hard Drive And Other .msc Tools For Windows?

Jun 2, 2011

My problem is that I am creating system tools for windows with a good gui and I don't know how to start with it. One of my difficulties is making code for calling any window tools for example, defragment.msc, backup, system restore, registry editor(I knew there's already a thread in here but it is closed).In short, I will create a "Utility tools ALL IN ONE" for my project somewhat like a registry cleaner or advance system optimizer and the likes.

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WMI To Get Drive Letter Association With Physical Drive Path Misses CDROMs?

Feb 19, 2012

I'm running the following WMI script to get the associations between drive letters and physical drives on the system, but for some reason it omits CDROMs/DVD-ROMs. Can someone tell me how to get those as well?

ComputerName = "."
Set wmiServices = GetObject _
("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!//" & ComputerName)
Set wmiDiskDrives = wmiServices.ExecQuery _
("SELECT DeviceID FROM Win32_DiskDrive")


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Finding Physical Drive Number Using Drive Letter?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a program that allows the user to enter a drive letter into a text box. The program then takes the letter and find the physical drive number (i.e. deviceharddisk3..). It then stripes out everything and leaves me with the number 3.

In VB6 I used mDrive.bas from vbAccelerator.com and it worked perfectly. I have been all over the internet and back and cannot find a solution written in VB.NET.

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