VS 2008 Finding And Writing To A String In A Text File?

Jul 24, 2009

Well I basically know how to read a text file, replace text then write to one. how to append text after a specified string (ie, insert text at a specified line, removing the text after a string in a line and changing it without altering other lines, etc). Can someone please tell me how I would go about adding a string after a certain string in a text file? For example:

I Have:


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[2008] Finding In A Text File Then Using It As A String?

Jan 23, 2009

In a text file I have users add a folder using the folderbrowserdialog users then push add which appends the text with lets say they selected downloads

downloadspath=C:documents and settingsJamesDesktop

how can I make it so that when they push a button it seraches for downloadsname then after the = is the text to use as a string and do the same with downloadspath

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Overwriting The String While Writing On Text File?

Jan 15, 2012

I have written a program which reads the text from the text file cleans it for some specific letters or phrases and then saves it in another text file. I am having a problem in rewriting the processed or cleaned data (after it has removed some phrases and characters)onto writing the file.

I have successfully written the text on the file except one problem. In each loop when each string is cleaned and is written on the text file, it overwrites the previous string. What I want is that it should write in the next line or in the same line.

My code is given below:
Private Sub btnopen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnopen.Click
FileOpen.Title = "Please select the file"


how can I write the text in the new line and avoid overwriting of text in my text file.

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VS 2010 : Set The Last Position Of String When Writing To Text File?

Sep 16, 2011

I'm outputting a number of variables to a text file and each field needs to be in a specific place.For example:I have a string that is varying in length, but will never be more than 5 characters. The string has to end on the 8th character of the line. Is there a way to write the string to ensure that the string ends at a specific place on the line, regardless of the length?

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VS 2008 Writing To A Text File?

Jan 16, 2010

For writing to a Text file and saving it somewhere like my C: drive, Should the following work?

Dim 1 As NewStreamWriter ("C: est.txt")

I want to put this code into the On btn click section so it outputs the content of my listbox into a .txt file ready for printing if needed

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[2008] Writing A Text File?

Jan 6, 2009

writing a text file, If LineData(1) = "ABCDE" then I need the file to look like this when the text file is opened:$mov "ABCD" D10 No other quotes or spaces are allowed. Now I have opening and closing quotes on the entire line no quotes on the ABCD section

DRegister = 10
FileName = "C:PLC Print2.txt"
FileOpen(ff, FileName, OpenMode.Output)
For K = 1 To I


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VB 2008 Express : Writing To A Text File?

May 20, 2009

i read a text file and i need to overwrite the first line of the text file this is my code

Private Sub readProvisionOrder()
'Loads ProvisionOrder from text file
Dim sFileName As String ' name of file in the directory
Dim sr_ProductsFile As StreamReader 'file reading variable


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VS 2008 Writing And Reading Text From File?

Nov 11, 2011

This is what i wanna do and dont really know how:

When i click button "StoreX":
if X.ini does not exist it will be created at the same folder as application
NumericUpDown1 value stored at X.ini line 1


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VS 2008 Writing Text To Bitmap File?

Oct 30, 2009

So what's happening is, I open the original image, get the graphics object, draw a string to it then save it as a new file.

Dim path As String = ImageThumbs.Rows(0).Cells(ImageThumbs.Rows(0).Cells.IndexOf(ImageThumbs.SelectedCells(0))).T


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[2008] Finding The First Empty String In A String Array?

Mar 2, 2009

i have a string array that i want to output to a text file. the array size is 10000. i fill the array starting from 0 with some strings. at the end, i only want to show the array from index 256 to the last array that is not empty (for eg. if the array is filled with data from 0 to 2000, i only want the text file to show the data from 256 to 2000 and ignore the remaining strings). Is there any function to do this?t i use is shown below

Dim myArray(10000) as string
Dim strArray As New System.IO.StreamWriter("c:List.txt")
strArray.WriteLine("{0,10}{1,30}", "Index", "Symbol")


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VS 2010 Finding Text In A Textbox And Copying It To A String Variable?

Jan 9, 2011

I'm trying to make a program that can export my schedule into a CSV file to upload on to google calender.I need to extract some text within a textbox control. I'll show you an example.This is the text in the textbox:


Monday, 10 January, 2011
09:45 - 18:00
Phone Work09:45 - 12:15


I need to get just the date and times from this list, and put them in variables. so that I'll end up with:

1) A string with a value as a date, which would be "10 January, 2011" for example: strDate1 would have the value of "10 January, 2011"

2) A start time, for example: strStartTime1 would have the value of 9:45

3) An end time, for example strEndTime1 would have the value of 18:00

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Finding And Replacing Data In A Binary String (or File)?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a binary file. If I look at it with a hex editor, the first values are:208, 207, 17, 224, 161, 177, 26, 225, 0, 0, 0, ... etc.It has a length of 330240 bytes I have tried to open it and read it into a string so I can manipulate it and write it back. No matter what I use, I either don't get the correct number of bytes or the values in the string are incorrect. The most common error results in the first values being: 63, 63, 17, 63, 63, 26, 0, 0, 0 .... etc.It is interesting that it appears that any value > 63 becomes 63.

I get the 2nd values by a simple loop:

For lnx = 0 To 99
Debug.Write(Asc(line.Substring(lnx, 1)))

I have tried a whole number of ways to read in the file, including filestream, My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText, File.io.readAllLines, etc.All either give me a string length of about 324000 (not sure why) or, if they do, don't have the correct values. Yes, I have tried various encoding options.

I need to find a string (sort of like: "D" & Chr(0) + "L" & Chr(0) + "S" & Chr(0)... ) so I can then replace that portion of the string with a new value, then write out the file.I use the ".indexOf" to find the data in the string.Why can't I load the file into a string? Or, do you know of an easy way to find some text (similar to above) in a file and then replace the next x number of bytes with a new value and close the file?

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VS 2008 Finding And Returning A Value From String?

Sep 21, 2009

G:DevelopmentDOT NET DevColony_4ImagesBattenhallAve_Plan.bmpand i want to find and return the value after the last '' for example in the string above i would want to return:BattenhallAve_Plan.bmp

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VS 2008 Finding A Set Of Numbers In A String?

Mar 23, 2011

I am needing to locate a given set of numbers in a string, and have limited success, it is almost always finding the numbers that I want, but I need it to be more reliable.Below is a test program that I am using to test with and also 2 picures that may explain better that I can put into words.


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VS 2008 Finding All Characters In A String?

Jul 27, 2009

I have a string. I need to check what characters it contains because certain invalid characters are causing my sql query not to work. In the query I select where SupplierName is equal to the string. I need to replace the invalid characters at database and vb level. But I need to know first what the characters are.

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VS 2008 Finding The Position Of A Chr In A String?

Mar 13, 2011

I am trying to find the position in a string of a perticular letter of the alphabet (Q), I have found a method to determine if the letter exsists in the string, but not it's position.

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Finding The Page Number Of A Matched String In A Word File?

Jun 7, 2011

I am not an ardent developer in vb.net programming. But off late I am using vb.net to develop a windows application.

The following is what I am trying to do:

I am reading an excel file and storing the string value present in each cell, and trying to match the string in a word file.

The program works fine except that I am having problems in returning the page numbers of the matched string.

The page number value is always returned as one.

The following is a piece of what I had written:

If FindStringInFile(wordfilename, vValues) Then
currentPageNumber = word.ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection.Range.Information(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdInformation.wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber)
TextBox3.Text = currentPageNumber
End If

wordfilename is my word file and vValues is my excel string data

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[2008] Finding A String In HTML Source?

Mar 1, 2009

i can parse html source code and regex a few things, but i know the exact phrase i'm looking for do i still need a regex if i know what i'm looking for?

if (string = logged) then
do the code if 'logged' is found in the html source


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String Encoding And File Writing

Oct 16, 2011

I have a long UTF8 encoded text string. The actual values stored in the string are hexadecimal. I want to convert the encoding and save to a binary file.

Is there a simple encoding.convert or other method to do this with?

Basically the output is twice as large as it needs to be right now. The long way of doing it would be a routine to go through the string two characters at a time and convert to byte array and then .writeallbytes I guess. It seems there must be a simpler way of converting this?

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Writing A Program/searching A Text File For Text

Apr 21, 2011

Write a program that requests a color as input in a text box and then determines whether or not the color is in the text file. The program should use the Boolean-valued Function procedure IsCrayola that returns the value True if the color in the text box is a Crayola color.

*I am to use a file named Colors.txt

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Finding A Match When Searching Text File?

Jan 13, 2011

I've been writing a socket application in which the client sends a user/pass combination which the server compares to a local text file. I'm only hacvin a problem with a small section where I have a do loop which does this comparison:(the string 'fromclient' has been defined earlier, as the information was received from the client)

fromfile As String
Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText("C:PASS.txt")
Do While sr.Peek <> -1


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Reading Text File In Directory And Finding Certain Strings

Mar 11, 2010

All I am doing is reading each txt file I find in a directory and finding certain strings in the text then counting how many I find in each file and then once each file has its separate counts it send it to a sql database. I have most of it done, but I cant seem to get the count to separate each file so my problem now is that it counts the first file but when it counts the next file it adds to the first file and so on through all the files

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Drawing
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 : Finding Mouse Position In Form Coordinates To String?

Oct 3, 2009

I'm trying to figure out the mouse position on the form, how do I do that?

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C# - Writing String To A File Is Generating Unexpected Content?

Apr 11, 2012

I've two Strings which I'm loading from a SQL Server 2008 database (nvarchar-field)After loading them from the database Visual Studio 2010 displays them as follows in the watch window:

str1 = "Test"
str2 = "Test"

But the comparison with str1 = str2 returns False If I write those strings to a file with UTF8 Encoding the result is as expected:


If I write those strings to a file with ANSI (Default) Encoding the result is NOT as expected:


Converting the strings to bytes:

System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str1) 'Returns ByteArray {63, 84, 101, 115, 116}
System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str2) 'Returns ByteArray {84, 101, 115, 116}
System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str1) 'Returns ByteArray {239, 187, 191, 84, 101, 115, 116}
System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str2) 'Returns ByteArray {84, 101, 115, 116}

Where is the Byte 63 in case of ANSI Encoding OR Bytes 239, 187, 191 in case of UTF8 Encoding for str1 coming from?Well, Bytes 239, 187, 191 are the BOM for UTF8. The question here would more likely be: Why do I get the BOM for str1 but not for str2?(Well, the values are values passed to a webservice which inserts them into the database, the initial values are passed to this webservice by a client I've no control over)

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VS 2010 Reading/writing 2d String Array From/to File

Sep 7, 2011

I can write a 1-d string array to file with:

Dim test() As String = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
File.WriteAllLines("C:MyFile.txt", test)

but can't see how to write a 2-d array to file.

I've tried this:

Dim test(,) As String = {{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {34, 22, 12, 33, 55}}
Dim myfile = File.CreateText("C:MyFile.txt")
Dim row, col As Integer


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VS 2008 Finding Text In RichTextBox?

Aug 29, 2009

Is there anyway I could find text in a RichTextBox? I want to put the code in here


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Writing From A Text File?

Feb 15, 2009

This is my first post in the community. I am putting together a program that serves two functions:1. Takes input from TextBoxes and writes it to a text file.2. Takes the text from the text file and displays two specific strings of text in a MessageBox.This is the code for the button that writes the input to file.

Private Sub facSubmitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles facSubmitButton.Click
Dim facultyRecord As String = "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\teeny.txt"


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Writing In B/w Text File?

Jun 13, 2011

i have a text file containing following data(it is a config file for another program):



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Writing To A Text File

Feb 6, 2012

I am writing a typing game in VB:E 2010 for school and I am trying to write the results of these games to a .txt file.[code]

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Writing To Text File

Sep 24, 2009

When using .write method the string will be stored at the end of the text file. Is there a method that adds them on top? If not, how can I get this done without using too much memory and processor time?

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